The Five Finger Discount

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Once again, another routine day at the mall and you're chilling at the usual spot with your pals and all eyes are on "lazy bones" Jonesy, who's chilling without a care in the world. And the wannabe player has a reason to be chill and you can guess why.

Jonesy: "Working at the coolest store in the mall, it's like... I'm finally where I belong. I know, I know, you all wish you were me."

Nikki: *sarcastic* "Yeah, that's right, I dream about it every night."

Y/N: "Puh-lease, if I wanted to be like you, I'd be lazing in my room all day playing video games all summer and eating pizza."

Jude: "But how'd you get hired for such a sweet job after being canned everywhere else?"

Y/N: "Oh yes, do tell." *grins smugly*

Jonesy: "You just gotta know how to market yourself, my good man, a good resume opens doors."

Y/N: "And then slam shut right in your face."

Wyatt: *checks resume* "Isn't this your resume."

Jonesy: "Hey, give that back!"

Wyatt: *blocks him while reading* "Says here you were Volkswagen salesman of the year and chairman of the "Save The Lobster" campaign? Impressive."

Jen: *disapprovingly* "Real mature, Jonesy."

Y/N: "Seriously, you make Loki look more honest."

Jonesy: "So, once I prove myself on the job, my resume won't matter anymore."

???: "Yo, Jonesy."

Jonesy: "Quiet! Here comes my co-workers." *sits down, puts on shades, turns to bosses* "Christo, Blade!"

[Blade is the short guy with messy brown hair and Christo is the big guy with the buzzcut blonde hair]

Blade: "We're going skydiving tonight, thought you'd like to join us for a jump."

Jonesy: *slightly nervous* "A jump... out of a plane?"

Christo: "Yeah, it says in your resume you're Junior National Skydiving Champion."

Blade: "Then, we're on for tonight."

Christo: "We pack our own chutes. Don't forget your crash helmet."

The two boys in black shirts then head off to their jobs while Jonesy sits there looking like a deer in the headlights.

Jonesy: *smiling nervously* "I'm so there! Yeah." *shakes fearfully*

Y/N: "You're... so... FUCKED!"

Nikki: *puts hand on his shoulder* "It was nice knowing you, Jonesy." *walks off to work*

Jude: "Man, I heard people bounce when they hit the ground from that high up."

Jonesy gulps nervously.

Jen: "Really? Because I heard they just go splat like a giant water balloon."

Wyatt: "Then there was the guy who died of fright on the way down."

Jude: "Sure, but the dude would've lived if he just pulled the right cord."

Jonesy: *scared* "The right cord?! Which one's the right cord?" *gets up and follows the others*

Y/N: "Maybe next time, you'll think twice before trying to lie to get into a job, Jonesy... that is if you ever survive your skydiving trip. But let's be real here, you never learn."

With Jonesy in hot water... AGAIN, you got up from your seat and left to start your shift.


We now join only Jen and Caitlin at the Big Squeeze and Jen is feeling a bit parched.

Jen: "One lemon squishy to go."

Caitling gets one ready and hands it to Jen.

Jen: *turns, about to leave, stops* "Oops, almost forgot to pay."

Caitlin: "Don't worry about it, new store policy. All friends get free drinks."

Jen: "You can't just make up policies like that."

Caitlin: *fixing up her own drink* "I've been working here for 4 weeks, I think I know what I'm doing." *sips from her cup*

Meanwhile, Jonesy is showing Wyatt around at his new job.

Jonesy: "So, huh? What do you think?"

Wyatt: "I still don't see why things that beep is so much cooler than Stereo Shack."

Jonesy: "How many times do I have to explain it? Stereo Shack is a computer store for geeks, The Beep sells sweet gadgets like, well, this juicer tanning machine."

He activates this juicer-tanning machine and right away, it fixes up a juicy beverage while firing a ray of light at Jonesy, who lifts up his shirt, getting his front torso tanned.

Wyatt: "Hmm..."

Jonesy: "And check these out, X-Ray Vision Glasses."

He hands them to Wyatt and he puts them on and looks towards Jude, who's passing by. Just as Jonesy said, the glasses were showing him everything... maybe a little too much. Not only can he see Jude's skin, muscle tissue and bones... but also his BUTT TATTOO!!! Wyatt got so freaked out, he let out a scream of shock.

Jonesy: *takes them away* "Keep it down, would ya? I've got an image to maintain, so that means none of your stupid stunts."

Wyatt: "Wait, they're always your stupid stunts."

Jonesy: "Well, don't encourage me, then."

While those two are arguing, Jude decides to make himself comfortable on one of the chairs that are on display. He takes a seat and kicks back with a yawn, leaning back. Suddenly...

Chair: "Hi. What's your name?"

Jude: *jolts up* "Wha... Where are you, dude?"

Chair: "Please say your name at the tone." *tone beeps*

Jude: *stands up* "Whoa, that chair sounds like a lady!"

Chair: "Whoa" is not in my name database. Please say your name again." *tone beeps*

Jude: "Jude. My name's Jude."

Chair: "Hi, Jude. I am the Tush Control 3000. A state of the art, fully interactive furniture experience."

Jude: "Really? Sick." *sits back down*

Chair: "Just sit back, relax and let's get to know each other better."

Jude: "Okay..."

Right then and there, the chair begins to softly rumble and vibrate.

Chair: "Now, don't you feel better?"

Jude: *while chair is active* "O-o-o-o-o-o-o-h y-e-e-e-e-a-a-a-a-h, d-u-u-u-u-u-u-d-e."

Later on after that little experience, we find you walking around with your 6 friends when suddenly, Jen stops you all.

Jen: "Guys, wait up. You won't believe what just happened!"

Wyatt: "Don't tell me, another skydiver got pureed by a jet engine."

Jonesy: *shocked* "Pureed?"

Y/N: "Dude, now you're just egging it on."

Jen: "No! Caitlin tried to give me free lemonade, she says it's her new store policy."

Nikki: "Yeah? And then what?"

Jen: "That's it. *realizes* "Wait, you guys did pay for your lemonades, right?"

The others stood silent, but you...

Y/N: "I actually did make an effort to pay her, but she wouldn't accept it because according to her, "boyfriends shouldn't have to pay," like who makes that sort of biased policy?"

Jen: "Exactly! Caitlin's having trouble adjusting to the real world, you know, the one where you need money to buy things?"

Jonesy: "Overreacting much?"

Jen: "She could get fired!"

Wyatt: "Jen, we all get free stuff from our stores. You know, a demo CD here."

Jude: "A dog on a stick there."

Jonesy: "It's a perk of the job, the employee bonus plan."


Y/N: "Bullshit. That's not how we do things at Gamestop. I only get things at a discount, not because I'm an employee there, but also because I have a Pro Membership. Nothing is ever truly free, there's always a price to pay for everything, you guys."

Jonesy: "Dude, sometimes you're a real stick in the mud. You need to enjoy the finer things in life already."

Jen: "Nikki, help me out here!"

Nikki: "I took a pair of argyle socks from the Khaki Barn."

Jen: "But you hate clothes from the barn!"

Nikki: "Yeah, they're gross, I'm giving them to Wyatt for his birthday."

Wyatt: *unamused* "Nice."

Y/N: *thinks* "I'm starting to wonder if these guys are catching the reality-challenged virus because of Caitlin."

[Later at the Penalty Box]

At the moment, you're having a chat with Jen and Nikki.

Jen: "Am I the only one who thinks taking stuff from work is just like begging for trouble?"

Y/N: "Trust me, you're not the only one. One time, my little brother stole a pack of gum from a liquor store while I was trying to buy a candy bar and I told him to stop. But the little brat just kept on running and running and I had to apologize to the guy. He seemed cool with it, but mom gave him a real scolding and a spanking after that, so we went back and she paid the man back for what he did."

Jen: *whispers* "One time, I used a piece of the store's packing tape for perosnal purposes, but I made sure I put in 2 minutes overtime for it."

Nikki: "Okay, look. See this packing tape?" *shows it to Jen*

Jen: "Yeah."

Nikki: *tapes Jen's mouth shut* "Much better."

Y/N: "Nix?! The hell was that for?"

Nikki: "What? She needs to chill out."

Y/N: "You are unbelievable."

Halder: "MASTERSON!" *Jen turns* "Unpack this new stock."

Jen: *muffled speech, tape gets ripped off* "OW! How do people get waxed?!"

Nikki: "Don't ask me."

Jen then takes a look inside the boxes and... she nearly flips out from what she finds.

Jen: *gasps, pulls out product* "The new Leon Shreds Boarding Jackets! I'd do anything for one of these!" *hugs jacket*

Y/N: *thinks, realizes* "Wait... that reminds me." *aloud* "I gotta go, I've got loads of stuff to do today, see ya!" *runs off*

Nikki: *calls out* "Hey, where's the fire, Speedy Gonzalez?"

Y/N: *calling back* "Very funny, little Vixen!"

Nikki: *chuckles* "I won't lie, I love it when he's funny." *to Jen* "So... you'd do anything for that jacket? Tell you what, I'll buy it for you, if you run naked through the mall, *grabs a pair of flippers* with these flippers on."

Jen: "Believe me, if you could afford it, I would. It's really expensive. *tries it on, looks in mirror* "I look so hot."

Nikki: "I'm sure Y/N would think so. Also..." *points somewhere*

Jen looks over and notices a guy looking at her. He had on a black tank top, has blonde hair and baggy grey pants.

Jen: "Carson! He's the cutest guy in the ma-- *realizes* "What the hell am I even saying? I've already got a boyfriend!"

Nikki: "Way to give into temptations, Jen. Though, subjectively speaking, he's not half bad."

Carson then winked at Jen.

Jen: "It looks like he's got something in his eye."

Nikki: "No, Shred Head, he's winking at you."

Jen: "Oh... oh! But he's never noticed me before, *gasps* it's gotta be the jacket, but... I can't! I'd be breaking Y/N's heart!

Nikki: "Then, buy it for Y/N. It can't be that expensive." *checks the price tag, is shocked* "Agh! *bluntly* "Shopping hurts sometimes."

Unable to afford paying for such a sweet jacket, Jen took it off and put it back on display. But couldn't get her hands off it.

Nikki: *Pulls Jen away* "Let the jacket go!"

Back at Gamestop, you're currently helping out a very FINE customer at the store.

Y/N: "And how can I help you today, miss?"

Mummy: "I'm looking for a game for my son, he's been wanting something called "Los Angeles Noire," do you have it?"

Y/N: "Hmm... I think we do, which console are you looking to buy it for, Playstation or Xbox?"

Kid: "Playstation!"

Y/N: "Alright. let's see if we got any in stock."

You check the drawers and go through each of the games you have, but it could not find any trace of it.

Y/N: "Hmm, looks like we don't have any copies. But, you can still download the game on your playstation by purchasing it online on the Playstation Store."

Mummy: "Okay and where's this Playstation Store?"

Y/N: "It's installed into your son's console. You can easily purchase it from the comfort of your own home."

Mummy: "Ah, I see."

Y/N: "Anything else I can help you with?"

Mummy: "Just one more thing. My son broke one of his controllers, so I have to get him a brand new one."

Y/N: "Alrighty and do you have a membership with us?"

Mummy: "Yes, I do."

Y/N: "Okay then, what's the phone num--"

Boss: "Hey, kid! Put that ball gun down! No firing that thing indoors."

The little brat with the ball gun didn't listen and aimed it at the Nintendo Switch shelf. That's when the kid's mom saw.

Mummy: *gasps, sternly* "Stanley! You come here right this instant, mister, or you can forget about that game and controller!"

Stanley: *begrudgingly* "Yes, mom."

Mummy: *to you and your boss* "I'm sorry gentlemen. He's usually such a good boy, I don't know what's wrong with him."

Y/N: "It's a phase, ma'am, it'll pass. I was like him, too when I was his age and I grew out of those nasty habits. But anyways, shall we continue on with your purchase?"

She nods and tells you her number. You verified the number that was linked to her membership and scanned the controller.

Y/N: "Alrighty and would you like a warranty for the controller? If it ever gets broken or malfunctions, you can return it and exchange it for a new one within the set time limit."

Mummy: "Of course. What are my options?"

Y/N: "Let's see, for the 1 year warranty it's an extra $3.99 or you can choose the 2 year warranty for an extra $7.99."

Mummy: "Hmm.. I'll go with the 2 year plan."

Y/N: "Good choice."

Rounding up the total, the woman then hands you the cash and you place it in the register before bagging the controller and handing it to her, along with her change.

Y/N: "Here you go and you have a wonderful day."

Mummy: "Thank you very much." *winks at you* "Come on, Stanley."

And before they left, her brat kid shot a ball at you, but you caught it in your hand like you knew it was coming.

Boss: "Y/N! You okay?"

Y/N: "Nothing to worry about. After all, I'm a good catch."

[Later at the food court]

Jude: "She's so smart and yet, comfortable. Guys, I think I'm in love."

Y/N: "With a massage chair? Jude, you can't love furniture. Well, you can... but... not that way."

Jude: "Okay, I know it sounds weird, but hear me out. Betty's beautiful, soft, easy-going and she makes me feel calm and relaxed. How many real girls do you know have all that?"

Y/N: "Uh, there's Jen, Caitlin and Nikki. There are times they make me feel relaxed and sometimes they drive me nuts, but that's just how steady relationships work."

Jude: "Man, I wanna buy her something nice. I was thinking some saddle soap or maybe a throw cushion, better grab one before my shift starts! Later." *walks off*

Nikki: *watches Jude* "Dude is messed up."

Wyatt: "So, what do we do?"

Nikki: "Pretend we don't know him?"

Caitlin: "I've got it. The only thing that'll get Jude off a girl chair is a real girl! You know, one that doesn't need electricity."

Y/N: "That's gonna be like finding a needle in a haystack. Where the hell are we gonna find a girl to Jude's liking?"

Caitlin: "It's worth a shot."

Y/N: "Alright. I'll tag along."

[Somewhere near ]

Wyatt: "We got a whole mall full of hotties here. There must be lots of girls we could set up with Jude."

Y/N: "The only question is which one is the perfect one?"

???: "Hey! What'll it be amigos?"

You turn to see a cute girl behind a food stand, wearing a baby blue surfer t-shirt that's exposing her belly button, wears headphones and has orange hair tied in a long pony tail and is also wearing green shorts and a topless cap on her head.

Wyatt and Nikki: "The usual."

Nikki: *to Wyatt and you* "I don't know, how many people do you know who could carry on a conversation with Jude?"

Surfer girl: "Right on! I just got a psychic message!" *calms down* "Oh wait, it was just the static in my headphones."

Y/N: "Oop! I think we found our winner."

Wyatt: "Really, who?"

Y/N: "You're looking at her." *gestures to the surfer girl*

Surfer girl: "I just took a power sweat African ballet yoga class, mad hard, but so fun!"

Y/N: "Oh yeah, Jude is gonna love her. *to the girl* "Excuse me, miss... how would you like to meet a good friend of ours?"

Surfer girl: "A friend of yours? That sounds great!"

Suddenly, a bell dings and a man brings out two bags.

Man: "Two wraps."

Surfer Girl: *gives to Nikki and Wyatt* "Here you go and remember, life is just like a spicy wrap."

Nikki: "Yeah? How's that?"

Surfer Girl: "How's what?"

Y/N: "Uh... how about we pick the next available time and I'll introduce you to my good friend? I have a feeling you'll like him."

Surfer Girl: "Sure, how does tomorrow sound?"

Y/N: "Great. I'll come by and pick you up when you're ready."

Starr: "Absolutely. By the way, I'm Starr."

So, with the date set for you to introduce this cute girl to Jude, Jonesy and Jen are at the fountain discussing Jen's predicament.

Jonesy: "It's pretty cool. You know, me, The Beep, me. But if anyone asks, I can't go skydiving tonight because my dog died."

Jen: *bored* "Sure, whatever." *eats french fry*

Boy 1: "Sweet!

Boy 2: *whistles flirtily*

A trio of younger boys are gawking at this hot girl, walking away with the newest jacket that came into the Penalty Box earlier and she just eyes the kids, chuckling.

Jen: *points, upset* "Hey! She's wearing my jacket!"

Jonesy: "She's cute. Did she steal it? Want me to go shake her down?"

Jen: *settles down* "No, no, it's not mine! We just got them at the store, but all I can afford to do is drool over them. *whining, pouting* Life is so unfair sometimes *munches more fries*

Jonesy: "Of course you can afford one, you work there, you get a discount."

Jen: "Staff only get 15% off and that won't help, believe me."

Jonesy: "I'm not talking about a staff discount, I'm talking the "five finger" kind."

Jen: "You mean... steal it?"

Jonesy: "Steal? Heck no! It's "worker's compensation," didn't you cover for two girls last weekend?"

Jen: "Yeah?"

Jonesy: "Aren't you their #1 sales associate?"

Jen: "Every week."

Jonesy: "See? The Penalty Box owes you that jacket."

Carson: *shows up, to Jen* "Hey, you're the girl that was wearing that cool jacket. You work at the Penalty Box, right?"

Jen: "Oh, Carson! Yeah, that was me. But it's not my ja-- *gets elbowed* OOF!"

Jonesy: "Shhh."

Carson: "Well, see ya, Betty." *walks off* 

Jen: *to Jonesy, giddy* "Did you hear that? He called me "Betty!" Yes! YES!" *walks away, feeling triumphant*

Jonesy: "Last time I called a chick by the wrong name, I got dumped."

[Back at the Penalty Box]

At the moment, Jen is currently working alone and the other staff, minus Coach Halder, are currently not in today. And Jen is not feeling to happy as she's putting away shoes.

Jen: *muttering, frustrated* "Where is everyone else? Why do I always have to put away all the stinky shoes?" *picks up shoe, tosses it away in disgust* "UGH!" *picks up clean shoe, smiles dreamily* "Carson wears these."

She then begins to turn her attention to the new jacket on display and begins to daydream.

[Jen's daydream]

It starts with Carson, sitting by the fountain with this hot blonde girl sitting on his lap.

Girl: "Carson, you're like the god of all skater boys."

Carson: "Thanks, hot girl. You rock, too."

And just as they're about to lock lips, they're startled by a bright light as Jen makes her entrance, wearing the newest jacket and shows it off and herself as her ginger hair blows in the wind, making her look even hotter than she already is.

Carson is blown away by her beauty and stands up, dropping the chick and goes over to Jen.

Carson: "Hi, Jen. Wow, you look gorgeous today, you wanna be my girlfriend?"

But just before they can lock lips, he's tapped on the shoulder by you and you toss him aside.

Y/N: "Go find your own girlfriend, buster, she's mine!"

That's when you pull her in and stroke her cheek.

Jen: "H...Hi Y/N. You like this?"

Y/N: "Does this answer your question, hot stuff?"

That's when you reel her in and mash your lips with hers and she embraces you as fireworks light up in the empty mall until...

???: Masterson!"

[end of daydream]

Halder: "MASTERSON!"

We now return to the real world and Jen is really working those lips of hers on a shoe until she stops upon hearing her boss' voice. She opens her eyes and looks in his direction.

Halder: "You put a size 9 and a half in a size 8 box and why are you kissing that shoe? You got your head on straight today?"

Jen: "I was just... see, I...."

Halder: "2 minutes in the Penalty Box!"

Jen: *defeated* "Yes, coach."

Poor Jen then marches over to the box and sits in there, now feeling more frustrated than ever.

Jen: *grunts in frustration* "I can't believe this! Best sales associate, no respect!"

Just then, she looks at the line of jackets hanging on the coat rack... and her dark thoughts have won her over... until she sees you coming in and you're holding a package.

Y/N: *approaching Jen* "Hey, babe. Coach Halder giving you a tough time again?"

Jen: "Yeah. It's just so frustrating! I mean, I'm the best sales associate and still, I'm offered no respect around here."

Y/N: "That's the problem with adults, Jen. No many people of Halder's age take us teenagers seriously when we work our butts off. But if it helps, I respect your hard work."

Jen: "Thanks, babe. But... why are you here?"

Y/N: "I thought that I'd surprise you with your gift. I had to wait for a while, but it was worth it." *gives her the box*

Jen wasn't sure what it was, but she went ahead and opened it and sure enough... she felt like her world lit up like the 4th of July.

Jen: *excited* "No way... the Leon Shreds Pipe Masters jacket! Y/N, where did you get this?!"

Y/N: "Remember your main Christmas present I told you I pre-ordered online? Well, that's what I was waiting to give you."

Halder: "MASTERSON! *walks over* "You know the rules, no-- *sees you and the jacket* ...wait a minute. Son, where'd you get that jacket?"

Y/N: "I bought it online with some of my savings. I was planning on giving it to Jen as a Christmas present, but I had to wait a while for it to arrive. Jen's worked pretty hard making the sales here at the Penalty Box skyrocket, so I'm rewarding her."

Halder: "Hmmm, yes... I... see. In that case, good work. *to Jen* Also, be sure to finish up your 2 minute penalty!"

Jen: "Yes coach!" *he walks away, she looks to you* "Thank you so much, Y/N, I love it!"

Y/N: "You're welcome, Jen." *winks at her*

[timeskip to tomorrow]

We now join our friends and you at the food court again, chilling by the Big Squeeze where Caitlin is serving a young boy a lemonade until Jen shows up, looking happy and wearing the new jacket you bought her as a late Christmas gift.

Wyatt: *to Jen* "Whoa, looking fine, Jennifer!"

Jen: "You noticed something different about me?"

Jude: "This is the new Leon Shreds Pipe Masters jacket!"

Jen: *proud* "Mhmm."

Nikki: "So, how did you afford it?"

Jen: "Well, I was gonna use the "five finger discount," but instead... Y/N bought it for me as a present with his hard-earned savings."

Y/N: "I pre-ordered it online."

Nikki: "Wow! When you think ahead, you think ahead."

Wyatt: "Yeah, good job, man. *to Jen* But, hold up... five finger discount, are you serious?!"

Jen: "Well, I was putting shoes away and coach put me in the Penalty Box and... JONESY NEARLY TALKED ME INTO IT!"

Y/N: "WHAT?! *turns to Jonesy* "Dude! You tried to convince my girlfriend to steal a jacket?! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Jonesy: *nervous* "Gotta get back to the beep." *zooms off*

Y/N: *to Jen* "Babe, you're lucky I managed to stop you from stealing, or things might've gotten real ugly!"

Jen: "What?! You guys do it, too!"

Nikki: "Yeah, well we take, like, chocolate bars and stuff, you almost took a whole jacket!"

Jude: "That is whack, dude. I'd have just taken a button off of it or something."

Y/N: "Okay, look, the important thing is she did not steal anything and thank god for that."

Just then, Carson appears.

Carson: *notices Jen* "Jen, love the jacket. You, uh... free later?"

Jen: *without even thinking* "Sure."

Carson waves as he leaves. And the others gasped.

Caitlin: "Jen! Why did you do that?!"

Jen: *realizes* "UGH!!! What is wrong with me?"

Y/N: "And I thought I had seen it all."

Jen: "Y/N, I can explain--"

Y/N: *deadpanned* "Just save it. I'm gonna go grab a pizza." *walks off*

Nikki: "Wow... way to rip his heart out. I'm not even sure you deserve that jacket anymore."

Jen: *sighs* "What's a girl to do?"

[Back at The Beep]

Jonesy is currently helping out an elder customer, introducing her to a large TV set.

Elder woman: "It certainly is big."

Jonesy: "Look how thin it is." *turns TV around*

Elder woman: "Can I see it work?"

Blade: "No problem. I'll let you handle this, Jonesy, since you studied Advanced Audio Visual Electronics, right?"

Jonesy: "Well, if it says so on my resume, then I did." *crouches down to one of the knobs* "All you do is turn this here and--"

But when he turns the knob, the music blasts extremely loud, startling the poor lady and making Blade cover his ears. Jonesy is also caught off guard and turns off the music. Luckily, everyone let out a sigh if relief, but Jonesy got disgusted by the lady's "hair-don't."

Elder woman: "I'll think about it." *walks off, dazed*

Blade quirked an eyebrow at Jonesy, now beginning to question his skills while the guilty party just laughs nervously.

We now see Jen hanging out by the water fountain, chilling out with Carson, but... Jen is not looking to happy.

Carson: "Uh, is it maybe too warm in here for that jacket?"

Jen: "Too warm? No! No, I'm perfect."

Carson: "Well, you do look good."

Jen smiles a bit, but it quickly goes away.

Jen: *thinks* "Some girlfriend I turned out to be."

While she's beating herself up on the matter, Jude is once again on his date with his soothing massage chair.

Jude: "Oh yeah, your lumbar massage cycle is like a spiritual experience."

Betty: "Jude, when you're happy, I'm happy."

Jude: "Maybe we could run away Costa Rica or I could raun and pull you in a wagon since you don't have legs."

Caitlin: *walks in* "Hi, Jude. Did you see the 2 second Hair Curlers? What a time-saver."

Jude: "No, *stands up* hey, wanna meet Betty?"

Caitlin: *neutral* "Oh, right. The chair."

Jude: "Yeah, Betty was worried that maybe you guys didn't accept her since she's made of leather."

Caitlin: "Jude, listen to me. You have got to get a grip, it's a chair!"

Jude: *gasps, comforts chair* "They just need more time, that's all."

Caitlin just sighed and left Jude. While Jude kept smothering his chair, he's interrupted when he noticed a kid messing with a pogo stick and wound up jumping too high and hit the ceiling and is now crying in pain, trying to get down, catching Jude's attention. 

Jude: "Ouch, good height, though."

And soon, while he was still being a chair simp, you're leading Starr to where Jude is at.

Starr: "So, what's he like anyways?"

Y/N: "He's a free spirit, likes to skateboard, enjoy life like there's no tomorrow, he's also pretty chill sometimes."

Starr: "Really now? That's cool"

Blade: "You pay for it, you can have it. But until then, *throws Jude out with Christo's help* you're banned from The Beep!" 

Jude: "I'll get the money! Does this store have a layaway plan?"

Y/N: "So much for window-shopping."

Jude: *sees you, runs to you, gets on knees* "Y/N, you gotta help me, bro, they won't let me see her anymore! No one understands Betty and I are soulmates! *walks to window* Oh, Betty!"

Starr: "I thought you said Jude was single."

Y/N: "He is, he's just fawning over an electric massage chair."

Starr: "Oh, now I see. Let me handle this *walks up to Jude*

Y/N: "You go for it, girl."

Starr: *to Jude* "So, you lost your chair, huh?"

Jude: "How'd you know?"

Starr: "When my mom got rid of my old desk lamp last year, I cried for two whole days."

As soon as he heard her say that... something between them just sparked and the two eventually smiled at each other.

Jude: "Wanna get a swishy with me?"

Starr: "Okay."

And just like that, Jude and Starr's relationship starts off nice and easy and Y/N smiles, satisfied at how well they connect.

Wyatt: *walks up* "Wow, dude. I can't believe you actually found the right girl for Jude!"

Y/N: "At least now we won't have to deal with him simping over a stupid electric chair."

Nikki: *walks up* "Yeah. Hey, listen... sorry you had to see that whole fiasco with Jen and that Carson guy. You gonna be alright?"

Y/N: "I'll be fine. Besides, I still got you and Caitlin... although, knowing her she's probably gonna start swooning and flirting with other guys the moment she sees a "cute one."

Nikki: "Yeah, well, that's one of the joys of teenage life. Come on, I'll treat you to a soda."

Y/N: "Ooh, make it a Pepsi."

Wyatt: "I'mma pick up some coffee from Grind Me."

And so after all is said and done, Jude found love with a cute vegan chick named Starr, you and Nikki chilled out with some beverages, along with Wyatt, too. 

Of course, just like all his other jobs, Jonesy got fired from The Beep for, believe it or not, stealing a stupid pen. Which, to be honest, is the stupidest reason, I mean seriously... it's just a pen.

But anyways, later that day, Jen eventually apologized to you, but you quickly got over it and let her off with a warning. And next time, you wouldn't stop her or Caitlin from flirting with other guys because next time, when it does happen, you'll still have Nikki... or possibly hook up with some of the ladies at the mall.

Watch out Galleria Mall, here comes the rizzler!

[A/N: And here you go, Y/N hooked up Jude with Starr, Jen got her jacket WITHOUT doing the crime and Y/N has become more open to the idea with expanding his harem. The stage is set for the Galleria Rizzler, and now as always... STAY TUNED!]

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