Chapter Ten [Good Friend]

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This was a bit hard to write. However it was fun near the end *snickers* 

There is a GAMEOVER extra book on my page that holds hints, a bit of help and will hold anything I deem important.

You guys should thank MC_WarriorCat they nearly decoded and deciphered the Runic language. So as a reward I've revealed the Runic language alphabet for you all in the extra book.



Chapter 10 [Good Friend]


"Well, if it isn't our pal the Adam! Has Seto been keeping you cooped up?"

Adam's head glanced up as he climbed the path along the ravine wall and came out to the open grassy surface. He's lost a bit of that strength he had before since he'd been stuck with Seto for so many weeks. His breath was a bit labored.

Adam saw Jin and Barney sporting very simple stone weapons in their hands and dorky little grins plastered on their face.

"Guys! Am I glad to see you two!" Adam ran up and high-fived the two of them. They shared some laughs and quick greetings.

Adam pointed at the swords, "Are those stone swords?"

"Yes, we has stone swords nows! And's we'res goings outs todays!"

"Yeah! It's gonna be so cool!"

"Awesome!" Adam bubbled with excitement, man, he wished he could go out on some scout missions. He'd take down any amount of zombies and skeletons, just like Ty! Oh...wait...Ty. Adam felt a pang in his chest, he screwed up several weeks earlier with him! Oh Notch!

"Hey, see you later Adam!"

"Good luck!" Adam waved to them. Adam decided to push all thoughts of his screw up out of his head. He learned a lot with Seto and he was determined to take his newfound skills to a whole new level! He's was going to work twice as hard to work his way up to Jason's expectations and then prove to Ty he could make a good Player!"

"There you are!" A figure came up from behind Adam and leaned against him for support. Adam almost fell forward, but the person caught him and stood up straight, "I just came from down below and I ran into Seto. He'd told me you've been released from his clutches, and I thought that now would be a great time to teach you a few things!"

Adam looked to see the smiling face of Tyler, "Tyler, sir!"

"Heya there kiddo! Long time no see! How's life now that you're free?" Tyler joked.

"Pretty good," Adam played along with the joke.

"Good, come with me. Let me talk with Jason real quick, and then we'll probably be set."

"Ok," Adam nodded his head, he followed Tyler to Jason's lab. However, he remained outside while Tyler went in. Adam felt himself wince when he heard the sound of shattered glass and something that sounded like 'Don't disturb me while I'm eating!'

And then Tyler came rushing out with a nervous chuckle and grabbed Adam by his arm dragging him away from the building where onlookers were already peering at with a fearful curiosity.

"What did you do?"

"Just popped in to ask if it would be alright to take you out for a bit. I thought that after a month here, you would actually like to learn a thing or two about being a trainee at the AHD."

"Wait...what? Learn, like what. WAIT! Are you going to show me something!" Adam shook free of Tyler and his eyes practically sparkled with a childlike glimmer, "Are you going to show me how to fight monsters, or do a flip, or...or--"

"Whoa, whoa, calm down there kiddo. And quiet down. Why don't we start with simple sword fighting techniques, and then we can get into the nitty gritty of things?"

"Yes! Yes please! Thank you!" Adam grabbed Tyler's hands and shook them profusely with a fierce vigor.

"Alright!" He laughed boisterously, "Let me grab a few things and then we'll actually take one of the cars out to a nearby town. I'd like to pick up a few things there after I teach you."

"Ok!" And so Adam followed Tyler like a newborn pup.


The car ride was quiet. Adam had a window rolled down as they drove to the small town of Evra. Located south west of the capital and had large farmlands.

"Alrighty then!" Tyler parked the car just outside the town. The two of them got out and Tyler locked the car behind them. He was carrying two wooden swords, "Here, take one."

Adam's hands grasped the smoothly carved surface of the sword. It wasn't sharp, mainly blunt, it wouldn't do much in a real fight, but good enough for practice.

"Ok, what will you have me do first?" Adam asked, he held the sword in a way a person would hold a glass statute. Gentle and careful, to him this was a big honor.

"Put your hands on the handle like so," Tyler demonstrated and Adam copied, "and now I want you to just try and hit me. I want to see what kind of moves you'll try before I show you how to fight."

"H-hit you?" Adam was expecting something less violent for the first lesson. He couldn't hit Tyler, that would be hitting a comrade.

"All you have to do it hit me and try to move me from this spot. Got it?"

Adam hesitantly nodded. He let in a shaky breath, it's fine. It's not like he's trying to kill him, it's just a practice drill. Adam's grip tightened on his sword.

"Alright. Here I come, prepare yourself," Adam gulped. He squeezed his eyes shut and swung his sword, "A-Am I doing it? Did I do something?"

"Uh, Adam. You're going to have to move closer to hit me from that distance."

Adam opened his eyes, right....he was several feet away from Tyler. Shoot. "O-Oh, right! I knew that!" Adam inched closer and waved his sword around. It looked liked Adam was trying to reach as far as he could without actually getting closer.

The sword wasn't even close and Tyler hadn't moved. Tyler let out an awkward chuckle, "Alright Adam, is something wrong? You were excited to learn sword fighting, but actually holding a sword against someone seems to have you terrified."

Adam let out a sad sigh, his sword hit the ground and he looked at his feet and shifted around, "Not terrified, just unsure. In the AHD you guys fight monsters and mobs. You protect people, and that's what I want to do. I want to help people, but I don't know about holding a sword against one of my own. It's harder. You aren't a're a human being."

"It's fine Adam, this is just a training exercise. Even if you did manage to hit me, you can't kill me. You forget I am an OP, normal weapons only leave scratches but not death silly. So come on, just come at me with all you got."

Adam sighed again and picked up his sword, "Alright."

Adam charged, he raised the sword above his head ready to swing. Adam let out a yell that was cut short, "Eep!" He squeaked as he stopped himself from running. He wobbled still several feet from Tyler. Tyler's wooden sword, which had been resting in Tyler's hands lazily, was now raised and pointed dead center at Adam's chest. Adam was balancing on his tiptoes, trying not to fall backwards on his bum, but not forwards into the sword.

"Come on Adam, you left yourself wide open," Tyler laughed, "You can't expect to hit me, let alone move me an inch if you can't even get close. Try again."

Adam fell back on his bum and sighed. He crawled away from Tyler before standing up. He narrowed his eyes, he couldn't leave himself open. In a real fight his chest would be completely exposed if he did that. But if Tyler really wasn't going to move his feet, he could try from behind.

Adam circled Tyler slowly, he noticed an amused smirk on Tyler's face. Tyler removed his glasses and fogged them up with his breath. Now directly behind Tyler Adam tried again. He didn't yell out this time, just charged.

Adam aimed for Tyler's head and swung horizontally. Tyler ducked, still cleaning his glasses. The sudden movement startled Adam, he was sure he would get him, but suddenly Tyler's sword swept Adam from his feet. He fell forward, he thought he would fall on Tyler, but Tyler's hands redirected his fall. He was lifted and swung over Tyler.

Adam groaned and winced when he landed on the ground.

"Sorry, were you trying to sneak up behind me? I hardly noticed, your footsteps were quiet noisy."

"AHHHH! Tyler you're making this so hard!" Adam screamed, he hadn't moved from his position on the ground.

"No, you just need more work. You still want another go?"

Adam puffed his cheeks and glared, he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Kiddo?" Tyler took a step towards him. Adam rolled over and sat up. He had his back to Tyler, "I'm starting to think Jason is rubbing off on you. You remind me of Jason when he gets into one of his tantrums, I guess I should be glad he can't throw any mugs at me right now."

Tyler put away his sword and stared up into the sky. He shielded his eyes from the sun's bright rays. "Such a nice day today, don't you agree. Days like these always makes me forget that we are all cursed."

Adam perked up, "Do you you think we'll ever be un-cursed--like one day we'll be able to travel beyond the ring?"

Tyler took a seat, "Who knows. For whatever reason we were cursed all those millennias ago, I find it hard to imagine life without it. We're stuck here in this small section of land with no way out but death.

"Why were we cursed--like I know the story. Everyone learns about it in school, but it always feels like it's missing something. The most information I ever hear is some sort of devastating war that ruined the land we live on. And because of that we've been punished for an eternity, with no end in sight. Don't you feel like there's more?"

Tyler snickered, "Actually I do. I once had a similar conversation with Ty once, couple hundred years ago. It's a bit foggy in my mind since it was so long ago, but it reminds me. Every time I talk about it, Ty just snorts. Like he doesn't believe a word I'm saying. I always try to ask him what's so funny, but he keeps his lips shut."

"Wow. You and Ty must be close if he doesn't snap at you. You and Ty have been teammates for a long time, right?"

"Sure have kiddo! Don't you know. I would've guess a big fan like you would know all the details."

Adam's face heated up, "I'm not that weird to go that far!"

"I'm kidding!" Tyler joked, "But you're right. Me and Ty go way back. We first met at the AHD, the day he joined was the day I joined. 650 years ago. Brings me back when I was still so young and naive."

"Me and Ty hit it off quick--well actually I think he was annoyed by my constant presence, but he got used to it quick. Now he can't live without me! That's a joke by the way. Ty's very quiet, and independent. He doesn't trust much. But we get along, best team there is."

Adam lazily began to pluck at the grass and let the gentle wind blow away the scraps, "Ty hates me," he muttered glumly, "He probably finds me annoying. I want to get better and show him what I'm worth, but I screw up so often."

"Chin up!" Tyler placed a hand on Adam's shoulder, "Come on. I need to head into town, we can talk more there." Tyler rose and brushed the stray bits of dirt off.

Adam nodded. He grabbed Tyler's outstretched hand and was yanked to his feet. Adam handed Tyler the sword; he took it. They walked back to the car and he deposited the swords there. The sun was setting, but there was still enough daylight. They walked in silence towards the town, Adam still brooded on his thoughts.

"Ty's actually a pretty soft guy...I think. I can't really tell. Even though Ty is my good friend, you would think I would know. He's good at keeping himself under lock. But there are times I catch a glimpse of another side of him--it's a secret I keep for him."

Adam looked up at Tyler, he had stopped walking, causing Adam to almost walk into him. They were standing in the middle of a paved pathway in the middle of the town. The setting sun casting dark shadows over their faces. People walked around them, very few people. It was getting late.

"It's a secret, what it?" Adam didn't understand.

"Ty doesn't like me to mention it, but the reason I'm sure he's really a nice and kind guy is the secret. I can understand why most people are intimidated by him, but if they only knew they might be willing to give him the benefit of a doubt." Tyler grabbed Adam's hand and they rushed into an alley.

"Tyl--" Tyler placed a hand over Adam's mouth.

"Shh," he looked around and checked for whatever it is he was checking for. He wasn't sure what Tyler was doing, "You can't tell anyone. No one, no matter how big of a fan you are of Ty, this transaction of information is just between you and me, got that?"

Adam nodded, what was he going to say, why all the secrecy. Tyler removed his hand.

"You see...Ty's in love!" Tyler snickered, "I'm sure of it!

"Huh!" Tyler slapped his hand over Adam again.


Adam pushed the hand off of him, "Wait, what? In love? Why are you telling me this?"

Tyler snickered, "Because the big softie won't admit it. That lug has goo goo eyes for some girl he keeps muttering about. He only tells me a little bit before shutting up and making me swear not to speak of it again. He's embarrassed~"

"O-Oh, oh ok."

"Well! Glad I got that off my chest. Anyways, let's hurry up." Both of them exited the alley and headed up the road.

"So where are we going anyways? What errand did you need to run?"

"Oh, we're stopping by the Clark's residence."

"Clark's residence?"

"Yep!" Tyler looked back at Adam, "Actually," Tyler paused in his steps, he pondered for a bit, "I'm pretty sure several weeks ago Jason mentioned that you met their daughter."

Adam was puzzled, he'd met their daug--Oh. Oh Notch! He doesn't mean--

"Here we are! Up ahead, see. The Clark's residence."


Awww Ty. And Tyler is a nice, goofy guy

Anyways you should really check out the GAMEOVER extra book. It may just help, and is a good place for everyone who reads this book to converse and solve problems together.

Also, any theories today?

Sorry it is so late at night for this. 

Tip: remember the phrase "Good friend" its the title of the chapter. Don't remember what it references, check Chapter 6, maybe it may help you put 2 and 2 together. The mysteries await.


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