Chapter Twenty-One [The Capital]

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I feel bad my updating schedule has gone to absolute shit. I can't stay consistent! D: Besides getting grounded, it has also been hard to stay inspired.

I have a solution that is somewhat working, basically whenever I can't write I just stop and go write something else. It seems to work and give my brain a chance to relax from my stories.

Also, I'm not grounded anymore because I got accepted into some summer college programs and what not, which the only reason I got grounded is because I didn't submit a form. EVEN THOUGH IT WAS FINE BECAUSE I STILL HAD TWO DAYS BEFORE THE PROGRAM DEADLINE, AND BESIDES THAT PROGRAM IS ONE OF THE PROGRAMS I GOT ACCEPTED TOO. *Cough* anyways, I'm no longer grounded



Chapter 21 [The Capital]


For the remainder of those 12 days, Adam and Jin have not been on speaking terms. Not once have they looked each other in the eyes without mentally throwing daggers at each other's back and muttering hateful swears under their breaths.

And poor Barney really did try to smooth things over between the both of them, but neither were interested. And it really sucked, because besides Adam, Jin and Ross were selected to go to the End. One because Jason said he needed his apprentice, though a more accurate term was lackey, and Jin had risen to the top of his trainee division quite quickly and was exceptionally skilled. Of course he came from a pretty decent family with a good record of excellently skilled Players.

So Barney had to stay behind. But Ty and Tyler, the TnT duo, were also staying behind. Despite being the most powerful team in the AHD, Ty original expressed his disagreements to the expedition and not to mention he was also the head of the AHD. So he had to stay behind to run it, and Tyler, was a much stronger person with Ty around, was better if he stayed.

It was early before the break of dawn, so many Players and OP's were gathered in their tired states. Many were anxious for the day because it would be a long ride to the capital. Adam wondered where the End portal was. Since he's never heard of the existence of the End until he came to the AHD and what not.

There were four lines, to represent the four teams. Two teams for attacking, one for defending, and a team for Jason. From what Adam gathered from Seto, Jason, and Tyler talking over these past 12 days was that the main point of the mission was to gather certain resources only found on the End. And while Jason's team did that, the other 3 teams would fight and defend to secure an exit. Because as Adam came to learn, once someone enters the End, there is no way out except to kill the dragon. And as he also learned, the dragon seemed to return even after being killed, no one was sure how, but it was only after a few months would the dragon return.

But he didn't need to worry, he would be helping Jason, and there was some good fighters on this team.

Adam looked around at those in the 4th line with him. Obviously Jason and Ross were in this team, then there was O, and that one girl he remembered the name of when she was called. Katie, or something like that. He didn't know everyone's name here, but there was a good deal of them, 15 in total...Oh, and did he forget to include Jin in the list of people he "knew". Yeah...He was here in this group too.

"Alright! Today is the day, I expect you all to be on your best. This is a rare opportunity that doesn't come around every century, and this is also a dangerous mission," Tyler stood in front of them with a mask of concern, but he hid it well.

Ty stood beside Tyler and all eyes turned to him, "As you know, this mission only picked those of you who are qualified, so as Tyler said, all of you must be on your best. As members of the AHD, I expect all of you to work together and persevere, rely on those around you, fight for each other, defend each other. This is a matter of life and death, and it is far easier to die than it is too live. If you value your life, you must value the lives of those around you. Remember that, and never give up.

With that Ty turned to leave and Tyler once more took to speaking.

"The buses have been fueled up. Teams 1 and 3 will take Bus #1, and Teams 2 and 4 will take Bus #2. Good luck."

Adam felt the line he was in began to trudge forward towards the waiting buses, his hand rested on the hilt of the sword he carried. Since he was the only one who needed to visibly carry it, the sword constantly banged against his leg. But he didn't mind, just a few days ago Tyler came to him and handed him this iron sword.

"I guess there really is no way to convince you to not go to the End, huh?"

Adam shook his head, "I see, well then at least take this. It's one of the last swords available, but it should help." An iron sword appeared in Tyler's hand which shimmered with faint glow, "It has a simple Sharpness I enchant, so it's a little better than normal iron."

"Thank you!" Adam graciously took the sword.

"No problem kiddo," Tyler smiled before he added, "Oh safe, alright. The End is really not your average place."

Now with his own sword he felt so much better. He did have his doubts about how much he would be able to do on this trip, but the sword made him feel a little better.


The bus was a bit crowded, and actually it was quite loud after only 10 minutes of driving. Even though just before everyone was sleep deprived, there was no trace of that now.

Adam had taken a seat beside Ross because he didn't have much of a choice. Seto and Jason sat in the seat right in front of Adam, and since Ross was Jason's "apprentice" and Adam was here only because of Jason, it seemed right that he would sit near them.

Ross had taken the window seat and was sound asleep despite the racket, while Adam could not focus on anything else but Jason's loud voice as he and Seto conversed.

He wondered where the guy got the must be the sweets. With it he is energized, and without he crashes and burns and sleeps.

"Seto! Aren't you excited! I've been pushing for this mission for ages now, and it's finally been approved!"

"Yes I know that."

"And when we finally arrive in the End I'll finally be able to gather some data! This is amazing!" Jason kicked his feet wildly into the seat in front of him. Adam was sure he noticed the leather seat getting torn slightly from Jason's metal boots.

"Not only that, but you can fight to your hearts content! I know you feel even more agitated than usually since you've been cooped up for centuries making potions and doing enchantments."

"Jason, quiet down, you're letting everyone in on our conversation."

"Nonsense! Hey Adam," Jason turned in his seat to face Adam, Adam sat upright and tall, "After this mission, don't forget to return the amulet OK? Can't have you stealing it."

"R-right, no worries, I wouldn't quit without returning it."

"Good!" Jason grinned, he looked back at Seto, "Ooo! When we get to the capital I have to show you this cafe I found when I was last there. The coffee is OK, but they have better cakes."


Adam sighed, he slumped down in his seat and yawned. He was really tired. He didn't get much sleep because Jason had him up late loading equipment into the busses. Which was probably why Ross was asleep since he was helping too, but atleast he could fall asleep in this situation, Adam glanced in Jason's direction. He let out another sigh.

This will be a very long and exhausting ride.


You know, not at all relating to Adam's story, but just the other day while I was writing another page in Etoriis, I happened to take a peek in the overworld.

I will say, it still feels like yesterday the events of this story I'm telling you took place. But whenever I look out into the world, I notice things really have changed. It's been over 300 years and yet I'm always thinking about this tale.

I suppose it won't be long now. While there is still much more to tell, soon things will be in place.

Don't you agree Adam? I bet you're looking forward to meeting some old friends, and making new ones.

Sorry readers, I feel I'm confusing you whenever I go off on my tangents.

Back to the story!


Adam stepped out into the evening light. The sun hadn't quite set, but it would soon, the city itself was already cast in the shadow of the mountain, so it already felt as cold as night.

"Good evening!" Adam perked up, he saw two DROP officers speaking to Seto and Jason, "Captain Mau sent us to greet and escort you all to where you will be staying," One officer said.

"She also wants to offer her condolences for not being able to be here in person, important matters came up, but she will stop by as soon as she can," the other officer said.

"Oh tell her she doesn't need to bother, I'm sure she's plenty busy," Jason waved off the remark, "H-Hey! Be careful with those boxes, those machines aren't cheap! I'll have you skinned if there's even a scratch on them--Ross why don't you make yourself useful!" Jason turned around at the sound a crate hitting the stone paved ground.

"Excuse him for his ill temper, he is lacking in energy right now, We'd all really like to get our rest before tomorrow," Seto interjected.

"Of course, we had the closest inn booked for your stay, so the walk won't be far. We are sorry that the streets are too narrow for the buses."

"Thank you, please lead the way," Seto said, he then looked at the soldier behind him, "We're moving now! Keep up and don't leave anything behind!"

Adam didn't know Seto could be so calm and polite like that... Why couldn't he be like that always, even if Seto did speak in a pretty emotionless tone, that calmness was better than his wrath.


Just as those DROP officers said, the entire inn was rented out. Dinner was served and delivered to all the rooms, which there were enough rooms for everyone to pair up.

Adam...well he ended up pairing with Ross, once again due to his relations to Jason.

"S-so, Ross...Nice weather? Huh?"

Ross just snorted and ate his meal. Adam had no choice but to let the tense silence continue. It's not like he was really friends with Ross, but he did have this feeling like Ross was mad at him...

Adam finished his dinner in silence, and when he was done he got up and left his tray outside the room. The door closed shut behind him and Adam thought maybe now was a good time to break the silence. At this point Ross was reading a book, having finished his dinner at least 10 minutes before him.

This room had two singles beds each with its own table side lamp.

"Well, we're temporary roommates for the night...Why don't we try to--"

"I think you're forgetting something," Ross interrupted without even looking up from his book.

"H-huh? W-what is it?" Adam looked around in confusion.

"We aren't friends, not even in the slightest. Not to mention it seems you also forgot your brain 13 days into the past, I honestly can't believe you even agreed to come along on this mission."

Adam's mood turned foul and he frowned, "Why do you and Jin keep trying to force you opinion on me. The both of you keep spouting on and on about the End and how dangerous it is, and about the mighty dragon that respawns or something." Adam shook his arms in the air and scowled. He flopped on his bed and glared indignantly a Ross, but Ross never looked up from his book.

"You don't seem to understand that the End is a place can just as easily kill a human as it can kill a Player. The End is a floating island within the void, and if you had a scrap of intelligence remaining in you, you would know that anyone who falls in the void never returns. There's more than one reason why the End remains unknown to Human ranks like you."

Ross sighed and snapped his book shut before placing on the table beside him, "Just shut up and sleep." He flicked his lamp off leaving the only light source to be Adam's lamp.

Adam was going to say something in response had Seto's voice not rung out through the hall, "Lights out! We rise early tomorrow morning, so don't be late!"

Then Adam's lap went out shortly after that, and he grumbled and stumbled to find his way to his bed.


Next chapter they are heading to the End, :D And the story isn't even halfway done yet.

Now I'm going to go work on writing other things and drawing.

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