Chapter Eleven [A Dash of Love]

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Winter break is coming up, and I will be in Japan during that time. I will try to update regularly, but I make no promises! <3  

The deed is done BowTyler



Chapter 11 [A Dash of Love]


"Tyler! Tyler! Hold up, slow down!" Adam chased after Tyler as he walked up the pathway to the Clarks' residence.

"What's the matter kiddo?"

"N-nothing! But explain to me why we're just barging into another person's home?"

"Not barging, just picking up a package."

"Oh, just what do the Clarks do?"

"They're one of the largest shipping companies in Rekrium, one of the only actually. We aren't a very large kingdom. Anyways, the Clarks are holding onto a very delicate package for Jason. They contain some important materials for a large project he's working on. It will literally change transportation as we know it."

"Wow, Jason's really smart, it seems he's always doing something to help. Hasn't he been doing this for a long time?"

"Yeah, he has, hasn't he? Jason's father came to work for the AHD when Jason was still just a kid. I remember I was nearly 145 then. Jason was a cute kid, he ate a lot of sweets even then. Actually Jason grew up in this town, which is how he's a family friend of the Clarks. You know, while his father worked, it was actually the Clarks' family that raised him most of the time."

"Are Alesa and Jason like brother and sister?"

"Somewhat, Alesa and Jason aren't as close as Jason is to Alesa's older siblings. Only because Alesa was born only 21 years ago, long after Jason himself grew up and took after his father."

21, that meant Alesa and him were close in age. With Alesa being older. As the two approached the house Adam felt a pit rise in his stomach, after how he acted last time he met, he was afraid to even meet her. Oh Notch, and here he thought he would never see her again and he would be fine with that because he made a complete fool of himself! The gods must really be conspiring against him!

On the contrary Adam, you have the Gods favor. You are the hope to right the wrongs of the past.

Adam figeted as Tyler rang the doorbell. After a few moments someone came to answer the door.

"Tyler! You must be here for Jason's package! We apologize we couldn't deliver it to the AHD. It's such a delicate package it should only be picked up by trustworthy hands."

It was a relatively young looking women who greeted the door. Perhaps in appearance in her 30's. Though she was probably older. Player ranks and up stop physically aging after a certain point. So while he would grow old and shrivelled, Players and up would remain pretty and young.

"No worries Mrs. Clarks. Jason agrees he wouldn't want no one he didn't know picking up his package, so he sent me."

"Good, good, come in. Come in! We were just preparing dinner! Why don't you stay awhile?"

"We would love to, thank you. Come on Adam, I'm sure you don't want to stand outside all night long."

Actually, that sounds very nice. Very nice. Not only was he entering a stranger's home, he was going to eat dinner with them, and that meant with Alesa. The Gods really must hate him!

"A-alright, thank you Mrs. Clarks."

"Oh! You've brought a friend, who is this bright looking young man?" Adam had decided that this woman was likely Alesa's mother. Her hair was an auburn brown with hazel eyes to complete the complexion. She was cheery and smiled often.

Tyler placed a hand on Adam's shoulder and said, "This is Adam. He's the Human rank that wears the twin to Alesa's amulet."

"Oh! So you're the young man she was telling me about!"

"T-telling? She talked about me?" Adam was almost hesitant to ask.

"Yes, yes! The funny young man with an abundance of energy. She said you ran out before making an order and receiving the shipment."

"Oh," Adam's face flushed with embarrassment. Of course, that's how he would be remembered.

"Tyler, dinner's almost ready. We have the whole Clarks family here today, a real treat. Join us while we have Jason's package driven over here. You know where the dining room is, right?"

"Sure do! Couldn't forget it if I tried, it's a lovely place, really."

"Awe, thanks, you flatter me."

Mrs. Clarks walked away, while Tyler lead them down the hall. Adam caught glimpses of photos hanging on the wall. He saw the whole family together in a majority of photos. They were always smiling.

He never had siblings, it was always just him and his mother and father. He didn't talk to them that often he realized. He really should give them a call and tell them how he is doing. Another time.

The home had a very orange color to it. The wallpaper was a pale orange color, subtle and nice. The use of brown, wooden decor, and red, black, and some yellow colored decorations added a nice contrast. It honestly felt like fall in this home, it was even rich with a pumpkin smell.

The dining room was quite large. A table large enough to fit 10 people. It was neatly set with plates, silverware and napkins. The final utensils being added by two men, identical in appearance, who physically looked to be in their mid-twenties, but they could be much older since this was a Player family.

"Lookie here!" one of the men looked up. His look alike stopped what he was doing and looked up and noticed him and Tyler also. Adam realized the only difference was one had orange eyes, and the other green. Otherwise they were exactly alike, "Are you joining us for dinner tonight?"

"I can't say no, your mother invited me. How have you been Joey?" Tyler answered the orange eyed twin. Adam made a note to remember his name was Joey.

"Just swell! Mark, grab two extra sets will you? And tell Lillian and Aaron Tyler's dropped by!"

The green eyed twin nodded. Adam noted his name was Mark, and there seemed to be another, a woman, named Lillian and a man named Aaron. Were they related to Alesa also?

"So who's the kid next to you?"

"This is Adam," Tyler pointed to Adam. Adam in return gave a very small and awkward wave, "He's the Human rank that Jason enlisted to test out the amulet."

"Really now?" Joey stopped setting the table and sauntered over to them. Adam noticed an earthy smell to the man, Joey crouched to Adam's level and narrowed his eyes in concentration. Sweat trickled down Adam's brow, what was he doing, "Well! Good to hear! You seem like a good kid!"A hard slap to his back was the response Adam received from Joey nearly causing Adam to fall over.

Soon Mark returned with more plates, silverware, and napkins. He was followed by a beautiful young woman of rich, red-brown hair and brown eyes. The man next to her sported blonde hair, very different to everyone else in the home. He must not be related.

"Tyler! Good to see you! Is Jason not visiting?" The woman came up to them with the man at her side. They shook hands, before Tyler shook the man's hands.

"Good evening Lillian and Aaron. I'm afraid not, Jason is very busy as you know it."

"Good evening," Aaron answered.

"Hmph, I swear that boy. We give him a home, and treat him like family and he can't even bother to show up and say hello every once and awhile," Lillian's response was that of a mock anger

Tyler laughed, "Well you know how it is. He's busy changing the world like his father."

She sighed, "I suppose, oh! And who are you?"

"A-Adam mam!"

"Cute, is that an amulet around your neck? You must be the goofy young man that Alesa spoke of several weeks ago."

"Y-yes," Adam hung his head in embarrassment. He was never going to live this down, was he?

Adam with his head hung in shame just now notice the small child clinging to the legs of Aaron. Bright green eyes and peanut colored hair. She looked up at Adam with such young innocence and curiosity before hiding behind Aaron's legs.

"I see you've met our daughter, Milly, she's quite shy," Adam glanced up.

"O-Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to make her uncomfortable," Adam apologized.

"Oh don't worry hun, she's like that with everyone."

Adam just nodded. Ms. Clarks came in with a very stoic looking man next to her, "Is Alesa not here yet?" Said the man.

"Oh, no I sent her to fetch Jason's package. She'll be here soon honey."

"Alright," he looked to Tyler and Adam, "Good to see you again Tyler. I take it Jason is doing well?"

"Spectacular as always!"

"Wonderful, remind him to stop by the next time he is free," the man turned to him, "Hello young man. You must be Adam, welcome to our home. Now! Why don't we all eat, it's getting late anyways."

"Awesome! I'm starved!" Joey exclaimed.

Mrs. Clarks, Mark, and Aaron both headed to the kitchen and brought out the food. Everyone else began to take their seats.

Tyler was about to sit down when Mrs. Clarks said, "No, you're our honored guest. Sit at the head, please. I insist."

"Oh, it's fine, I don--" She gave Tyler a stern look which he happily shut up and complied.

Adam not knowing many people sat at the seat adjacent to Tyler but not at the head. Joey took a seat next to Adam with Lillian across from Joey, and Mark beside Joey after all the dishes had been placed. Mrs. Clarks sat beside Joey while Mr. Clarks took the seat across from Tyler, the other head of the table. Milly was lifted to the seat beside Lillian, and Aaron took a seat next to Milly. Which left the only available seat across from Adam. Great. He knew exactly who would take that seat...

Adam could smell the rich smell food. It was practically a feast, and with 10 hungry mouths it had better be. Adam himself felt his stomach rumble in anticipation and his mouth water with greed.

It really did look like a wonderful meal.

"Well, dig in everyone!"

And Adam happily did along with the rest of the family. It was a boisterous gathering. Joey being the loudest out of everyone. Adam noticed Aaron and Mark were very quiet, they spoke, but not a lot.

"Say ma, Jason sure is missing out on a great meal. We even have his favorites all here," Adam listened as Joey spoke. He was curious.

"Yes, well it can't be helped. He's as brilliant as his father and as such is too busy."

"Sometimes it makes me mad," Lillian interjected, "Can't he just at least say hello, or write a letter. We haven't heard from him in ages."

"Hey, I have a nice idea. Next time he comes, we'll just call him by that name he hates so much," Joey proposed. Tyler snorted, it seemed he knew what name they were talking about.

"Don't laugh Tyler, it was you who started it."

"As a joke, I didn't think he would actually believe me."

"What name?" Adam was really curious now.

"Chicken Leg Jason," Adam looked at Tyler as he told him.

"Chicken Leg Jason?" what kind of name was that.

"Oh sure! When we were all children, Jason was obsessed with our ma's cooking. Probably meant his dad wasn't all that great of a cook. He always said he'd never had anything so flavorful," Joey started.

"Yes, and how it went was chicken was his favorite meal. Not including sweets. Everytime he was hungry he always asked for chicken. To the point when Tyler was visiting--" Lillian added.

Mark interrupted to say, "when Tyler visited he told Jason if he ate too much of one thing he would turn into that food and be eaten himself." Adam hadn't expected Mark to speak.

"Then you three called poor Jason by that cruel nickname," Mrs. Clarks tutted.

"But ma, it was funny. And don't forget what Jason did after that as revenge," Joey snickered.

Mr. Clarks started to laugh, "I remember, he rigged the entire house with booby traps. Unfortunately I seemed to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and managed to be the recipient of all his traps!"

It was then Alesa rushed in and out of breath, "I'm so sorry I'm late mum! I tried to rush back here as soon as I could!"

"Look what the cat dragged in!" Joey joked.

"Oh don't worry, come and join us for dinner,"

"Alright, I'll be right there!" Alesa rushed away to the kitchen, Adam couldn't take his eyes off her. Only when she disappeared from his sight due to the kitchen wall did he look back at his food. A pile of mashed potatoes, a huge heaping bunch of vegetables, a bowl full of rabbit stew, and a large chicken thigh. Oh god, would she think he was a pig?

Oh god. The cheerful chatter had resumed at the table leaving Adam to stare at his food. Alesa took as seat across from him, he never looked up or met her eyes. She started piling food on her plate and Adam realized he hadn't eaten a bite. Without thinking he shoved several spoonfuls of mashed potatoes into his mouth making his cheeks look bloated and ready to explode. He struggled to swallow.

He needed to be calm, he always acted stupid around girls. He just had to play it cool.


Adam's head shot up, "HI!" The table was shocked into silence! Oh Notch he was so stupid! Why couldn't he play it cool! He was so dumb!

Alesa laughed, "I don't think you're dumb."

"Oh Notch, I said that outloud."

Joey whistled and nudged him.

"Quit it Joey, the boy's embarrassed as it is!" Lillian hissed.

"Can't help the kid's in love, and with my little sister no doubt--"

"No!" Adam interrupted.

"Well at least he has a better chance that you. Nearly 600 and you haven't even settled down," Lillian sassed.

"Oh I have a girl, a pretty one at that!"

"Really now?" She questioned with a disbelieving tone.

"Sure!" Joey hooked his arm around Adam and pulled him close, "She's got the prettiest eyes in existence!"

"Huh?" Adam blanked. Alesa started to giggle and he went red. Oh this is so embarrassing.

"Quit being an as--a jerk and leave the poor boy alone."

"Admit it, his eye are pretty girly, look at how long his lashes are, and what a color!"

"Joey," Mrs. Clarks butted in.

"Alright ma," he let Adam go who hardly knew what the fuck happened. The table settled back to relatively calm peace and family chattered continued.

"Sorry, Joey tends to joke around a lot," Alesa said to him.

"No, no, it's fine."

"No, I'm seriously sorry, and I didn't mean to laugh. You have very nice eyes."

"O-oh, thanks! But I mean it, I don't mind. I'm used to people pointing my eyes out, honestly it is fine."

Alesa nodded. It was silent between the two of them as they ate. Adam let the chatter drown out his thoughts.


"Thank you for having us Mrs. Clarks, me and Adam really must be going now."

"Oh no problem! Next time bring Jason here too!"

"Will do!" Tyler waved goodbye and Adam followed him silently out the door.

"Let me grab the package from my truck," Alesa hurried to her truck, "Where did you park? There are a few separate boxes to this."

"Well we actually parked out of town," Tyler chuckled.

She sighed in response, "Hop in. It'll be easier this way. Tyler and Adam complied. Adam and Tyler had to squeeze into the same seat since the truck was made to have two passengers. The truck gurgled to life and silently rolled out of the driveway. The ride was silent and in no time at all they arrived outside the town exactly where Tyler had parked their car.

Tyler was the first to exit. He unlocked the car and met Alesa at the back of the truck after she exited. Adam was the last to leave.

"Thanks so much for driving us over here," Tyler and Alesa came around the back to the car, both carrying boxes which they loaded into the back. Adam glanced at the night sky, the stars twinkling softly. The car doors slammed shut.

"Well have a nice night you two!" Alesa waved heading back to her truck. Adam was just about to head to his side of the car when Tyler stopped him.



"Not until you say something smart to her. Don't be shy," Tyler whispered.


"Huh?" Alesa asked.

"Nothing! Sorry!" What was Tyler thinking, "I can't do that, just let me into the car, Tyler please."


"She's leaving."

"Then looks like you're stuck here until you do. Go on, girls don't bite."

The sound of the truck starting to life made Adam jump. He looked back with unease and sighed in defeat. The car door slammed and he panicked when Tyler locked the doors after letting Adam go.

It was now or never.

"W-wait!" Adam walked over to Alesa's truck. He waved at her and she rolled down the windows.

"Hey," she smiled. Even in the moonlight she was beautiful, her hair itself lit the world on fire.

"S-sorry if this is a bit forward," he shifted and looked to the ground, he cleared his throat, "b-but w-would you like to trade links? I've enjoyed talking to you, a-and I'd like to do more if possible." he looked up into Alesa's multicolored eyes with a hopeful glance.

It felt like the moment was forever, what would she say?

She smiled, "Sure," her voice was like the sing-song chorus of the Aether spirits. His heart skipped a beat.

Alesa rummaged through the dashboard and pulled out a pen and paper. She scribbled down her link and handed the paper to him, along with the pen. In turn, using the truck as a flat surface, he wrote his link down and handed it to her. He stashed her link in his pocket, and waved.

"It was nice meeting you again."

"You too," she smiled. Adam turned to head back to the car, he couldn't help but do a little skip and wear the largest smile anyone has ever seen on him. And he smiled a lot.

The sound of Alesa's truck driving away melded with the background. Adam got into the car, he didn't hear what Tyler said to him, only felt him pat his back before their car drove away from the wonderful town of Evra.


I've never really written romance, so hopefull I'm doing an ok job and not going to fast or too slow. I want what develops betwee Alesa and Adam to be realisitic. 

Also, if you couldn't tell when I added Alesa's age, it's impossible for her to be Ty's crush. Since Ty has been in love for a long time, long before Alesa was born.


Merry Christmas Skippy! I've included it, Chicken Leg Jason shall rise! 

Drawing credit: BowTyler


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