🕱Chapter Thirty-Three [7]🕱

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Yay, finally an update! Enjoy!



Chapter 33 [7]


Adam spun around and saw Jin and Barney jump at Seto's voice. Seto was directly behind both of them clenching his staff tightly.

"Are you really so easily bought by the first words that come out of that Ender's mouth? I would've thought you had more common sense than that Adam."

Seto stepped past Jin and Barney and narrowed his eyes at Ty.

"S-Seto, it is not like that, let me--"

"Save it. The way I see it your actions today is treason by betrayal, disobeying orders, and aiding a criminal. And your friends as accomplices. If you three value the remainder of your lives step out of the way and allow me to dispose of this threat," Seto spat.

Adam watched as Jin and Barney bowed their heads and backed away towards the wall, but Adam was hesitant. He couldn't let Seto do this, "Y-you can't kill Ty. Tyler forbade it--"

"We both know Tyler is not fit to make that decision...especially as Ty's close friend. He might as well have been working with Ty--"

"Leave Tyler out of this, he's just as oblivious as the rest of you were."

"Hmph...regardless I'm not letting you leave alive, Adam get out of the way."

"No, not until you hear me out," Adam pleaded. He needed Seto to listen. He was sure that if Seto would just calm down then everything could be cleared up, "You just need to calm down--"

"Die murderer," Adam's eyes widened. Seto had completely ignored Adam, it didn't matter to him that Adam was there. Seto was only concerned about Ty, the man who killed Jason. An Ender. A Demon.

Adam could only stand frozen in place as Seto raised his staff and pointed it directly at Ty who was behind Adam.

The door to the infirmary slammed open, "Seto! I saw you walk in here, I gave you direct orders to stay away from T--"

From the doorway entered Tyler who stopped as soon as he registered the situation. Seto, staff, Adam, Ty, magic.

"Adam!" Jin yelled.

"Adams!" Barney shouted.

Tyler hadn't even realized those two were here until they shouted and rushed Seto together.

There was a purple flash and a burst of magic spiraled out of Seto's staff just as he was tackled to the ground.

"Adam get out of the way!" Ty placed a hand on Adam but Adam snapped and grabbed Ty's wrist.

"No," Adam attempted with all his might to push Ty away. He succeeded only slightly before the two of them were struck by Seto's magic.

First a clean cut through Adam's stomach and second a slice at Ty's side.

The two fell, and Adam's breathing ceased.


"What the hell are you thinking Seto! You do not just do things like that!" Jin and Barney scrambled off of Seto and gasped. Seto stood up and dusted himself off before Tyler grabbed at Seto's cloak and brought him towards his face, "I gave you an order--"

"You're ignoring what we must do. We are the AHD! We protect Rekrium from monsters like him--" Seto slapped Tyler's hand away.

"He was no monster--"

"He's an Ender which makes him a monster. I'm doing my duty and immediately executing the scum."

"You're doing this because Ty killed Jason." Tyler pointed at Seto.

"Which makes him guilty, whereas you are protecting him because you've known him since the day you both joined the AHD."

"Adam!" Jin and Barney rushed over to their friend who had already died. Tyler and Seto both turned to see Adam's blood on the floor while his body remained.

"You also killed a trainee in your rage--"

"He was in the way, plus he was giving Ty information."

"Just what the hell could Adam be telling Ty?"

"That doesn't concern you, it is strictly between myself, Jason and the King. You have no business knowing."

There came a groan and Tyler looked to see Ty shudder and cough weakly.

"Ty!" Tyler ignored Seto who snorted. He rushed past Jin and Barney and crouched by Ty's side. Ty's already perilous injuries had grown even more perilous. There was no way Ty would live past these injuries, not without magic. But he already knew Seto would do nothing of the sort.

"If you know what is good for the kingdom Tyler you'll let that Ender die.

Tyler shook his head in disbelief. The world felt like a crumbling mass around him, too much was happening at once.

"C...castle..." Ty muttered weakly.

"Shh, stay quiet. Everything will be fine, you'll be fine--"

"Pri...nce, castl...e. I must s...save..."

Tyler gritted his teeth. He couldn't bear to hear his friend suffering like this. He's known Ty for so long that to see him in this pitiful state was heart breaking and mind boggling.

Growing up as a trainee here, Ty has always been invincible to Tyler. For he knew that he's never seen Ty fall in battle once...except today.

"You'll be fine..." Tyler whispered as the blood of his friend stained his hands. Yet, Ty could not hear him anymore. His body grew still and his breathing stopped.

Ty's body remained, never breaking into dust and smoke. Tyler held back choked sobs and stood on unsteady feet. He turned around and saw Jin and Barney still around Adam's body. Tyler grimaced at the hole through Adam's stomach and chewed on his upper lip. He watched for a few more moments and began to notice Adam's body finally breaking into dust.

He wondered for a moment what took so long before he shook his head, "Jin and Barney go wait outside."

"But Adams, sirs--"

"That's an order, your actions will not go unpunished, as for Adam... he will be up shortly as soon as soon as he's fully respawned."


"Yes sir..." Jin interrupted and pulled Barney up with him, "Let's go," Jin muttered to Barney and the two of them exited slowly only pausing to cast one glance at Adam's disappearing body.


"Ahh!" Adam sat up and saw the familiar empty void. Having died two times before Adam had begun to feel a sense of familiarity in this place. Now he just wondered what he would witness this time. Adam looked behind him and saw the same weird screen...


He noticed the lack of any message this time and a wave of emptiness washed over him. Could this mean...

I'm sorry.


Adam turned back around and saw people. But not like they were last time.

The 1st time he heard voices, the next he saw vague shapes and colors, but here he saw people. Almost as if everything was clearing, like he was able to see more than he could before.

Adam gasped at the blood that pooled on the nonexistent floor.

λtlɒλoႨ, forgive me. I wish I had been here sooner...but now there is nothing I can...I can... Adam watched the young woman weep over the bleeding body of her friend. Her eyes were as green as forests as tears overflowed. An soft green glow seemed to envelop her, similar to the green of her eyes.

The man at her lap radiated a deep blue, a sheath for a sword was clutched tightly in one hand, but a sword was clearly missing. Though maybe that was because he was still in a vast, black void, Adam thought.

I was reckless...I have failed...

No! Let me help! Please, I do not care what kingdoms we are from, you have been my truest friend through it all! The woman begged and sobbed, Why could I not have been blessed with magic--

Magic users and OP's were exiled after the OP wars, the man softly chuckled and lifted a hand to meet the woman's, We wouldn't have become good friends...

But still--

The prince...


The man lifted his head weakly and collapsed from one simple movement.

λtlɒλoႨ! Don't push yourself!

If you want to help, he ignored her, then save him. He is but a young boy, he clasped his hands around her's and tried to sit up.

Please, bring him to m'lady and give her my apologizes for failing--

Tell her yourself!

You said it yourself, there is nothing you can do to save me, I've lost too much blood. But you can end this war if you escort the prince to his home.

λtlɒλoႨ... λtlɒλoႨ!

ԍboH...Thank you.

Adam clutched his ears as the woman wailed. It only seemed to grow louder and soon it was impossible to bare. The vision faded but the crying persisted.


"Shut up, it hurts!" Adam yelled.

He scrambled to his feet but immediately slapped his hands to his ears again. He took a step back before turning and running for the respawn.

He slammed his body into the button and sat up in his dark room on Level I.

He was back...but he remembered all too quickly what had happened. A pounding in his head made him double over and wince.

Was everything he saw a warning for the future?

He saw the deaths of people who were different yet similar to people he knew. And just like the strangers of his dreams, their real life counterparts died to.



Tyler stepped into the sunlight. He noticed Seto gazing calmly up into the sky and Tyler felt a wave of anger mixed with anguish wash over him.

"Seto! Explain what the hell happened!"

Seto turned to Tyler and rolled his eyes, "Shut it brat, I did what needed to be done to keep secrecy. The real question is how you will punish those three miscreants for their disobedience and treachery."

"That is not the issue here," Tyler stomped over to Seto and stopped right in front of him. He towered over the short man, "I want you to explain just what occurred in the End. This wasn't some expedition for hard to come by materials, was it?

Seto snorted, "If by hard to come by materials you mean an Ender Dragon specimen, then that is exactly what we've done."

"You did what!" Tyler reeled back.

"Don't get upset, this is exactly the material needed to rid this world of Ender once and for all. Why continue to live in fear of monsters if we can just destroy them all, which is what me and Jason were working towards. Eliminating Enders from the world for good--"

"I did not give Jason permission to seek council with the King and other Council members for a kidnapping expedition--"

Seto barked in empty laughter, "I'm sure this is a time where laughter would be present, but don't be absurd. There is no such thing as kidnapping when it involves a monster child."

Seto turned away, "Instead focus on that man there," Seto pointed to the ravine, Adam Azure slowly walked up the path with a blank face and dragging his feet as he did so, "He aided a criminal, disobeyed order--"

"Don't get me started on dis--"

"And betrayal," Seto turned to look at the two men standing at the sides, "and those two are accomplices. Don't make another wrong decision this time."

"Seto, we are--" Seto waved his staff and vanished just as Adam reached the top and glanced at Tyler. He cast his eyes down to the ground as soon as he met with Tyler's eyes.

Adam felt the weight of all the eyes of the people present on him. Even he could hear Seto and Tyler speak from where he stood, which meant so did everyone nearby.

Their eyes.

Their judging eyes filled with contempt, disgust and scorn.

He could almost hear it. Their hushed whispers and thoughts of hate.

No good Human rank getting in our way, again.

He should've stayed home instead of interfering.

Of course he would be the cause of such trouble. Looks like he's finally gonna get what he deserves.

Adam stopped a few feet away from Tyler and slowly looked up to meet Tyler's gaze. A look of sadness and disappointment were clear in his eyes.

"Adam..." Tyler began, "I'm sorry."

Tyler looked away as he spoke once more, "Arrest Adam Azure...Barney Thrash...and Jin Bop for reason of aiding the sp...spy Tyler Lox."


OoOoOo, things are getting juicy!


By the way, I finished the next Sweet Desire chapter so expect that next week! :D 

I have the sudden desire to write about Seto and Jason from GO and how they met. Maybe if I find the time I'll make a oneshot for it and put it in both the oneshot book and the GO Extras book. But don't expect it. I'm so busy with the school play, college apps, the club I'm running and other things.

For now just enjoy this chapter and don't be afraid to comment. I love reading people's reactions to my chapters, more often then not it is funny.

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