The Big Sickie

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We start off the day with Jude hanging out by the usual spot over by the Big Squeeze where Caitlin is working at.

Jude: "I understand now. It's like looking into the heart of the universe and finding, like, only your own soul. And it's yellow!"

Y/N: "Uh... whatever floats your boat, man."

Suddenly, a little brat with a ball gun comes and shoots a few tennis balls at Caitlin.

Caitlin: *blocks late* "Ouch!"

Kid: "Gotcha, lemonhead!"

Y/N: *glares at kid* "Real mature, kid. Real mature. How about next time, you set up a stupid target in your backyard instead of using my friends for target practice?"

You then collected the balls he shot.

Y/N: "Now, where's the mother at?"

???: *clears throat*

You look and see an older woman... a smoking hottie, too. But your mind's on other things.

Y/N: "Are you this kid's mother?"

Mummy: "I am."

Y/N: "Good. Could you do me a favor and make sure this... little tyke here doesn't bother my friend while she's working?"

Mummy: "Since you asked nicely, of course." *glares at son, takes him by the wrist* "Let's go. You're in big trouble, young man."

Kid: "Ah! Come on, mom! *glares at you* I'll get you for this."

Y/N: *shooing uncaringly* "Yeah, yeah, yeah and I'm Seto Kaiba.

Caitlin: "Thanks Y/N. But still, I live in a lemon. There's no amount of foundation that can hide my shame."

Jude: "I hear ya, brah. I mean, working at Stick-It looks easy, but... whoa, wait a second. It is easy."

Y/N: "Really? Do you keep the place clean on a daily basis? Make sure all the food is up to date? Do you cook the food thoroughly?"

Jude: "Uh... I think so."

Y/N: "Jude, you have to--"

But then Wyatt comes and he is not looking good.

Wyatt: *twitchy* "One more day. Just one more day!"

Y/N: "Whoa, Wyatt, what's eating you up? I don't mean to pull a Husk, but you look like shit."

Wyatt: "There's a sale on Country records this week, all week! *sips coffee*

Caitlin: "That doesn't sound so bad."

Wyatt: "You don't understand. All they've been playing is Country music, I've had discussions about old Country vs new Country and I'm starting to form an opinion!"

Jude: *worried* "Dude, no!"

Wyatt: *wigging out* "Dude, yes!"

Jude looks down at his headphones and attempts to pick them up.

Wyatt: *slaps Jude's hand away* "Don't touch that! It's therapy."

Jude: "Chill, man." *puts on headphones* "I don't hear anything."

Wyatt: "White noise. It clears your mind of all music, the way sorbet cleanses the palate."

Jude: *leans back, smiling* "Duuuude."

Caitlin: "I think you should take that away from him. You don't want him to accidentally erase anymore brain cells."

Wyatt: "If I hear Bobby's Gotta Fry one more time, I'm gonna full-on lose it! *slams fist down* I mean it, no middle ground!" *sips coffee*

Caitlin: "How many coffees have you had today?"

Wyatt: "Three! Not counting this. I didn't get any sleep last night, I was afraid to have the dream again."

Y/N: "What dream?"

Wyatt: "The one about the cowboy who thinks I'm the one who ran away with his wife to the big city and he's coming to kick my-- *turns, sees cowboy across from him* AAAAAAH!"

And just like that, Wyatt takes off like a lunatic. Even yanked his walkman from Jude's head.

Jude: "What's the rush, man?" *looks to Caitlin* "You look familiar, what's your name again?"

Y/N: "Well, I better get to work. See you two later." *walks off* "That man wasn't gonna kick his ass, he's going nuts."

Moments later, you're at work, checking the inventory as there weren't any customers coming into the shop right now. But as you were going through each of the shelves.

Boss: "Hey, Y/N. You think you can pick up a cup o' coffee? Just black please, no sugar or cream."

Y/N: "Sure, I'll be right back."

You go to the counter and put the clipboard you had down and bolt off to the coffee shop that Wyatt called "Grind Me."

Once you get there, you wait in line for your turn. Slowly, but surely, it's now your turn. And you approach a lovely lady.

???: "Hello there, what can I get for you?"

Y/N: "Just a simple cup o' black coffee, please. It's for my boss."

???: "Sure thing. Your total comes to $1.50."

Y/N: "You got it." *pulls out wallet, pays the girl*

???: "Thanks, I'll have it ready soon. By the way, you new here?"

Y/N: "Yeah, just moved back here to Canada a little over a week ago, I even work here at the mall to boot."

???: "That's nice. What's your name?"

Y/N: "Y/N L/N. What's your name?"

???: "You can call me Charmaine, hun."

Y/N: "Wow, that's a beautiful name."

Charmaine: "Well, aren't you sweet."

She finishes up brewing your boss' coffee as you two were conversing and hands you the cup.

Charmaine: "Here you go."

Y/N: "Cool, thanks. You take care now.""

Charmaine: "You too, hun."

You then head on back to your job, when all of a sudden, your phone rings and you pick it up.

Y/N: "Yo, what's up?"

Nikki: *on the other line* "Hey, Y/N. Hang on." *sets you up in group chat, you hear everyone else talking*

Y/N: "Hey guys, what's up?"

Jen: *on call* "The others are trying to convince us to call in sick just so we can sneak into the mall amusement park."

Y/N: *blinks* "Say what? Guys, I can't do that!"

Jonesy: *on call* "Oh, come on, man. Not you, too."

Jude: *on call* "Dude, it won't be the same without you or Jen."

Caitlin: *on call* "Just tell your boss something urgent came up."

Y/N: "Nice try guys, but a job is a responsibility. I'm siding with Jen on this whole matter."

Jen: *on call* "Thank you, Y/N. At least someone other than me has some common sense."

Nikki: *on call* "Come on, just tell him you caught something."

Y/N: "No can do. Now, I've gotta go. You guys have fun." *hangs up* "What do those guys take me for, anyways?"

So, after that failed attempt to make you skip work, you made it back to your job and what you hear... will shock you. But first...

Y/N: "Hey boss, I got you your coffee. Black, just the way you like it." *hands it to boss*

Boss: "Good job, Y/N. *sips his coffee* By the way, you got a phone call from home, something about a family emergency with your Aunt Dorothy suffering a stroke?"

Y/N: *blinks* "Uh... say that again?"

Boss: "Your Aunt Dorothy's in the hospital. Here." *hands you phone*

Y/N: *takes phone* "Hello, Gamestop. Y/N speaking."

Nikki: *on call* "Come on, dude. What have you got to lose?"

Y/N: "You don't get it, do you? If I get fired because of this, there's gonna be a lot of explaining to do when I get home."

Nikki: *on call* "Then, I'll take the blame if your boss gives you a hard time, now come on! You need this sick day way more than you realize it, you can't deny that."

Y/N: "And here's a bit of news for you. I take my job very seriously, from arriving on time, doing a thorough job keeping things organized and making sure our customers are satisfied. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some inventory to go over." *hangs up*

Boss: "Something wrong?"

Y/N: "Not at all, sir. And just for the record, I did have an Aunt Dorothy once, but she passed away years ago. But if it helps... she was at peace."

Boss: "Oh, okay... Well, I guess that's a relief to hear."

Y/N: "I'll go ahead and get back to work now, boss."

He nods and you grab your clipboard and get back to checking the inventory, checking off the items that are present.

[A/N: I dunno what they do at Gamestop other than sell games, I just sort of make this stuff up as I go.]

As the minutes roll by, work continues on without a fuss... until Caitlin shows up, looking all teary-eyed... for obvious reasons.

Y/N: "Cait?"

Caitlin: *acting sad, dramatic* "Y/N, it's the worst thing!"

Y/N: "If it's about my aunt Dorothy, I already explained to my boss that she died years ago. So that's not gonna work."

Caitlin: *keeping up her act* "I know, the doctors got her name wrong, it was your.... aunt Diana who's sick! She needs you right away?"

Y/N: *thinking* "I'd tell her she's dead, too, but that's clearly a lie since I hung out with her from time to time." *aloud* "Caitlin, I told you, I've got work I need to do. Work comes with responsibility and plus, how can she be sick, she was fine when I visited her 5 days ago."

Boss: "Y/N, this is clearly a family emergency, so why don't you just take the rest of the day off, go see your aunt."

Y/N: "Uh, but boss, didn't you--"

Boss: "Listen, family's important, so go on. Get! Go make sure your aunt is okay, that's an order!"

Caitlin then pulls you out of the store by the arm.

Y/N: *thinks* "This cannot be happening!"

Moments later, you met up with Wyatt, Jude and... Jen, who's actually strapped to a stretcher. You glared at the two guys, slightly infuriated of the lengths they went to.

Y/N: "Have you guys lost your mind?! Why is Jen tied up and why would you lie about my family like that?!" 

Caitlin: "We did it for you and Jen."

Wyatt: "Trust us, it's for your own good."

Y/N: "My own good?! I barely started working today! Do you have any idea how much trouble I could get into if my boss found out I got pulled from my job just to go to some amusement park... and in the very same mall I happen to work at?!"

Jude: "Dude, relax, man. It's all good. We've got it all under control, my good man."

Y/N: *groans* "Why did this happen to us?"

Jen: "Don't ask me, they planned all this. If we get caught--"

Jude: "We won't get caught. We pulled it off, man, you're free as a bird"

Jen: "I guess you're right. Although I AM strapped to a table."

Y/N: "Yeah, I'd hardly call that "free as a bird."

Nikki: "Yeah, well, freedom is relative."

So, now that you've been pulled from your duties, against your own will, apparently, you might as well take this day off with a grain of salt and hope for the best. You followed the gang to the Galleria Mall Amusement Park, but made your way to the side entrance. There, you spot Jonesy in a stupid top hat and holding a cane like some cheap carni host from the old days and he looks absolutely ridiculous.

Jonesy: "Welcome to my world, friends. *opens door* Enjoy."

The majority of the group head inside first while you and Jen walk behind them from a further distance, sighing together.

Jonesy: "Come on, you're gonna thank us for this."

So throughout your stay at the indoor park, you simply rolled with it, hitting a bunch of fake moles to deal with your anger. Your reflexes were sharp so, you scored pretty high. Needless to say, it did help you feel a little bit better and even Jen, who was watching, was beginning to have a little bit of fun herself.

Next up, you shot some darts at a balloon wall and popped at least three of them, earning cheers from your friends. The lady behind the stand gave you a teddy bear as a prize, which you decided to give to Jen, making her smile and blush.

Next up, 6 of you, minus Caitlin, rode on the Vomit Comet roller coaster and you all shouted with glee from how fun it was, going at high speeds, from downfill falls and loop-de-loops. This little sick day had won you and Jen over hands down.

After all that, the gang decided to get some cotton candy, but you got yourself a salted pretzel bagel with a cheese dipping sauce.

Jen: "Mmm, I love cotton candy!"

Y/N: "That makes 5 of us." *bites into pretzel bagel*

Wyatt: "Jude, a corndog?"

Jude: "What can I say? I'm obsessed with my work."

Jen: "You know, you guys, I didn't want to take this day off, but I'm so glad you made me do it."

Caitlin: "Aww"

Little did anyone know, Jen's boss, Coach Halder, showed up behind her and you and he was NOT looking too happy.

Y/N: "I admit, I didn't wanna come here either, but it was fun. Still, I would've been a lot more open to the idea of taking the day off if you guys had just waited at least a month longer. Then, I'd probably consider calling in sick, but then again... Jonesy'd probably be fired way long after this awesome sick day."

Jen: "When you're right, you're right."

You turn to Jen with a wink, only then do you see the coach behind her and all the color in your face faded to white.

Jen: "Still, maybe you do need to be a little irresponsible every once in a while, take Coach Halder, for example."

Y/N: *worried* "Uh... Jen?"

Jen: "Now THAT man needs to take a mental health day."

Y/N: *trying to warn her* "Jen, seriously..."

Jen: "I mean, it's just a stupid store."

Y/N: "JEN!!!"

Jen: "What?"

Y/N: "I'm all for a good venting and all, it's perfectly normal, but... *worried* ...I doubt the coach is liking what he's hearing when he's... literally behind your back!" 

But it's too late. Coach is pissed.


Jen: *turns to coach* "I can explain."

Halder: "You're lucky I don't CAN you on the spot! I thought you were management potential all the way to head coach! I guess I was wrong."

Y/N: "No, you weren't wrong about her, coach!"

Halder: "What's that, son?"

Y/N: "Jen's one of the most honest and hard-working girls I know. I've known her since childhood, even! Yes, she made a mistake, in fact, we all made mistakes. But we're all still young, we tend to screw up from time to time and Jen really didn't want to do this at first. She and I both understand that what we did was wrong, but at least show her a little leniency, this wasn't entirely her fault."

Jen was really moved by the way you stood up for her. Deep down, she was falling for you more and more. 

Halder: "Hmm... well, alright. But just so we're clear, as soon as you get back, it's a 30 minute penalty, is that clear, young lady?"

Jen: "Yes sir."

Halder: "Good." *to you* "Kid, you've got guts!"

You saluted the coach and he does so back at you before leaving to go to his job back at the Penalty Box.

Jen: "Y/N... that was really cool of you."

Wyatt: "Yeah, man. I got a whole new respect for you."

Jonesy: "Respect? He just flat out said I'd get fired long after I let you guys in this park today!"

Nikki: "He might not be wrong. But at least he didn't pin the blame on us out of spite. So, thanks for that, Y/N."

Caitlin: "And sorry we didn't say anything."

Y/N: "Well, the way I see it, as much as I dislike being dragged into things that could get me in trouble, you're all still my friends. And like it or not, I'm stuck with you and vice versa. And I wouldn't change that for anything in the world."

Jude: "Dude, that was so deep. Duuuude."

Y/N: "Juuuuude." *fist bumps Jude*

Jen: "Y/N..."

Y/N: "Yeah?"

She surprises you with a kiss on the cheek, making you yelp.

Jen: "Come on, guys. Let's ride the Vomit Comet again."

Well, this was certainly unexpected. Getting pulled from work, having fun at an amusement park and now... having being kissed by one of your childhood friends for standing up to her? Maybe things won't be so bad after all and they're only just beginning.


Much later, after having their fun at the park, you and the gang stopped by the food court right outside the Big Squeeze, with cups of lemonade in your hands.

Nikki: "That was good work, today."

Caitlin: "Thanks."

Nikki: "You've got potential, kid. Where did you pick up that mascara trick?"

Caitlin: "We professionals have our secrets. I used to wanna be a soap star."

Y/N: "When I was a kid, I used to wanna be a firefighter."

Jen: "What made you change your mind?"

Y/N: "I had my options open in case I wanted to pursue another career and now, my goal is to become a video game designer."

Jude: "Dude, that... sounds... awesome!"

Jonesy: "Sounds cool. Mind if I get added into at least one of your games if you ever do make it to the top?"

Y/N: "Maybe... hehehe."

Nikki: "I know that laugh. What do you got planned?"

You gestured her to come closer. She does and as you whisper his role in her ear... she starts bursting out laughing.

Nikki: "Now that, I gotta see!"

Jonesy: "What? What'd he say?"

Y/N: "Uh, uh, uh. That's a secret."

Jonesy: "Aww, come on! Tell me!"

Y/N: "Nope!"

You and Nikki laugh it off while Jonesy is left clueless on what you plan to make him as in your future career.

[A/N: Aaaand DONE! Sorry this took so long. I got so wrapped up in reading so many stories, I got carried away. But here's another chapter of my 6teen Harem fic. Jen has made her first move, the fire has been lit, and now... STAY TUNED!]

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