Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

In the deep dark place between stars an asteroid is flying towards a date with destiny. This is not typical behaviour for asteroids. Normally the words 'destiny' and 'asteroid' are never found in the same sentence* (*unless destiny is the name of the asteroid, of course).⁠ This is due to the fact that most asteroids are collections of rock and ice that tumble through space and occasionally collide with other bits of rock and ice.

This particular one is different, however. It has been outfitted with very powerful, very special engines that allow it to travel under control. The reasons for this are many and varied, but suffice it to say, this special asteroid will play a part in the future of humanity. That is because, among its passengers are five humans.

These humans are also different. In humanity's short history in space the humans always picked to be the Earth's ambassadors to space have been the best of the best. The humans on the asteroid are somewhat removed from that group. In fact, it would be safe to say that they are almost completely lacking in those qualities that make up the best of the best.

The truth be told, these particular people all hail from a remote region in the Appalachian mountains. They were taken from their homes by the semi-sentient starship known as Grokmar. They have created something of a stir in the galaxy and are at least partially responsible for the current predicament humanity faces. 

Fortunately for you and me, they may also prove to be the solution since they are responsible for the inclusion of several important and extremely powerful allies in the defence of the planet Earth. Allies who are rallying against Vice Chancellor Greklor who even now approaches Earth's solar system with a massive fleet of battleships.

One of those very important and powerful allies is the Chairman of The Corporation. As luck would have it, he is another one of the passengers on the asteroid. In fact, it is directly because of him that the asteroid is currently on an intercept course with Vice Chancellor Greklor. 


"Daddy, you do know the Galactic Counsel Fleet has a huge lead on us, don't you?" Sheanna'Ree said.

"You worry too much, Daughter. We will catch them," The Chairman said.

Sheanna'Ree looked closely at him. "Catch them? Either they need to be standing still or we've got to be going more than three times faster than their best speed to do that. I doubt the Vice Chancellor is waiting for us and this IS the Galactic Fleet we're talking about. They have the best ships available."

Something in her father's grin made her begin to doubt those words. "The Galactic Fleet does have the best ships available, don't they?"

"Now daughter, who do you suppose has the ship contract for supplying the Galactic Fleet, hmm? The Corporation, of course. You didn't think I would give the military better ships than I had, did you?" The Chairman said.

"Umm, as a matter of fact, I did, Father. Even so, are The Corporation's ships that much better?"

The Chairman's smile was a bit wry. "You have me there, Daughter. They are not three times faster than military ships. More like a factor of two. Still, you are missing something."

"Missing something?" She frowned. "Like what?"

"We build and maintain those ships so we have the override codes for all systems on them. I had Corporation Central send a command to the fleet to cause the ships to drop to sub light speed once they reach the fringe of the Human solar system. Even if we were slower, we would catch them. And I have ships coming from all corners of the galaxy so I know some of the Corporation fleet will get there before us." He winked at Sheanna'Ree. "Don't worry daughter. This isn't the first battle I've planned."

"You've planned other battles, Father?" Sheanna'Ree said in disbelief. "I don't remember you being in any battles before."

"What about the hostile takeover of the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards? You don't call that a battle?"

Sheanna'Ree laughed. "Of course not, Father. A battle is where tactics are employed along with soldiers and weapons. Not corporate boardroom negotiations."

The Chairman wagged his finger at Sheanna'Ree. "Not all weapons shoot projectiles or energy beams. The proper manipulation of shareholders, public opinion and the legal system can be just as devastating as any of those. People's livelihoods can be wiped out and worlds can be conquered." He shook his head. "In many ways the wars of the boardrooms can be much worse than the wars of the armies. Don't ever forget it!"

"As you wish, Father," Sheanna'Ree said. "So, mighty general. What are you planning to do?"

The Chairman grinned. "I will begin by showing, just showing mind you, excessive force to the Vice-Chancellor. If that fails, I believe I will use some persuasive techniques on his captains. Failing that..." He shrugged. "I guess we'll have to do it the old fashioned way and simply kill him."


Vice Chancellor Greklor was feeling smug. His fleet had arrived at the human's solar system, the renegade captains had all been dealt with and there was no sign of any type of pursuit. 

Vengeance would soon be at hand.

"Umm...Vice Chancellor?" the ensign said. 

The young rating was visibly sweating. A sure sign that something was wrong. Greklor was in no mood for anything to go wrong.

"What is it this time, Ensign," Greklor said. "You had better not be about to tell me that something is wrong!"

"I'm...I'm not really certain, Sir."

"Well, what IS it? Spit it out boy!" the Vice Chancellor said.

"It's just, every ship in the fleet has slow to sub-light speed, Sir." The ensign said. Sweat continued to pour down his head.

"What? I didn't order that. How can that be?" A small vein at Greklor's temple began to pulse and his eyes took on a red tinge.

"I've been calling all the other ships in the fleet, Sir. Everyone of them reports that their hyperspace engines just shut down. Logs show that the event happened at exactly the same time with all of them." The ensign tapped at his console for a brief moment. "Our logs confirm the reports, Sir. Whatever caused it, it happened to all of us."

Greklor closed his eyes and briefly considered ripping the ensign's arms off just to ease the anger and frustration. Problem was, good ensigns were hard to find and he had already gone through a handful in the past weeks. Better to let this one continue intact.

He took a deep breath, letting it out very slowly through clenched teeth. "Ensign, I want an answer to this and I want it now. Do the humans have some defensive capabilities we don't know about or have we been sabotaged?"

"I...I don't know the answer to that sir," the ensign said.

"Then find me an answer and do it quickly!" the Vice Chancellor roared. "Get every available being working on this right now and don't stop looking until you have an answer. Is that understood?"

"Aye, Sir!" The ensign looked terrified. "I'll alert every ship in the fleet, Sir. We'll get you the answer."

"See that you do." Greklor stood. "I'll be in my stateroom when you have the answer. Remember, no one rests until I say so. Failure will make me very unhappy. Don't make me wait too long!"

The ensign mopped his brow and bent over his console not daring to look up. "Yes, Sir. Right away, Sir." He proceeded to make the Vice Chancellor's demands known to the fleet.


Uncle Maligna looked up from his workbench at the sound of a knock on his door. "Come in."

Bobby John walked through the door and smiled at the man. "Hi, Uncle Maligna. How are you feeling?"

Uncle Maligna smiled at the boy. "I'm feeling fine, Bobby John. Maybe a little odd to be talking to people directly, but fine just the same. How about you?"

"A little bored, I guess," the boy said. "Truth is, now that we are going back to Earth and Jim Bob has arms and legs again, there ain't much to do."

Uncle Maligna thought about that for a moment. "Well, Bobby John, if you want, you can help me with some work on the old parts from Jim Bob that we removed."

Bobby John brightened a little at the suggestion and smile shyly. "Actually, Uncle Maligna, ah was hoping' to ask a favour of you."

"If I can give it to you, I will," Uncle Maligna said, spreading his hands to encompass his lab. "You have already helped me more than you can ever know with some of your help. I owe you."

"Nah, you don't owe me nothin'," the boy said. He grinned. "Well, when we got to your asteroid the first time we noticed what looked like an old Earth truck floatin' out in space. I looked again a little while ago and it's still followin' along behind us. I was wonderin' if I could  have it to tinker around on?"

Uncle Maligna looked surprised. "That old thing? I don't even know where I got it. It doesn't work."

"Ah'm pretty sure it is from Earth, Sir. I just wanted to play around with it."

"Then, Bobby John, you have my permission. I will set aside a lab for you to work from and get the item in question tractor beamed into the asteroid."

"Thank you kindly, Sir."

"Let me know if you need anything else, Bobby John."

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