Chapter Twenty-Four [Fissure]

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I bring you all a new chapter! Praised the chapter given by gods to be delivered by me XD

Anyways, it isn't a super long chapter, but CH25 is in the making while I'm in Atlanta.

I didn't edit, so sorry if there are mistakes.



Chapter 24 [Fissure]


Jin was a gifted Player, or at least that is how Adam saw it. While Jin slashed his way through 3 Endermen single handedly, Adam was busy ducking and diving as he tried not to get himself killed.

Adam was too busy focused on trying not to get killed, so when Jin yelled to him, "Adam! Catch!" Adam almost didn't see his sword flying towards him. Adam jumped back as it landed in the stony ground before he reached and pulled it out, "Thanks!"

"Damn! This void pool doesn't contain the right elements!" Jason dumped the bucket's contents, which instead of the dark purple it was before, it was instead the same clearer purple as the liquid in his amulet, "We have to try a different location, follow me!"

Jason pocketed the bucket into his inventory and headed out in one direction. Since there was no way he could tell what the cardinal directions were in this foreign land, Adam could only describe it as Jason heading towards the edge of the End.

Adam hurried to Jason's side and asked, "Do you need my help again?"

"Pfft, no, it'll go faster if I do it, just fight the mobs with the other Players and stay out of the way." Jason shooed him off, Adam faltered and slowed down, allowing the distance between them to increase. Was he honestly that bad? When he was working in the bookstore, he was never treated like this, in fact his work was always appreciated and awarded. He was fast, and hard-working. He might be a klutz once in awhile, but he's never been thrown aside like that so easily...

The deal was Adam would help Jason and once that was complete he could quit. That was the deal... but this wasn't what was supposed to happen, right?

Adam was pushed aside by Jin. He stumbled and whirled around about to throw a remark at Jin (since they were technically still made at each other), but Jin was busy using his sword to block an Enderman's attack.

"Pay attention."


"I told you the End is no place for resting easy, there's danger everywhere. The Ender Dragon, the Endermen, the Void Pools, the Void, and more, don't let your guard down and be mindful of your surroundings."

"Yeah, well, I'm not some hotshot trainee like yourself," Adam swung his sword at the Endermen Jin was blocking but it teleported away.

"That's too slow, and your angle is off causing more air resistance."

Adam glared, "Sorry, again I'm not a hotshot trainee."

Jin rolled his eyes and the two of them jogged to catch up with the group, "I'm telling you because you wanted to come here, so you might as well learn how to not get yourelf killed."

"Well, no one asked for your advice."

"Dammit, will you quit being stubborn, I'm just trying to help--"

"And I told you back at the AHD to stay out of my life. You're just throwing pity at me. Well, I don't need it," Adam turned to face Jin.

Jin's face scowled, "Quit acting like a baby, you already lost your sword once and nearly got yourself killed plenty of other times, if you keep acting like this you're going to die for reals."

"This amulet will keep me alive so long as i don't fall into the void, so what. It's the same with you so leave me alone."

"What is that supposed to mean? Same as me, what about me?" Jin pulled at Adam's shoulder, the two of them stopped walking.

"What I mean is, so long as you don't fall in the void, dying is no problem, you would live anyway, and so would I because of this amulet" Adam pulled away from Jin and continued walking. Adam didn't notice Jin seething in rage.

"How dare you..." Jin said in a low, dark voice, Adam glanced behind him and saw Jin with his head down and fist clenched, "You still think that a Player can just die and always be dandy and fine, don't you?"

Adam took a step back as Jin marched forward and grabbed at Adam's shirt. Had they been anywhere else but the End, more fists would have flown and anger sharpened, but before Jin could even get out a word someone else broke in.

"Jin, Adam! Look out!" From across the way, O yelled to the two of them and both of them turned to look at O with confusion. It wasn't until they looked the other way they saw the Endermen.

Adam and Jin were thrown back as the Endermen swung and threw the two of them away from each other. Adam was tossed a good 20 blocks to the right and landed on his shoulder. Adam cried out and his vision grew spotty from the spikes of burning hot pain.

Jin on the other hand, took most of the hit and was thrown much farther. He landed with a hard crack and screamed. His body rolled along the stony ground.

Adam pushed himself up just in time and saw Jin roll off the edge, "Jin!" Adam scrambled to his feet and stumbled over, his left arm felt numb and useless, his sword discarded without realizing it.

"Adam!" Jin called out, Adam could just make out Jin's hands holding onto the edge of the island.

"I'm coming, hold on!"

Adam didn't mean for this to happen. He never meant for Jin to get hurt.

The growling roars of Endermen as they teleported from place to place and surrounded Adam. They blocked him from Jin, leaving Jin hanging, "Adam!" Jin cried out.

"I-I'm coming!" Adam's fists clenched and trembled as all around him were terrifying monsters of heights taller than him and eyes of purple malice. Adam shook but he glared with two eyes like suns blazing. How would he face this many Endermen, if he died he'd be sent back to Rekrium and he didn't think Jin could hold out that long.

A distant explosion brought Adam away from his thoughts and he couldn't resist the urge to look in the direction of the noise. He caught the last sight of one of those purple crystals exploding from the top of one of those obsidian towers. The Endermen's jaws lowered and a bone rattling growl emitted from all of the Endermen in the area. Instead of finishin him off as they were about to do, the Endermen ignored Adam and vanished. So did all the Endermen in this area and over by Jason.

Adam was stunned by the events that had just occurred, but hearing Jin groan snapped Adam back to the issue at hand, "Jin! Here I come, hold on!" Adam dashed over to Jin and winced at the sharp pain in his shoulder. He kneeled on the ground and just as Jin's fingers slipped Adam's hand wrapped around Jin's, "I got you."

Jin used his free hand to help Adam pull him up as Adam strained with one arm. It was a tiring effort that left the both of them on the ground panting and groaning, "Are you ok Jin?"

"Y-yeah, I think my ankle's buted though, you?"

Adam glanced at his shoulder, "I think I dislocated my shoulder when we were tossed."

"I can pop it back in, though you should still get it checked when we return home," Jin dragged himself over to Adam.

"Y-yeah, thanks, if you could," he felt himself avoiding Jin's eyes, it was his fault after all they were in this situation. If he hadn't been such a petty idiot then Jin wouldn't be injured currently.

"Ok, I'll pop it back on 3," Adam nodded, "1...2--" Adam felt a sharp pain and literaly screamed before slapping his free hand over his mouth and muffled his pained gasps.

"What the fu--"

"Sorry! It's better if yo don't expect it!" Jin interuppted, Adam merely grumbled in response and winced with every movement of his arm.

They sat silently for a moment, with no Endermen in sight and Jason's group much farther in the distance, everything was quiet and still. Like time was frozen. As if there was no battle raging on in the background and Jason wasn't barking orders over in the distance and he and Jin weren't sitting in an awkward silence.

"I'm sorry Adam," Adam turned to look at Jin, Jin's eyes were staring up into the dark void, "I've been acting like an asshole, I've been too hard on you. It's my fault, I'm pushing you away instead of supporting you...I just...I just couldn't handle what you said. The fact you were so ready to do literally the most dangerous thing in the world to return home, even at the risk of death...I don't understand how you could do that when training as a Player would actually be safer.

"It doesn't actually make much sense if you think about it. And...the part you kept saying about us Players, that we needn't fear death...I wish that were true, at least about myself."

"Jin..." Adam mumbled, "Please don't apologize, I should be saying sorry. I was the stubborn mule who refused to listen to you, you were right. You are right about everything, and I keep trying to act like I'm right, when really I'm just being a stupid idiot..." Adam muttered, he looked back over to Jin who was now facing him.


Adam smiled, "Yeah, friends. Here, let me help you up, we can't sit here forever." Adam stood up and reach out his hand to Jin who took it. Together, with Jin leaning on Adam's good side, the two of them took their time in returning to Jason.

"Don't forget your sword over there."

"O-oh, right, whoops."

The faintest scratch was hardly visible along the surface of Adam's amulet.





Idk what else I can say here.

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