Chapter Twenty-Five [Priceless]

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I'm getting this chapter out early because I might've gotten more grounded and there is no guarantee that I will even have access to wattpad this weekend XD

So happy holidays, whoo! My last day of school is next Wednesday and I'm probably not going that day, or Tuesday either. (I have finals on Tuesday, but I'm not required to take them whoo)

CurseOfTheEnder I've really enjoyed your theories, reading them helped me crank out this chapter days ahead of time. So props to you, my friend! I dedicate this to you



Chapter 25 [Priceless]


Adam helped Jin limp over to Jason's team who were lounging about as Jason conducted his test on the current void pool. Since there were no Endermen to fight everything was quite peaceful.

O stood beside Jason and when O turned and saw them there was a hint of relief. Jason perked up and glared at the two of them, mainly Adam, "Where the nether were you! You're on this mission to help me you imbecile!"

Adam flinched, "Sorry, I was..."

Adam couldn't really come up with anything since everything was his fault.

"It was my fault, Jason, sir. I let my guard down and was injured. Adam saved me from falling into the void, please blame me." Jin did a small bow of sorts and Jason turned back to his work and mumbled under his breath.

"Shoulda just left him..." was all Adam could hear.

Jason sighed, "Adam take what's his name back to our entrance point, he won't be able to do much in that state and will only be dead weight. Hurry back once you do."

"Yes, sir!" Adam said.

"Alright, we're moving to the next, this pool is shit too!" Jason stood up and dumped the bucket's contents. Adam and Jin watched as Jason and the rest of his team headed out towards the mountain range and away from the edge of the void.

"Come on Adam, let's hurry back."

Adam looked at Jin, "I'm sorry. You were actually chosen for this mission and I ruined it for you, because of me you're injured."

"Don't sweat, I'm not dead so that is a plus."

Adam nodded and the two of them headed back. There were still no Endermen around looking to fight them and for that Adam was relieved.


"Adam, have you ever seen a Player die? Like actually die...for good?"

Adam glanced at Jin as he limped beside him, "N-no, I don't think I have...why?"

"It's similar to when a Player dies and respawns. You've at least seen that, right?"

"Yeah, of course. You guys dissipate into dust but reform later back into a person."

Jin nodded, "When a Player dies for good, you'll know. It hurts, or so I've heard, it hurts far worse than a normal Player death, and then there is a glowing white light. When a Player's sudden and unexpected and there is nothing left..." Jin stopped walking, Adam stumbled as he tried not to trip over Jin.

"I'm sorry Adam to bring such depressing stuff to you. It's just when you said that Players didn't need to fear death it reminded me of someone just like that. Someone who didn't fear death but still died to quick nonetheless... That's why I got mad because...because..." Jin's voice cracked and he trembled.

"W-whoa," Adam caught Jin as Jin's knees grew weak, "Jin are you ok?"

"Y-yeah, yeah. I'm fine. S-sorry," he muttered in response and sniffled.

"Don't worry, just breathe," Adam comforted, "I'm sorry for what I said and any memories that I brought up. L-look, I think I see the opening in the ground, let's hurry before any Endermen spot us." By now Adam and Jin were much closer to the battle and he could see the dragon soaring overhead. They were still much too far from the battle to be affected by it, however, he could see the dragon was injured and roaring and didn't appear to be healing. It was remarkable how everyone worked as a team to take down this terrifying monster.

"Adam, look!" Jin pointed towards the mountain. Adam turned to see the mountain and saw in the distance a familiar purple-cloaked figure blasting familiar purple magic.

"Seto! What is he doing up there! Shouldn't he be with everyone else? "

"I have no idea--" Jin winced and hissed in pain.

"Oh Notch, I'm sorry, I got distracted!" Adam looked over in worry but Jin waved him off.

"No worries."

Adam just nodded and continued supporting Jin over to the opening. He couldn't help but take a curious glance over at Seto who was still battling monsters on the obsidian mountain. Why was he up there and not with everyone else? Wasn't he one of the team leaders? What was he doing?

The two of them clambered down the mined out stairway that led beneath the End surface. Ross and his guard were crouched around a machine when Adam and Jin clambered in.

"Ross! Do you have any health pots?" Adam yelled. Ross jumped and his tail stood up in alert.

"Dammit! Don't just come in screaming, and what the fuck did you do to need a health pot," Ross turned to see Adam supporting Jin. One glance at Jin's swelling ankle was all he needed.

"Do you?"

"No, there are no health pots here. Probably with Seto. Just put him out of his misery, there is a very high chance he'll respawn."

"No!" Adam yelled, he glanced at Jin.

"Dear Notch, what got you in--"

"No killing, I don't care how high his chances of respawning are, no killing."

Ross rolled his eyes, "Fine, then we do it the human way."

"What's that?" asked Jin.

"You lay down, shut up, and don't move," Ross grumbled.

"Oh," Jin looked at Adam with unsure eyes but he was met with an unsure shrug. Adam had never broken his ankle or sprained it for that matter, so he wouldn't really know, and he honestly doubted Ross knew either. He was probably just spouting whatever made sense.

"Just set me down by the wall, and then hurry up and catch up to the others."

"Right, don't hurt yourself more while I'm gone," Adam helped Jin to the ground, "I'll be back. I'm going to get that health pot from Seto."

"Ok--Adam! Wait--what! You're supposed to head back to Jason!" Jin reached out to Adam and winced. Adam had already hightailed it out of their underground set up.

Before he could rejoin Jason, he needed to find Seto. He couldn't leave Jin that way, after all, it was his fault that Jin was hurt. Jin deserved to prove how strong he was and he was ruining it because of his stupidity.

Adam looked to the mountains again but he did not see Seto. He scanned the land and caught sight of the dragon soaring high into the void as arrows pierced the black sky. He saw people climbing the obsidian towers with ropes and ladders, he saw more people on the ground setting up barricades and ditches. However, Seto had not returned to them as far as he saw. Adam trekked towards the mountain, perhaps this was a bad idea. He couldn't really fight.

He caught the faintest sight of purple flashes near the top of the lowest mountain. Which honestly was so high he had no idea how Seto got there--oh, right magic. He wished he had magic like that, he sighed and looked up. Seto seemed to disappear over the other side of the mountain. Only a few flashes of purple light signified Seto's position.

Before Adam could decide if this was a bad idea or not an Enderman came up from behind. Adam heard the low rumbling growl and reacted by turning around and bringing his sword out to deflect an oncoming blow.

Here, dear listeners, is where Adam's story truly, truly begins. Up until now, everything else I have told you has been merely setting the stage for the truth behind this tale.

Here the action of one man will bring together the destiny Adam's bloodline was fated to meet. A fate that could fix the wrongs of the past, or leave two kingdoms forever at bitter ends.

Seto Magi cursed by spite and resentful towards the Enders, but strengthened by hate begins what could make or break Adam into the "hero" he may need to be.

Oh but I should mention that soon, very soon Adam will be faced with a very hard truth about the AHD. Some things are better left unknown, but for Adam, well...let's just say he'll know a few things.

You know, did I ever mention that I'm super old? Like really old?

Oh. My. Notch.

I just realized something huge!

We're this far into the story and I have never once introduced myself! Oh stupid, stupid me! I feel so bad now, you all don't actually have a name to my voice.

I think I'm getting way off track while Adam fights several Endermen, alone, might I add.

....You know, introductions can wait, Adam's story needs a bit of narration, don't you agree?

Adam was doing surprisingly well against all the Endermen. With only a couple scratches to his name, he's managed to hold back about 3 Endermen, plus one dead one he killed earlier. However despite how "well" he was faring he hasn't had a moment to move even the slightest bit closer to the mountain. He was sure Jason would be on his ass eventually with how long he was taking, but leaving now would mean leaving Jin as he was when it was Adam's fault Jin was like that. He couldn't do that to his friends.

Adam heard the sound of teleportation but at a higher sound.

"Adam," Adam turned and saw Seto's stern face, "What the nether are you doing all the way out here."

"I--" Adam ducked and scrapped his arm along the rocky surface, "Jason had me help Jin to shelter, he's injured."

"You shouldn't be here," Seto hissed, his staff swung and flames of purple shot out burning one Enderman to dust. Adam sliced and killed another Enderman leaving one left, "Head back immediately to Jason, if I catch you here wi--"

"I need a health pot for Jin, please," Adam leaped back and avoided an attack. Adam was now beside Seto. Seto kept himself away from Adam, slightly turned away might he add, and only one arm, the one holding the staff, was visible. The rest of Seto's body concealed by his cloak.

Seto didn't say anything, he fired another shot and stayed silent, Adam waited for some sort of response, "You still have some left right?"

"Of course I do."

"Then can I please have one for Jin?"

Seto grumbled, "Hold then and keep any eye out for mobs for a moment."

"Huh?" Adam fumbled to sheathe his sword and catch Seto's staff as he tossed it. Though Seto has two hands he opted to only use the one. Seto's arms were hidden in his cloak while Adam glanced nervously around. He had no choice but to swing Seto's staff around to try and shoo the Endermen.

"Here," Adam turned to see Seto toss a potion Adam's way and Adam fumbled to catch.

"Thank you--"

"Now get the hell bac--" In the sky, the Ender Dragon roared silencing the battlefield, well, only Adam and Seto from arguing (mainly Seto).

The two of them turned their attention to the sky, the area around them was instantly darkened.

"ACK!" Adam jumped when a splatter of purple fell from the sky and landed mere feet from him, some of which spatter on Adam himself.

The shadow passed over Seto and Adam and the dragon nearly crashed into the mountain side. Adam glanced over at Seto in confusion and worry as the sorcerer stared expressionlessly.

"Change of plans," Seto hissed. Seto used one hand to unbutton his cloak, but without letting it drop he wrapped around in a bundle, "Guard this with your life, do not drop it, do not lose it, and do not look at what is inside my cloak."

Seto snatched from Adam his staff and handed Adam his cloak that was bundled and wrapped around some mysterious object.

"W-wait, what about helping Jin--"

"I don't care so long as that thing in your arms is protected. Don't you dare die unless you are Notchdamn sure that thing is in no danger. What you hold there is priceless, so if anything happens to it, you're more than dead." Seto hissed, a powerful force of magic emanated from Seto leaving Adam dumbfounded and fearful. He couldn't speak, so he only nodded with his mouth agape.

He then watched Seto vanish in a flash of magic and moments later appear flying in the void sky. Without his cloak, all of Seto's marks over his body stood out like a sore thumb, even as he zig-zagged through the sky in a blur, it was like a trail of purple faded through the air.

Adam was in awe at the movements of Seto and admired the brilliance of his magic. Adam's eyes were trained to the sky watching as with each swing of Seto's staff he unleashed a flurry of powerful magic at the dragon. But the dragon, though growing weaker, was still far too strong, and with it out of the reach of the Players on the ground, Seto was all alone.

One by one, the surrounding Endermen began to vanish like melting snow and reappearing along the mountain sides like the dragon's own personal band. And by band, Adam meant those notchdamn things raised their arms, and growled in unison, loud enough to be heard regardless of where he was on the land.

Seto's cloak that was wrapped around some mysterious object was actually quite warm. Adam glanced at it in curiosity but resisted all urges to look, he wasn't looking to be murderized by a scary sorcerer like Seto. but the slightest of movements in his arm made Adam more curious.

Objects don't normally move...

Only living things and machines do...

Before Adam could investigate any further the brightest flash of light that Adam had ever seen in this Notch forsaken void appeared. Purple, swirling light as man and dragon battled it out. Seto releasing wave after wave of magic and the dragon blowing the mightiest of fires from the deepest reaches of its bowels. The intensity of the light made all living creatures in the area shy away from its brilliance and the heat reached even the cool underground where Ross and Jin waited.

It would be an understatement on Adam's part to not say this moment was one of the coolest he has ever had the pleasure of witnessing, albeit he couldn't see much. However, when the light subsided, there was no Seto, in fact, there was no dragon.

Upon further looking the dragon and soared high into the void with Seto on its tail, but Seto was losing it fast. Even a powerful sorcerer like Seto could not match this beast, despite its inability to heal.

Adam heard a whimper, the smallest of cries and glanced down to see a small hand poking out from underneath the fabric of Seto's cloak.

"Oh my Notch, a child?" Adam gasped and pulled at the cloak to reveal snow white hair and eyes like lilacs and the face of one small child. How had Adam not noticed a living being in his arms?

But that wasn't the real question on Adam's mind anymore.

The real question, Adam began to think as he kneeled on the rocky surface and glanced up at the raging battle was why was there a child in the End, and who did it belong to?

Most of all, why would Seto refer to him...him? Yes, definitely a boy by the looks. Why would Seto refer to him as priceless?


Pretty lengthy chapter we have here :D 

Theories? >:) I feel the gears are turning in some minds, and realization will hopefully strike many of you.

Feel free to discuss theories with your fellow readers here, I'd like to see what kind of conversations ensue and what kind of information or realizations will surface. :D


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