Chapter Twenty [Words of Spite]

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Allllrighty guys! I know many of you expressed your excitement for this chapter and you will not be disappointed. As promised there is some drama!

Today I have for you an exceptional chapter of action! Punches are thrown, blood is shed (though only Human ranks technically bleed), many hate filled words are spat as anger is unleashed. And the most important of all, this chapter is longer than average! 9 Google Doc pages long! And I normally write 6

So please do enjoy the juicy action! And be ready for later drama in the second Arc (which this is the second Arc.)



Chapter 20 [Words of Spite]


When Adam woke the next morning he realized he woke up peacefully. There were no explosions, no swearing, and no being tossed out of bed by magic, but Seto was definitely here.

"Adam, hurry and get in here, I know you're awake."

"Y-yes sir," Adam rolled out of his bed, he'd fallen asleep with his phone in his hand. Adam placed the phone back on the bedside table, he would charge it later...Last night after he told Alesa yes, he hasn't heard back since he knew she read the message, but she hasn't responded.

He did try saying he would like to still be friends if that was possible, however that message remained unread.

He didn't try anything afterward.

Outside of his room, Seto was waiting. All the weapons, armor and a ton of potions were waiting in several chests. There was a shimmering glow over the weapons and armor, which just meant they were enchanted.

"These are a bunch of gear that will be used on the expedition, I want you to help me take it up.

"Ok," Adam walked over and picked up one of the chests. It was heavy, but he will say one thing, he did pick up a bit more muscle while living here.

The other 3 chests were lifted by Seto's magic, "Once we get up there, we are leaving these in the center clearing, Ty and Tyler are distributing these to those who are heading on the mission."


The walk up the ravine was quiet, there wasn't much traffic, but when they did come across someone going down the ravine, it was easy to move past them. At the top of the ravine, it was bustling like crazy. It seemed all anyone could talk about was this large-scale mission that was going to be carried out in 12 days.

Seto lowered his 3 chests to the ground and Adam followed suit. Adam was almost in awe at the spirits of everyone here. The AHD, the perfect team, every player, and OP here worked in harmony. Because that is what they did. They worked together to get the job done, they worked together to protect human life. Players and OPs were just that amazing.

But not him.

"Thanks, Seto," Tyler came up to them and placed a hand on Seto's shoulder. He just shrugged it off.

"It's nothing." Adam avoided looking at Tyler, he felt bad. Tyler was practically his mentor here, but now they would just go back to being two strangers with absolutely nothing to do with each other.

"Alright! Let's get to work people!" Tyler shouted.

"Tyler," Tyler glanced back to see Ty walking towards the center. His stern eyes glared, but not with anger, glaring was normal for him. "Are the--nevermind, I see Seto has already brought them up."

"Yep! I think Seto really outdid himself with these enchants, they'll beat that scaly lizard so don't worry about the mission."

"I'm not."

"If you need me I'll be in Jason's lab, there are a few more details we need to discuss," Seto turned away, "Oh and Tyler, I need to speak with you later, I have a few questions I'd like to ask you, just out of curiosity."

Adam stiffened when Seto left, he had no idea what to do now.

"We need to get to work on distributing the supplies to those who are going, gather everyone in the area," Ty told Tyler.

"Sure thing," Tyler pulled out his phone. In a few moments of fast typing, there were dings and beeps coming from nearly every person around them. Adam was amazed when people began to gather around.

Now, readers, this isn't some sort of message sent using Drive, don't make that mistake that he did some sort of send all using Drive messages or mail.

Do you remember when I briefly discussed an OP's special ability, their ability to use Permissions? The truth is, the phone did none of the work, it's just a cover.

If you remember readers that an OP's ability to use Permissions must be permitted by the King and the King's Council. Anyways, what Tyler did was just a small example of what Permissions could do.

He simply set a radius of 30 blocks and transmitted a message of summons @all in the area. And he made sure the message was transmitted as an input into the devices that the people in the area own. It's really easy to cover up an ability like that.

"Alright, as you know in just 12 days we have a very important expedition to carry out. Many of you will be staying here to continue with the regular duties, however, some of you have been selected based on your performances thus far. The End is no laughing matter and can even cost someone's life permanently," Tyler gave a pointed glance in Adam's direction, but Adam was looking elsewhere," Please listen to see if your name has been called and report to me for the gears and weapons distribution, along with your team assignment.

Ty stepped forward, the breeze picked up slightly, ruffling his hair and making his black scarf sway, "I will be calling out the names, starting with the higher positions, and working my way down to the lower positions."

"Council Member Seto Magi, and Engineer Specialist Jason Stars. Lieutenant Mae Rudine, Lieutenant Allen Evans, Sergeant Katie Evans..." The names began to drone on and Adam zoned out. He wondered what he should right now. Standing around would not help him prepare.

"Adam!" Adam saw Jason storming towards him, Shit, what did he do now?

"Head to the warehouse pronto! I just came from there after I completed the transaction and I am now going back to my lab. I need you to prioritize the boxes with my name on it and bring it to my lab, now shoo!"

"Ahh!" Adam said as Jason placed his hands on Adam's back and pushed him towards the ravine bridge.

"Ok, ok, I'm on it!" Adam took charge and hurriedly walked across the bridge, at least now he had something to do.


The warehouse was almost silent, he heard the sound of someone moving a lot of boxes around. He made his way over and froze. Shit, he should've realized it was Alesa. He thought for a moment he could get away fast but he heard a voice behind him.

"Oh hey! Mark look, it's that kid that showed up with Tyler that one night, what was his name again? Allan?"


"Oh, right! Thanks, Mark." Adam spun around and noticed those two twins, Joey and Mark, from Alesa's home. Her older brothers.

Adam panicked and put a finger to his lips hoping they would get the signal to pipe down. He didn't want to encounter Alesa right now, and yes he realized he was being a coward. But with good reason.

"Jo, I think he's telling us to be quiet."

"Why so? Hey Adam, why the stressed look? Has the AHD been treating you roughly? Or is it a girl problem? Hmmmmm?" Joey wrapped an arm around Adam and wiggled his eyebrows.

"N-No, just shhhh, please!" Adam was embarrassed. From the one meeting that Adam had with Mark and Joey, which was just that dinner he had with Tyler over at the Clark's residence, he knew that of the two, Joey was the loudest and most social.

"Well, if you're that upset, I'll love you," Joey made kissy faces and Adam panicked.

"W-wait wh-what!" Adam screeched.

"Ow," Joey let go of Adam when Mark gave Joey a sound flick to his forehead. Mark then grabbed Joey by his ear and yanked him back, "Ow! Dammit, Ow, sorry jeez! I was just joking."

Adam was still stunned into silence.

"Please forgive my idiot, gay brother. He has a rare condition of being a complete dumbass."

"I-It's fine," How did he end up in this situation?

"Joey? Mark? What are you--?" Adam stiffened and turned around slowly to see Alesa standing behind him.


"Oh h-hi Alesa! N-nice weather we're having, huh?" Adam cleared his throat and waved awkwardly.

"Joey, we're going to go grab more boxes, come on," Mark pushed Joey past the two of them.

"Yeah, yeah," Joey muttered.

"I-I should go grab boxes too! You know, it's busy and all with this whole End trip," Adam felt like he was a robot, his limbs were so stiff to move as he tried to follow Joey and Mark.

Adam made it past Alesa but stopped when she spoke up, "I know you wanted to say 'no', but it's still your choice...and it's your life... No one should force you to risk your life if you don't want to..."

Adam sighed and hung his head, "I...I have to. I shouldn't be h--"

"ADAM!" Adam jumped and looked back at the warehouse entrance. He noticed 3 people, Barney, Ross, and Jin. He honestly wasn't expecting Ross to be with them, but it wasn't him that yelled at him, surprisingly. It was Jin's voice.

"G-guys? What are you--"

"Are you insane!" Jin stormed over to Adam with his fists clenched, "I can't believe you want to do something so crazy as to go into the End!" Jin was now in front of Adam who held up his hands in surrender.

"Wh-what's gotten into you Jin?"

"The End? Did you say the End?" Alesa asked.

"Yeah, this idiot here is going to the End so he can quit the AHD."

"So what? It's better this way--"

"If you want to get yourself killed that is. You should just give up, don't even think about going to the End," Jin hissed, he looked absolutely furious.

"He's right, it's suicide for a guy like you to go there," Ross added.

"I don't care, I'm just helping Jason gather supplies. That's all, so quit worrying--" Jin gritted his teeth and grabbed Adam's shirt and yanked him towards him.

"I don't think you understood what Ross meant by it's suicide."

"Yas man, yous really shouldn'ts go. The End is nos place for guy likes yous," Barney said.

"And we're aren't just saying that because you're a Human rank, we're saying that because it's a place that's even dangerous for a Player or even an OP to go into. Not just anyone can go to the End, you have to be chosen to go there because it is that dangerous."

Adam was silent for a moment before he pried Jin's fingers from his shirt, "Still, I have to. You don't understand. I shouldn't be here, I don't belong. You're telling me to not go to the End but instead to continue living here when no one here likes me and when all I do is screw everything up. None of you understand what it's like in my shoes, what it's like being a Human rank." Adam took a step away from them and turned away, "You Players have it easy, you don't really have to fear anything, not even death." Adam glanced at Alesa who looked away from his gaze. He guessed she didn't understand either.

But he has to, he has to leave, he has to do this. It would all be better this way--

"AAHHH!" Adam was tackled to the ground by Jin, and gasped in shock. Adam rolled over onto his back and tried to push Jin off of him.

"Hey! What the nether man--" Jin balled up his fist around Adam's shirt, his hazel eyes fueled with fury and hate, his blond hair hanging loosely.

"Whoas! Jins! What ares yous doings!"

"Asshole! You don't get it!"

"What!" Adam as getting pissed. What gave Jin the right to butt into his matters, to force his opinions on him, to fucking tackle him to the ground, "Get off me!"

"I may not be a human rank, but that doesn't give you any right to assume a Notchdamn thing about me!"

"I didn't assume anything!"

"Guys, comes ons, quits this!" Barney tried to approach them but Adam pushed Jin off of him and scrambled to his feet. Barney immediately helped Jin up but Jin slapped his hand away and stood up himself.

"I just stated the truth! You don't have any idea what it is like being a Human rank. We may outnumber the Players and OPs combined in population, but were still the ones counted as the useless ones. We're the ones left with all the jobs no higher rank wants. No matter how hard I said that I wanted to be in the AHD, everyone laughed and told me to wake up. They expect me to be a baker or a farmer or work in a notchdamn office! Well, maybe now they were right, but that doesn't mean it didn't piss me off when guys like you just assumed something like that."

Adam jabbed his finger in Jin's direction and Jin responded, "First off, you're just giving up, you're not even trying anymore to stay in the AHD. You'd rather go to the End for suicide then try harder here and get stronger--"

"I'm not going for suicide dumbass."

"I wasn't finished. And next that isn't the assumption I was talking about."

"Well what was it," Adam glared.

"You said that we Players have it easy," Jin calmed down and took a breath.

"Yeah, so what," Adam was still agitated as fuck.

"You've probably never taken any additional Player History classes, so you're probably not familiar with the story of Laurens the Player."

"Way back when the only rank that existed were Humans, a man named Laurens died. However, he found that he came back to life only a few minutes later. Confused by this he figured he dreamed it. But then as fate would have it, it happened again, and again, and again; to the point, he couldn't deny this weird gift. Not to mention the man was well in his 50's but looked as young as 20 and hardly missed a beat, always roaring with energy.

"Laurens, who was amazed by this discovery, began to flaunt his power in front of others. He would do what no one would ever dream to do. He would do the most dangerous of tasks, take on the cruelest of foes, he'd do anything without fear. Because what would a man who's never truly died have to fear.

Adam listened to Jin as he told this story. He will admit, he never learned this, because he did only take Rekrium history. He didn't think history that concerned the outside world was all that important when they were stuck here.

"It wasn't long after that more people began to find they were like this man. That they too could die and live again. Of course, this was not everyone, only a few. Now the name Players derives from Laurens, a man who was so bold it was like life itself was nothing but a game to him, and all he did was play it.

"People far across Etoriis came to know of this man and came to watch him climb the highest mountains, jump the tallest of buildings, swim the deepest of oceans, all to marvel at his bravery. But one day it happened. Laurens was a wealthy man with a family and a wife. One day he died, and he did not come back. At first, people waited, and waited, and waited. But Laurens did not resurface. All that was left was his wedding ring and many regrets."

"Now do you understand? You say that we Players have it easy, that we have nothing to fear, but I will bet you anything that the thing a Player fears the most, ironically enough to you is death."

Adam was silent, he was indeed shocked by the information, "Fine, I'm sorry I said something so careless, I didn't know that that is how you felt, but I am still going to the End."

Jin was taken aback, "You can't be serious. What part of suicide mission do you not understand?"

"What part of I have to do this do you not understand?"

"Everything! Just give up, you're going to get yourself killed!"

"Whys don'ts we calms downs?" Barney tried to get in between the two.

"Fuck me, all this yelling is annoying," Ross groaned, Alesa stayed silent.

Adam felt his fist ball up, and he wasn't thinking when he charged at Jin. He moved past Barney and reared his fist back.

"Jins!" Barney yelled.

"Adam!" Alesa yelled.

Jin didn't flinch when Adam threw his punch, he caught Adam's wrist with one hand and landed a hard punch to Adam's jaw with the other. With the added boost of Player strength and speed, Adam was thrown back into a large sturdy shelf with a hard slam.

"You can't even hit me, and I'm just a trainee. How do you think you can even live long enough, in the End, to help Jason while being surrounded by hellish mobs and a demonic dragon," Jin stared down at Adam. A bit of blood was dripping down the side of his face where he had bitten his tongue on impact of the punch. Adam held that side of his face with his hand and didn't stop looking at Jin with anger.

"This is exactly what I'm talking about," Adam said and winced when he tried to move.

"Look, I think this is enough, Adam are you alright. Let me help you to the infirmary," Alesa knelt down beside him.

Adam just hissed and stood up himself, "I don't need your pity, your insults, or your opinions. All you Players are the same, you just look down on me and try to force your so-called superiority on me because I have one fucking life. Well bullshit, and bullshit to your fucking story about Laurens the Player or whatever. If you're so afraid of death as you say, they maybe worry about your own fucking life and stay out of mine. I'm going to the End, and I'm getting the nether out of this corrupt nether hole. I don't want to be around another Player like you again!" Adam stumbled as he limped towards Alesa's truck. He was going to complete the job Jason had asked of him and leave.

Jin, on the other hand, was doing everything he could to hold back his tongue and his fist. Adam really was being a dumb shit, a really dumb fucking shit. Jin took a deep breath and he spun around to leave. If that shithead wanted to throw his life away just to so he could quit, then Jin would do as he asked and stay the fuck out of his life.

"Jins!" Barney looked back at Adam struggling to pick up some boxes with his slight limp, but then he looked back at Jin as he walked away. Ross was already leaving with him. He looked to the red haired girl who was silent. Barney muttered under his breath and ran to Jin.

"Jins, holds up, let's talks."

After Jin, Ross, and Barney left, and Adam finally managed to carry a few boxes out of the warehouse, Alesa's older brothers Mark and Joey poked their heads out from behind some boxes. They walked up to their littlest sister.

Joey muttered a quick, "Damn, I am glad I'm not that young and stupid," before hugging his sister when tears began to spill.

"You still are stupid--"

"Shhh, Mark, not now, shhhh." Joey placed a finger to Mark's lips and hugged Alesa more.

Alesa didn't understand, what had she done wrong? She was only trying so hard to understand. But Adam was right, but so was Jin. Players didn't understand Humans, and Humans didn't understand Players. And that just seemed to be the set rule, was it not?

And yet she, the peace loving girl, really just wanted to help.

Was that so wrong? Had she really been looking down on him just because he was a Human rank, were her actions nothing more than pity to his eyes. Regardless, she felt like some of it was his fault, and so she cried her eyes out in the warm and loving embrace of her brothers.

She really loved her family, and she really loved people. And she really just wanted to help.


This was one fun chapter to write! I really hoped you all liked it. Some of this drama carries over into the End ;))))

Also for newer readers who don't know, there is a book called GO Extras on my page. I put stuff in there that you should remember as the secrets of GAME OVER are uncovered. I just posted in it yesterday and whatnot.


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