XVII. Moment (new)

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♡Roshni's POV♡

It's his birthday tomorrow.

I am so excited for his first birthday with me.

I have planned a family lunch to be conducted at a restaurant where even my family will join. For the evening, all friends except Pratham and siblings are going to a club.

The idea of club belongs to Sourav.

I told you, that man is dangerous and I know these boys will be drinking like never before. But it's his birthday, so I didn't object nor I wanted to interfere between brothers.

While the reason to exclude Pratham is not the issue, we had two months back. But his siblings, who are not aware of the reunion.

Though in these past two months we have hanged out together and kept the truth hidden from him. He is a good person and I feel pity for him for losing his sister. But flirting and sleeping around with women is not acceptable.

On my request, Jay and Gaurav tried explaining him. But he denied and eventually we stopped because we didn't want to ruin an innocent girl's life by forcing him.

Coming back to my planning, I got him two gifts, one as a friend from utilizing my hard earned money of my cooking classes. And other as a wife from collecting everyone's emotions

Fortunately my classes is giving me good income to finance my personal financial needs. I even got a reasonable amount of fixed deposit in the bank to save for future or emergency. But the channel hasn't earned me anything yet and I am hoping to achieve something soon as my subscribers have crossed 7K. While work at Papa's office has been reduced to just 15% because Ruchi is well trained now.

However, the reduced work is giving me more time for my classes and channel, so I am happy.

Even he is happy and proud of my achievement. He keeps motivating me for working harder and I cannot be anymore thankful to him for his constant support. There is not a single day when he doesn't make me smile or takes my worries away.

AND there is not a single day when I don't do something for him in return. I may not be as optimistic and cheerful as him, but my gestures and efforts are enough for him to know that I am grateful and care for him.

In these four months of living together, we have known each other completely. He got to know about my most secretive hobby, which is singing.

Once he came early from office and used keys to enter our home, assuming that I haven't returned from Papa's office or busy in the editing work. He caught me singing in the kitchen, while I was preparing our dinner.

I was embarrassed because I never got the courage to share the same with my three Musketeers. But he promised to never enter using the keys again and asked me to continue doing everything that I love.

He wants me to enjoy my life and stay happy even though he isn't a part of it.

However, one day, I started humming a melody in his presence and he didn't say a word, just kissed my forehead and gave an appreciative smile. I have stopped feeling shy or self conscious around him now because he never judges me.

People are usually afraid of mysterious personality or they blame for hiding something important. But he is always excited to know something new about me and gives the space to share my preferences or hobbies gradually. There is no pressure to share everything now, so I take my sweet time.

Well, even I got to know about the activities, which makes him happy. He loves midnight drives with soft hindi music and sharing stories of his childhood.

Surprisingly he loves reading emotional stories, which is rare in men and cries each time there is a sad part. But he hides his face and pretends to be unaffected. His male ego doesn't allow him to accept the fact that an emotional reunion or breakup, wedding, child birth or abuse, happy or sad epilogue in the stories makes him shed tears.

This seems funny at first, but if you think in detail then it reflects his pure and innocent soul, which wants everyone to stay happy and never get an ounce of difficulty in their life. His only motto is life is be happy and make others happy.

And ever since that feign drunk drama two months back to confess his inner thoughts, we have reduced talking on our past. Instead we are discussing our present and future. We are enthusiastic to fulfil each other's wishes rather than our own. We have stopped finding our peace and happiness in other's solace, now we are investing efforts to make the other happy and peaceful for our solace. The environment has changed gradually since that night and we are happy to take care of each other.

Lastly, his fear of cats has vanished after Romeo being a part of our small family. Now he plays with him and teaches new tricks to earn the treats.

I am pulled out of my thoughts when I hear the doorbell and rush to open the door. I know, it's him because of his trademark one and a half bell.

He greets me with a dramatic bow, "Your Majesty."

I grin before turning around and ask as he follows me, "How was your day?"

Instead of answering, he calls my name and I turn around to face him, only to lower my gaze after his gestures. I find a bunch of assorted roses in his hand and lift my gaze to face him again with a questioning look.

"These...these are roses."

Wow! Brilliant answer.

Though I don't say that out loud because I don't want to interrupt him.

"Actually a small girl...yes a poor small girl was selling them at the signal. She was hungry, so I purchased the flowers and help....helped her to earn a meal. Yes, I helped a small poor girl to earn a meal."

I press my lips to not laugh at his 'heart-touching' story and move closer to take the flowers from his shivering hand.

"That's so thoughtful of you to help the poor small girl."

He nods with a nervous smile and I smirk after turning around to move towards the dining table. I replace the artificial bouquet with these fresh flowers in the vase. Then ask him to freshen up, while I arrange dinner on the table and he obeys.

Once he is out of sight, I giggle at the roses, while shaking my head in disbelief.

From last two months, he is 'helping' people, which leads to bringing many things home. Though the variety of excuses are quite interesting.

Once Sourav got the wrong size of the dress for Mahek and the store had 'no-exchange' policy. So, he decided to show some mercy to his elder brother by giving that dress to me and it 'surprisingly' was my exact size.

Then his father got accessories, which are girlish, but Alia prefers funky nowadays and his mother doesn't like wearing them. Hence it got added to my collection.

Lastly, Jay being the ultimate idiot did many 'mistakes' when it came to gifting Durga. Once he got citrus flavour perfume, though she only prefers floral ones. Next he got a black handbag, but she being the superstitious woman, avoids black colour in money related matters. And the most stupidest act was bringing the wrong mobile cover for his wife because he 'forgot,' which phone she owns. But that cover happened to be a perfect fit for my phone.

I giggle every time in silence because I know, he purchases these things for me and hesitant to confess the same. Though I am happy with the innocent and sometimes silly excuses.

These unsaid gestures and affection is enough for us. We know, how much we have gained importance in each other's life. So, there is no need for fancy words or unwanted claims.

We are happy and that's all what matters!


I take my words back, I need peace too.

Peace because this insane man is nudging me from past one hour to disclose his birthday surprise. He is not allowing me to lay on the bed and wants to know the plan because he is well aware of the reason for my and Alia's constant phone call from the past 2 weeks.

But now I am thinking to kill him before his birthday even arrives.

"Please tell me. Please please please. The birthday boy has every right to know his birthday plans."

"I will cancel every damn thing and ruin your birthday if you poked one more time."

"I know, you won't do that because this is my first birthday with you. You have planned it to make my day as beautiful as you can."

I raise my eyebrows and challenge him, "How can you be so confident? Your birthday is coming on Sunday and I have classes on weekends if you have forgotten."

He smiles, while wrapping his arm around my shoulder to pull me closer, "You will do everything in your capacity to make my day special."

I stare into his unique aqua blue eyes and watch as he leans to kiss my temples. He smiles at me and lays on the bed after releasing me.

"I will pretend to sleep till it's 12 and wait for your special gestures for me. Now don't challenge this. I know you enough."

He closes his eyes and I don't utter a word, just keep staring at him.

Why does I always feel he is trying to say something more? Why does his gesture feel so special? Why?


I sit on the bed with his gifts and giggle as he presses his eyes together, pretending to sleep. But it's 12 and he doesn't need to wait anymore.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dearest Gaurav. Happy birthday to you."

He feign a surprised face and I pinch his arm.

"Stop acting. I know you were searching for the surprise when I went to washroom."

"Someone hits a small innocent birthday boy. Cruel world."

I glare at him playfully and he winks before sitting stright. I wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze him in excitement.

"Wow. Seems like my wife is happier than me."

"Yes. A lot."

I break the hug and forward the first gift, "To my dearest friend."

"It wasn't needed, Roshni. I was just joking about gifts."

I pout, "I got specially for you."

He chuckles at my baby voice and unwrap the paper to reveal a box. He opens to find a wrist watch and smiles at it before wearing around his wrist.

"It's a gorgeous piece. Thank you."

I smile and hesitate before offering the other important gift, "To my husband."

His eyes widen in surprise and he takes the gift to unwrap the paper. He frowns on finding a book and I play with my fingers in nervousness.

"I don't know if you would like this gift. But I wanted to do something really special for you."

He doesn't say a word and opens the book to find his photo on the first page. He faces me and I ask him turn the page.

At the left there is his photo with his parents. I picked it from his naming ceremony album and he was 2 months old during that time. Then at the right, the wishes of his parents.

Hey Son,
Many many happy returns of the day. I don't know how to express my happiness when I look at you today. A charming and successful son. My son. You make me proud, Gaurav. Though you have made certain mistakes, you never gave up and fought against it. Your fighting spirit is my favourite and I pray to God that it never dies. I love you, Son.
Your Dad.

Gaurav, look what your wife is making me do :)
You have grown up so soon. I feel as if it was yesterday when you were born and I held you in my arms. But now you hold me in your arms. You protect and care for me. I never realised when the tables turned. I am so happy to see you happy and settled in your life. Happy birthday, Gaurav. I just wish to see you happy and peaceful even after my death. I will keep an eye on you from the clouds. I love you so much my precious baby.
Your Mom.

He turns the page and left side is his college photo with his non-biological parents. At the right, their wishes.

I need money for writing, ask your wife to transfer one million in my account, Son.
Anyways happy birthday. You are getting older that means nearing to death. Have some fear to be dumbed in the Hell and return my 506 rupees which you took in the college. Also buy me a new white shirt because you ruined mine 3 years back by playing with the ink pen. Dare you die before returning my money and buying new shirt.
Your....no no no no....
Durga's Jay because she never took money from me in the college.

He chuckles before reading next message.

Don't mind him, Gaurav. Jay is preparing to be admitted in the mental hospital and provide peace in our life.
Anyways happy birthday to you, happy birthday to my sweetest friend, brother and son.
So many relations we have and you have performed every role with excellence. I can never be enough thankful for your support during my accident when my relatives and even my brother made distance with me. I can never forget your support and truly wish to share same blood in next life, so we get to spend more time. I love you so much my baby bro. I wish you get the world's happiness.
Your Durga.

He quickly changes the page to find his photo with Sourav and Mahek from their wedding

Happy birthday brother.
Wishing you for peace and happiness is boring. I wish you have excitement, thrill and adventure in life. You get to experience new and positive things in life. And with Roshni, you keep progressing ahead in life. I am truly proud of your achievements and eagerly wait for party calls to hear good news in business from you. Love you junior. Stay happy.
Your Sourav.

We haven't spent much time together, but all the time we did, I have seen a younger brother in you. I am so glad for your warm welcome and affection when I came here after marriage. Your care during pregnancy. I want to thank you for everything and I wish you a very happy and peaceful life ahead.
Happy birthday brother.
Your Mahek.

He turns to next page for his picture with Alia and wishes at the right.

Happy birthday, Gaurav.
You know I would never admit, but you are my favourite brother. When everyone was worried for my safety, you encouraged me to take up wildlife photography. You are my greatest inspiration and trust me, I try to learn a lot from you. I wish to be as successful as you in the future.
I wish you get more and more success brother. Love you.
Your Alia.

He turns the page to find his photo with Ayaan. But he cannot write and express, so I printed his hand after dipping in blue color and wrote happy birthday.

In the next page, same was done with Romeo's paw.

My family was least interested in my idea, while I feared to add Pratham because of his family seeing the book. So I skipped him.

But my three musketeers gave their contribution.

So, the next page had a collage photo of them with him since they never clicked a special photo together.

Wish you a very happy birthday. I pray to God for your health and work. I pray you get immense happiness in life and never have to face any downfall.

Happy birthday, Gaurav. I pray you always find solutions to problems because they are a part and parcel of your life. That you survive every difficulties and come out stronger than before. I pray you remain positive towards life despite the problems.

Happy birthday and I am not praying or doing any other nonsense. I am threatening you to remain good with Roshni or else I will not hesitate to give a date for celebrating your happy death day. Beware and cautious. Do you understand?

He chuckles again and turns the last page to find our picture from the engagement with my wishes.

Happy birthday.
I don't know what to say or wish for. You have everything one needs in their life. You don't need wishes or prayers to be happy because you always find a way to smile. In fact, you make others smile and forget their sorrow. You are the soothing breeze on wounds, which calms the people around. You don't beg, borrow or steal. You work hard and earn it. You fight with every problem with ease and laugh on it's face to show that you are unstoppable. Nothing and no one can harm you. You are perfect and I feel lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for entering my life and making it beautiful. I can never express my happiness and gratitude towards your efforts. I only wish to stay by your side and pray that you never leave me.
Your Roshni.

The very next moment, I find myself in his arms.

"I will never leave you, Roshni. You are so important to me, so precious. I will never let you go."

I smile, wrapping my arms around his waist and leaning into him.

"And this gift. This is so special, thank you for collecting my loved ones' wishes in a book. I will cherish it for the rest of my life. This is the best gift, I have ever received. Thank you so much."

His voice, cracking at the end is enough for me to know, he loved this gift. And I cannot be happier to know the same.

He breaks the hug and cups my face to kiss my forehead. However, he doesn't stop unlike previous times. He leans towards my left eye, making me close both and I feel his lips on left then right one.

Butterflies dance in my stomach and I clench the bed sheet to stay composed. Soon I feel his lips on my right cheek and his stubble, caressing my skin. My breath quicken and I move closer to hug him.

What was that? He has never kissed beyond my head then why did-

"Sorry. I got carried away."

I open my mouth to speak, but the doorbell makes us pull away. His family has arrived.

"I am sorry."

"It's ok."

Doorbell rings again and he goes to open the door. While I stay back to process what just happened.

Did we really just had a MOMENT?


That's all for now.....will update next part as soon as possible.....hope you liked this part, do give your reviews...till then Keep Smiling and Take Care

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