XVIII. This Closeness (new)

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♡Roshni's POV♡

I sit beside Durga on the dining table, while his family showers him with love, wishes and gifts. Even Romeo jumps on his lap with a flower in his mouth, which I trained him to give to Gaurav as a birthday gift. He rewards the obedient pet with some snacks and caresses Romeo's back, who eats and purrs in delight with the affection.

Then he turns to face me with a smile, but I lower my gaze to avoid the eye-contact. The sensation of his lips and stubble is still lingering on my skin. It is exciting me for some unknown reason and I fail to understand why I didn't push him away. In fact, I hugged him and felt safe in his arms. 

I close my eyes to divert my mind and calm my fastening heartbeats. It was just a casual kiss to my cheek. I don't know why I am so affected? We didn't French kiss or-

"What is my son's wife thinking?"

I turn to find Jay sitting at Durga's place. When did she leave? And when did he come to me? And why is his eyes shining with mischief?

He comments with a smirk, "So the eye game has started. Interesting, very interesting."

I don't understand why Jay smirks, giggles and sometimes winks whenever I and Gaurav are involved. He watches us intensely every time and doesn't leave an opportunity to pass a comment.

"What eye game?"

"You tell me. Despite having his favourite Ayaan on his lap, Gaurav's eyes are glued on you. Did I miss something?"   

I clench my fist to remain composed as the flashes of our moment fills my mind.

I shift my gaze to Gaurav and indeed his eyes were glued on me even after a sad Ayaan is patting on his chest for attention. I wanted to look away and avoid the eye-contact, but his unique aqua blue eyes has kept me hypnotized under their spell.

However, Alia's announcement of cake cutting breaks our eye-lock and I turn to face a grinning Jay, who then starts giggling.

I sigh at his silly behavior and stand to join the family. Jay follows soon then Gaurav cuts cake after making a wish and blowing the candle. He takes a piece and goes towards his mom, who she shakes her head in negative.

"After marriage, first right belongs to the wife. Go to Roshni."

I shake my head at her words, but she just smiles at me and Gaurav walks closer. I forwards the piece and I eat half before feeding him the other half.

Alia comments, while clicking pictures, "Awwww such a sweet moment between the love birds."

I lower my gaze as Jay smirks at me and Gaurav goes to feed cake to everyone. Soon everyone leaves after eating the cake and some snacks. Romeo slept long back on the couch, so I didn't disturb him before going to bed. We had to wake up early in the morning and visit temple.

I just hope I stay on my side during my slumber and not go to hold him. For some reason, our closeness is stirring something in me.


I comb my hairs after doing a little make-up for the family lunch. We visited the temple with his parents and spent some time with them at a cafe. Now we have to rush for the lunch because my family has already messaged me that we are leaving for the restaurant. 

I halt, while wearing my watch when he comes to stand behind me. We face each other through the dressing table mirror and I seem to drown again in his eyes. Though my attention is soon grabbed by a box in his hand.

"Your gift last night as a wife was really special. I can't thank you enough for taking so much efforts for me. That's the best gift a wife can give to her husband."

I lower my gaze at his words and his hand comes in the line of my vision to offer the box, "A small thank you gift."

I face him to deny, "It's not needed."

"It is."

He opens the box to reveal a small beautiful heart shape gold pendant with chain. I subconsciously move my hand to touch it, smiling at the elegant jewel.

"This is not just a chain pendant. I had purchased it from my first income."

I pull my hand back on his words.

First income. That means, he purchased it for-

"No. What you are thinking is not right."

I face him and he informs with an assuring smile, "Yes, I purchased with Tanushree in my mind during that time. But I never even mentioned about it to her. I kept it hidden to gift after the marriage because I wanted my wife to wear this pendant. Honestly, I never wished to give or even inform because it is very special to me. I had worked hard for days to earn my first income. You can say my efforts, lessons from failure, frustration, self scolding and...and everything. It has everything of what I am today."

I smile at his words and he hesitates to request, "I know it is small and cheap as compared to the various pendants you have. But I wish to see you wearing this today, on my birthday. Just this one day then you don't need to wear if you don't like it. Please."

His pleading eyes didn't allow me to say no and I nod before moving my hair to one side. He smiles at me and wraps the chain around my neck. Then locks it and I notice the heart pendant has landed just above my Mangalsutra pendant.

"Thank you for wearing it."

I face him through the mirror and state, "Thank you for giving it. I know this pendant is precious to you. You wanted the most important person of your life to wear it. And I am not that person, but I respect your emotions. I will wear it whenever you wish, I promise."

He opens his mouth to say something, but shuts it back. His eyes flashes a wave of emotions and I can sense that he wants to say something. But holding himself back.

"Let's go. Your parents have already left."

I nod, not forcing him to say anything. I know, once he is ready then he will come to share with me. He never hides or stops himself from sharing for long.


I sigh in defeat, sitting back in the car and calling Durga to ask her to get down. The girl gang will dress up at our place for the party at the pub tonight. While the boys will dress up at Jay's place. Even my three musketeers are a part of the celebration and I am glad he invited them.

Like Jay and Durga are your friends as well, your three musketeers can be mine. I wish to include anything and anyone connected with you in my life.

His words managed to make me smile throughout the day and I am glad my girls are responding positively to him. Even Jerry agreed to give him a chance and got food coupons as birthday gift since she knew he is a foodie.

But right now, I am fuming in anger and disgust.

Lunch with family was a disaster. My parents wouldn't stop praising Ruchi and didn't hesitate to show their disapproval towards Sourav.

My parents hate Sourav for joining his father's business and still living with his parents. They want him to start his own business and own a home like Gaurav. My father thinks Sourav and Mahek will manipulate his parents to not give Gaurav, his share in the property.

Though I opened my mouth twice in anger for my father's insulting taunt. But Sourav or Mahek would distract me with silly questions on food. They gestured me to ignore and concentrate on Gaurav's birthday.

And my parents think Sourav is selfish. If it wasn't for Sourav then Gaurav would have joined his father's business as well and stayed with them. Also he helped his younger brother to unite with his parents and pleaded them to forgive Gaurav's stunt of separating from the family. Sourav can be funny and typical boyish at sometimes, but he is not less than a father figure to Gaurav. He has united the family once again by not leaving Gaurav's side, who was under Tanushree's influence and made many mistakes.

Efforts shouldn't be acknowledged only when they are noticeable with our eyes or give materialistic results. The silent and concealed ones do need their share of praising.

Sometimes I wonder I am the same blood or not. My parents own such a low mentality.

"Today in Mumbai City, a gorgeous volcano is about to erupt!"

Mahek, Alia and Gaurav chuckle at Sourav's comments towards me. We would be dropping the boys and picking Durga from Jay's place. Mahek chose to drive Gaurav's car since she hasn't after Ayaan's birth. Our parents-in-law will be babysitting him and Romeo for the night, so we can enjoy without any concern.

"I am sorry on my father's behalf. He can be emotionless sometimes."

I felt a hand on my shoulder from the backseat and I knew it was Gaurav. He is sitting just behind me, while his brother behind the driver's seat and Alia inbetween them. He gave me a squeeze and fortunately none of his sibling noticed or else there would be a teasing war.

"Don't be sorry. When the younger progresses more than elder then people do comment on your incapabilities."

"You have progressed more than me, Sourav. Dad's business has grown three times after you joined."

"And you started from scratch, Gaurav. It makes a huge difference and trust me, I am proud of you."

I interrupted my husband's next words, "But such comparison isn't healthy when you are one family in the end."

"After marriage, people see me, Mahek and Ayaan as one family. While they see you and Gaurav as another. What happens behind the doors is not known to them, so they assume and judge."

"That's not fair!"

I cross my arms at my front and look outside in annoyance. I know I resemble a kid now, but isn't it unfair?

"Seems like someone is acting childish to get private time with husband. Maybe they want to celebrate the first birthday romantically alone. But we are not so innocent to fall for these tricks. Even we deserve to party with the birthday boy, right Alia?"

"Right." Alia giggled when I glared at her before facing Mahek.

"Can I hit your husband?"

"Go ahead, only don't damage his face otherwise we won't be able to take good photos."

"Mahek, I am your husband. Do I need to remind that?"

"I am concentrating on driving. I will remember our marriage later."

I pat her shoulder in appraisal and grab the tissue box before releasing the buckle of the seatbelt. Then shift on the seat to hit Sourav and he grabs the water bottle to defend himself. Alia cheers for Sourav and Mahek does for me, while my husband was busy filming the fight.

The day just got better and I can't wait for the night.


"No alcohol!"



Gaurav announced the moment we entered the pub followed by Sourav and Jay's shocking reactions. While we girls stood confused.

"Alcohol overlaps our happiness for the reason we are celebrating. And if you are happy for my birthday, so enjoy with me, not with drinks."

"Are you trying to reduce the cost of your party because there are more people now."

Gaurav rolls his eyes at Jay's comment and wraps his arm around my shoulder to pull me closer. He stares at me intensely before his eyes drift to my neck where his pendant is displaying for everyone to see.

"The joy of celebrating with someone, who holds an important place in the life is so high that no amount of alcohol or the place can match it. The presence of that person matters the most."

I knew everyone's eyes are on me, including his and it took my entire willpower to not shiver. Because his hands were no longer around my shoulder, for the first time they slided down to wrap around my waist. It brought me closer to him and the proximity seems to stir something in me.

He turns to face others to continue, "I have my siblings, non-biological parents, friends and wife. I am enough happy to skip alcohol and wish to memorize every minute of this celebration to cherish for the rest of my life. I don't find any reason to sacrifice my consciousness and risk forgetting any second of tonight. So if anyone still wants to drink then go ahead. I will have only juices or mocktails and remain sane."

Everyone remains silent for a few second untill Mahek comments, "That's so sweet. I will skip alcohol too."

Soon the remaining girls joined the non-alcoholic celebration and the boys reluctantly agreed. He faces me to know my opinion and I nod in positive, making him smile.

We hit the dance floor where Sourav and Jay drag me away from the group.

"What did you give my brother in breakfast? He has turned philosopher."

"Exactly, my son said no alcohol. My son!"

Before I can reply, Gaurav wraps his each arm around them and scolds over the loud music, "Stop harrasing my wife."

"Your wife is my sister-in-law and Jay's non-biological daughter-in-law. Don't be jealous of our little private chat."

"Not my fault if my wife decides to look sexy in a public place. It's my duty to protect her from horny dogs."

I look away to avoid his intense gaze, suddenly feeling self-conscious of my attire. I am wearing a black off shoulder shimmery dress that ends on my mid-thighs with a small cut on the left side. Alia had curled the lengths of my hair and Durga gave me her 5 inches stellitos, which made my legs appear toned.

"Ooooooooo she is looking SEXYYYYYY."

Gaurav pushes them towards their respective wives, who starts dancing with them. Candy gestures me to join her and Navu for the dance. While Alia and Jerry are giggling and pointing towards a group of boys, definitely passing funny comments on them. I nod at Candy and take a step ahead towards her, only to be stopped by my husband.

His hand held my wrist to pull me closer and ask, "No dance with the birthday boy, Your Majesty?"

I open my mouth to speak, but he leans to speak against my ear, "I wasn't lying when I said that you look sexy."

His hot breaths falling on my exposed shoulder makes me hold his arm for support. While his other arm encircles around my waist to hug me and move to the beat of the music.

"Am I crossing a boundary, Roshni? You can ignore my birthday and be honest with me."

My thoughts travel over the past weeks where we have moved a step closer each day. It has never scared me a bit, though certain advances and claims stirred a feeling, which I assumed had died long back. Still nothing concerned me, I trust him more than I intended to do and-

"Roshni, say something."

"I trust you."

I feel his hands combing through my hair, probably ruining the curls. But the wave of contentment washing over my senses forced me to concentrate on him and not on the worthless hairstyle. I relaxed in his arms and his grip tightened around my waist.

"I will never break your trust."

I smile at his promise because I know he won't. He has earned it and will cherish just like me cherishing this moment.

Past is past and I don't want to drag that to present. I don't want to ruin this moment. I don't know what it makes us, all I care is THIS CLOSENESS is right.


That's all for now.....will update next part as soon as possible.....hope you liked this part, do give your reviews...till then Keep Smiling and Take Care

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