Breaking Up With The Boss' Son

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Today, we turn our attention to Jonesy, being a big goof like he always is, messing around at the Penalty Box, wearing a football helmet.

Jonesy: *looking serious* "Alright boys. There's seconds on the clock, Davis just pulled a hammy and Cooper just peed his pants. Let's put the women and children to bed and go looking supper... 24, 60, HUT HUT! *throws football back*

And Jonesy winds up knocking down a well-stacked tower of tennis balls over because of his stupid play-acting and cheers.

Jen: "Jonesy!"

Jonesy: "Oh, hey."

Jen: *walks up to him, pushes him* "What are you doing? Get out, get out, get out!"

Jonesy: "Hey, watch who you're barking at, I'm a paying customer. I happen to be shopping for a football."

Jen: *casual* "Oh, really? Come on, I'll ring you up. Sorry, we've got these sales quotas here and I'm kinda behind. Plus, the only cute guy who worked here quit yesterday."

Jonesy: "Why should it matter if some guy quit? Don't you already have Y/N to fall back on?"

Jen: *groans* "I know, I know! And I feel just awful! Well, on the bright side, at least Y/N is way cuter than that crusher guy."

Speaking of which, the two look over and noticed this oversized hockey dunce head crushing an empty can with his skull, then hollers and cheers like a big-ass gorilla before tackling one of the tackle dolls, crashing into something. 

[A/N: Okay, seriously, who's idea was it to design that big oaf in the show, anyway?]

Jen: *unamused* "He's an enforcer." *rings up total* "That'll be $32.60."

Jonesy: "What? Do I look like I'm made of money?"

???: "Excuse me."

Jonesy and Jen then look over and see this other guy.

Jen: *swooning* "You're excuse" *giggles, leaps over counter* "Can I kiss you-- AH! Help you?"

Jonesy: *serious, quietly to himself* "Okay, that's it, Y/N definitely needs to hear about this." *walks off*

Jen: "So, anyways, I get off work at 5."

???: "Me too. I'm Cory, the new sales associate here."

Jen: *gasps* "Oh, that's great! I'll show you around."

Halder: "MASTERSON! You've let down your defense, jock straps need reorganizing, aisle 9, pronto and don't forget to restock the extra large ones this time!"

Jen: "Right away, coach!" *to Cory* "Excuse me, *turns and leaves to clean up mess* I hate my boss."

Moments later, Jen has finished up her cleaning duties and then returns to the counter where Cory is chilling. She sets down a couple of boxes on the counter to give him the rundown.

Jen: "The first thing you should know is... the boss is a bonehead, we're talking 1st class moron."

Speak of the devil, here he is now.

Halder: "Ah, there you are, Masterson. I see you've met our newest employee."

Jen: "Definitely."

Halder: "Cory here's following in my footsteps and I couldn't be prouder, isn't that right, son?"

And Jen's jaw dropped to the floor right then and there after the coach dropped the bomb.

Cory: "You got it, dad."

And Halder walks off proudly, leaving the two alone.

Jen: *bewildered* "The coach is your father?"

Cory simply nods, knowing how screwed Jen is now.

Jen: "Oh, when I say "bonehead," I meant it in a really good way."

But he just gives her a skeptical look.

[At the food court]

Everyone is now enjoying their break and Jonesy did alert you about Jen making googily eyes at another boy, but when Jen explained her situation, well... let's just see.

Jen: "How can the most perfect guy in the universe be Coach Halder's son?"

Nikki: *while looking at you "Most perfect?"

Y/N: *bursts out laughing* "You know, I should be blasting in your face for swooning over another boy, but this... this is-- *laughs some more, slamming the table with fist* This is just too rich, so I'm gonna enjoy every waking moment of this torture."

Jonesy: "He's not that great, I could take him."

Y/N: "Puh-lease, you couldn't take on a chihuahua and those little suckers are mostly all bark. I can just see it now." *mimics Coach Halder* "MASTERSON, what are you waiting for, take my son out on a date, or it's 1 hour in the Penalty Box!" *breaks out laughing again*

Jen: "It's not funny, Y/N! Can you imagine kissing someone related to the coach?! If I went over at his house to watch a movie, I'd be at the coach's house!"

Wyatt: "You've got a lot to say for someone who's dad wears white track pants, plus maybe this'll teach you to stop going behind your real boyfriend's back next time."

Jen: *upset* "Thanks for the guilt trip! And by the way, my dad only wore those out of the house once, *slumps back down* you guys just all happened to be ther.e."

Jude: "I dug that outfit, man."

Jen: "Well, what do you think, Nikki?"

Nikki: "Personally, you should've controlled your hormones. Plus, I've had it with slobbery high school guys, but that's obviously just me."

Jen: "Why do I keep doing this to myself? Y/N, babe, help me!"

Y/N: "Oh, so now you realize you have a boyfriend."

Jen: "Please, I'm sorry! Don't be mad at me!"

Y/N: "Hmmm... what do you think, Nix?"

Nikki: "Don't go dragging me into this, Romeo. She's one of your girlfriends, not mine."

Y/N: *shrugs, sighs* "Fine, but I set the time and place for when you can start making it up to me, okay?"

Jen: "Okay, babe."

Y/N: "Uh-uh, you lost the privilage of calling me that. Now then, I'll gonna go grab a snack and then drag my ass back to work. *stands up, stretches your body* See you guys soon. *fist bumps the guys* See you girls soon, don't work yourselves too hard."

You go over and give Caitlin a hug and a peck on the lips and rub her cheek affectionately with your thumb and index finger. She giggles and you go over to Nikki to hug her. She hugs you back and you peck her on the lips and just as you leave, she touches your ass.

Y/N: *yelps* "WOO!!! Easy there, fire vixen. *looks over shoulder, flirty tone* Save that handsy action for when we get home."

And soon, you were gone, doing your daily routine and now the other 5 were looking at Jen.

Jen: "Well... guess I'd better clean up my mess."

[Over at Stick-It]

Jude: *on the mic* "Listen up, dudes! We're having a new contest, choose the next food on a stick and win a prize!"

Stanley: "I bet the prize sucks."

Jude: "Nu-uh, you could win...uhh, a lifetime supply of... free stick-its."

Stanley: "You're not allowed to give prizes like that."

Jude: "I'm the manager, I can do whatever I want."

Stanley: "...Okay, how about hot dogs on a stick?"

Jude: "Whoa, that's good." *brings out raffle box* "Put your entry in the box and I think you have a chance, little man."

And Yummy Mummy's little boy stuffs the hot dog inside the raffle box and runs off laughing like the delinquent brat he is.

[At Stereo Shack]

Y/N: "So... why'd you want me to tag along again?"

Jonesy: "I can't be seen in this dweeb hangout?"

Y/N: "Jonesy, either nut up or shut up."

Wyatt: "I just need an adapter so my mp3 player can read ebooks."

Y/N: "Should we go ask the manager to help find one?"

Wyatt: "Nah, I've been to this store before, I can find it."

Jonesy: "Do you have any idea how uncool that sounded? There aren't even any hot chicks here."

Y/N: "It's always chicks with you, Jonesy. And by the way, there's plenty of beautiful ladies if you know where to look. I mean, look at her, *points to nerdy girl* she's beautiful."

The girl in question gasps before giggling and then undoes her ponytail to reveal the beauty behind it.

She then walks up to you and pulls out a piece of paper and writes down her digits before handing them to you.

Nerdy girl: "That's for being a sweetheart. Gimme a call anytime you want, handsome." *winks at you*

Y/N: *smiles, winking* "You're too kind, thank you."

Nerdy girl: *walks by, to Jonesy* "Jerk."

Y/N: "And Jonesy strikes out again."

Jonesy: *facepalms himself in defeat* "Man! The one time--"

And then, enter the manager.

???: *disapprovingly* "Thanks! She was about to buy a new positronic calculator! I got my eye on you." *swishes cape, backing away*

Jonesy: "That guy gives me the creeps."

Wyatt: "Ah, Darth's okay." *sees adapter* "Found it!" *picks it up* 

Jonesy: "Darth's okay? You say that like you know him."

Wyatt: "I was in Audio Visual Club with him a couple of years ago."

Jonesy: "Can you even spell "Cool" anymore?"

Y/N: "Can you even spell "condemnatory?" I doubt it, but I know that's what you are."

Jonesy: *confused* "Uh... what?"

Just then, there's a commotion going on by the counter where, look who it is, Blade and Christo are giving Darth some trouble.

Christo: *laughing, pointing at Christo* "Look, man, he's wearing a cape."

Darth: "Laugh all you want, I control who gets discount cards." *flashes the cards*

Blade: *swipes them* "Hah! Not anymore ya don't, geek."

Just then you grabbed the guy by the wrist.

Y/N: "Pardon me, but... you ever see what happens to a fresh peach fruit when you squeeze it real... HARD?!"

Just then, you twisted his wrist and crushed it in your grip, making the asshole drop the coupons and yell in pain. 

Christo: "Hey, let him go, shrimp!"

His towering partner then goes and tries to push you away, but you quickly let go of Blade and dodge the jerk before tripping him and knee-kicking him in the face.

Y/N: "If you're going to act like a bunch of dickheads, I'd suggest you take your lousy business elsewhere, but of course... *flashes a sinister grin, cracking knuckles* I don't mind opening up a serious can of whoop-ass and I haven't had any true action since last year's martial arts tournament back in my old high school!"

The two bozos then dropped the coupons and ran out with their tails between their legs while you picked up the coupons and put them back in Darth's hand.

Y/N: "So sorry you had to witness that."

Darth: "Are you kidding?! After that fiasco, you're more than welcome here anytime and here! Have one!" *happily gives you a coupon* "And please, I insist since you went through the trouble to defend me and the honor of my store."

Y/N: "Well, if you insist." *takes 1 coupon*

Wyatt: *shocked* "Remind me to stay off Y/N's bad side."

Jonesy: *nods in shock* "Right." *picks up lightsaber* "Oh cool"

Then, Jonesy starts fiddling around with the thing, activating it and making these heavy breathing noises.

Jonesy: *mimics Darth Vader* "Wyatt, I am your father!"

Wyatt: "Jonesy, look, don't touch. Remember?"

Jonesy: "Dude, would you relax, it's just a stupid toy."

But that "stupid toy" winds up breaking a speaker and Darth takes back his lightsaber and deactivates it while you approach Jonesy with a deadpanned expression.

Y/N: "Real smooth, ya lanky klutz." 

Darth: "Okay, option 1, you pay $100 for the speaker. Option 2, I call mall security."

Jonesy then empties out his pockets and big surprise (not), he doesn't even have 1% of the amount to pay it off.

Darth: "Gee, a nickel and a button?"

Jonesy: "Yeah, but that's a rare, antique button."

Y/N: "Looks pretty common to me. *to Darth* So, what'll it be, my good man, it's your call."

Darth: "Yep, mall security it is."

And he goes over to the phone and as he grabs it, Wyatt then walks over and stops him.

Wyatt: "Darth, buddy. I think I have a better idea."

Y/N: "Hmm, do tell, good buddy."

Moments later...

Jonesy: "Who's the doofus that picked these shirts for the uniform?"

Yup, Jonesy is now an official employee at the Stereo Shack and is now dressed as a tall-ass freaking nerd.

Darth: "That would be me, but feel free to add a personal touch, maybe a cape."

Jonesy: "As they say in Russia, "fat chance, Igor!"

Y/N: "I think you mean "NYET!"

Jonesy: "Whatever!" *to Wyatt* "I can't believe you got me working here."

Y/N: "Would you rather have Darth call mall security, have you thrown behind bars in the security room and then wait for your rich dad to bail you out before grounding your ass for breaking store merchandise instead, because we can make it happen."

Jonesy opened his mouth to retort, but... yeah, he couldn't find any way to retort, he was screwed either way.

Jonesy: "Damn it! Why do you gotta be right?"

Wyatt: "Relax, it's just till you pay off the equiptment, have fun with it, come on, Y/N."

Y/N: "As they say in Japan... "Sayonara." 

Both you and Wyatt then take your leave, leaving Jonesy to work his miserable ass off.

Darth: "Your martial arts friend is highly educated, you could learn a thing or two from him. Anyways, shall we start you off with a lightsaber, all of my employees are trained Jedis."

Jonesy: *turns on lightsaber* "Well, I don't want this one, it's small."

Darth: "SILENCE, APPRENTICE! You don't remember me?"

Jonesy: "Nope. Can't say I do."

Darth: "Atomic wedgies ring a bell?"

Jonesy: "Hmm."

Darth: "How about pantsing me in front of the whole 6th grade?"

Jonesy: *realizes, laughs* "That was you? Man! That wedgie must've hurt, we pulled it over your shoulders!"

Darth: "Oh yes, but now you're mine! Yes, mine! YES, MINE!" *laughs evilly before losing breath, coughing*

Darth then pulls out his inhaler and gets his breathing back to its steady rhythm.


So some time has passed and during this time, Jonesy and Darth got into a lightsaber battle which ultimately got Jonesy getting his ass kicked and wedgied by Darth and now he's being blackmailed to do as Darth says if he doesn't want it getting leaked.

Jen was trying to find a way to break things off with Cory before they start, but Cory wound up catching her off-guard and asked her if she was okay to grab a bite to eat. With the coach close by, Jen couldn't risk getting him mad, so she agreed, now feeling more upset that her plans were backfiring and blowing up in her face.

So now, she and Cory are having a bite at El Sportos.

Cory: "...And so, that's how I got the MVP award in the 9th grade."

Jen: "Wow, you've really been--"

Cory: *to the sports game on TV, pissed* "OFF SIDE! *frustrated scoff* COME ON!!! Get the ref some glasses!"

Jen: "Uh, right. So, I was saying, I won--"

Cory: "Sorry, babe. Just 2 minutes left in overtime. *to the sports game on TV, yelling* "JORDAN, SHOOT THE PUCK!"

Jen sighed in frustration. Looks like her crush on Cory quickly died off in a real heartbeat.

Anyways, next up, they visited the arcade and Cory was in the zone on one of the games, not taking his eyes off it.

Jen: *waiting impatiently* "Are you almost finished?"

Cory: "Hold on, babe. I'm in the middle of the 4th here. You're having fun, right?"

Jen: *rolls eyes* "Yeah, sure."

Cory: *still busy playing* "So, um, let's do a movie tomorrow. I was thinking Manly Fighters 2."

Jen: "Never heard of it."

Cory: "Lots of fighting and heads exploding, you'll love it. Alright, take over for me so I can get something to drink."

Jen: "Oh, umm, I'm not very good at this game."

Cory: *puts her in front of the console* "Come on, Masterson! Where's your team spirit? And remember, it's not how you play the game, it's whether you win it, now push those buttons! MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!" *walks off*

While he's off getting his drink, her phone rings just in the knick of time to save her and she picks it up.

Jen: "Hello?"

Caitlin: *on the phone* "It's me, how are things?"

Jen: "That's easy. I've found out Cory's just like his father, pushy, bossy and an loudmouth jerk. I tried to break things off before they started, but he straight up asked me out. Needless to say, this was the worst date I've ever been on in my life."

Video game: "Game over."

[At the food court]

Jen: "We have nothing in common, he doesn't listen to me and he's bossier than Coach Halder. And he's already asked me out again. I didn't know how to say "no!"

Caitlin: "Wow, I'm so glad I'm not you right now."

Jen: *to you* "So, I guess this means you're gonna laugh at my taste in men again, aren't you?"

Y/N: "Not this time. It's obvious this son of a bitch needs to be taught a lesson, so let me go size him up for ya." *gets up, cracks knuckles*

Jen: *panicked* "NO! DON'T! If you go after him and hurt him, the coach might press charges and I could get fired! And you might wind up going to Juvie, so don't attack him!"

Y/N: *sits down* "Alright. So then, why don't you just tell "Barks-a-lot Junior" you wanna break up with him?"

Wyatt: "Whoa, whoa, whoa! She can't just dump him."

Jen: "Why?" 

Wyatt: "Guys have fragile egos and this guy's your boss' son."

Nikki: "Wyatt's right. And she's right about the coach possibly firing her if he ever tells his dad about it."

Jen: "Oh man, I'm stuck with a jerk for all ETERNITY!"

Jude: "Hey, eternity is just a state of mind."

Caitlin: "Well, if Jen can't break up with Cory, why can't she get Cory to break up with her instead?"

Wyatt: "Hello, because he likes her!"

Y/N: "He likes her now. But, what if we were to change his perspective on her by changing her entire personality?"

Caitlin: "Yeah, by turning her into a psycho girlfriend and making his life miserable!"

Nikki: "That's so diabolical, it just might work."

Jen: "Way to go, Caitlin and Y/N!"

Nikki: "It's amazing, you look so sweet and yet it's like there's this inner cow that's just dying to get out. I like it."

Caitlin: *cheerful* "Thanks, you're a total cow, too."

Y/N: *Mimics The Rock's eyebrow raise*

Nikki's not sure why, but seeing you raise your eyebrow like that rang some familiar bells.

And so, the time for Jen's next date was coming and the gang had to find out how to make her turn off Cory.

Caitlin: "Now remember, the goal is to turn him off so much that he can't wait to dump you."

Jen: "How do I do that?"

Caitlin: "Mmm... I don't know."

Nikki: "Beats me."

Jen: "Come on, guys! I need you here!"

Y/N: "Perhaps we can be of assistance. If you wanna know how to get that big oaf off your back, we are the experts to come talk to."

And so they stop by the fountain to learn from the boys.

Jude: "Yeah, allow us to teach you Bettys a little something about the mind of the dude."

Caitlin: *shrugs* "What the heck, they are guys."

Jen: "We're listening." 

Y/N: "Okay, ladies. Listen and learn... from the masters!"

Wyatt: "First off, start by getting matching outfits. That'll turn him off big time."

Y/N: "And make sure it looks cute and mushy as possible, it'll land a serious blow to their ego."

Jude: "Ah, nice opener, dude. Okay and phone the guy, like every 15 minutes."

Wyatt: "Tell him you're dreaming about your wedding day and what your kids'll look like."

Y/N: "And text him nonstop every 10 to 15 seconds. It'll show how clingy you really are."

Jen: *nods, smiling* "Right, this is good stuff."

Jude: "And use stupid pet names, like "Rest-a-honey party-munchkin."

The girls looked clueless on that.

Wyatt: "Uh, try "Sweetie-poo-poo-kins." In a baby voice, we hate that."

Y/N: "Along the lines of "Schmoopy-woopy bear." *thinks* "Hehehe, this is gonna be too rich."

Caitlin: "Really? Wow, I thought guys thought that was cute."

Wyatt: *bluntly* "Uh, no."

Jude: "Negatory."

Y/N: "It's only cute when you address it to babies or pets, but not when it's directed at us."

Jen: "Where's Jonesy? Maybe he has things he hates too."

Y/N: *realizes and laughs a little* "Oh-ho... you guys are gonna love what he's up to. Follow me, you're in for a treat."

[Back at Stereo Shack]

Jonesy is just about done cleaning a huge flatscreen TV and he is looking completely exhausted.

Jonesy: "So... tired... need... rest." *collapses, exhausted*

Darth: *approaches Jonesy* "Not bad, young padawan, not bad at all."

Jonesy: "Ya know, I gotta hand it to ya, Darth."

Darth: "Oh yeah? Why's that?"

Jonesy: "You got me cornered. Making that video tape, that was pretty smart."

Darth: *proudly* "My IQ is 170."

Jonesy: "I don't even have an IQ, but I was just thinking. Maybe we can make a trade, there must be something I can give you for that tape."

Darth: "Hmm... you're popular, right?"

Jonesy: "As a chocolate bar at Fat Camp."

Darth: "And you know a lot of girls?"

Jonesy: "A chick?" *ignites lightsaber* "Now that's my specialty, tell me who she is and I know I can get you a date." 

And as he's playing around with that oversized glowstick...

Darth: "Nikki."

It hits him like a ton of bricks.

Jonesy: "Uh, about that. She's already got a boyfriend. Remember that guy who went all Bruce Lee on Blade and Christo?"

Darth: *shocked* "He's her boyfriend?"

Jonesy: "Yeah and if he finds out what I tried to do, the dude'll use me as a punching bag for months on end!"

Darth: "Hmm... in that case--"

Just then...

Nikki: *surprised* "No way! Jonesy?"

Yup, everyone, minus Jen showed up and Nikki is having a laugh.

Jude: "Nice lightsaber, dude."

Nikki: *laughing* "Now see, this makes up for a morning of inventory with the clones. The gods are just!"

Caitlin: "Oh, it's my hero, Jones Solo!"

Y/N: "The force of humiliation is STRONG with this one!"

Everyone laughs while Jonesy just watches them with a deadpanned expression on his face.

After that fiasco, everyone was gathered outside the Penalty Box with Jen, going over the plan.

Wyatt: "You can do it, Jen. Just focus."

Jen: *nods* "Focus."

Jude: "You've got a blackbelt in Bad Girlfriend Kung-fu!"

Jen: "Kung-fu!"

Y/N: "Now, go smother that big lug to death."

Jen: *to Cory, waving to him* "Cory, honey! *runs to him* Look! I got us matching sweaters!"

Y/N: *snickers* "This is just too juicy."

Wyatt: "You're gonna record this, aren't you?"

Y/N: "Big time."

Soon, the others split... until Jonesy stopped you and Nikki.

Jonesy: "Hey, can I talk to you two for a minute?"

Y/N: "What's up?"

Nikki: "What is it?"

Jonesy: "Look, I know you're gonna say "no" to it, but you need to know something."

Jonesy then whispered into both yours and Nikki's ear about someone crushing on Nikki and how they're obsessed with her and how he couldn't ask Nikki to date him since he knows what you'd do to Jonesy and how Nikki wouldn't abandon you.

Nikki: "I mean, you're not wrong."

Y/N: "On both accounts."

Jonesy: "Yeah, I figured as much."

Y/N: "Still, if he's that crazy for Nikki, the least I can do is talk to the guy and let him know she's not available."

Nikki: "No, I've got a better idea. Y/N, you just keep having your little fun and I'll try and let this secret admirer down gently."

Y/N: "You sure?"

Nikki: "Trust me, this guy needs to hear it and you've done a lot already, so go and have fun."

Y/N: "Well, if you insist."

Meanwhile, in one of the movie theaters, Jen and Cory are sitting near the front row, wearing matching blue sweaters with a heart on the front of each of them. Meanwhile you're in the theatre incognito, recording the whole thing between the two.

Jen: "Aww, we look so cute together in our outfits. I bet everybody noticed." *giggles*

Cory: *unsure* "Yeah, I guess so."

He reaches for a handful of his popcorn, but--

Jen: "Hold on, *takes bucket of popcorn* there's butter on this. Didn't you get the message I left about healthy eating?"

Cory: "I haven't had a chance to hear all of 'em yet."

Jen: *tosses bucket away* "Well, buttered popcorn is full of saturated fat. *sees Wyatt* "Oh look, there's Wyatt! *calls out, all giddy* "Hi, Wyatt! Look, I'm here with my new boyfriend! We're gonna be together forever and ever and EVER!"

Wyatt: *plays along all cool* "Congratulations."

Jen: *clings to Cory, in baby voice* "Awww, Sweetie Poo-poo-kins. Is everything okay?"

From a distance as you're recording this, you can't help but snicker a few times while trying to keep yourself hidden.

Cory: *flabbergasted* "Sweetie... poo-poo-kins?"

Jen: "We should have a talk. I want us to share our feelings."

Cory: "But the movie's gonna start."

Jen: "But I need to talk." *cue guilt trip with crocodile tears* "Wait, you wanna break up, don't you? It's that girl in the volleyball section, isn't it? I saw you looking at her!"

Cory gulped nervously.

Cory: "Are you kidding? You're like a dream come true!"

Aaaaand you felt like throwing up.

[A/N: Seriously? Of all the phrases to use, why that?! Buddy, ya just blew your image!]

Jen: *drops act* "Excuse me?"

Cory: "I love how you look out for me, making sure I eat right and phoning me over and over... and over... *snuggles Jen* Aww, fuzzy-wuzzy bunnykins."

Uh-oh, you felt another laugh coming on and it's a big one, so you booked the hell outta there and made it outside of the Gigantoplex where you could finally let it all out.

[6:41 to 6:51]

Meanwhile, with Caitlin, who's on the escalator, her phone goes off and she picks it up.

Caitlin: "Hello?"

Jen: "Caitlin, this isn't working! Cory likes everything I'm doing, even the really gross stuff!"

Caitlin: "Well, that doesn't sound right." *gasps* "Maybe he's a Girl boy."

Jen: "A what?"

Caitlin: "A Girl boy. A boy who sometimes acts like a girl. This is serious, he could get attached. Abort, Jen. Abort immediately!"

Jen: "Too late! I thought you said this would work!"

Caitlin: "Maybe you just don't have the touch."

Jen: "Oh, I have the touch! I've turned off tons of guys before I settled down with Y/N and I'm not about to stop now!" *hangs up, determined* "Alright, Cory... I am now your new worst nightmare!"

[At the Stick-it]

Jude: *to Nikki through microphone* "Hi, whatcha doin'?"

Nikki: "Hey, Jude. I'm off to meet this... friend."

Jude: "Wanna enter my contest first? Choose the next food on a stick *uses microphone* AND WIN! Check it out, we've got crackers and cheese on a stick, gum on a stick, you're good at inventing stuff."

Nikki: "Yeah, well, if I have nothing better to do after the world ends, I'll come back."

Jude: "Cool."

Later on, Nikki met up with Jonesy over at the coffee shop (which we will not say the name of).

Nikki: "Okay, so where's this secret admirer?"

Darth: *sits up* "The pleasure is all mine."

Nikki: "You mean you're my secret admirer?"

Jonesy: "I told you you wouldn't agree to it."

Nikki: "Just go, I'll handle this myself."

Jonesy: "Rrrrright." *bolts off*

Nikki: "Look, Darth. I'm sorry, but I already have someone in my life and I don't really see myself going out with a Star Wars geek, no offense."

Darth: *sighs* "I know, I mean Jonesy agreed to set me up with you because of the videotape. But he was also hesitant because of what your boyfriend would do to him."

Nikki: *intrigued* "Videotape? What videotape?"

Meanwhile... the show keeps getting good as you watch Cory and Jen at this one store you never wanna go into.

Jen: *giddy and excited* "Oh, Cory! Isn't Frilly and Pink your favorite store in the whole wide world?"

Cory: *shrugs* "I didn't even know it existed."

Y/N: *thinks* "Neither did I, but man... this! Is! GOLD!"

Jen: *acting giddy* "I mean, look at this pink... *pulls up fuzzy beach ball* round thing! And this frilly stick!" *skips along* "Finally, someone to help me shop for teddy bears!" *squeals*

Y/N: *quietly to yourself* "That's right... keep talking like that, I'm gonna enjoy this for a very looong time." *laughs quietly*

Jen: *hugs a pink teddy bear* "I have a collection. *in baby voice* Isn't he the cutie-wutiest?" *gasps in shock* "Potpourri! My favorite!"

And she takes a big whiff of the flowers, then feels her stomach turning and almost barfs, but she keeps it down.

Jen: "So, having fun yet?"

Cory: "I never knew how soft a pashmina was before. These would be so nice to have at those cold, early morning football practices."

Jen: *act dropped* ""

Moments later, the two are walking through the mall and stop by the Stick-it, which is empty.

Cory: *bluntly* "Did anyone tell you you're a slow walker? Pick up the pace, Masterson!"

Jen: *fed up, drops everything* "Oh, that is it!"

Cory: *confused* "Hey! Hey, what's the matter? Don't you like what I bought you?"

Jen: *glaring, speaking through teeth* "Yes, I've always wanted pink everything."

Cory: *compassionate* "Aww, you're welcome. Anything for my fuzzy--

Jen: "No! Stop right there! Cory, it's over!"

Y/N: *quietly, while recording on phone from a safe distance* "Ooh, this is getting good! Gotta make sure I get it all."

Suddenly, there's a minor blackout for a few seconds before the lights come back on and then...

Jen: "You and me are done!" *hits mic*

Suddenly, the mic broadcasts their whole conversation throughout the whole mall.

Cory: "You're breaking up with me?"

Jen: "Oh yes."

Cory: "But why?"

Jen: *fed up* "Why? Because I've had more stimulating conversations with a TREE! You're completely self-involved, you like dumb movies and you're a mushy little GIRL BOY! YOU SUCK CORY HALDER!!!"

Whoa... Now that... was the greatest moment you have ever recorded in your entire life and you can see Jen's face heating up.

Jen: *gasps, laughs nervously while blushing* "Was that my outside voice?"

Cory: "Man, what a relief!"

Jen: "Huh?"

Cory: *calm and relaxed* "I wanted to break up with you, too."

Jen: *astonished, pleased* "Shut up!"

Cory: "Yeah, but my dad said you could sue the store for harrassment and told me to suck it up and take one for the team."

Jen: "So, you didn't really like all that girly stuff?"

Cory: "Heck no!"

Jen: "That's great!" *realizes* "Hey wait, isn't taking one for the team a bad thing?"

Cory: *nervously* "Uh... usually. See ya!" *takes off*

With Cory gone now, this was your chance to come over and see how she was doing while you put your phone away.

Y/N: "Man, and I thought Nikki was brutal."

Jen: "I guess you heard that, huh?"

Y/N: "Uh, yeah... and so did everyone in the whole mall. And I gotta say... you got guts, Jen."

Jen: "So... do you forgive me now?"

Y/N: *chuckles* "Yes, I forgive you. Come here, love."

She then squeals before hugging you affectionately. So, now that she's free of Cory, the two of you make your way to your usual spot where everyone is laughing as they spot a video of Jonesy getting his ass powned by Darth and even you and Jen start laughing.

Jonesy: *to a cute girl* "...So, uh... then I scored the winning goal in overtime, it was awesome."

The girl then saw the video on screen and laughed before leaving.

Jonesy: "I can see you're impressed. *hands her paper* Here's my number-- what happened? What'd I do?" *turns and sees video, horrified* "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

Jude: "Dude, you got rocked by that geek!"

Y/N: "Hah! Darth, you genius! Gimme five!"

Darth hi-fives you and then looks at Jen flirtateously.

Jen: "Uh... I'm not dating for a while, thanks."

And so, after the heat dies down, everything goes back to normal and everyone is chilling out.

Jen: *sighs* "Okay, that was a hard day at the store."

Caitlin: "Kinda awkward working with Cory now, I guess, huh?"

Jen: "No, he transferred to another location. Funny, he wouldn't tell me which one."

Wyatt: "Hey, Nikki, I just have to ask. How did you convince Darth to give you that videotape?"

Jonesy: *slumps down on table* "Do we have to bring up the tape again?"

Nikki: "Ah, it wasn't so hard. Y/N and I just paid him the rest of the money Jonesy owed."

Caitlin: "You both did? That was nice of you. But wait, I thought Jonesy was gonna work it off at the Stereo Shack."

Y/N: "Nope! He got canned just like he did all the other jobs he's ever been in, it's so pitiful."

Nikki: "I guess he didn't have what it took to be a real Jedi knight. Besides, paying Darth was such a small price to pay for a memory that lasts a lifetime."

Jonesy: *sits up* "That's it, laugh it up. Just don't forget who has that picture of you tap-dancing in 1st grade."

Nikki: *gasps* "You do not."

Y/N: "Oh, I remember that talent show!"

Jonesy: "Do too, oh! In fact... *flashes picture*

Nikki: "Jonesy, don't do it! I'm warning you!"

But he already does the damage and shows it to everybody. It was a picture of Nikki when she was 6, wearing a cute pink tutu and a big pink bow on her head, wearing glasses pink shoes.

Y/N: *in baby voice* "Awwww, aren't you just the cutie-wutiest, my wittle tippity-tappy Nikki-Wikki?"

Nikki: *looks at you, blushing, glaring* "Y/N... I'm warning you, do not test me!"

Y/N: "What? You look adorable, just like how Jen was when she was acting all giddy and girly with Cory earlier."

Jen: *gasps* "How do you know?!"

Y/N: *chuckles* "I recorded the whole thing! Even you guys at the movies, it was HILARIOUS! Who knew you two girls could have such cute sides to you, *in baby voice* "My cutesy-wutesy, fuzzy-wuzzy, Jenny-bear-bear... and sweetie-weetie Nikki-bun-bun."

Just then... an ominous aura filled the air and both Jen and Nikki stood up, towering over you with pissed off looks.

Jude: *scared* "Dude... you might wanna..."

You look up and your two girlfriends look like they're out for blood.

Jen & Nikki: *low tone* "Y/N... run."

Y/N: "Uhhhhhhhh, *checks phone* Oh... look at the time, well... *laughs nervously* I'd better be going." 

And that's when you YEET the hell outta there and soon... your girlfriends give chase.

Nikki: *creepy sing-songy voice* "Oh Y/N... I'm gonna mount your ass on my waaaaalllll!!!"

You got so scared, you screamed helplessly as they chased you around the entire mall.

And it would only be a matter of time before they catch you and do who-knows-what to you! Let's hope you survive.

[A/N: Okay, I had TONS of fun writing this chapter, it was pure comedy gold to me. Anyways, here you guys go, I hope you like what I've written for you. We've got more chapters to come and the story is getting good, so... STAY TUNED!!!]

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