Chapter 2

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(Author's POV)
The Game Shakers were currently at their HQ as Trip and Hudson were just playing video games together as Kenzie was just doing her usual thing, working on her computer and doing her project for Mr Sammich's class. And babe on the other hand was on her phone on social media trying to find out if Y/N has an account.

Trip: Come on Hudson! What you scared???

Hudson: Scared??? Nah man once I win this you gotta wear a clown nose at school for a whole week!

Trip: And when I win you go a week wearing a bib!

Hudson: You're on!

Trip and Hudson were playing mortal Kombat as they kept shouting and rambling while playing.

Kenzie: Can you two bozo's keep it down??? I'm trying to work here!

Trip and Hudson ignored her as they kept shouting and rambling as Kenzie rolls her eyes and just continues doing her work.

Kenzie: Hey babe could you come over and check this out? Kenzie shouts

Babe was on her phone still focused.

Kenzie: Babe?

Babe still was on her phone typing.

Kenzie: Babe! She shouted once more

Babe still didn't hear her as she was still on her phone. Kenzie gets up and grabs an air horn that was next to her and uses it on her making babe and the two boys yelp.

Babe: What was that for?!

Kenzie: I've been calling you like three times!

Babe: Oh! W-well I'm uhhhhhhh busy.

Kenzie: Busy? Doing what???? You're just on your phone!

Babe: Uhhhhhhhh........ researching?

Kenzie: You're trying to find out if the new student has a social media account aren't you?

Babe: Whaaaaaaattttt????? No totally not! She smirked

Trip and Hudson stopped playing their game as they walked towards the girls.

Trip: Are you having a crush on the new student already??????

Babe: N-no!! She shouted while blushing a little

Hudson: Ooooooohh someone likes the new guy!!!

Babe: Shut up Hudson!


Babe: NO!!!!

She tackles him as Hudson was trying to run to the door as trip and Kenzie immediately try to get babe off of Hudson but she was too strong.

Kenzie: Guys come on!

Trip: Alright alright babe! Just get off him!

They all kept yelling and shouting as it was a cat fight. Trip backs up as it was getting a bit too heated while Kenzie was trying her best to get babe off of Hudson as they still kept shouting.

Trip: Come on guys seriously?!

As he was just standing there watching them
Fight, his phone dings as he checks the notification. His eyes go wide as he sees a post on social media from a friend of his.

Trip: Guys!

They kept shouting and arguing.

Trip: Guys!!!!!!

They still were arguing and fighting. Trip grabs a balloon and pops it making them all yelp.

Trip: Now are you all gonna listen to what I have to tell y'all???

Babe: What?!

Trip: Look at what Hayley just posted on her social media page!

He shows them a photo of a girl and Y/N together. Kenzie's eyes go wide as babe notices the photo.


She shoved Kenzie and Hudson out of the way as she grabbed Trip's phone. Her eyes go wide as she was in denial.


Trip: Woah woah woah! Let's not jump to conclusions now. Maybe she just ran into him and maybe he wanted to be friends with her????

Babe: MORE LIKE MORE THAN FRIENDS!  She freaked out

Kenzie: Babe, Trip is probably right ok? Look we don't even know if he's even in a relationship at all! Or even looking for one!

Hudson: Are you sure about that????

They all look at him while Hudson is looking at something on his phone.

Kenzie: What do you mean???

Hudson: It looks like he's hugging this girl. He smirks as he shows the others a photo of a girl hugging him.

Babe has a disbelief look on her face as she puts her head in a pillow as she screams in it.

Babe(sad): Why did all the boys I date leave me for cute girls like her?!!!

Hudson: Hey I get it.

He sits next to babe and puts his hand on her back as she looks at him.

Babe: You do???

Hudson: Yeah. It just means you're ugly. He smiles

Kenzie and trip have a wide eyed look as babe has a shocked face.

Babe: How rude! I am not ugly! She scoffed

Kenzie: That was too far Hudson!

Trip: Yeah man.

Hudson looks back at the photo.

Hudson: Well he sure is dating a hot one now.


Babe tries to attack Hudson as trip quickly grabs him and pulls him away as Kenzie holds babe back. Trip grabs Hudson's phone and looks at the photo until he notices something.

Trip: Guys it's a false alarm!

Babe calms herself down as Kenzie lets her go.

Kenzie: What do you mean????

Trip: It's not his girlfriend! It's just a fan of his hugging him and getting a picture with him!

Kenzie and Babe walk over as he shows the caption that said: Met my favorite music artist!!!! Best day ever!

Babe: Ohhhhhhhh........

Kenzie: See babe? I told you trip was right.

Babe sighs in relief as she falls on the couch.

Babe: Thank sky whale for that.

They all returned to their normal activities as babe was still thinking about him.

Babe(thoughts): Do I have feelings for him already????????? Oh gosh. I gotta take it down a notch and get to know him first before I try anything.

Y/N's Dreamscape
Y/N opens his eyes as he was in some sort of neighborhood.

Y/N: Wait. This..........this place feels familiar....

He quickly turns around as he sees his old house.

Y/N: My old house??? What am I doing back here????

He then hears a familiar voice shouting.


Y/N: No..............

Y/N starts running as he busts the door open and heads to the kitchen and sees his mother on the ground bleeding.

Y/N: NO! NO!!!'

He rushes towards her as he tries to put pressure on the wound.

Y/N: NO NO NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

He looks at his mother as her face was covered in cuts and was deformed as she charges at him.

(Y/N's POV)
I bolt awake as i started breathing heavily and sweating allot. I could feel my heart pounding as I try to relax.

Y/N: Shit it was just a nightmare... oh god.

I wipe my face as I was breathing slowly until I hear someone knocking on my door.

Alfred: Y/N everything alright????

Y/N: Y-yeah I'm alright Alfred!

Alfred: Alright well dinner is prepared when you're ready.

Y/N: Alright. Thanks Alfred!

I get up as I check my phone and saw that the time was 7:30 PM. Man I've been knocked out for a while, I then noticed so many notifications from my social media page. I click it and see so many follow requests and comments.

Y/N: Woah! Looks like my first ever electric guitar video got a hit! Damn I gotta make more songs later!

I smiled as I put my phone in my pocket and exit my room. I head to the dining room as I see Alfred putting my plate on the table.

Y/N: Thanks again Alfred.

Alfred: It's my job to serve you and your father.

Y/N: Hopefully my dad gives you enough credit for it.

Alfred just smiles as he walks away. I started to eat my food when I heard the front door open as I heard my dad's voice.

Jim: I'm home!

Y/N: Hey dad. How was your first day at the new job????

Jim: Pretty damn good son! What about you how was your first day at your new school???

Y/N: Well it was good actually. I also made allot of new friends and some fans.

Jim: I'm guessing your electric guitar video got a hit?

Y/N: Sure did. But uhhhhhh dad I gotta talk to you about something.

Jim: Is someone picking on you at school already?!

Y/N: What?! No no! No one is DONT worry. Even if someone was I'd just fight them but not like fight fight but you know?

Jim: Ah ok good. So what did you wanna talk to me about?

Y/N: Well there's this girl-

Jim: A girl?! Do you like her?! What's her name?! How old is she?!

Y/N: Woah woah slow down dad! I haven't even started!

My dad just laughs.

Jim: Alright alright sorry. Continue.

Y/N: Ok so this girl is in my class and basically she left her flask so the teacher wanted me to grab it and give it to her the next time I see her, so it was lunch time and I was with my new group of friends as I was eating and we were chatting about making our own band or group where we sing songs together.

Jim: Alright, and then what happened next?

Y/N: So my friend's tell me exactly where she was sitting so I go up to her and give it to her until I accidentally bump into her. At first I didn't know it was her until we both noice each other, and then after I give her, her flask she started turning red kinda and she started acting a bit weird while stuttering. And I mean a good kind of weird!

My dad laughs once more as Alfred brings him a plate of food.

Jim: And what else happened???

Y/N: When she started turning red and started stuttering I was afraid she was having an allergic reaction but then it turns out she was alright which thankfully was the reason. After that she asked me why I didn't take it for myself or left it there for someone to take. And well I said I ain't no thief or a liar and I do good because it's something I just do to make people happy and I wanna make more new friends. And I'll admit she's a pretty girl and she's really nice! But what exactly does that mean if she was turning red and stuttering???

Jim: Hmmmm. Well son it means she likes you.

As I was drinking my water I choked on it as I coughed a little.

Y/N: W-what?! Like me?!! ALREADY?!!

Jim: Well yes son, it's how your mom reacted when we first met in High school.

Y/N: But we just met!

Jim: Well yes I know that's the case but I mean son, it's a sign that she's starting to have feelings for you. Maybe you should try and talk more to her and see how that goes.

My dad just continued eating his dinner as I just sat there thinking. A few minutes later I finished my meal and went to my room as I was laying on my bed.

Y/N(thinking): Try and talk more with her, Huh.

I then decided to call it a night. I turn the light off and get ready for tomorrow as I yawned and fell asleep.

The next day

I was walking home from school listening to music as always until I noticed two students from my class getting chased by two other students that look like gangsters.

Y/N(thoughts): What the??? Hey wait a sec aren't those two-

I was cut off when I heard one of them shouting.

???: Keep running Hudson!

Gangster: Get back here you little shits!!

They ran in an alleyway as I decided to follow.

(Author's POV)
Trip and Hudson got pushed up against the wall by two teen gangsters with knives.

Trip: Wait man please! We didn't mean to it was an accident!

Gangster 1: Your apologies don't mean shit you little twerbs.

Gangster 2: Now you boys wanna give us what you have or do we have to do it the hard way?????

Hudson: Well I got 15 cents if you guys want it. But I do have some clown juice! He stupidly said

Trip: Oh man Hudson this isn't the time to joke!

Gangster 1: You know what let's just stab these idiots and go deal with those two babes they have!

Gangsters 2: Agreed and after that, we'll go after that new student in your guys school and we'll show him what happens when newcomers invade our campus!

Trip: Your campus?!! You guys are nuts! He didn't even do anything!

Gangster 1: Still. We do what we want. Now I hope you both aren't screamish.

As they were about to use their knife Y/N appears out of nowhere as he tackles one of the gangsters into a dumpster as the other one noticed him.

Gangster 2: What the fuck?!

Y/N: Sup!

He punches the gangster three times in the face as he throws him towards his other partner.

Hudson: Woah that was awesome!

Y/N: Both of you run! I'll follow you

Trip: Alright!

They started running as Y/N was following them both. The two gangsters get up as they were dizzy. They started chasing after Y/N and the other two boys as Y/N and the boys ran into a subway station as they kept running past other people.

Trip: Where do we go?!!

Hudson: We gotta get back to Kenzie and Babe duh!

Y/N: The subway! Get in now!

The three of them quickly ran inside the subway as the doors closed and the subway started moving. As the subway started moving fast the gangsters ran in there but couldn't find them.

Gangster 1: Damn it! They got away!

Gangster 2: We'll get them tomorrow. Let's go before police see us.

They both leave the subway station.

(Y/N's POV)
Wow. I can't believe I just saved two teens from getting mugged or worse! I turn to them and ask them if they're alright.

Y/N: You guys alright???

Hudson: Most definitely.

Trip: Yeah thanks man.

Y/N: No problem.

Trip: Hey wait a minute, aren't you the new student in my class???

Y/N: Yup. Y/N Kenway.

I held my hand out as he shakes my hand.

Trip: I'm triple G, but you can just call me Trip.

Hudson: I'm Hudson. Also are you a robot?

I'm sorry did he just ask if I'm a robot??

Y/N: I'm sorry?? I chuckled as i sweat dropped

Trip: Don't mind him. He's kinda cooko in the head.

Y/N: Heh no worries I've had dumber friends but they're funny and nice.

Trip: Again thanks for saving us from those gangsters man. If you weren't there then who knows what would've happened.

Y/N: It's like I told Babe yesterday, I do it because I'm a good person and because I'm always willing to make new friends.

Hudson: Wait you mean babe??? Our babe???

Trip: He's trying to say if you mean Babe Carano.

Y/N: Yeah her. Why?

Trip: Oh well she's actually in our group and we're basically friends with her. And if anything you can come with me and Hudson to our private hangout spot she's usually there with our other friend Kenzie.

Y/N: Hmmm. Alright sounds good. I might as well pay her a visit and talk to her since I just met her yesterday.

Hudson: Yeah haha. Hopefully she won't blush or turn red like a tomato!

Huh. I think she does have feelings for me. Alright then Y/N just remember what dad told you. Get to know her and talk to her. We got off the subway as I started following them to their hangout spot.

Y/N: So uhhhhhhh what exactly were those two idiots doing with you two??

Trip: Well Hudson and I were playing basketball at the park and then when I threw the ball to Hudson he moved and it hit one of the gangsters which caused them to go after us. And they thought we did it on purpose.

Y/N: Ugh. Teens now days. If anything I'm always around if you guys need help.

Trip: Thanks man.

(Author's POV)
Y/N, Trip and Hudson finally arrived at Game Shakers HQ as Kenzie was just doing her homework as she always does as babe on the other hand was in her room doing her own thing.

Trip: Welcome to Game Shakers HQ!

Y/N: Wow! This place is huge! So this is what game shakers is like huh?

Trip: The one and the only game shakers in New York Brooklyn Baby!

Kenzie gets up and walks towards them.

Kenzie: Where have you guys been???? It's been like an hour and a half!

Trip: Well uhhhhhhh it's kind of a complicated story.

Hudson: We almost got mugged and the new guy stepped in!

Trip: Dude!

Kenzie: Wait you both almost got mugged???!!

Trip: Yes we almost did. He sighed

Hudson: But if it wasn't for the new student here we would've been mugged or worse.

Hudson points to Y/N as Kenzie realizes who it is.

Kenzie: Hey! It's you!

Y/N: Sup! I'm Y/N.

They shake hands.

Kenzie: I'm Kenzie. I'm pretty sure you know who babe is?

Y/N: Yeah that girl that I met yesterday. I also heard she's usually here?

Kenzie: Yeah she is hang on. BABE!!!! We have a special guest!!!

Babe: Coming!!

(Babe's POV)
We have a special guest????? If it's double G trying to make another stupid entrance again I'm going back to my room. I walk downstairs as I see Kenzie, Hudson and Trip.

Babe: Alright I'm here who's-

I stopped speaking as I noticed. IT WAS THE NEW STUDENT! What is he doing here?!!

(Y/N's POV)
I see the girl from yesterday walk out as she sees me and stops speaking.

Just pretend she don't look sassy and she's 17

Y/N: Hey nice to see you again! I smiled at her

She just stood there as she was stuttering.

Babe(blush): H-hey! I-it's y-you!

Y/N: How you doing???

Babe(blush): I-I'm doing uhhhh- uhhhh g-great! Yeah I'm doing great!! She said while blushing

Trip: Babe you alright?????

Babe(blush): Y-yes! I-I just uhhhhhhh f-forgot my uhhhhhh phone. YEAH MY PHONE! Hehe uhhhhh I-I'll be right back! She said before running back upstairs

Trip: Her phone????

Kenzie turns to me.

Kenzie: I'm really sorry about that! I'm gonna go check on her!

Y/N: Don't worry about it just take your time.

Kenzie runs upstairs with her as I decided to talk to trip and Hudson.

Y/N: So any of you ever played an electric guitar???

(Kenzie's POV)
Ok babe is acting weird again! I gotta find out what's up with her. I run upstairs and enter her room as I see her grabbing her makeup bag.

Kenzie: Babe what are you doing?!!

Babe: I gotta look good for him! Oh gosh I look like I mess!!

Kenzie: Babe you look perfectly fine! But you can't just leave him hanging and lie to him like that!

Babe: I didn't lie! I just- I'm panicking what if he thinks I'm ugly?!!

Kenzie: Babe-

Babe: What if he thinks I'm not good enough for him?!

Kenzie: Babe-


Kenzie: BABE!!!

I grab her by her shoulders and make her look at me.

Kenzie: RELAX! You're overthinking about this too much! And you're having feelings for someone you barely know! You need to chill!

Babe stops as she sits down.

Babe: Oh gosh you're right. I-I'm sorry Kenzie I just- I don't know what to do around handsome guys, especially him. I'm just worried that if I tell him how I really feel he might not feel the same way as I am..

I sit next to her as i rub her back.

Kenzie: Babe don't overthink about it. Just be yourself around him and get to know him more you know? I get it. It's not easy after your breakup with Henry but you gotta slow things down a little before you can try and get with him.

Babe smiles a little.

Babe: Alright I'll try then. Thank you Kenzie. She smiles

Kenzie: No problem, you're my friend. I'm always here if you need me.

We both hug as we both get up and go back downstairs.

(Author's POV)
Y/N was just talking with trip and Hudson as Kenzie and babe return.

Kenzie: Hey sorry for taking a while.

Y/N: Nah no worries. Like I said just take your time.

Babe breathes in before she walks up to him.

Babe(blush): H-hey I-I'm babe.

Y/N: Hehe I remembered don't worry and also did you put makeup on????

Babe(blush): O-oh yeah! I-I just thought I didn't look good so I just decided to put some makeup on.

Y/N: What are you taking about??? You always look good no matter what. He smiles and realizes what he just said as babe and the others have a wide eyed look

Babe(blushing): I-I beg your pardon??!

Y/N(thoughts): Oh crap. I hope she doesn't think I'm calling her ugly!!

Y/N: O-oh no! I-I didn't mean it in a bad way! I-I just mean like y-you're beautiful in general you know??? He quickly says as he blushes a little

Babe puts her hand on her chest.

Babe(blushing): Y-you're just the sweetest person ever. She smiles

Y/N: T-thanks but y-you're more sweeter than I am. He smiles while blushing again

Babe(blushing): D-do you want anything to eat or drink???

Y/N(blush): O-oh no thank you I'm alright. Thank you though.

Babe(blushing): Y-yeah no problem. S-so what brings you here????

Y/N: Well I was on my way home from school until I noticed your two friends were getting chase by gangsters, luckily I was there on time and saved them from being mugged or worse.

Babe: Wait trip you guys almost got mugged?!!

Trip: Ok let's not talk about that anymore!

Hudson: We almost did and trip was crying!

Trip: Man no I wasn't!!

Kenzie: Ok you two brain dead idiots save it for later!

Babe: W-well I'm glad you came by and helped my friends!

Y/N: It's my pleasure being friends with all of you even though I just met all of you today and especially you yesterday. He smiles at her

Babe: Awwwwww. Would you like to sit down and maybe chat for a while????

Y/N: Oh absolutely!

They all sit down as they each started asking him questions.

Kenzie: So Y/N how was your first day at Sugar Hill High yesterday????

Y/N: Honestly it was pretty better than I had anticipated. I already made friends with Nick and his friend group.

Kenzie: That's good.

Trip: Y/N I heard you're a music artist. Is that true???

Y/N: Yup it's true. I do electric guitar covers for my favorite songs most of the time and it's really fun to do since it's one of my hobbies asides from gaming and listening to music. And I also plan to make more music videos.

Trip: That's pretty rad, my dad is a rapper and he calls himself Double G.

Y/N: Ohhhhhh that's why you're called Triple G. It has a nice tone to it.

Babe: So ummmm Y/N, I have a question for you and it's kinda off topic so if you don't wanna answer then that's totally fine.

Y/N: Go for it.

Babe: I- ummmmmm are- are you d-dating anyone by any chance??? She asked nervously as Y/N was blushing a little

Y/N(thoughts): Wait. Is she asking me out????

Y/N(blushing): N-not at the moment. W-why do you ask????

Babe: N-nothing just-just curious is all.

Hudson: Also Y/N do you like robots by any chance???

Y/N: Well I like war robots to be specific.

Hudson: See! I told you he would like robots!

Trip: He said war robots dude.

Hudson: Same thing.

Kenzie: Do you like potatoes????

Y/N: Of course I do! I mean not a potato itself but anything that's potato fries or something relating to it.

Trip: What kind of music do you like???

Y/N: Well I like rock, rap, jazz, hip hop, and love songs mostly.

Babe: I like love songs as well. It's really beautiful although it would be better if I got to duet a love song with someone.

Y/N(thoughts): Hmmmm. I think have an idea now.

Y/N: Well if you want babe we could go to the karaoke bar down the street next to our school sometime. Or maybe just go out and watch a movie. He smirked

Babe: W-wait. Really??? You would do those things with me?????

Y/N: Of course I would. I know we just became friends and all but I'd love to hang out with you guys allot more often. Plus you guys are really nice and cool, and also what games do you guys make?? Cause I'm willing to try some!

Kenzie: Alrighty then! But before we do any of that we should probably clean this place up.

They all look around as the place was a bit messy.

Y/N: I would be happy to help.

Babe: Are you sure???? You're our guest.

Y/N: Yeah, plus I gotta allot energy to do whatever.

Babe: Alright then, let's do this!

They all started cleaning up and started sweeping as Y/N was enjoying his time with his other new friend group. As he was cleaning he bumps into babe on accident.

Babe: Sorry! She blushed

Y/N: Don't be! I-I didn't mean to hehe. He chuckles nervously while blushing a little

They resumed cleaning as Y/N and Babe glance at each other as they both quickly looked away while blushing.

Y/N(thoughts): Well dad. I took your words and I think I'm gonna have a good time with my new friends.

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