New Cover

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Not an update yet, sorry. I'm almost done planning, I need to finish plot plans and make a map, and then the book can began. I estimate 2 more weeks, but nothing definite yet.

Anyways, I have the new cover for you!

I included an external link that should lead you to the DA version, if not, it will be listed below the image!

Here is the link to the DeviantART version, that way you can zoom in real close for all the juicy details. I love zooming in on art, it is fun to see details:

Also, the very bottom, all those weird symbols do mean something ^u^ It is the original language I created, called Runic, (a not very creative title but whatever) At this point and time it is likely impossible to figure out what it says, one because you have no key or nothing to reference. Two because there are certain rules that aren't the same in english, if you know english rules. Anyways, if as the story eventually goes along you figure out what it says, good for you, the message contains a hidden hint to the outcome of the book X3

Also, throughout the book, I hope to have little snippets of Runic words and stuff, most likely handled by Seto since he's been studying to decipher it. Those points may help a little. But for now, >:) remain clueless!

If anyone actually deciphered that before this book ends, I will love you forever. Yo have an entire book to figure it out now, clues and hints will be inputted into the story as time goes on.


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