Welcome to Duel Academy

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3rd Person Pov

A Duel Academy helicopter heads to an island with the school on top of it as the applicants that completed their entrance exams loom out the windows.

Pilot: " Attention, all Duel Academy students, if you look outside your windows you'll see your new home away from home."

All the new students look in awe as Jaden was sleeping while Y/n sat next to Lulu as she looked at him and held his hand. Y/n looked at her and held her hand back as Celina sat in front of them as they all looked out their windows to see Duel Academy.

Pilot: " Now, now, I know your excited, but don't shove. Quite the sight, eh? Now then, fasten your seatbelts and set your seats into a upright position. We're going in to land, next stop, Academy Island."

The helicopter soon lands as the students exit as Y/n looks at Duel Academy.

Y/n: Here we go. This is where my life as a duelist starts.

All the students enter as they get jackets to represent what dorms they are in. Y/n, Jaden and Syrus get red jackets with Celina as Lulu gets a yellow jacket. The students stand in rows in a large classroom with a large monitor screen as the screen turns on and shows a bald man with a beard in a crimson blazer with a yellow undershirt and tie.

Shepard: " Good morning, and welcome my students. I am Chancellor Shepard the headmaster here and you are the best and brightest young duelists isn't he word."

Y/n looks at the screen before hearing snoring as he turned to see Jaden had fallen asleep and was snoring.

Y/n: How the hell can he fall asleep right now?

Shepard: " Now please, get yourselves settled in at your assigned dorms. I think you'll find them quite comfortable, depending on how you ranked of course."

The speech soon ends as Y/n, Syrus and Jaden sat on a stone in the courtyard as they looked at their Duel Academy Pods.

Jaden: Well, I don't know about you, Sy, but it looks like I'm in the Slifer Red Dorm.

Syrus: That's cool, same with me.

Y/n: All three of us are in there, you idiots. I just don't understand how I got into Slifer with my dueling skills.

Y/n looks to see Bastion walk by them in a Ra yellow jacket as he stops by them.

Y/n: Hey Bastion, you in the red dorm too?

Bastion: Well now, let's see here, yellow sleeves, yellow buttons, I don't think so.

Y/n rolls his eyes as he smiles as Jaden looks at his jacket.

Jaden: Oh, I get it, so that's why Y/n, Sy and I are in red.

Bastion looks at Jaden in concern as Y/n face palms and shakes his head.

Bastion: Please don't tell me you just figured that out now?

Jaden growls as he looks at Bastion in anger and grits his teeth.

Jaden: So what?! Ever think I'm color blind?!

Bastion: Well no actually, I didn't. Are you color blind?

Jaden chuckles as Bastion walks away as Y/n sighs and stands up as Celina and Lulu walk over to him as he looked at them.

Y/n: Well, here starts our lives of becoming pro duelists.

Celina: You can say that again.

Lulu: I'm sure it will be exciting and we will get to learn a bunch of new things.

Y/n: Yep. Let's head to our dorms and check them out.

The two girls nods as Y/n, Syrus and Jaden stand as the group walk to their dorms. After leaving the Ra dorms with Lulu waving goodbye to them, Y/n and the others make their way to the Slifer dorms at the edge of the island as they see it was a two story building with multiple rooms. Syrus looks at it as he walks up the stairs and puts his hand on a pipe.

Syrus: This isn't a dorm, this is more like an outhouse with a deck.

Jaden was on the other side as he held onto the railing and looked out to the ocean before looking back at Syrus.

Jaden: You kidding me? Check out the view, this place is great!

Y/n rolls his eyes as he goes into his dorm to see a bed and as well as a small kitchen. Y/n and Celina look at each other as they walk in and set their bags down.

Y/n: Wouldn't be the first time we shared a bed.

Celina: Nope, plus if we did get separate beds, I would still get into yours.

Y/n chuckles and smiles as he looked at Celina as she smiled at him. Celina walks over wrapping her arms around his neck as Y/n put his arms around her hips.

Y/n: I love you so much.

Celina: I love you more.

Celina closes her eyes and leans in presses her lips against Y/n's as he returns the kiss holding her closer to him. The two continue to kiss before a small beeping comes from Y/n's bag as he pulls away and looks at it.

Y/n: That's my laptop, must be Hart calling.

Celina nods as she lets Y/n go as he walks over and pulls out his laptop. Y/n sets it on the desk and opens it putting in his password and answering the video call from his brother as the camera appears with Hart smiling.

Hart: "Hey, Big Bro!"

Y/n: *smiles* Hey, Hart.

Hart: "You got into Duel Academy! I'm so happy for you!"

Y/n: Thanks, but I'm not the only one that got in.

Celina walks over and rests her head on Y/n's shoulder as she smiled at Hart.

Celina: Hi, Hart.

Hart: "Hey, Celina! You and Lulu got in too with

Celina: Yep, almost had to kick your brother's butt since he was almost late.

The three laugh as Y/n looked at her before looking back at Hart.

Y/n: Wish you could have come, Hart.

Hart: "Me too, Big Bro, but at least you got in and I'm happy."

Y/n nods before hearing the door to Jaden and Syrus's dorm open as he looked to see the two run towards the school. Y/n looked at them before saying bye to Hart and hangs up as he and Celina followed after them. Y/n and Celina enter the academy as they look for any sign of Jaden and Syrus before hearing voices as they walked to a hallway and saw a boy with blue hair and glasses and another boy with brown spiked hair talking to Jaden and Syrus.

Spiky Hair: And you Slifer red rejects aren't allowed here, you got that? Check out the crest.

Jaden and Syrus turn and see a large crest with Obelisk the Tormentor's head in the center of it.

Glasses: This arena is our turf.

Y/n: Well, that's a little boasting of the two of you.

Jaden and Syrus look down to see Y/n and Celina walking up to them as the two Obelisk blue students look at him.

Y/n: Just because it's your turf, doesn't mean you get to bully people all you want just because you have different colored jackets. We are all trying to become duelists, you ask me, you are just bullies turned rejects.

The two Obelisk blue students look at him before the one with glasses looks at him.

Glasses: Hey, your that kid.

Spiky hair: Chazz, that new kid that beat Dr. Crowler is here, check it out.

Y/n looks up to the stands to see another Obelisk blue student with black spiky hair look down at him as Jaden smiles and waves.

Jaden: Oh, hey, what's up? My names Jaden.

Y/n: Chazz, huh? Couldn't get a more better name when you were born?

Chazz growls as he looks at Y/n as his lackies look at Y/n.

Glasses: His names Chazz Princeton, and he was the number one duelist back at Duel Prep School. So you make sure to pay the proper respects to him, got it?

Spiky hair: Yeah, he's gonna be future King of Games. The best duelist in the world.

Y/n smirks as he scoffs and closes his eyes before looking at the two grunts in front of him with a glare as his eyes glowed slightly making the two jump in shock and fear.

Y/n: That's just one thing I don't like, overconfident people. Cause I'm gonna be the best duelist the world has ever seen.

The two grunts growl as they were about to object before Chazz steps in.

Chazz: Cut it out, you two. Maybe the new kids right.

Glasses: What do you mean, Chazz?

Chazz: He did beat Crowler after all, and that legendary rare monster of his. I suppose it takes some skill to pull that off.

Y/n: You got that right.

Chazz: *smirks* Or was it luck? I say that we find out right now.

Y/n: Bring it on, I'm down to beat you like I did Crowler.

???: This sure is a motley crew.

The six turn to see Alexis as she walked up to them with her arms crossed as Y/n looked at her. Syrus blushes softly as he looks at Alexis.

Syrus: Woah, who is that?

Chazz smirks as he puts his hands in his pockets.

Chazz: Hey Alexis, have you come to watch me moo the floor with my new little friend Y/n here? It'll be a short duel, but an entertaining one for sure.

Alexis: I'm here to remind you about the Obelisk Welcome Dinner, you're late.

Chazz: Oh yeah, come on, guys.

Chazz and his goons leave as Y/n looks at Chazz as he crosses his arms. Alexis turns as she looked at the trio beside her.

Alexis: Sorry if Chazz rubbed you the wrong way. All of us Obelisk's aren't like that, he's just a jerk. Especially with Slifer's.

Y/n: He wasn't a big deal.

Alexis looks at Y/n as his eyes were closed and his arms crossed.

Y/n: He just reminds me of all the other guys I came across that was either pushy or tried to get in my way of becoming number one.

Syrus: You really need to work on that overconfidence.

Alexis smiles and giggles as Syrus and Haden laugh a little. Alexis smiles as she looks at the three.

Alexis: The Slifer Welcome Dinner is about to start, too. You guys should head to your dorm before your late.

Jaden: Right, we better go, guys.

Y/n, Celina and Syrus nod as Jaden and Syrus leave with Y/n soon following after as he stops and looks back at Alexis.

Y/n: Alexis, huh? You got a last name?

Alexis smiles as she nods at Y/n.

Alexis: Alexis Rhodes, and you are?

Y/n: *smiles* Y/n Tenjo.

Y/n runs out as he follows after his friends and girlfriend as night soon falls upon Academy Island. Y/n sits in his room as he sat at his desk as he looked over the cards in his deck. Celina laid in their bed as she read a book while stealing glances over at Y/n. Y/n placed his cards down after putting them in a deck as he looked at Celina and smiled as he stood and walked over and laid with her. Celina smiles as she looked at him and set her book down and wrapping her arms around him as he did the same snuggling his head in to her chest as she rubbed his head softly.

Celina: Someone seems needy.

Y/n: I'm just tired, I haven't been able to sleep even before the Exam. Plus I like snuggling into you.

Celina smiles as she looked at Y/n and stroked his hair softly as she kissed his forehead. Y/n smiled as he held onto her before hearing his Duel Academy Pod ringing. Y/n opened his eyes before reaching into his pocket and pulled it out as he saw a message and opened it as it was a video message from Chazz.

Chazz: "Listen up, Y/n, don't think your off the hook. Tonight at midnight it's on. Oh, and why don't we make it interesting? Whoever wins, gets the other guys best card."

The video ends as Y/n looks at the Pod before looking at Celina as she looked at him.

Y/n: This guy doesn't know when to quit.

Celina: Are you really going to do it?

Y/n: You know it, I'm gonna put him in his place and make sure he doesn't mess with me again.

Celina looks at Y/n as she nods as Y/n looked at his deck as it sat on his desk as he stood up and walked over grabbing it. He turns his deck to look at the bottom card as it was Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon as he heard the roar of his powerful beast in his head.

Y/n: All right, my friend. It seems that you get to feed on more monsters.

Y/n smirks as he looked at his card before grabbing his duel disk and looked at Celina as she nodded towards him. Midnight falls upon the academy as Y/n, Celina, Lulu, Jaden and Syrus walk in.

Y/n: I don't know why you guys had to come.

Jaden: You kidding? I don't want to miss this!

Syrus: Yeah, it could be a good match, even though I don't know if this is a good idea.

Jaden: Good or bad, when someone challenges you to a duel, you gotta step up.

Lulu: That is true, and I know that Y/n will win.

Celina: You got that right, he's the Photon Duelist, after all.

Y/n smiles as the five walk into the Dueling Arena as Y/n narrows his eyes as he saw Chazz and his goons standing on it. Chazz smirks as he had his arms crossed with his duel disk on his arm.

Chazz: Well, well, well, he shows.

Y/n: Well, I couldn't really say no to a challenge, so of course I came.

Y/n walks up to the arena as he climbs up and stands on one side of the arena.

Chazz: Time to find out if you beating Dr. Crowler was a fluke or a fact.

Y/n: Oh, it was no fluke, as your about to discover.

Chazz: Yeah, yeah, just make sure to have your best card ready to hand over when you lose.

Y/n: You too, now let's do this.

The two hold up their arms as their duel disks power on as they look at each other in determination.

Both: Duel!

Duel Start
Y/n - 4000
Chazz - 4000

The two draw their cards and look at them as
Y/n's friends and girlfriends stand on the side Y/n was on as Chazz's goons stood on his side.

Chazz: All right! I'm first! *draws card*

Chazz looks at the card he drew as he looked at his hand.

Chazz: For my first move, I'll summon Reborn Zombie in Defense mode.

A zombie with tanned skin and black eyes appeared as the bottom of its left leg showed the bone for its foot and shin as well as for its right arm as its arms were crossed as it had raggy clothes.

Reborn Zombie
Lvl. 4
Def - 1600

Chazz: And I'll also play one card face down.

Y/n: Really? That's a shame. *draws card* I guess I'll take the offensive against you! I activate the spell card Photon Sanctuary. This allows me to summon two Photon Tokens to my field in defense mode.

A bright glow covered Y/n's field before two orbs of photon energy appear in front of him on his left and right side.

Photon Token X2
Atk - 2000
Def - 0000

Chazz: Why do that? They have nothing against my Reborn Zombie.

Y/n: They don't need to be, cause I now tribute them to bring out my ultimate beast!

Y/n throws his hand in the air as the two tokens move into the air and glow brightly as the slowly merge together.

Y/n: Here comes a monster more savage than a supernova, with a cataclysmic force of ten black holes put together! A cosmic scourge that vaporizes anything in its path! Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon!

Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon
Lvl. 8
Atk - 3000

Chazz looked at the monster with a smirk as Jaden and the others looked at the duel.

Chazz: Now that you brought your monster on the field, I can use my facedown, Crackdown!

Y/n: Crackdown?

Syrus: What does that do?

???: I had a feeling I'd find you guys here.

The group turns towards the voice that came from behind them to see Alexis as she walked forward with her arms crossed as she looked at the duel.

Syrus & Jaden: Alexis?

Alexis: Crackdown is a continuous trap. It allows Chazz to take control of Y/n's dragon, but in turn, it can't attack or activate its effects.

Chazz: So I'll take control of your dragon!

A rope shoots out from the trap card and wraps around Galaxy Eyes's neck as the dragon roars out before being dragged to Chazz's field. Y/n looked in shock before growling softly as his dragon was being mistreated and taken from him.

Y/n: I'll make you pay for that, since I didn't normal summon this turn I'll summon my Photon Crusher!

The Photon monster appears on the field as it yells out and swings its mace before assuming a fighting stance.

Photon Crusher
Lvl. 4
Atk - 2000

Y/n: Attack his Reborn Zombie!

Photon Crusher charges forward raising its mace into the air before swinging it down onto the zombie as it yells out before shattering into yellow fragments.

Chazz - 3600

Jaden: All right, Y/n was the first to deal damage!

Lulu: But since Photon Crusher attacked, it switches to defense mode.

The monster goes to one knee and holds its mace in front of him in a defense stance.

Photon Crusher
Def - 0000

Y/n: Next I'll activate Tribute to the Doomed! I discard one card in my hand and destroy my own dragon so you can't control it anymore!

White bandage erupt from under Galaxy Eyes as they wrap around the dragons body as it roars out before slowly being dragged down to the ground as it leaves the field. Chazz growls softly as he grits his teeth as Y/n looked at him with a glare thinking that someone else could control his dragon.

Y/n: I'll end my turn with two cards face down.

Chazz: Let's see what kind of trouble I can cause you then! *draws card* I summon Chthonian Soldier in attack mode!

A warrior monster appears with a silver blade and black armor on its chest and head as it had glowing dark red eyes.

Chthonian Soldier
Lvl. 4
Atk - 1200

Chazz: Now, attack his Photon Crusher! Windstorm Slash!

Chthonian soldier charges forward at it roars out before slashing its sword across the chest of Photon Crusher as Y/n's monster in destroyed.
Y/n covers his face as he looked at Chazz who smirks, but loses it once he saw Y/n smiling.

Chazz: How come your smiling? You just lost your defense!

Y/n: I'm smiling because you activated my trap card when you destroyed my Photon Crusher. A cool trap card called Photon Soul. When a Photon monster I control is destroyed, I can special summon it back to the field in defense mode and you take damage equal to half of its attack points.

A bright blue glow appears in front of Y/n as his monster returns to the field before taking a knee and guarding itself with its mace. The monster glows before the souls of the monster shoots out towards Chazz who looks in shock before the soul shoots right through him.

Chazz - 2600

Chazz: That was a cheap trick, but it's not gonna save you. I end my turn with a facedown.

Y/n: My turn then. *draws card* First, I'll summon DayBreaker in attack mode!

A yellow glow appears next to Photon Crusher before a monster with white armor appears with a green gem on its chest and a red cape. The monster grunts before holding up a sword in front of itself before putting at its side.

Lvl. 4
Atk - 1700

Y/n: Now, I'll attack your Chthonian Soldier with it! DayBreak Slash!

DayBreaker charges forward while reeling its blade behind its left shoulder and slashes Chazz's monster in half causing a small explosion. Chazz covers his face and groans before growling softly as he looked at Y/n.

Chazz - 2100

Y/n: And don't think I'm done yet! I activate my second face down, Photon Blast! By tributing my Photon Crusher, I can cut your life points in half!

A bright glow covers Photon Crusher as it stands and yells out before charging towards Chazz who looked in shock as the monster stops in front of him and explodes. Chazz yells out in pain as Y/n smirks and looked at him.

Chazz - 1050

Jaden and the others smile as they watched Y/n's move as Lulu and Celina cheer.

Lulu: Way to go, Y/n!

Celina: You brought the pain to Chazz!

Jaden: That was an awesome move, Y/n!

Alexis: Nice moves.

Chazz: More like lucky moves, you pompous prick. My turn! *smirks* All right, I activate Chthonian Blast. Now, since you destroyed one of my monsters, I can destroy one of yours, and you take damage equal to half of its attack points.

DayBreaker is soon destroyed as Y/n covered his face as he looked at where his monster stood.

Y/n: Damn it.

Y/n - 3150

Chazz: Now I activate the trap card Call of The Haunted. It lets me select one monster card from my graveyard and summon it back to the field in attack mode. Rise, Chthonian Soldier! But he won't be staying on the field for long, because I'm going to sacrifice him to summon Mefist the Infernal General.

Mefist the Infernal General
Lvl. 5
Atk - 1800

Y/n: *smirks* Not bad.

Chazz: Not bad? *smirks* You're something else, Y/n, you know that? Acting all confident. But your lousy monsters won't get you out of this jam.

Y/n: Oh, I'm not acting. I just know that my next card is going to help me win.

Chazz: Then go ahead and make it before I beat you.

Y/n: With pleasure! *draws card*.

Alexis looks at the duel before hearing footsteps coming from the corridor outside of the arena as she looked at it before looking at the others.

Alexis: Uh, guys? We got company, Campus Security. If they find us all in here, we'll get seriously busted.

The holograms disappear as Y/n growled softly before looking over at Chazz.

Y/n: This isn't over. We'll settle this another time.

Chazz: Right back at you, slacker.

The group make their way out and turn on the lights right before Campus Security arrives to see no one was in the arena. Outside the campus, Lulu and Celina kept a look out with Alexis as Syrus, Jaden and Y/n made their way out as Y/n was still angry not finishing his duel as Jaden and Syrus both had to push him. Alexis smiled as she turned and looked at Y/n.

Alexis: You're a stubborn one, aren't you?

Lulu: Only when he doesn't get to finish his duel.

Celina: He'll get over it once he beats Chazz.

Y/n: Yeah, but if I had time to play this...

Y/n holds up the card he drew before the duel was suddenly my interrupted as he turns it around to show the others that he drew Monster Reborn. They all look in shock seeing how he would have used it to bring back his Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon and used it to end the duel by destroying Chazz's monster and depleting the rest of his life points. Y/n looked at them before putting the card back in his deck as he sighs and looked at the school.

Y/n: I still have a lot to do here in order to become a great duelist, but nothing is gonna get in my way.

Lulu and Celina smile as they looked at Y/n before walking over to him and both of his cheeks. Y/n blushes and smiles as he looked at them as Alexis smiles as she looked at Y/n before feeling her heart skip a beat as she held her chest softly.

Alexis: Huh? Why is my heart beating so fast? *looks at Y/n* Could it be because of him?

Y/n: Anyway, we should get going. We have class tomorrow. See ya around, Alexis.

Y/n turns as he starts to walk back to the Slifer Dorms as Jaden and the others follow him. Alexis stands by the academy as she watched them leave before slowly smiling as she looked at Y/n as he walked.

Alexis: This is going to be one interesting year.

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