The Slow and the Even-Tempered

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We begin our chapter with Jen, sitting inside a bus outside the school's football field out in the parking lot. The school's team is about to take off for a big game.

Cheerleader 1: "Can we say "hey bus driver, could you speed up a little bit?"

Jen: *happily adjusting rear view mirror* "As soon as the bus gets rolling."

The others in the back are cheering like crazy.

Coach Hanson: "Don't forget to load up the equiptment bags, Jen."

Jen blinked in surprise, turning the mirror and her eyes in her coach's direction and... no surprise she is fawning over how good-looking he is right now.

Jen: *swooning, distracted* "The what? *snaps out of it* Oh, right! *blushes* Sure thing, Coach Handsome."

Real smooth, Jen. Simping over a coach.

Jen: "I mean Coach Hanson."

Jen steps off the bus to get and load up the equiptment as instructed by her coach. And before we forget, Coach Hanson has short, brown hair, neatly combed, wears a red T-shirt, green jean shorts and wears brown sandals and has a healthy, fit body.

Coach Hanson: "You've got your driver's license, right?"

Jen: "Uh, s-sure, Coach." *bends down to pick up bags* "A learner's permit is practically a license."

She hauls the equiptment up over her shoulder, but has trouble keeping it steady. But her problems only get worse as the bus begins to move backwards on its own. When Jen put the bags down to find where it was, it was only a matter of time before--

Jen: "That's weird. I thought I left the--"


Jen: "...van here."

And at that moment, she wakes up to find herself at the Penalty Box, finding out it was all just silly dream.

Jen: *gasps* "I am so going to fail my driving test again."


We join our little group of friends by the Big Squeeze where Wyatt is just arriving, wearing an old brown jacket. Everyone notices, including our beloved fashion-savy, Caitlin.

Caitlin: "Someone's outfit-challenged today."

Jude: "Seriously, dude. 1985 called, they want their jacket back."

Y/N: "Wyatt, it's Summer. why are you wearing a jacket anyways?"

Wyatt: "What's wrong with it?"

 Caitlin: "Wyatt, it's old. Retro is so yesterday."

Nikki: *sassy, grinning* "She says without a hint of irony."

Caitlin: "They have a sale at my favorite guy store this week, I could take you."

Y/N: "I'm all for retro gaming... and sometimes retro clothing, but still, why wear that thing when it's Summer?"

Wyatt: "I don't want a new one, this is my lucky jacket."

Y/N: "How is a jacket supposed to be lucky?"

Wyatt: "I was wearing this jacket when I won that songwriting contest last year and when I got on the grade 9 National Debate team."

Jonesy: "Yeah, I wouldn't advertise that one, buddy."

Y/N: "Yeah, I mean, I carry around this necklace like a good luck charm, but it doesn't always guarantee everything going my way."

You show off your necklace, which is a silver and blue cross.

Jonesy: "Where'd you get that?"

Y/N: "I got it as a gift from my grandparents. They told me it was to bring me good luck and even protect me."

Jonesy: *quirks eyebrow, grinning* "Really?"

Y/N: "Don't even think about it. Besides, they're not worth all that much, but it's still pretty valuable to me."

Wyatt: "And I'm telling you guys, this jacket is lucky."

Y/N: "Not all the time, Wyatt."

Jude: "Ah, Lady Luck. The most elusive Betty of 'em all."

Jonesy: *to Wyatt, leans in* "Okay, let me touch it, then. I need a new job."

Caitlin: "What happened to your job at the Nother Over A Dollar store?"

Jonesy: "Bad vibe, no chicks, just old ladies looking for a deal. *rubs Wyatt's jack arm* Come on, lucky jacket!"

Y/N: "Jonesy, if all you care about is money and chicks, then you're seriously hitting rock bottom. You probably couldn't even make it in the porn industry if you tried."

The others blinked in surprise.

Jonesy: "Oh yeah? And how do you know what porn is?"

Y/N: "I was 14 and I was trying to use one of my older cousin's computers to play this online game I liked. But his computer was in sleep mode and I wound up seeing... those websites... and when I told him about it, he closed the freaking tab before telling me he's "studying and training to please the honeys."

Jonesy: "Oooh, is that right? Maybe he and I could--"

Everyone (minus Jonesy): "OH HELL NO!"

Wyatt: "Anyways, Jonesy, don't rub my jacket so hard, you're gonna rub a hole in it!"

Nikki: *being sassy* "Yeah, don't ruin it."

Caitlin: "There's no such thing as luck. I wore my lucky bra to try an enroll into the best college and I totally flunked!"

Y/N: *blushes* "Uh... no comment."

Jen: "Maybe if you studied better and got better grades, you'd actually have been more... lucky. I heard Ron, the Rent-a-Cop is looking for an assistant security guard."

Y/N: "If he gets hired, $20 bucks says he's gonna get fired in the most embarrassing way."

Nikki: "Oh, you are so on."

Wyatt: "I'm game."

Jen: "Sure. This'll be fun to watch."

Jonesy: "Okay, I see how it is. *groan* But, oh man, Ron?"

Nikki: "Could you guys imagine Jonesy as Mall Security? The only thing arresting about him... is his breath."

Jonesy: "What? You think I couldn't do it?" *stands up, prideful* "There is no job in this mall that I can't do. The next time you see me, I'll be running this joint." *walks off*

Y/N: "Yeah, to the ground."

Cracking that one retort made your friends and you laugh.

So, some time later, Jen is back at the Penalty Box, standing by a mannequin while reading a book on how to drive.

Jen: "Right... left."

While she's reading, she messes with the mannequin's arm. Then gets funny and plays with it.

Jen: *imitating male voice* "Get off the road, you idiot!" *giggles*

Now, enter Coach Halder.

Halder: "MASTERSON! Why's that guy picking his nose?"

Jen looks and finds the mannequin IS picking its nose.

Jen: "Oh! Umm..."

Halder: "Forget that for a minute. I need you to go buy me lunch. Surprise me, nothing spicey, though." *walks off*

Jen: "Sure thing, Coach."

She leaves the store and heads off to the food court, burying her face in her driving license manual and arrives at the Stick It.

Jude: "Hey, Jen. Hungry?"

Jen: "I have to buy lunch for Coach Halder."

Jude: "How about 5 Alarm Barbeque Stick-Its?"

Jen: *too absorbed in her book* "Sure, whatever."

Jude: "So, do you know the ending? Who did it?"

Jen: "Jude, it's a driver's manual."

Jude: "So the chauffeur probably did it."

Jen: "I'm studying for my driver's license. But I don't know why I'm even bothering, no way I'm going to get it."

Y/N: "Not with that attitude, you're not."

Jude and Jen turn to see you walking their way with a bag of food, wearing your work clothes.

Y/N: "What's up?"

Jude: "Jen's bummed out 'cause she won't pass her driver's test and get her license."

Y/N: "You mean like this one?" *shows your license*

Jen: "Exactly. I'm never gonna pass my driver's test!"

Y/N: "With that kind of mentality, you won't pass at all. Try to be more optimistic, you haven't even gotten behind the wheel yet and you've already lost your spirit!"

Jen: "Easy for you to say! You didn't fail the first time like I did, so what difference does it make?"

Y/N: "I failed once, too. But I learned from my mistakes and made up for it by passing the 2nd time and so can you."

Jude: "Y/N's got a point, Jen. You'll be fine."

Jen: "No offense, but you don't know what it's like to crash a vehicle."

Jude: *horrified* "Oh, I know about crashing, dude. That gross feeling in the pit of your stomach, the screech of tires, the final sickening crunch of metal against wood!"

Jen: *freaked out* "YES! Yes, it's so awful!"

Y/N: "Jen, the only time I've ever crashed a car was in a game, but never in real life. But I don't do it on purpose."

Jude: "If you want, I can give you driving lessons."

Jen: "Why? What makes you such an expert?"

Jude then flashed out his license. Jen takes a closer look.

Jen: *surprised* "They let you drive?"

Jude: "I am the most impressive driver. I can make you equally as skilled."

Y/N: "Why do I feel like this is gonna end in distaster?"

Jen: "At this point,  I need all the help I can get."

Y/N: "Right. Well, when you're done with your "crash course," maybe I'll ask my mom if she can talk with your mom about teaching you how to drive, but for now, I gotta skedaddle."

Jen: "Where are you going?"

Y/N: *walks away* "Back to work. My boss missed breakfast this morning, so he sent me to get us a big lunch."

As you're making your way back to your job, you notice Jonesy walking out of the Security Room wearing a mall cop uniform. On top of that, a familiar hot-ass MILF and her troublesome son show up, asking him a question for locations to a store.

Y/N: "It's only the calm before the storm. But damn, what a smokin' hot babe she is." *shakes head, snaps out of it* "Get a hold of yourself, man, she's probably married. Although, they say the MILFs like going at it with a man when they're young and I am an adult. *blinks in surprise* Wow, shame on me for pulling a Jonesy. I'd better go."

You kept on going and eventually made it back to work and gave the boss his lunch he ordered.

Y/N: "There you go, man."

Boss: "Cool. I'm starving!"

Meanwhile, over at the arcade...

Jen: "I thought you were going help me learn to drive."

Jude: "You can't just put an astronaut in the space shuttle and tell them to fly, you have to train them first in a simulator."

Jen: "But, I'm not an astronaut."

Jude: "No, you're an Auto-naut."

The two then spot at this racing arcade game.

Jude: "Welcome to Hi-Speed Manslaughter. This will be your teacher... go on, slip into the seat."

Jen takes a seat.

Jude: "Remember, the car and the road are an extension of you, you have to feel it."

Jen: "Where's the horn?"

Jude: "There's no horn, there's no AC, it's a video game. Ready?"

Jen: "Ready."

Jude: *inserts coin* "Okay, let's go with my personal favorite... Death Toll Highway. Now, ease that bad boy out of first."

And Jen starts playing the game, steering her car, like she's riding it in a normal street. Jude kept watching, getting bored of her slow driving, then jolted awake to this line.

Computer: "Please speed up."

Jude: "I didn't know you could drive so slowly in this game!" *hides face in shame under beanie* "You really suck at this!"

Jen: "What do you want? That old man with the walker just cut me off!"

Jude: "Just try to relax, the game is not just about driving, it's also about killing things."

Back with you, you're eating a few potato wedges while checking the entrance for customers. Suddenly, Wyatt walks in and he's looking real upset about something.

Y/N: "Wyatt, what's up?"

Wyatt: "Hey man. Sorry to interrupt you. Have you seen my lucky jacket anywhere?"

Y/N: *shrugs* "Not really? But if I ever find it anywhere, I'll be sure to let you know right away. In the meantime, can I interest you in any of the games or merchandise we have to offer?"

Wyatt: "Not really. But thanks anyways." *walks off*

Y/N: "Have a good day."

Boss: "Poor guy."

Y/N: "I know, right? He calls it his lucky jacket. He thinks it brings him good luck wherever he goes, but he needs to learn that he doesn't always need that thing to be lucky."

Boss: "What about that necklace you wear?"

Y/N: "This is actually more of a... new family heirloom, rather than a good luck charm."

Boss: "Fair enough. Hey, is there any ketchup?"

Y/N: *checks bag, pulls out packets of ketchup* "Yup, how many do you want?"

He holds up 2 fingers and you hand him two of the ketchup packets before getting back to eating your meal.

Back with Jude and Jen, much time has passed and the driver trainee is obviously sucking at the video game still.

Jude: "Aw, dude, what'd you stop for?"

Jen: "There was a crosswalk."

Jude: *facepalms himself* "You're supposed to go THROUGH them!"

Computer: "Mission Failed. Mission Failed."

Jen: *smiles* "Hey, look. I tied my high score."

Jude: *frustrated* "Dude, that was pathetic!"

Jen: "Hey, I got 4 points!"

Jude: "The game's high score is 75,000! One-legged moms with strollers were passing you!"

Jen: "I was just trying to be safe."

Jude: "Safe? Would we have gone to Mars if all we tried to do was be safe? It's a proven fact that the reason drivers can't handle unsafe situations is because they don't practice driving in unsafe conditions at crazy speeds!"

Jen: "Good point."

Jude: "That's why they invented THIS GAME! To build a better, unsafe driver and make the streets safer for you and me! THIS... is your opportunity to get in touch with your inner driver! She's waiting to get out and to shift into overdrive! EMBRACE HER!"

Jen: *more determined* "Let's go!"

So, while Jen tries again and attempts to wreak havoc on the game, Wyatt is feeling his own world fall apart around him at work.

Serena: *approaches Wyatt* "You know Toby, who works over in the children and comedy section?"

Wyatt: "Yeah, sure."

Serena: "I just fired him. Can you cover his section till we get someone new?"

Wyatt: "You mean run two sections."

Serena: "Yeah, just take a short lunch."

Wyatt: "But I was gonna rehearse for my audition."

Serena: "Oh, I guess today's not your lucky day then, huh?"

And off she walks.

Wyatt: "Would've been if I'd had my lucky jacket."

Cowboy: "You can borrow mah lucky bull's tail."

Wyatt: "...No thnaks."

Meanwhile with Jonesy and Ron. Both mall cops were having a soda, keeping things in order at the mall.

Jonesy: "Got any new leads in the case of the missing shopping Buggy?"

Ron: "No, I want you to see what the word is on the street."

Wyatt: *walks up* "Jonesy, you got the job... with Ron."

Jonesy: "Looks like that's how it all went down, now if you don't mind, I'm busy keeping the peace."

Wyatt: "...Right."

Jonesy: "What's got you creased?"

Wyatt: *sighs* "My lucky jacket's gone."

Ron: "You think someone might've stolen it, son?"

Jonesy: "Trust me, no one would steal that jacket."

Wyatt: "I don't know."

Ron: *pulls out walkie-talkie* "Hound Dog, come in, Hound Dog."

Jonesy: *pulls out walkie-talkie* "Hound Dog here."

Ron: "We have a possible 718 in progress."

Jonesy: "I copy that, Smokey."

Tch, wow... Anywho, back to the arcade, Jen is now tearing up the virtual streets in the game.

Computer: "You missed me, sucka!"

Jen shoots the man in the video game with her laser gun.

Computer: *exclaims in pain*

Jude: *excited* "AWESOME! Okay, jump the fence and shoot the android robo cop!"

Computer: "Can I see your license and registration?"

Jen pumps them full of proton lasers, the robo cops exclaim in pain as she keeps going.

Jude: *laughs in excitement* "You rock, Jen! Now swirl around the nucular way and kill the skateboarding spider!"

Jen: *spins gun in hand* "DIE BUG!" *shoots bug in game*

Well, at least she's having fun.

But back at the food court with Caitlin, Nikki, Wyatt and you, poor Wyatt is still down in the dumps over his little lucky charm.

Wyatt: "It's no good, I'm gonna blow the audition tonight, I can feel it."

Caitlin: "No! You're gonna do great!"

Y/N: "Caitlin's right, Wyatt. You need to let go of that thing and start trusting in yourself."

Wyatt: "I have no time to rehearse now."

Nikki: "So then why are you sitting here?"

Wyatt: "Because I've been looking for my lucky jacket. I have to find it!"

Y/N: "For the umpteenth time, you don't need a smelly old jacket to bring you good luck! That jacket is taking over your life and it doesn't even have a god damn pulse!"

Caitlin: "Besides, it makes you look like, uh... a rolling stone."

Y/N: *in your mind, singing* "I see a red door and I want it painted black, no colors anymore I want them to turn black."

Caitlin: "And look, *shows catalog* the must-have jacket of the season is black pleather."

Wyatt: "Don't you see, things are starting to go bad and they're only gonna get worse!"

Y/N: "Alright, I've had enough!" *grabs Wyatt* "You need to get a grip on reality, man!"

Wyatt: "But, my lucky jacket--"


Wyatt: "OW!!! Why'd you--"

Y/N: *slaps continuously* "Hello, Wyatt... time to wake up and smell the coffee!" *stops* "Those beat-up old rags are just a thing, you don't need it anymore! Get it out of your head, because when the storm settles, you'll realize you can do so much better without it and finally rely on the biggest good luck charm of all... yourself, your perserverence, your determination, because you... are... a winner!"

Wyatt's eyes widened from that little speech before shaking out of it and smiles at you.

Wyatt: "Wow, I... never thought I'd say it, but... you're right. Y/N, if what you're saying is true, then maybe I will forget about it. Anyways, I gotta bounce, you guys."

Nikki: "Going back to work?"

Wyatt: "Yeah, I have to order some more peanut butter and Jimmy CDs for the kids section. See ya later, guys." *walks off*

As he was leaving, Jonesy was walking past him and heading your way... and then proceeded to head off somewhere.

Caitlin: "Y/N, that was really nice of you to say all that. But, did you have to slap him so many times across the face?"

Y/N: "Nikki would've done the same for me if I was, forgive my language, losing my shit."

Nikki: *shrugs* "He's got a point. But I'd slap way harder than that to get my point across."

Y/N: "Why didn't you?"

Nikki: "I didn't wanna hurt him too much."

Y/N: "Fair point. Anyways, I'mma head out to stretch my legs a little before heading back to work, see ya." *walks off*

Caitlin: "Take care."

Nikki: "Game on!"

You flash a thumbs up to the ladies and head off to explore some more... until you hear a commotion in the arcade. You rush over to find out what all the fuss is about and come to find out, Jen is playing a racing game... ironic for someone who's studying to drive. And to top it all off, she's got a crowd of kids watching her.

Jude: "Yo, back up, dudes! She's about to hit 75,000! Give the lady some room!"

Jen was in the zone. She kept on racing, until...

Jude: *excited* "75,200!!!"

Computer: "Complete annihialation of the Death Toll Highway achieved!"

The kids cheered and Jude praised her.

Jude: "You did it! Awesome!"

Jen stepped out of the game and high-fived Jude.

Jude: "You've got the gift, my friend."

Y/N: "Most certainly... she's become like the darker more sexier version of Speed Racer. If there's one thing I find most attractive in a girl, it's her skills with the game console."

Jen: *blushes, thinks* "He likes girls who can play video games? Score!" *aloud* "Gee, umm... thanks, Y/N."

Jonesy: *appears, blows whistles, in megaphone* "Break it up in here, this is a fire hazard. That's right, everybody out."

Y/N: *sarcastic* "Oh great, if it isn't Ron the Rent-a-cop Jr. What a delightful surprise this is."

Jen: *giggles* "Good one."

Jonesy: "Hi, Jude. Hi, Jen. Hi, Y/N." *sits down, starts playing Hi-Speed Manslaughter*

Jen: "Tell me you aren't working with the enemy."

Jonesy: "Can't talk now, I'm on duty."

Jude: "Dude, do the rent-a-cops have keys for stuff in the mall?"

Jonesy: *distracted* "Uh-huh."

Jude: "Even, like, say, for the keys to the display car in the atrium?"

Jonesy: *distracted* "Uh-huh."

Jude: "Could I see them for a sec?"

Y/N: "Jude, what are you thinking? There's no way he--"

Jonesy: "Sure." *tosses keys to Jude*

Y/N: "...Oh, he's so fired."

Jude: *to Jen* "You're ready. It's time for an in-car lesson." *hands her the keys*

Y/N: *alarmed* "Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop right there! Jude, just what the hell do you think you're doing?"

Jude: "Isn't it obvious? We're taking Jen for a little spin. There's a display car with her name written all over it."

Y/N: "Jude! That's illegal! That car is meant for display only, plus she doesn't have any actual driving experience!"

Jude: "Whoa, chill bro. You're harshing my mallow."

Y/N: "I'm just stating the facts."

Jen: "Y/N, I beat Hi-Speed Manslaughter with the newest high score, so I should be ready."

Y/N: "Jen, you only won because it's a game! This is real life and in real life, there's no reset button when you crash a car. Watch..."

You then guide the two over to Cruis' N World, another racing arcade game and put a coin inside the machine. You select your vehicle, much to Jen and Jude's surprise.

Jude: "Dude, that is sick!"

Jen: "Why choose that?"

Y/N: "It's my favorite car."

As soon as the race starts, you took off and little by little, you were leaving the other cars behind in the dust.

Jen: "I don't get it, what are you teaching us?"

Y/N: "Jen, you have to understand something. Getting behind the wheel of an arcade game is easy enough. There's no life-threatening dangers involved in them either. And when you crash, you reset yourself and get back on the road to try again. But you... you're not ready yet, you only managed to beat Hi-Speed Manslaughter because that was just a video game on a screen, not an actual car."

And sure enough, you finish 2nd place in the game.

Y/N: "I mean, any other day, I would be mopping the floor with Cruis'N World, but that's because it's just a game. When you crash in real life, you hurt yourself and other people. It also costs money to fix the damages, if they're repairable, but we're not all made of money."

Jen: "I... never thought of it that way."

Y/N: "I know I sound like I'm spouting off, but I'm just telling you what my mom told me and she's seen how tough reality is. She and my grandparents have had their fair share of experiences with the harshness of reality, so I know a little myself."

Jude: "We understand your concerns bro, but I can assure you, as a fellow licensed driver myself, she's in good hands. Besides, no one's gonna notice if we take the car for a spin."

Y/N: "I'm telling you, Jude... it's a bad idea."

Jen: "Y/N... if it doesn't work out... could you... maybe... teach me how to drive one day? I'm kinda scared to ask my mom."

Y/N: "...*sigh*... Tell you what. I'll talk with my mom and have her talk to your mom and see if they can team up to help you learn. I'll even be by your side and help you out."

Jen: "Really?"

Y/N: "Sure."

Jen: *hugs you* "Oh, thanks, Y/N. I swear, you will not regret this, I'll work extra hard."

Y/N: "Good. Now... the keys if you please."

Jude: "Aww man. But she was ready."

Y/N: "She's still a trainee, Jude. But look at it this way... she's got skills with a game controller."

Jude: *smiles* "Heheh... I guess you got a point there."

Y/N: "Of course I do." *gets the keys*

Jen: "What are you gonna do with the keys?"

Y/N: "You'll see." *winks*

[short timeskip]

You are currently sitting on the bench by the fountain, whistling a tune and twirling the keys around your finger... then suddenly.

Ron: *to you* "Son, where'd you get those?"

Y/N: *to Ron* "These keys? Jonesy carelessly gave these to someone rando while he was playing a video game. I grabbed the keys and waited here for you to come and get them."

Ron: "Hmmmm... alright, hand 'em over."

Y/N: "Yes sir." *gives him the keys*

Jonesy: *walks in* "Yo, Y/N. Have you seen my..."

Ron: "That's it. You're fired."

Jonesy: "What? What for?"

Y/N: "You gave your keys away. Don't you know Mall Security is always supposed to have those on hand, no exceptions?"

Jonesy: "Uh...."

Ron: "I'll have your security belt back." *Jonesy gives up belt* "I'll have your hat back." *and the hat* "I'll have your uniform back."

Y/N: *thinks* "Oh god... this'll be SO embarrassing!"

Jonesy: "Hey!"

Ron: "Now, soldier! Now!"

The others were watching and could barely keep their eyes on this display, barely holding in their laughs.

[Some time later]

We join our gang chilling out at a coffe lounge over at Grind Me, Wyatt has just sung a short song about Lady Luck and the crowd went wild for his amazing singing.

Caitlin: "You sounded great Wyatt."

Wyatt: "Thanks."

Y/N: "I told you you didn't need that jacket. You were plenty good at singing without it."

Wyatt: "Yeah, you were right, Y/N. Thanks for setting me straight, you're a real pal."

Caitlin: "Back to reading your driver's manual?"

Jen: "Yeah. I almost made a big mistake in driving the display car, had it not been for Y/N. Luckily, he and our moms are gonna be there to help me learn how to drive."

Jonesy is still sulking, eating chips in the corner.

Nikki: "Hey, cheer up, Jonesy."

Jonesy: "I can't believe Ron made me take off my uniform right in the middle of the mall."

Y/N: "Speaking of which, it looks like I win the bet. That was the easiet, funniest $80 I had ever made so far!"

Nikki: "It was worth it."

Wyatt: "Definitely."

Jen: "I'm not complaining."

Jonesy: *sarcastic* "Gee, thanks a lot, Y/N."

Y/N: *chipper* "Oh hey, no problem!"

Jonesy: "But I bet the chicks were into me in that uniform."

Nikki: "Puh-lease, if anyone would look good in a police uniform, it's loose lips over here." *points to you*

Y/N: "Excuse me?"

Jen: "He would made for a hot mall cop."

Caitlin: "Oh, I can agree on that."

Y/N: "Oh HELL no! As flattering as it was, there is NO WAY I am ever gonna work for Ron!"

Jude: "Look out dudes, coming through!" *zooms inside riding a motor scooter*

Y/N: "Jude, where'd you get that?"

Jude: "I won it in a draw for 2nd place."

Caitlin: "You're so lucky, I love those."

Y/N: *sees Ron coming* "Uh-oh, incoming killjoy."

Ron: "No speeding in the mall, son. I'll take that."

Y/N: *thinks* "Dickhead."

Aaand there goes Ron, taking Jude's scooter away.

Jude: "Aw, man!"

Y/N: "Hang on, Jude... I'll find a way to snatch it back." *grin*

Much later as the mall was about to close, Y/N DID manage to secure Jude's power scooter (don't ask how) and brought it back to his friend where he rode that sucker back home.

[A/N: Here's the latest 6Teen chapter. Now before I continue, I've watched the entire show on youtube, but the majority of the episodes are labeled with the wrong episode number, like this one... it was supposed to be episode 3, yet it's labeled as episode 12, what kind of sense does that even make? But anyways, here's the chapter, I'll have more out soon, so... STAY TUNED!]

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