Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Vice-Chancellor Greklor was happy. The humans’ home world had been found and the fleet was on its way. Maybe not as quickly as he would like, but still underway. It wouldn’t be long now before humanity was wiped out and his secret would be safe once and for all.

The stateroom’s intercom beeped at him.


“Vice-Chancellor, we just received a transmission from the Galactic News.” The voice faltered. “I…I think you might want to see it, Sir!”

Greklor clicked on the transmission, which featured a very dishevelled MegaDan Scholes. When the newbrief ended, the Vice-Chancellor slammed the intercom button hard enough to crack the device.


“Jam that signal, immediately! I don’t want it getting out to the fleet.”

“I’m sorry Sir, but it’s too late for that. What you just saw was a retransmission. I have several ship captains waiting to speak to you.”

Greklor swore. If he ever got his claws on that gnat, MegaDan Scholes, the newsbeing would suffer.

“Let them wait, ensign. Let them all wait!”

“What should I tell them, Sir?”

“Tell them nothing. And then I want you to contact the garrison closest to Galaxy News. They are to blockade the station and prevent any other transmissions from going through. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Sir. I’ll do that right away, Sir.”

Greklor stepped back from the intercom and ground his teeth. Nothing would stop him. He would deal with the humans first and then MegaDan Scholes. The revenge would be sweet!


MegaDan looked at Charlie. “Are you ready?”

Charlie lifted the digital recorder and gave the thumbs up.

“Great! Remember, after this is recorded, send it to the studio for a bounce out transmission. I don’t want Greklor figuring out where it’s really coming from.”

Charlie nodded and switched on the equipment while MegaDan straightened his stained purple cape one last time. The news show intro music began to play from a small speaker and the show’s voiceover began. “This is the Galaxy Special News Flash with voice of the Galaxy, MegaDan Scholes.”

As the music faded, MegaDan began to speak. “Hello Galaxy, this is MegaDan Scholes with a special Galaxy News Flash. This is an emergency report, so please pay attention! The fate of an entire world hangs in the balance.”

MegaDan turned slightly looking right into the camera. “I have just learned that the being we all know as Vice-Chancellor Greklor is not who he seems to be. If you recall, the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor are elected to their positions to serve as stellar examples of fairness and civilized behaviour.”

“The Vice Chancellor has recently assembled a fleet of war from all corners of the galaxy. The intent: to exterminate the human species. Greklor claims to be doing it for the greater benefit of the citizens of the galaxy. He wants to save us from the spreading destruction and death caused by humanity.”

“I am having a great deal of difficulty understanding this action. Did you know the human menace is only a handful of beings? Contrary to Vice Chancellor Greklor’s claims, he has known all along that the incidents you have been hearing about are extremely isolated.”

“So why is he going to these unprecedented lengths, you might ask? I wondered too so I did some digging.”

“Personal records belonging to the Vice Chancellor came into my possession in the past two days that I have only just verified. It seems our Vice Chancellor’s remaining son was not the only one to be killed by the humans. He had two older sons who were also killed several years ago by human beings.”

“So is this a simple attempt at revenge?”

“Hardly! The Vice-Chancellor is trying to cover his tracks from a few years ago when he sent his two oldest sons to the human’s home world. Their mission was to apparently subjugate that world and prepare the residents for war. Greklor’s personal records indicate that he intended to use humanity as his shock troops in a mission to conquer our galaxy and convert it from a democracy to a dictatorship.”

“He is actually staging this attack to cover up his own vile plans. He believes these humans are here to reveal his past indiscretions.”

“People of the galaxy, I urge you to contact your duly elected representative and get them to stop this outrage. To the Galactic Extermination Fleet; arrest the genocidal maniac known as Vice-Chancellor Greklor and stop the madness.”

“I have forwarded copies of the madman’s personal papers to every law enforcement and government agency in our fine civilization. I only pray I am not too late to save the valiant people of Earth.” As MegaDan finished speaking, the outro music begins playing.

“And that’s another Galaxy News Special Report. I’m MegaDan Scholes wishing you good news and good luck.” With his final words, the outré music faded out.

MegaDan mopped his brow and looks expectantly at Charlie. “Did you get all that?”

At Charlie’s nod, he smiles. “Great! Please get that out to Overjohn as soon as possible. We’ve got a world to save.”

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