Entrance Exam

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3rd Person Pov

In New Domino City, a young boy with short black hair and light blue eyes would walk down the street as he wore a black leather jacket with a blue undershirt and grey pants. The boy had a deck strapped to his belt while wearing black boots as he was on the phone. This boy's name is Y/n Tenjo, one of the rising duelists known around the world as he made his way to the Kaiba Dome for the entrance exam to Duel Academy.

Y/n: Yeah, I'm almost at there, Celina. I should be about ten more minutes.

Celina: "I just don't understand why you didn't come with me and Ruri. We already passed our exams and you could have gotten yours done."

Y/n: I had to stop by Sarah's and check on Hart, wanted to make sure he was okay and it was on my way.

Celina: "*sighs* Okay, but if your even one more minute late, I'll make sure to kick you harder than last time."

Y/n: *chuckles & smiles* I know, I'll see you soon. I love you.

Celina: "Love you too."

Y/n hangs up the phone and puts it in his pocket as he grabs his deck pulling it out and grabbing one of the cards in his deck and looks at it. Y/n smiles as he looks at his Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon card.

Y/n: Looks like we are gonna have a cool adventure to an island, buddy. Let's show these guys at Duel Academy what we got.

The card would shine quickly as a loud roar is heard in Y/n's head as he smiles to himself.

Y/n: I knew you would see it my way, old pal.

Y/n puts his card back in his deck and loads it into his duel disk ready for his challenge. Y/n soon arrives at the Kaiba Dome and checks in for his exam as he enters seeing many applicants were in the building as they sat in the stands and walked around. Y/n looked around the arena for any sign of Celina and Ruri as he walked around waiting for his name to be called before coming up to a bit with brown spiked hair, and a smaller boy with light blue hair as they had finished watching a match.

???: Wow, that last guy really tore it up.

Blue hair: Yeah, Bastion Misawa, they say that he got the second highest score on the written exam than all of us applicants.

???: Wow, I just barely passed.

Y/n: Same for me.

The two turn as they look at Y/n as he walked over and stopped by them.

Y/n: The name's Y/n, Y/n Tenjo. I'm surprised to hear you guys barely passed as well.

Jaden: The name's Jaden.

Syrus: Yeah, me too. My name is Syrus by the way, nice to meet ya. I kinda have a thing where I get test anxiety. I don't know how I won my match.

Jaden smiles as he pats Syrus on the back as he jumps in shock.

Jaden: So your in. Congratulations, me and Y/n will be in soon after we win our duel.

Y/n: I'll win without a sweat, this test won't be a challenge for me.

Syrus: Wait, you guys haven't dueled yet?

Jaden: Nah.

P.A.: ' Y/n L/n, please report to exam field four."

Y/n looked up after hearing his name be called as he looked at Syrus and Jaden.

Y/n: Well, I'll see you guys in a few. Be sure to keep a close eye on my match.

Y/n smiles as he walks down the steps to the exam field as Bastion would walk up the steps as the two stop and look at each other.

Y/n: Great dueling out there, Bastion. You showed that professor your stuff.

Bastion: Why thank you, It was all calculated really.

Y/n: Well, you may be good, but in my eyes, that's only being second best.

Bastion looked at Y/n in shock as Y/n continued his way down the steps as Bastion watched him.

Bastion: Wait.

Y/n would stop as he looked back at Bastion with a side glance.

Bastion: If I'm only second best, then who's first?

Y/n looks at Bastion before smiling as he points at himself with his thumb.

Y/n: That would be me.

Y/n smiles as he continued to walk down the steps as Bastion watched him enter the training field as he powered up his duel disk. In the stands, two girls look down at Y/n as they smile at him. The first girl, Celina has indigo hair tied into a ponytail with a large yellow ribbon, and green eyes. her hair also features two light blue bangs that fall to either side of her face with its colors themselves appear to be in reference to "Polymerization". Celina wore a red jacket with a black undershirt and blue leggings. The second girl, Ruri, or called "Lulu" by Y/n, has very long, dark purple hair; it extends past her lower back, even when secured with a winged-shaped barrette in a loose bun, and wears feather-shaped earrings. She also has shorter lilac side tails, sunny, pale skin and pink eyes. She wore a knee-length, yellow dress with a belt over a white neck shirt, and white high-heeled shoes.

Celina: I think Y/n is gonna have too much fun with this Exam.

Ruri: Maybe so, but it's always good to see him smile.

Celina: *smiles* You can say that again.

Y/n appears on the Exam Field as he looked around to the other applicants and students of Duel Academy that came to watch. Y/n looked at the crowd before turning to see a man who's outfit consists of the a more regal variation on the standard Obelisk Blue uniform, complete with gold trimmings and ruffled pink collar, shoulders, upper chest, and sleeves. His blonde hair is sectioned in two layers, with the layer furthest from his face tightly-bound in a ponytail, and he also wears crescent-shaped earrings. He would have a Duel Vest on as Y/n looked at him.

???: All right, test time! So, son, your name?

Y/n turns and looks at Crowler as he pulled his deck out from his belt.

Y/n: It's Y/n Tenjo.

Crowler: Well, Y/n Tenjo, I'm Doctor Vellian Crowler, Department Chair of Techniques at Duel Academy.

Y/n: Huh, so you're basically a high ranked staff member. But sad to say, that doesn't concern me. It's not like I can lose to a guy like you.

Crowler looks at Y/n with a raised eyebrow as the students from the academy watched them. Chazz looked down in shock hearing what Y/n had said to Crowler as one of his grunts looked at the field.

Grunt: This guy has some lip, huh, Chazz?

Chazz grits his teeth and growls as he looks at the field as Y/n looks through his deck as he pulls out Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon once more and smirks.

Y/n: Today, I get to show off your power, my friend.

Y/n shuffles his deck as he looks at Crowler and smirks.

Crowler & Y/n: Let's Duel!

Duel Begin
Y/n Tenjo - 4000
Dr. Crowler - 4000

Y/n: I'll go ahead and start this duel. *draws card* First off, since I control no monsters, I can special summon Photon Thrasher in attack mode.

A hologram appears in front of Y/n near the middle of the field as it took form of a mechanical knight with blue, orange and silver armor and a large sword. The helmet would have a star opening in the center for a red eye to glow.

Photon Thrasher
Lvl. 4
Atk - 2100

Y/n: Next, I'll set two cards face down and end my turn. Your up, Doctor.

Crowler: Not bad, but not good enough. *draws card* After all, since I'm using my own personal deck, rather than one of those test ones, I'll be calling all the shots. I'll fail this brat and send him home in not time. All right, for this first move I think I'll start nice and easy. I choose to play the spell card, Confiscation. This allows me to pay 1000 life points and give me the chance to peak at your hand and toss one of your cards into the graveyard.

Crowler - 3000

Y/n's cards begins to glow as large images of his cards appear in front of Crowler as he looks at them with a small smile.

Crowler: Oh, yes, I remember some of these when I was a rookie. *points at card* Photon Magician, send it to the graveyard.

Y/n looks at Crowler before putting the selected card into his graveyard slot before looking up.

Crowler: Next I'll lay two cards face down on the field. And last but not least I'll play Heavy Storm. This spell card destroys every other spell and trap card that out on the field.

A large gust of wind comes onto the field as it blows away the four face downs on the field shattering them to holographic bits. Y/n growls before smirking at Crowler.

Y/n: You do realize you destroyed you're own cards with that card, right?

Crowler: Now, now, you mustn't speak out of turn, young scholar.

A dark mist starts to surround the field as Y/n looks around.

Y/n: What the...what's happening?

Crowler smirks as he looks at Y/n and holds up his hand.

Crowler: Nothing's happening. Not yet!

Two gold demon statues appear and growl on the field as they look at Y/n.

Crowler: And that's about to change.

The applicants and students watch from the stands as Bastion sat in front of Weiss, Syrus and Jaden as they watched the match.

Syrus: Uh...could somebody tel me what's going on?

Jaden: Yeah, why did he destroy his own two cards and then those things showed up?

Bastion: The two trap cards that Dr. Crowler had on the field were called " Statue of the Wicked". It's a special trap that creates a vicious token monster when destroyed.

Statue of the Wicked X 2
Lvl. 4
Atk - 1000

Y/n: And those things are supposed to scare me?

Chazz smirks as his grunts looked at the match in shock seeing a card that was not in any of the test decks that other professors had used.

Grunt 1: A card that strong can't be in one of the text decks. Crowler must be using his own.

Grunt 2: Then this is over. No one has ever beat the deck of an expert like Dr. Crowler.

Grunt 1: Yeah, it's impossible. Don't you think, Chazz?

Grunt 2: Yeah, what do you think, Chazz?

Chazz: I think I'm gonna enjoy watching Crowler mop the floor with our mouthy little friend down there. I only wished he treated all the second rate duelists that applied to this academy the same way.

In the balcony above the stands, a girl with long, dark blond hair is sporadically arranged, with a large portion trailing the upper part of the nape of her neck. She has hazel eyes. Her outfit consists of the standard sleeveless female Obelisk Blue uniform which consists of: a blue skirt combined with a belt colored in a light blue hue, white socks, blue boots, a sleeveless jacket made of white colored fabric with some blue marks around the collar and on the front side in chest level. Her name was Alexis Rhodes as she looked down at the match between Y/n and Crowler.

Alexis: What a lame snob bullying this guy with his best cards.

???: You're too soft, Alexis.

Alexis looks at a boy who wore the standard  uniform with a more pronounced collar, tighter-bound sleeves, and pointed rims coming out the costume's lower back. His blue hair is sectioned in three layers, his blue eyes positioned directly beneath the bangs of the layer closest to his face. His name was Zane Truesdale.

Zane: I just hope we get to see that legendary rare monster Crowler has stashed away in that deck of his.

Alexis looks down at the field as she couldn't help but wonder if Y/n was her friend from all that time ago. Y/n looked at the two tokens as Crowler smirked at him.

Crowler: Ready for your next lesson?

Y/n: Ready when you are, teach. Let's keep this duel going.

Crowler: Hmm, we will see. And now I sacrifice my two Wicked tokens and summon Ancient Gear Golem!

A large gust of wind erupts from under Crowler as everyone gasped in shock as a large grey metal golem with a glowing red eye and a large gear on its shoulder appears on the field.

Alexis: There it is! The legendary rare card!

Zane: And we're just about to find out what makes it so legendary.

Ancient Gear Golem
Lvl. 8
Atk - 3000

Y/n looks at the golem in shock as he had only seen a few monsters that size as he smirked.

Y/n: This should be interesting.

Crowler: Now, now, I hope your not too scared of my legendary Ancient Gear Golem.

Y/n: Not really, not with what I have coming.

Everyone looks at him in shock as Zane watches with his arms crossed once again.

Zane: He's staring down that legendary rare monster like he doesn't have a care in the world. I guess that youth and inexperience have their benefits after all, huh Alexis?

Alexis: Come on, give it a rest, Zane. At least he's showing some back bone. Though this kid is showing no fear against this legendary card. Most would be shaking in their boots.

Crowler laughs mockingly as he throws his hand forward.

Crowler: Golem, attack! Mechanized Melee!

Golem's eye begins to glow as it reels its fist back and throws it down onto Photon Thrasher as it groans in pain and explodes into yellow holographic shards. Y/n covers his face from the explosion as he looked at the monster.

Y/n Tenjo - 3100

Y/n: I'm not impressed, but I will say that your monster is strong. It's my turn, I draw. *draws card* I set one card face down, and end my turn.

A hologram of a face down card appears in front of Y/n as Crowler looked at him in surprise.

Crowler: Not setting up a defense? You must be really giving in to your defeat. Very well, I'll shall end this duel. *draws card* I'll boost Ancient Gear Golem's attack points with the spell card Machine Conversion Factory, giving my monster 300 more attack and defense points.

Ancient Gear Golem
Atk - 3300

Crowler: Better try again next year when your not an amateur. Ancient Gear Golem, attack him directly with Mechanized Melee!

The large machine golem reels it's fist back and throws it down towards Y/n who's hair covers his eyes. Celina and Ruri looked at Y/n as they smiled at him knowing what he was about to do.

Y/n: Sorry, Crowler, but I'm going to Duel Academy today. I activate Photon Magician's ability from the graveyard! When you sent her to the graveyard, I knew I would be able to use her effect.

Crowler: What?!

Y/n: When a monster you control declares a direct attack, I can use her effect to negate it, but I can also summon two Photon monsters in my deck whose attacks points equal your monsters original attack.

A spirit of Photon Magician appears as the female spellcaster appeared wearing a long blue robe and holding a staff made of photon energy blocking the large metal fist. Y/n smirks as Crowler looked in shock as Y/n took two cards from his deck and held them forward.

Y/n: I now special summon Photon Crusher and Photon Advancer in defense mode!

A robotic body appears with green and silver plating holding a double edged mace as it took a knee holdings its mace in defense position. Another robotic body appears with white and orange armor appears with a light brown helmet holding it's arms up guarding its face.

Photon Advancer
Lvl. 4
Def - 1000

Photon Crusher
Lvl. 4
Def - 0000

Crowler looked at the two monsters as the hologram of Photon Magician's spirit disappears as Y/n smirked.

Y/n: I believe it's my turn now. I draw. *draws card* Get ready for this lesson I'm about to give you, teach. I now overlay my level four Photon Crusher and Advancer to build the overlay network!

The two monsters become orbs of light energy as they shoot up into the air near the top of the stadium before shooting down into a dark hole in the middle of the field. A large pillar of energy shoots up from the middle of the portal as Y/n smirks.

Y/n: Say hello....

Y/n: To Starliege Lord Galaxion!

Starliege Lord Galaxion
Rank. 4
Atk - 2000
ORU - 2

The crowd erupts in shock and awe as they saw the monster appear and hover in front of Y/n as he smirked. Crowler looked at the warrior in shock as he had never heard of Xyz as Syrus, Jaden and Bastion look in shock.

Bastion: What in the world is that?!

Syrus: What's an Xyz monster?!

Jaden: Whatever it is, it looks awesome!

Y/n: I now activate Galaxion's ability! By using both of its overlay units, I can special summon my most strongest monster!

Galaxion holds up his swords and cuts the orbs of light circling him as a glow comes from Y/n's deck with a loud roar.

Y/n: Here comes the monster more savage than a supernova! With a cataclysmic force of ten black holes put together! A cosmic scourge that vaporizes anything in its path: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!

Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon
Lvl. 8
Atk - 3000

The crowd looks at the monster in awe as the dragon stands behind Y/n growling softly as it looked at Crowler. Y/n looked at Crowler with his arms crossed before holding his arm out.

Y/n: Go, Galaxy Eyes! Attack with Photon Stream of Destruction!

Galaxy Eyes opens its mouth slowly with a orb of photon energy slowly appearing in its mouth before firing a stream of the energy towards Ancient Gear Golem.

Crowler: you fool! Your monster will be destroyed due to Ancient Gear Golem having 300 more attack points!

Y/n: No it won't, because I activate Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon's special effect! When he goes into battle with an opposing monster, I can banish both of them until the end of my turn!

The two monsters would disappear through portals that appeared above them as they slowly rise into them before the as they disappeared.

Y/n: And now that your golem is off the field, Galaxion can now attack you directly! Galaxy Slash!

Galaxion charges the sword in its left hand as the energy around the blade glows brightly before charging at Crowler who looks in shock and yells out before the sword slashes across his chest.

Dr. Crowler -2000

Y/n: With that, I end my turn with a face down and our monsters that were banished return to the field.

The two portals appear again as Galaxy Eyes and Ancient Gear Golem appear on the field once again as Crowler looked at Y/n. The crowd looked in shock as they saw Crowler take damage in a duel as Celina and Ruri smile and Y/n. Crowler growls as he draws a card and looks at it before looking at Galaxion.

Crowler: Ancient Gear Golem, remove Galaxion from his throne!

Ancient Gear Golem reels it's fist back once more and throws it towards Galaxion as Y/n throws his hand forward.

Y/n: I activate my trap card, Eternal Galaxy! If I control a Photon or Galaxy monster, I can target on Xyz monster on my field and use it to Xyz summon a monster that's four ranks higher using the one on my field as an overlay unit! So I rebuild the overlay network with Galaxion to bring out another powerful beast of mine!

Galaxion becomes a bright orb of light and shoots down into the overlay network as another pillar erupts. A red version of Galaxy Eyes appears growing bigger in body size as three heads appear with its red and black skin and claws with four wings as the three heads roar into the arena.

Y/n: Say hello to Neo Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon!

Neo Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon
Rank. 8
Atk - 4500

Ancient Gear Golem stops its attack as Crowler looked in shock at the two strong dragons on the field as they growl loudly while looking at him.
Y/n smiles drawing his card before throwing his hand forward.

Y/n: Time to end this! Attack my mighty monsters!

Neo Galaxy Eyes prepares three orbs of red energy in the three mourns before firing as the red streams become one creating a large laser. The energy shoots towards Ancient Gear Golem hitting it in the chest as the machinery groans becoming a lighter color before imploding as Crowler yells out covering himself from the explosion.

Dr. Crowler - 0500

Galaxy prepares another orb of Photon energy before firing a stream down onto Crowler who yells out as he's blown back into the wall draining his remaining life points as he falls to the ground.

Duel Finished
Winner - Y/n Tenjo

Y/n smiles as the holograms of his two dragons disappear from the field as Y/n powers of his duel disk.

Y/n: Guess this means I get to go to the academy.

The crowd looks in awe before cheering for Y/n as he looked at the crowd as he smiled and waved. His eyes would soon lay on Celina and Ruri who smile while clapping g for him as he smiled at them shooting them a wink. Y/n smiles as he continued to wave to the crowd as he was ready for whatever adventures he will have in the future at Duel Academy.

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