Chapter Thirty-Four [Jess Mau]

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Sorry for the long wait. Here is a short and sorta crappy chapter. I will start working on a Sweet Desire chapter when I can!


Chapter 34 [Jess Mau]


Adam, Jin, and Barney spent 5 days within Level E's holding cells since Ty's death and Tyler's call for their arrest. For the most part it has been very quiet between the three of them. Adam hardly knew what to say since it was his fault Jin and Barney. He wanted to say he was sorry, but he could feel the air of tension and he didn't think a sorry would cut through it very well so he stayed silent.

There was a knock on the cell door, at first Adam thought it was for food, but he was so sure they ate not that long ago.

The door opened and light streamed into the dim room.

"Stand up, your presence has been requested by Tyler, all three of you will stand before 2 Council Member and be judged for your actions until further actions can be taken," A guard stood outside the door and recited this to the three of them. Adam was hesitant to stand but Jin and Barney were quick to act and they stood quietly. Adam followed their actions. Three guards pushed passed the first and each grabbed the arm of one prisoner. Adam was the first to be pushed out of the door.

Adam shielded his eyes before being roughly pushed up the ravine and made to climb.

At the top of the ravine was a large crowd. It was far to thick for him to see who was at the center of it, but all eyes did turn to look at Adam.

Adam heard someone speaking in the crowd as the guard forced him and Jin and Barney through it. It wasn't until Adam and his friends broke through to the center that Adam was able to make out the last of the little speech which was actually directed to Ross who stood in front of the speech giver.

"Until further updates by my men, Jason Stars is officially missing on a Kingdom wide scale and you, Ross Owner, will assume his position."

"Yes ma'am," Ross answer and saluted.

Adam's eyes widened. He saw Ross, Tyler, Seto, and... "It''s--" Adam was shoved forward since he stopped to stare, but let's just say he wasn't expecting this.

Adam was made to stand still just as Jin and Barney were brought on either side of him to do the same. The three of them stood in the center of the crowd.

"Which of you is Adam Azure?" the woman stated, she stared at each of them with stern eyes.

"I-I am," Adam said, he raised one hand quietly.

The woman nodded, her eyes scanned him up and down, "So you are the Human rank who has been causing much trouble. I have been called here for several reasons, and if you do not know me, I am Captain Mau of the DROP force. You will tell me everything that occurred up until the passing of Jason Stars."

"P-passing? I thought he was just missing," Adam said.

"The search for his whereabouts has turned up nothing, as such he will be declared missing unless he presents himself, now speak," Captain Mau crossed her arms and her amber eyes stared deep into Adam's golden.

Adam shuddered, "I was only there to return the amulet, but when I went someone else was already there--Ty. I was going to leave until they started fighting. To sum it up, I tried to stop them but I only got in the way and well...Jason didn't care if I died. Ty killed him soon after."

"Did Jason do or say anything odd?"

Adam glanced around he furrowed his brow, " was already several days ago. I can't remember much. I remember Jason doing some crazy moves with some weird voice commands, and he said some things to Ty..."

"And they were?"

"I-I don't know. I don't remember..." Adam sighed, he felt the crowds judgemental eyes on him, "L-look, I know I did something stupid, but don't blame Barney and Jin. If anything I convinced them to do things they didn't want to do, it's all my fault and they shouldn't be punished..."

"Whats? Whats are yous sayings Adams?" Barney looked at Adam in surprise.

"It's my fault so blame me and let them go," Adam begged.

Captain Mau sighed, "Your guilt has already been established and punishments already decided," She turned to Barney, "Barney, your actions will go onto a permanent record, you will also be sentenced to an extended training curriculum on the laws of Rekrium plus your graduation from being a trainee will be put on hold."

Barney nodded and saluted.

Captain Mau turned to Jin, "Your actions will also go on a permanent record, however the punishment for your friend will not work for you. If I remember, you are applying for the DROP force but you needed organizational and military experience, correct?"

"Yes ma'am," Jin answered.

"For you, your punishment is that your acceptance into the DROP will be put on hold until further notice and you are to halt all combative and military training. You will work in the Human rank offices until further notice."

Jin nodded and saluted, but Adam could see the twinge of regret and pain in Jin's face. Adam himself felt even guiltier that his actions caused this for his friends...if only he hadn't...

Captain Mau then turned to look at Adam, he stiffened under her gaze, "As for you, it has come to my attention that you lack training, discipline, skill and much more to be an AHD soldier. Under normal circumstance your would automatically be expelled, but you are a Human rank with the only connection to Jason's amulet. Jason's apprentice has told me that the data from the amulet would all be for waste if the user were to be changed now."

Adam looked at the Captain confused, "Don't think you are getting off the hook, I have no problems canceling this experiment of Jason's, so I've decided you will go through a test. If you have what it takes to stay within the AHD you will succeed, and if you don't you will hand in that amulet, pack your bags, and never return. Do I make myself understood?"

Adam nodded, "Y-yes ma'am!" She stared at him and Adam realized he had forgotten to salute, his nervous hands he saluted to her and she nodded in return.

"As for everyone else here!" She boomed, her voice gathered the attention of the crowd, "I am in charge of the AHD until further notice, you will report to me as the head of this organization and I expect everyone here to perform in accordance to the rules and regulations. It is clear that the monsters known as Enders have taken to human skin and can now be amongst us. No one is to leave without clearance and everyone will be screened for their loyalties," the captain turned to look at Tyler, "Tyler," she said.

Tyler nodded and stepped forward, "As Captain Mau stated, she will be taking over the AHD temporarily in my absence since in normal circumstance I would have taken Ty's position. Seto Magi will assume second in command and Ross Owner will take over Jason's position. If there are no questions as to who you report to and respect then you are dismissed."

The crowd stood still for a moment before dispersing. Adam looked around unsure of what he should do.

"Adam Azure," Jess called to him. Adam turned to face her.

"Yes ma'am?"

"I presume you own a sword?" Adam nodded, "Good, go get it. You will need it for the test."

Jess turned to look at Ross, "You will come with us."

"Yes ma'am..."

Adam hurried to the ravine. His sword was in his room in Seto's place and he would need to go there first. Adam glanced back, he saw no sign of Seto anymore, he no longer stood beside Aphmau. Adam assumed Seto had teleported.

He was right, Adam entered the cave to see Seto. Seto was seated at his desk but he wasn't working, just sitting and staring. He appeared deep in thought, but almost sullen despite his expressionless face.

Adam was quite as he walked in, he kept his head down and entered his dark and dreary room. His sword was leaning against his bedpost and as he reached to grab it he noticed his phone lying on the bedside table. He hasn't had a chance to check his phone.

He could see the soft blinking light hinting at some sort of notification, Adam sighed and placed his sword on the bed and sat down. A few moments couldn't hurt, he reached over and turned the screen on. It was a message from Alesa.

What happened?

Adam signed on.

Adam: I'm really sorry for being really dumb. Please don't ask any questions, if everything works out I will try to explain to what happened, if not, we may not see each other.

Alesa signed on.

Adam signed off.


Adam placed the phone back on the table and stood up. He heard the slight buzz of the phone but ignored it as he left the room. Seto was nowhere to be seen, but Adam heard the sound of glass shattering and assumed it was Seto.

He wasted no time in heading back to the top of the ravine, he didn't know what his test was, but he figured Captain Mau would make him battle mobs or something like that.

Adam arrived at the top and he saw several cars pulled into the field, Captain Mau was waiting beside them with Jin, Ross, and Barney, plus several other AHD members.

"Hurry along, we don't have all day, and I would like to have these trials done before the moon rises."

"Yes ma'am!" Adam scurried towards them. Captain Mau climbed into one of the cars with everyone else following suit.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

Adam simply nodded and kept his eyes glued to the floor of the car. He didn't dare look up at his friends.

He was afraid of what he would see in their faces.


Dun dun duuuuuuuun.

What ever will happen to our poor fanboying hero???

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