Take This Job and Squeeze It

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[A/N: Due to Wattpad's new community guidelines, all characters in this story are now aged up to be 18 or older in order for lemon scenes to be included in the story. On top of that, all lemon scenes are still to be consensual between characters.]

Name: Y/N L/N

Age: 18

Height: 5'11

Nicknames for your harem: Babe, sweetheart, little angel, cupcake, ginger temptress, foxy mama, sweet siren, fashion princess, cutie pie(s), gorgeous, angel cakes, etc etc

Nicknames he's called by his harem: Sweetie, babe, handsome, stud muffin, hot stuff, cutie, dream boat, big boy, etc etc

Likes: His friends, his job, hanging out with his friends, giving advice, helping others, video games, music, singing, drawing, being alone sometimes, his family, his girls

Dislikes: Anything Jonesy does bad, Caitlin's constant flirting with other guys, Ron being an ass, Yummy Mummy's son, bullies, scammers, Smiley's overprotective dad, Wayne, shallow people, being let down, screwing up, feeling not good enough, his insecurities, his temper.

Personality: Y/N is the type of guy who carries himself, but also has a humble attitude. He likes the work that he does and he enjoys the hobbies he has and the friends he's made. Yes, they sometimes get on his nerves, but he would never trade them for anything. However, just because he's nice and hard-working, that doesn't mean he's without a darker side and he prefers to keep it in check.

He doesn't take shit from anyone and he mostly handles these types of situations in a calm manner, but if pushed too far, he'll have to get physical and show them what's what. He didn't spend all his time away from home doing nothing. He came back prepared... and he knows how cruel the world can be first hand.

Backstory: Y/N was a normal kid who was born into a loving family, but had no father because he left after that one night with his mom. Even so, he had everything he could ever ask for. By the time he was 7, he was diagnosed with an autisic disability called Asperger's Syndrome. 

But despite his disability, he still managed to fit in with other kids, even made some friends along the way. 5 of them became his bestest friends, named Nikki, Jen, Jonesy, Jude and Wyatt. They looked after each other, Y/N even protected them from bullies.

Sadly, one day, Y/N's mom got a job in the U.S. So, his friends and their parents threw a party to see him off. Years later, he came back to Canada with his mom... and a little brother. After returning home, she enrolled him into the same high school as his friends. But he hasn't told them that or the best part.

What you look like:

[I drew this one myself.]


Nikki Wong 

Jen Masterson

Caitlin Cooke

The Clones - from left to right (Kirsten, Chrissy, Kristen)


Tricia Holmes



Yummy Mummy


[That's all for now. But there will be more girls added later in to the story, so I hope you all enjoy this.]

We begin our story with a car pulling up to the mall. A young man steps out of the passenger seat and gazes up at the massive building. This young man... was you.

Y/N: "Well... here goes nothing."

M/N: "Honey, you sure you got everything?"

Y/N: *turns to mom, who's sitting in car* "Yeah, mom. Got my resume, house keys, everything I'm gonna need."

M/N: "Okay. I also left you some money in case you wanna stay and get something to eat."

Y/N: "Thanks mom. I'll let you know how it goes."

M/N: "I know... I'm so proud of you, mijo."

[A/N: Yes, your mom is part Mexican. Mijo means "son" in Spanish]

Y/N: "Thanks, mom."

You give your mom one last hug before getting back out and closing the door before she takes off to go do her own thing. It was her day off from work, but it was also the 1st day of Summer and you chose to spend this time earning some money. And a good thing, too, since you're an adult now and it's time for a young man like you to make it out on your own and start pulling your weight around.

With your head held high, you head inside the mall and take in the scenery of your possible new work place.

Y/N: "Functional... AND luxurious. Never thought I'd live in a world where both those categories would go so well together."

Meanwhile in another part of the mall, two other individuals, both 18, were walking around in the mall. One of them was a tall guy with tan skin, short, messy, dark blue hair with brown eyes. He wore a faded purple short-sleeved shirt with red trims and blue jeans. This was Jonesy.

Next to him was a girl with short purple-dyed hair and had pale skin with eyebrow and nose piercings on her. She wore a white tank top and baggy grey pants. Her name was Nikki Wong and she and Jonesy were two of your five childhood friends. They don't currently know you're here right now, but they'll know soon.

Right now, Jonesy pokes 3 freshly made cinnamon rolls while passing by a bakery.

Jonesy: "Okay. I know it's just a part-time Summer job," *slurps frosting* "but today, *deep breaths* I feel like more of a man."

Nikki: "Oh yeah, nothing says maturity like the phrase "Do you wanna gargantu-size that, sir?"

Jonesy: "You're missing the point. There's a big difference between working for minimum wage and begging your parents for allowance."

Nikki: "Oh, forgive me if I can't see you taking responsibility for anything bigger than your locker combo."

Ooh, sassy. And right now, the two are coming up to the food court right by the Big Squeeze where Jen works at. Jen is another one of your childhood friends. She has long, ginger colored hair, beautiful white skin. She normally wears a faded purple hoodie and light cream yellow skirt with a purple vertical stripe.

Jonesy: *over-confident* "It'll be worth it. See, with the chicks, it's all about the bling bling and the way I figure it, we'll be making two large each by the end of Summer."

Sitting by the table is Wyatt. Wyatt is an African-Canadian teen with brown dreadlock hair. He wears a burgundy red long-sleeve shirt and green jeans. Also, he loves coffee. Speaking of which, he's actually drinking some fresh coffee right now.

Wyatt: "You learn everything you know from cop shows and music videos, don't you?"

Jonesy: "You know it." *leans back, rests against arms*

Nikki: "You know, you're gonna have to find someone dumb enough to hire you first, right?"

Jonesy: "Look at me, do I look worried?"

Nikki: "Uh, not really, no." *lightly nudges him with 1 finger*

Jonesy: "HEY!" *loses balance, falls down*

Jen: "Too bad none of you can work at the Penalty Box with me, but they never hire first-timers. I swear, it was so worth it to work here this year, now they'll hire me for sure."

???: "A whole year? *chuckles* Sounds like I'd better pick up the pace or I'll get left in the dust."

The group suddenly stops and then turns to see you walking up to them, but some of them are clueless when they see you, even as you take a seat at their table.

Wyatt: "Uh... do we know you?"

Y/N: "Come on, you don't recognize me? And after I gave you the courage to sing in that talent show years ago?"

Wyatt: "Talent show? *gasps, realizes* No way... is it..."

Jen & Nikki: "Y/N?! Is that you?"

Y/N: "It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

Jonesy: "Whoa, hold on! Y/N Is that really you?! *you nod* Dude, look at you, you've gotten big over the years! You look like a real chick magnet, that's for sure."

Y/N: "Looks like you haven't changed a bit. Still a big talker, even after all these year. Wyatt, looking good, my man." *high fives him* "And ladies, look at you, so beautiful!"

Jen and Nikki both blushed a bit.

Nikki: "Oh shut it, you helpless flirt" *jabs you playfully*

Y/N: "OOF! *chuckles* Someone's been working out. Strong and beautiful, that's what I'm talking about."

Jen: "We've missed you so much, Y/N. What brings you back to Canada after all this time?"

Y/N: "My mom got a better job offer here in Canada. Best part of it all... I'm staying right here with you guys. We just barely got settled a week ago at our new house. Now, I know our high school days are over, but we could still attend the same college together. And we can all hang out here at the mall while we work."

Jen: "That's a great idea! Now we can all hang out more! Oh, by the way, does this mean you're applying for a job here?"

Y/N: "Sure am. Just filled out my resume."

Jen: "Great. I'm gonna apply for the Penalty Box and today's my last day at the Big Squeeze."

Jonesy: "I thought you got that job to pay for the damage you did to the team van."

Y/N: "Wait, what?"

Nikki: "Yeah, didn't you crash into the equiptment shed?"

Y/N: "Hold up, she did what?" *to Jen* "Were you hurt, Jen?"

Jen: "No, I was fine, Y/N. But the point is I won't ever have to wear this hideous lemon hat again."

Y/N: "This is my first time seeing you wearing a lemon hat, though I'm not sure if I should feel bummed because you look cute either way, or happy that you're finding something new."

Jen: *blushes, thinking* "Oh my god! He thinks I'm cute? Yay!" *aloud* "Heh... how about you just go with both."

Nikki: "Well, I'm gonna really miss making fun of you in it."

Y/N: "Damn, Nikki, when'd you get so cold?"

Nikki: "A girl can change over the years, Y/N. This is the new me. Better get used to it."

Y/N: *shrugs* "Eh, sure. Okay."

Jen: "Hey, it was the only job I could get. I was under 18 remember?"

Nikki: "Which is probably why you shouldn't have been driving the team bus. *turns to you* Am I right?"

Jen: *annoyed* "Ha ha, at least all of us will be working here together now that we're out of high school."

Y/N: "For the record, I did mess around with my uncle's truck by moving the stick shift and got grounded for 2 weeks."

Jen: "What? Why would you do that?"

Y/N: "I was curious! Plus, I was only 9 when it happened. But I've learned from my mistake and now I'm more cautious. I even passed my driving test and got my license."

Jonesy: "Alright! That's what I'm talkin' about!"

Wyatt: "So, which job do you have in mind?"

Y/N: "I have an interview with Gamestop."

Wyatt: "Cool not a bad choice."

Suddenly, you all hear a cute girly giggle.

Jen: "Here comes my first customer on my last day!"

And soon, this cute blonde chick with peach-colored skin, wearing a pink tank top and baby blue skirt comes up to the register.

Jen: "Can I help you?"

Caitlin: "A leche fruit smoothie with an energy blast and... no pulp, please."

Y/N: *snickers, turns to friends* "I'm sorry, what?"

Jen: *deadpanned* "We only have what's on the menu."

Caitlin: "Oh... uh, I guess I'll have a, umm... lemonade, then. Do you take credit cards?"

Jen: "For $1.90? No."

The peachy beauty then puts her card away and then pulls out a 50 dollar bill and hands it over to Jen.

Jonesy: "So that's what a 50 looks like." *Nikki laughs*

Y/N: "She probably comes from some serious money."

Jen then hands over the drink, along with the change.

Caitlin: *to Jen* "Oh, hey, do you know where Nice Cinnamon Buns is?"

Nikki: "Yeah, just over there. *points in the direction* Make sure you ask for one with a hole in it, it's so much better."

Caitlin: "Thanks." *walks away* 

Jonesy: "Good one."

Wyatt: "Don't I know her from somewhere?"

Y/N: "Not me, this is the first time I've ever seen her. Though, I gotta admit, she's kinda cute."

Nikki and Jen pout a bit.

Jen: "She used to go to our school, she didn't start until Grade 10 though. *sighs* Now there's a girl who'll never have to work."

Nikki: "Ugh, I hate her already."

Jonesy: "Meow! Watch the claws, girls."

Jen: "She's so spoiled. She's like this only child and both her parents are doctors or something."

Jonesy: "Why should she work when she's rich? I wouldn't."

Y/N: "Because, Jonesy, that money isn't hers, it's her parents. And I'll tell you another thing about reality, Jonesy. Around here, you're to either go to work, or go to school. First of the month, your rent is due, if you got nothin' on the table, you ain't gotta worry about catchin' a dog, you gotta worry about a dog... CATCHIN' YO ASS!!!"

Jonesy flinches at the thought.

Jen: "Speaking of "not working," I can't believe you guys haven't put in your resumes yet. Stores started booking interviews last week."

Nikki: "I know, I know."

Jen: "We made a pact that we'd all get jobs at the mall so we could hang out together. It's the only way I'll make it through the Summer while I'm also putting out my college application."

Jonesy: "What's the big deal? All you gotta do is smile, look good and remember, the customer is always right."

Y/N: "Clearly, you haven't done my mom's job yet. She works for the courts, so you won't find that many smiles there."

Wyatt: "Damn, I had no idea. *to Jonesy* Also, you really believe that?"

Jonesy: "No."

Y/N: "Okay, which one of you guys wants to bet 10 bucks that Jonesy gets fired on the 1st day?"

Nikki: "I'll bet 10 buck he can't last last an hour."

Y/N: "Okay, any earlier than that and you win the bet. Deal?"

Nikki: "You're on." *she shakes your hand*

Jonesy: "Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence."

Y/N: *troll face* "No problemo."

The others, minus Jonesy, get a laugh out of your funny retort and your silly faces you make.

Just then, you all hear what sounds like wheels rolling against the floors and you turn and spot this skater boy coming. He has white skin, with shaggy blonde hair. He wears a black beanie and light yellow shirt with a sticker on the front and blue jean shorts. This skater boy was Jude, another childhood friend you knew.

Jude: "What's happenin'?"

Y/N: "Jude! Is that you?"

Jude: *sees you* "Dude, Y/N, welcome home, bro!" *fist bumps you*

Jen: "It's about time you got here. Don't you take anything seriously?"

Jude: "Relax, cappy-tan, check it out. *pulls out resume* I got my resume done and everything. See?"

Jen: "Ew, Jude, what's that goo?"

Jude: "Last night's dinner, that was a good hot dog."

Jen: "You guys had better get out there or you're not gonna get an interview."

Y/N: "I still got time to kill before my interview."

Wyatt: "Relax, mom. We're on it."

Jonesy: "In case you haven't noticed, there's like 10,000 stores in this mall."

Y/N: "Malls can't hold that many stores, you knucklehead."

Jude: "Actually, there's 936."

Y/N: *blinks in surprise* "Damn, seriously? How do you know?"

Jude: "I counted one day when I was bored. Can't handle this on an empty stomach, be right back... pronto." *skates off*

Jen: "Fine, but don't come crying to me if you get stuck somewhere lame like the taco stand."

Y/N: "What's so bad about the taco stand?"

Nikki: "You're better off finding out on your own."

Jonesy: "Hey, they make a mean taco."

Y/N: "Okay, if I hear the word "taco" again, I'm gonna find the stand and buy me 3 orders."

Jen: "I'm just saying, the competition for the cool stores is tough, everyone wants to work at them."

Jonesy: "Don't sweat it, step-sis.

Y/N: "Uh, step-whatnow?"

Jen: *blushes* "Uh... nothing, Y/N! Hehe." *to Jonesy, quietly* "Don't call me that. Our parents are NOT married, they're dating!"

Their arguement is halted by the Big Squeeze phone ringing. Jen grabs it and brings it to her ear.

Jen: "Hello... *hears man talking on other side* ...sounds good, I'll be there." *hangs up* "My interview's been bumped to 2:30, anyone wanna practice their answers?"

Everyone (minus you): "No."

Y/N: "Sure, I got time."

Jen: *thinks* "SCORE!" *aloud* "Great! Let's get started."

So, Y/N and Jen got to practicing answering questions for their upcoming interviews, even giving a few tips on how to win their employers over until the time came.

Jen: "Well, I'm off to my interview, wish me luck."

Y/N: "I'll see you guys later, too. And good luck, Jen. I know you'll pass that interview for sure."

Nikki: "You don't need luck, you're gonna kick butt."

Jen: "I know, so where's everyone going to start?"

Nikki: "Travel agencies."

Jonesy: "The Gigantoplex. Free movies."

Jude: "North Shore Surf n' Skate, definitely."

Wyatt: "Grind Me."

Jen: "Excuse me?"

Wyatt: "The coffee house, I like the clientelle, they're civilized *turns towards couple making out from across the room*

Y/N: *sees the couple* "Jeez, that's what they call taking swapping spit to a whole other level." *shivers* "And not in a good way."

Wyatt: "You got that right. So, where'd you say you were working at again, I kinda forgot?"

Y/N: "Gamestop. There's a whole world of games meant to be sold and I intend to help make them fly off the shelves and into the hands of some happy gaming customers! Plus, I gotta Pro Membership with them, so I can buy certain game stuff at a discount."

Jude: "You think they'll interview us today?"

Wyatt: "Probably. Why?"

Jude: "I dunno, dude. What if I choke?"

Y/N: "Just go with the flow, man. Answer to the best of your abilities."

Jen: "Yeah, it's a breeze. Just be polite and honest. Employers love that. Okay?"

Jude: "Polite and honest. Solid advice. I can handle that."

Jonesy: "Let's do this."

Y/N: "See you guys back here."

And so, the job interviews commence. First off, Jen starts off her interview over at the Penalty Box with the coach.

Coach: "So, tell me. Why do you wanna work here, Masterson?"

Jen: "Because I've always wanted to start my own line of snowboarding here and I think working here would teach me so much about the retail sports industry."

Meanwhile at the other shops all over the mall with you and the rest of the group...

Wyatt: "I spend most of my freetime here anyway and I figured I might as well get paid for it." *sips coffee*

Jonesy: "Because the Gigantoplex is a great place to pick up chicks.

Nikki: "I need the money to go traveling."

Yes, even the cute blonde is trying to get a job, after her credit card was maxed out.

Caitlin: "Do you guys have an employee discount?

Y/N: "I've had plenty of experience when it comes to video games just like every other gamer and I wanna gain experience from the video game retail industry, plus I believe in hard work."

Employer: "So, where do you see yourself in 5 years?"

Wyatt: "5 years?"

Nikki: "Not working in a mall."

Jonesy: "I know where I'd like to see myself tonight."

Jude: "Rock climbing with some Maui dudes in New Zealand."

Wyatt: "I dunno what I'm doing this weekend."

Jen: "Riding for my college snow-boarding team and competing in the olympics."

Y/N: "Working for my master's degree in graphic designs, so I can create brand new games. There's lost of possibilities left unexplored in the gaming world.

Employer: "If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?"

Nikki: *laughs* 

Caitlin: "Is that the uniform you have to wear? That color really doesn't suit me."

Jonesy: "I'd be a Christmas tree."

Wyatt: "I guess I'd be *chuckle* a maple."

Jonesy: "No, wait! A dandelion."

Caitlin: "I'd rethink the hat, too."

Jude: "I thought this was a skate shop."

Jen: "I'd be an oak. Because they're strong and they like to help others by providing shade from the sun."

Y/N: "I'd go with something exotic, like the Bonsai tree. Reason why is they're said to represent a life-long commitment of patience and dedication to a task."

Caitlin: *phone rings* "Sorry, this might be important."

Jonesy: "What was my biggest accomplishment? Getting to 2nd base with Jill Anderson."

Nikki: "Perfecting my mother's signature."

Jude: "I once ate 10 worms on a dare."

Jen: "Being the youngest girl to make the varsity soccer team."

Y/N: "Becoming a black belt in Taekwondo and graduating high school with my high school boxing champion belt."

Caitlin: "I'd have to say my accessories."

Jude: "My worst quality... my feet sometimes smell 'cause..."

Wyatt: "I guess I don't have much patience for authority."

Nikki: "The list is long and distinguished."

Caitlin: "When I was 7, I used to have this really hideous orange top."

Jonesy: "I don't have any, I'm a pretty great guy."

Y/N: "My worst quality... sometimes I overexert myself when I put in some hard work, I just wanna be able to help succeed."

And so... some time later, everyone arrived back at the spot, as did you and most of the gang looked pretty bummed out.

Jonesy: "Well, that sucked."

Y/N: "What? Didn't get hired?"

The others looked to you and could see that you're wearing a Gamestop shirt and smiling about it to boot. And soon, Jen arrives too, wearing a vertical black and white stripped shirt.

Jen: "Guess who's the new assistant customer coach at the Penalty Box!"

Y/N: "Cool, I knew you could do it. And you're looking at the new Guest Advisor for Gamestop."

Jen: "Congrats, Y/N! I'm really happy for you!"

Nikki: "Yeah, congrats. At least 2 of us are employed."

Jen: "You mean none of you got jobs?"

Jude: "That was not was I was expecting." *slumps down*

Jen: "How back could it have been? It was just an interview."

Wyatt: "You know the time Jonesy pantsed me in front of the whole girls soccer team? This was worse."

Y/N: "Jonesy! You pantsed Wyatt?!"

Jonesy: "What? It was funny! Besides, we were applying for part-time jobs, that was like the Danish Inquisition."

Y/N: "Spanish" Inquisition, tonto."

[Tonto means "stupid" or "dumb" in Spanish]

Jonesy: "Whatever, dude. It sucked."

Nikki: "One of my worst qualities? Like they'd hire me if I told them."

Jude: "I told them mine."

Jen: "For real? How many did you give them?"

Jude: "17."

Y/N: "I told them I push myself too hard, but that's only because I wanna help the team succeed."

Jude: "Oh man, was I supposed to lie?"

Jen: "No, the right answer is similar to what Y/N said. Like "sometimes I work a little too hard."

Wyatt: "Thanks, information that would've been useful about 2 hours ago."

Y/N: "Hey, don't get sore at Jen, you guys chose not to practice answering questions when she offered you the help. Really, you've got yourselves to blame for failing. Not her."

Jonesy: "Whatever, the point is, we all flopped." *sees mall cop approaching you all* "What?"

You turn around and see this mall cop, looking like he's wanting to book you and you facepalm yourself just looking at him.

The cop just does the "I've got my eyes on you" gesture before walking away from the group.

Jonesy: "We're not doing anything wrong."

Y/N: "Wow... and I thought those racist pigs in blue back in the United States were bad."

Jonesy: "Man, that guy creases me!"

Nikki: "Wait, are the cops really that bad in the States?"

Y/N: "Uh, let's see... if you count cops shooting unarmed people in their cars, hand-cuffing kids, calling them a "threat" and shooting friendly dogs dead, as well as killing innocent blacks, then yes the United States cops are a bunch of fucking worthless dictators. So much so that I'd rather trust vigilantes to keep our cities safe."

Jude: "Whooooaaaa, that's heavy, dude."

Jen: "Well, for this guy, he's got nothing better to do than be suspicious of everyone under 30."

Y/N: "Seriously? He needs to find a better hobby, like... I dunno, write down his hobbies and put 'em on a wheel." *makes spinning sounds, gradually slowly down* "Today, go to the park... SOMETHING!"


Wyatt: "Technically, we don't yet. Remember?"

Jen: "I can't believe it. I'm gonna be stuck working here alone with Y/N."

Jude: "Oh man, we had our whole Summer planned. Now we'll never be able to see each other."

Nikki: "This is unbelievable. Did you see the guy running Stereo Shack, even he has a job and he carries a lightsaber to work."

Y/N: "Seriously?" *Nikki nods* "Sheesh and I thought I'd seen enough Star Wars cosplayers at the comic conventions. And I stopped watching it after I turned 14."

Wyatt: "I could always play guitar on the subway for quarters."

But just then, you all heard sobbing from across your table and looked to see the same girl in the pink shirt. She had an ice cream sundae and was looking very sad. 

Y/N: "Excuse me, guys." *gets up, approaches her* "Hey, why the long face, something wrong?"

Caitlin: "It just so happens that I'm applying for a job and I didn't get hired at any place."

Nikki: *scoffs* "Guess all the positions for Professional Shoppers were filled."

Y/N: "Oh, real helpful, Nikki. *to Caitlin* Hey, don't be upset, I'm sure you'll find someplace to find a job."

Caitlin: "But, where?"

Y/N: "That... I'm not sure. But, you do have my moral support."

Jonesy: "We'd better try again before the only job left is the taco stand."

Jen: "Now, I just have to find some loser to take my job."

Y/N: "Jen, why not offer this young lady a job?" *gestures to Caitlin*

Caitlin: "Me?"

Y/N: "Sure. It may not make a lot, but there is money to be made. But still... why are you looking for a job anyways? Weren't you happily shopping around the place just recently?"

Caitlin: "I was, but... my dad freaked when he got his credit card bill and now he's making me get a job. So I tried, like everywhere, but no one in the mall would take me."

Y/N: "Well, if Jen will allow it, you can work at the Big Squeeze." *turns to Jen* "What do you say to that, Jen?"

Jen: "Well..."

Y/N: "This is your last day, isn't it? And you already have a new job over at the Penalty Box. What have you got to lose?"

Jen: "Alright, just... let me go over the other resumes I've collected."

So, Jen does and from the looks of their profiles... none of them would be a good fit for the Big Squeeze at all.

Jen: "Alright. Y/N, I'll hire her."

Caitlin: *squeals happily* "That's so awesome!"

Y/N: "That was adorable the way you squealed."

Caitlin: *giggles happily* "Thanks."

Then as she looks at you closer, something finally clicked.

Caitlin: *thinks* "Wow... he's actually kinda cute."

Jen: *clears throat* "Since you're now hired, here's your uniform. You can change in here." *hands her lemon hat*

Caitlin: "Uh, no. I'm not wearing that."

Jen: "If you wanna work here, you are."

Y/N: "There are certain rules and dress codes you have to abide by."

Caitlin: "But I'll look like the biggest loser in the mall.  No offense."

Y/N: "Miss, I know you don't wanna do this, but there are sacrifices we have to make in order to get by. Think of it this way, your parents make every day sacrifices when they work just to keep a roof over your heads and food inside your belly. You're 18 years old, right?" *she nods* "Well, it's time to come out of your comfort zone, because you're an adult now and all adults have to work to earn a living."

Jen: *thinks* "Wow... when did Y/N get so wise?"

Caitlin: "Well... okay *puts on lemon hat*

Jen: "Perfect fit. Now, we can start training."

Caitlin: "Oh, I wish I could, but I am so busy. I need to meet with my friend in an hour for manicures."

Y/N: "Uh... didn't you say you were broke?"

Caitlin: *remembers, defeated* "Fine. Where do I start?"

Jen: "Good. Let's get a head start on the clean-up so we can leave early."

Y/N: "I'll go ahead and see you girls later." *about to leave*

Caitlin: *grabs your arm* "Wait! I didn't get your name!"

Y/N: "Oh, right. Sorry. Name's Y/N. Y/N L/N."

Caitlin: "Y/N, huh? That's a nice name. I'm Caitlin. Caitlin Cooke."

Y/N: "Caitlin, huh? That's cute. Well, I'll see you later." 

You rush off to your job, but not before hearing her squeal in the distance, making you chuckle. 

Y/N: "Why is it that when girls squeal they sound so cute? I swear... they make me wanna hold them and cuddle them."


So at the moment, you're happily doing your job at Gamestop, which is packed with customers.

Customer: "Excuse me, do you guys have anymore copies of Resident Evil: Village for Xbox One?"

Y/N: "We should. I'll go ahead and check."

You check the drawers behind you and find at least 4 copies. 3 of them brand new and 1 used.

Y/N: "Ah, you're in luck. We've got 4 copies. Would you like it in New or Used?"

Customer: "Definitely new."

Y/N: "Alright then. And do you have a Pro Membership?"

Customer: "Yeah, I do."

Y/N: "Alright, you got a number for that?"

The customer told you his number and you brought it up on the screen, showing everything was in order.

Y/N: "Alright and would you like a warranty on the game in case it gets damaged or scratched?"

Customer: "Uh... sure, what are my options?"

You explained the warranties and the prices that'll be added with the game. In the end, he chose the 2 year warranty and paid that along with the price for the game. You put the game in a bag and gave it to the customer, watching him leave with a satisfied smile.

Y/N: "Thank you and have a wonderful day, sir."

The rest of the day goes by and soon...

Boss: "Alright, kid. Good job. Time to head out. Not bad for your first day."

Y/N: "Thanks. I'll see you next time."

Boss: "I'll see you here on Monday, kid."

So, after finishing your shift, you met up with the others by the Big Squeeze and rested up.

Y/N: "Ahh, what a day."

Jen: "So, how'd it go, guys?"

Jude: "Awesome! The dude made me the manager of Stick-It."

Jen: *happy* Get out! How did you do that?"

Jude: "I told him I ran two shops already and he just gave me the job. Jonesy's advice totally worked."

Jonesy: "What'd I say? Always trust the Jones Meister."

Jude: "Dude!"

Jonesy: "Jude." *does secret bro handshake*

Y/N: *deadpanned* "So, basically, you lied to his face."

Jonesy: "It's called improvization!"

Nikki: "But you've never even worked in a store before. You're gonna be responsible for all that food and all those stick?"

Jude: *bummed* "Whoa... I'm in trouble, bro."

Nikki: "Uh, that's "brah," when you're addressing a girl, remember?"

Y/N: *uttered* "And a beautiful one at that."

The others blinked and looked your way.

Y/N: *clears throat* "Sorry, talking to myself."

Nikki: *to Jonesy* "So, what about you, Romeo? Get a job yet?"

Jonesy: "Yeah, I got a great one at that 50s joint, the Soda Hop."

Jen: "So why the long face?"

Jonesy: "I got fired 10 minutes later."

Y/N: "Hah! You got fired in 10 measily minutes?! *laughs* "Wow, and I thought I had seen it all."

Nikki: "Looks like I win the bet."

Y/N: "I'm not complaining." *takes out $10 from wallet* "It was worth every penny." *hands it to Nikki*

Nikki: "You got that right."

Jonesy: "What? How was I supposed to know the hostess was the boss' daughter?"

Y/N: "Jonesy, you really need a reality check. You're here to find work, not find a way to get into other girls' pants."

Caitlin: "On the bright side, that's probably some kind of record."

Jonesy: "Hey, yeah. You're right. I like her."

Y/N: "Yeah, a record for the worst employee of the day!"

The others laughed again at your retorts, except for Jonesy.

Wyatt: "At least you're not in charge of the Country music section at Spin This Music."

Jude: "But you hate Country music, dude. It's, like, your mortal enemy."

Wyatt: "They always stick the new guy in Country. Some sort of rite of passage like hazing fraternity pledges."

Y/N: "You might not like it, but I'm a sucker for country songs sung by Randy Travis."

Jonesy: "Wow, dude. Do you even hear yourself right now? Thay guy is old school. Old news!"

Y/N: "What? I happen to like Randy Travis. He was a big part of my childhood growing up."

Jonesy: "And you feel no shame in saying it out in the open?"

Nikki: "Jonesy, just leave him alone. Not everyone in the world shares the same music tastes."

Y/N: "Thank you, Nikki."

Nikki: "Getting back to the subject of Wyatt's predicament, I'm sre it won't be long before something comes up in the normal music section."

Wyatt: "Thanks. I needed that. Did you get a job?"

Nikki: "Yes, I don't wanna talk about it."

Caitlin: "Your first job! Aren't you excited?"

Nikki: *uncaring* "I'm bursting with fruit flavor."

Jen: *happy* "This is great! We can all hang out together now."

Caitlin: *calling out* "Trisha! Over here! Trish! Hello, it's me!"

The others look to where Caitlin's calling and spot a girl with brown hair tied in a ponytail, wearing a blue tank top with red horizontal stripes and blue skinny jeans. This girl is known as Trisha, Caitlin's supposed best friend. But when she sees her in a lemon hat, she can't stop herself from cringing.

Trisha: "Oh, no way. Isn't it a little early to be shopping for Halloween costumes?"

Caitlin: "No, silly. I got a job."

Trisha: "Ew! Why?"

Caitlin: "I'm gonna prove to daddy that I can earn my own money, I already know how to make juice." *spills cup of lemonade*

Trisha: *screams in horror*

Caitlin: "Oops."

Y/N: "Hey, accidents happen, right?"

Trisha: "Who asked--" *looks over at you, stops*

Trisha: *thinks* "Hello, sexy." *recomposes herself, turns to Caitlin* "Umm, I don't think we should hang out anymore, Cait."

Caitlin: "What are you talking about?"

Trisha: "It's nothing personal, it's just that... you're wearing a lemon hat, Cait and polyester. Sorry." *takes her leave, stops by you* "You, on the other hand..." *takes out pen and paper, writes down number, hands it to you* "Gimme a call anytime, handsome."

And off she goes.

Y/N: "Wow, just... *shakes head, disappointed* Wow."

Caitlin: "I don't get it. She was my best friend for, like, a whole year. How could she do that to me?"

Y/N: "That's the problem, Caitlin. When you think you've found a friend, but later find out they only like you because of your money, they'll turn their back on your the moment you go broke. She's what I would call... a shallow gold digger."

Wyatt: "Some friend, what kind of person judges someone by their clothes anyway?"

Caitlin: *blushes, raising hand* "Okay, but I never did it to a friend. *sigh* We had so much in common, like shopping and chocolate."

Jude: "There are bigger friends to fry, my friend. Let her go."

Y/N: "Exactly, Jude. Besides, now you have 6 new friends you can talk to and share your good and bad days with."

Caitlin: "Thanks, Y/N."

Jude: "I'm starving! Anyone want tacos?"

Y/N: "I could go for a taco. Where's the taco stand?"

Jonesy: "Over there. Just watch out for the taco girl."

Y/N: "Oh, relax, Jonesy. How bad can she be?"

You head over to the taco stand alone and... quite frankly, despite her retainer and braces, she looks like an okay girl.

Y/N: "Hi there. Can I get a triple order of 3 taco combos, please?"

Taco girl: "Sure thing, sir. Would you like any hot sauce with that?"

Y/N: "Sure. Thank you."

Taco girl: "I don't think I've seen you before. You new here?"

Y/N: "I actually just recently came back from a 8 year long trip from the United States after my mom got a job here in Canada. It's been years since I came to this mall."

Taco girl: "In that case, nice to meet you. My name's Julie."

Y/N: "Julie, huh? Great name. I'm Y/N." *shakes her hand*

Julie: "Thanks. It's not every day I meet nice customers."

Y/N: "Really? How come?"

Julie: "When you look like me and you work for a job like this, you tend to get bullied a lot, even by the boys."

Y/N: "Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. But you know, there's nothing wrong with working if it means you get to have a little spending money or to help your family get by."

Julie: "Thanks. Anyways, here's your order." *hands you big tray of food* "And since you were so nice, I'll only charge you half price."

Y/N: "Wow, that's nice of you. Thanks." *pays her* "Good luck with the business and take care." *walks off*

Julie: *waves at you* "Come again."

You come back to the table with the taco trays and hand Jonesy and Jude their 3 tacos and munch on your own. 

But just then, Jen and Caitlin get into an argument and the poor girl winds up grinding her phone in the blender and splashes Jen.

Jen: *snaps* "That's it! I'm so done with you! You have got to be the most irresponsible, clumsy, spoiled girl I've ever met! This grapefruit has more sense of responsibility than you! At least it knows it's supposed to get SQUISHED today! I knew I should've hired that weird goth chick!"

Coach: *arrives* "Masterson!"

Jen: *nervous* "Coach? What are you doing here?"

Coach: "Quiet on the field. I heard your little temper tantrum. Very disappointing, I thought you were Penalty Box material, but maybe I was wrong about you!"

Y/N: *thinks, mad* "Why you..."

Caitlin: "No, you weren't. Jen is the most patient person I have ever met. I've been screwing up royally all day and she's been nothing but nice to me, even when spilled grape juice on her shoes, which were actually kind of cute. Jen's right, I am irresponsible, but she's helping me become more like her. You'd be lucky to have her."

Y/N: "And besides, everyone has their breaking points in life. We're not all perfect, coach."

Coach: "Hmm, alright. You've got yourself another chance. But you'd better fly straight. Got it?"

Jen: "Sir, yes sir!" *to Caitlin* "Where did that come from?"

Caitlin: "I don't know. I just didn't want you to lose your job over me."

Nikki: "That was pretty decent of you."

Y/N: "Caitlin, that was a very grown-up thing to do."

Jude: "You are gonna keep her at the Squeeze, aren't you?"

Jen: "Duh."

Caitlin: "You're still giving me the job? I thought I was so fired."

Jen: "Yeah, well, I don't think the hat would fit over that goth chick's hair and you're not so bad."

Jonesy: "Welcome to the hood. *approaches* So, what are you up to, tonight?"

Y/N: *laughs* "Like you can impress her with your track record, Mr. I Got Fired In 10 minutes!"

Jen: "No, off, Jonesy! Bad boy!"

Jonesy: *chuckles* "Alright, alright."

Y/N: "Wow, you sure got him trained, Jen. Like a dog!" *barks mockingly*

Nikki: "Oh, she's got him trained, alright."

Caitlin: "Oh, the hat is so bad. *puts on lemon hat* At least it'll only be for a while until I pay back my dad."

Jen: "How much did you blow on his card exactly?"

Caitlin: "Umm... whatever two Vespas cost and... half a new Spring wardrobe and two pairs of shoes, oh and a bag."

Y/N: "That would round up to thousands of dollars! Just what the hell are those clothes from anyway, Gucci? Versace?"

Nikki: *laughs* "Get used to the hat, juice girl. You're gonna be here for a while."

Yup, life of a part-timer is no cake walk. And you having finished your 1st day of training and handling your 1st customer, you had plenty of time to hang around. But for Nikki...

Nikki: "I gotta go, they want me to start training today. By the way, I can't believe you actually eat at Wonder Taco."

Y/N: "What's so bad about it?"

Nikki: "You know that girl hoarks in the food."

Y/N: "My eyes were on her the whole time, I saw no spit being spat on in any of the tacos at all."

Nikki: "Maybe because you were nice to her?"

Jonesy: "Nice? Nikki, she spits in everyone's food."

Nikki: "No, only to the people she doesn't like."

Jonesy: "So why didn't she spit in mine?"

Y/N: "I never told her who the food was for, I just bought it and she sold it to me for half price. So, where are you working, Nikki?"

Nikki: *groans* "Can't bear to say it out loud yet. Ugh! It's too horrible!" *heads off to work*

Wyatt: "Oh, I have to see this."

Jen: "Totally."

Y/N: "Might as well."

You followed the others to see where Nikki's working.

Jen: "Come on." *guides Caitlin*

Caitlin: "Where are we going?"

Jen: "You'll see."

Minutes later, you all arrive at where Nikki's at and Jonesy stops you all from going any further. From where you stand... you can tell she's not happy... especially since her work place... is the last place you'd ever see her applying for a job at.

Manager: *to Nikki* "Welcome to the Khaki Barn team!"

Two other girls: "Welcome to the Khaki Barn team."

Jonesy: *stifles laugh* "No way."

Jen: *smiles* "I don't believe it."

All 3: "Welcome to the Khaki Barn team!" *escorts Nikki inside*

Nikki: *dully* "This is going to be a loooong Summer."

Y/N: *tries stifling laugh* "Don't laugh at your friend's pain. Don't laugh at your friend's pain. Don't laugh at-- Damn it! 

And now you're laughing with the others. Well, one thing's for sure, life has finally begun after school and that's when you bend all the rules and hang with all your friends.

After all, it's with you back home, it's fun to be back together... in a place where you all belong.

[A/N: Here it is, the 1st chapter of yet another long series a few fans were asking me to make because, let's face it, there's not a lot of 6teen stories on wattpad. Also, there will be more girls added to the harem later on in the story. It'll just take a while. But for now, the stage is set, so now... STAY TUNED!]

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