Before we begin

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Hey guys! It's me Darkness here, also known as CAT by others.

No chapter updates yet, this is here as a before writing begins. I'm still planning so sorry if the wait is long :P

Anyways, I wanted to start off saying. I've wanted to write this story for so long, and I'm glad I finally can. This story I hope will be even better than Falling to Rise. I personally think this will be a wild adventure of magic and fantasy, all of you I think will enjoy this.

I do try my best to bring you original, non cliche content. As I've read a lot of minecraft stories on Wattpad, and I think I'm ok at finding the cliche stuff.

Life is made of cliches and it is impossible to avoid them, I know that. But I hope to make this book not as predictable as other minecraft fanfics and avoid the obvious cliches. But I do enjoy seeing you fall for the cliche stuff in my stories only to realize O: You were wrong and the cliche answer was wrong :D

Below is a silly little pretend contract I've written. This used to be on my profile page, but I removed it to make room for other stuff there.

Terms and Conditions

All stories on this account are made for the pure enjoyment of the readers. No content featured is made to offend anyone of any race, gender, social background, or sexual orientation. The author loves you all.

The author is not held responsible for any feels that come about, such as the cause of which is a favorite character dying or a heart-breaking moment of friendship and/or possible love. Chances are, friendship, the author sucks at writing romance.

Any attempts to harm said author will be handled with calm measures of reassurance and a certain level of truth that these, are just stories and are based on the fictional lives of the characters.

Said characters included are either of the author's creation or the oftenly used youtubers of popular game: Minecraft. Those characters do not belong to the author and therefore should not be assumed as such.

The game Minecraft also does not belong to the author, but many places and settings in the stories do.

When reading the stories provided, you are neither required nor forced to vote, comment or follow. Though either of them or all is greatly appreciated and the author sends her thanks.

Please sign below if you agree to the terms and conditions of the contract, and enjoy your stay on WrittenDarkness' page.



*People will die

*There is a possibility of romance, BUT I'm not pairing every single f*cking character, because personally it is unrealistic, cliche, and I dislike it. (excuse my language)

*Any romance I include will be small, and sweet. Nothing major and not to interfering with the story, as romance isn't the focus of this book. Adam's adventure/quest is the focus :P

*Do NOT and I mean it, DO NOT tell me what to write. I spent months planning this book, and I continue to plan it as I write. If I need suggestions for the story I will ask, so please do not spam me with. 'YOU SHOULD WRITE ____ INTO YOUR STORY'

*This is a series so ye.


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