Chapter 3

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(Babe's POV)
We finally finished cleaning as we were all just sitting down together sharing stories and getting to know more about Y/N. Y/N. Hmmmmm he has a very cute name for a handsome guy like him.

Y/N: Alright well I gotta get going back home. I wouldn't want my dad to worry about me.

Kenzie: That's understandable.

Trip: Well it was nice meeting you bro, can't wait to see you again on Thursday for the karaoke bar.

Hudson: Same here broski.

Y/N: It was nice meeting all of you too, and you know. You guys are really nice to me and you're really chill. I'm glad I get to hang out with all of you.
He smiles as I blush

Babe(thoughts): Ok babe now's your chance to put it on his back before he leaves!

Babe: Well I'm glad you're inviting me to go with you Y/N. You're a really sweet guy, I hope you know that. I smile at him

He smiles back while blushing

Y/N(blushing): Hehe I hope you know you're a very generous and heartwarming person I've ever met.

I touch my chest as I feel my heart racing as I smile to myself. As he was about to leave and grab his backpack i took my chance.

Babe: W-wait Y/N!

Y/N: Hmmm?

I walk towards him.

Kenzie(whisper): What is she doing????

Trip(whisper): I don't know!

Babe: You uhhhhhh got a little something on your back.

Y/N: I do????

Babe: Yeah here let me get it for you.

I put a sticky note on his back with my phone number on it and my name on it as I pat his back.

Babe: Ok I got it.

Y/N: Thanks babe, see y'all later.

He puts his backpack on as he leaves. I turn around as I see the others looking at me.

Babe: What????? I smirk

Kenzie: I can't believe you just did that.

Hudson: That was pretty smoothie.

Trip: It's smooth!

Hudson: Wait really???? Have I been saying it wrong???

Trip: Hudson man you gotta get checked out or something.

Kenzie: Babe what if he doesn't see the note on his back??

Babe: Trust me he will, and then after that I'll start to text him and call him and talk with him even more. I chuckled

I really hope he sees the note on his back though. I can't be overthinking about it so I'll just have to wait.

(Y/N's POV)
Man today has been crazy but at the same time it's been really fun since I've been introduced to Game Shakers and their HQ and especially since I got to talk more to babe about what I like, my dislikes, and many other things we have in common. She's a really nice girl and I feel like maybe...... just maybe there's a chance that she was trying to ask me out earlier. Or maybe even more! I'll admit she's a very beautiful girl but I don't know if she knows that about herself, despite the fact she put makeup on cause she was thinking about the way she looked. But in my eyes she's very very gorgeous. I'm just glad I get to take her to the karaoke bar on Thursday with the others. I finally get home and walk inside as I see my dad and Alfred talking.

Y/N: Hey dad I'm home.

Jim: Ah son there you are! I've been worried about you, where've you been????

Y/N: Sorry dad I got to hang out with that girl and her friend group. And get this! They have their own gaming company called game shakers! It's amazing they all like me and they want me to hang out with them more!

Jim: I'm glad you took my words son. Now come on, dinner's ready!

I put my bag down as dad walks in the kitchen. I sit down and began to cut the food as I was about to eat until my dad talks to me about something.

Jim: Uhhhhhh son???

Y/N: Yeah dad???

Jim: Did uhhhhhhh...... did that girl happen to leave something on your back??????

I stopped cutting my food as I was confused as to what he meant.

Y/N: What?????

Jim: Uhhhhh you got a little uhhhhhh something on your back. He chuckles

I put my hand on my back as I feel something. Did she leave something on my back on accident???? I grab what was a sticky note and it has a phone number on it and i read what the note said.

Note: My number, text me<3
XoXo Babe ;)

Y/N: What the?!! How did she-

I then remembered something, earlier when I was about to grab my backpack she said something was on my back. Ohhhhhhh hehe that's what she meant. She's a really sneaky and clever girl.

Jim: Wow. She's a sneaky one son.

Y/N: Yup she sure is. I chuckled

I ate my dinner as I went to my room and put my bag on the ground and grab my phone. I then look at the sticky note as I enter the phone number in and started to think of a message I could send. Just so I don't make things awkward or weird between us. 

Y/N(thinking): Hmmmmmmm. What should I say???

I just decided to type in my message hoping it wasn't too casual or weird.

Y/N(text): Hey, It's me Y/N.

I sent the message as I just decided to grab my electric guitar and practice the next song cover I was planning to do.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Author's Note: Any Electric guitar vids and any songs that Y/N is gonna sing in this story are gonna be made by Y/N in this story except the karaoke bar part if that makes Any sense lol.

After finishing my guitar practice my phone dings as I check who it is.

(Author's POV)
Babe just finished showering as she grabs a towel and wraps herself around it as her phone dings. She dries her hair and her body as the towel was still on her. She grabs her phone and sees a text from a random number.

???: Hey it's me Y/N.

Babe lights up as she smiles and responds back

Babe(text): Heyyy I see you found the note I put on your back 🤭

Y/N(text): Hehe yeah I did, I gotta say that was a pretty slick move you did there. And you know if you wanted my number you could've asked me lol

Babe blushes as she continues texting him.

Babe(text): Soooooo about earlier, you really mean what you said??? About taking me to karaoke???

Y/N(text): Of course I'm serious! Like I said I ain't no liar and I never will to you or my friends. And if you ask yes I did mean what I said about you looking beautiful in general even if you have makeup on or not.

Babe smiles as she puts her phone down and puts her clothes on as her phone dings again.

Y/N(text): Everything ok babe?????

Babe(text): Yeah sorry I was just putting my clothes on cause I just finished showering<3

Y/N(text): Oh shoot I'm sorry if you want I can text later? 

Babe(text): Oh no no I promise it's ok! We can still text!

Y/N(text): Alright just making sure I wouldn't wanna bother you if you were busy doing stuff like that.

Babe(text): Awwww that's sweet but you never bother me at all.

Babe walks to her room as her phone dings. She closes her door and lays on the bed while texting him.

Y/N(text): Me? Sweet??? Nah that's all you babe.

Babe(text): No you silly 😜

Y/N(text): Hehe no you 🫵🏻

Babe(text): Y/N we can keep going at this all night but you're gonna have to come to terms that you're sweeter than I am.

Y/N(text): No babe, You. Trust me I really mean that.

Babe(text): Alright fine you win.

Y/N(text): Don't worry babe you'll win someday 🤞🏻

Babe(text): Anyways uhhhhhhh Y/N can i ask you something????

Y/N(text): Of course babe, what's your question??

Babe takes a deep breath as she started texting him again.

Babe(text): Do you maybe wanna go eat some place with me or maybe get ice cream sometime?????

She waits for him to respond as he texts back.

Y/N(text): I'd love to babe! Wanna go after the Karaoke bar on Thursday???

Babe smiles as she texts back.

Babe(text): Yes! Absolutely!

Y/N(text): Sounds great. Anyways we should get to bed it's 9:50 pm.

Babe(text): Yeah you're right. Goodnight Y/N.

Y/N notices she texted him goodnight as he blushes a little and texts her back.

Y/N(text): Goodnight babe, sleep well.

Babe(text): You too Y/N.

She smiles as she blushed while getting ready for bed.

(Y/N's POV)
It was morning as I was getting ready for school until I heard dad calling me.

Jim: Hey son! Come in the garage I gotta show you something!

Y/N: Coming!

I grab my things as I enter the garage and see my dad in his suit as usual.

Y/N: Yeah what's up dad??

Jim: Y/N you won't be getting a ride to school anymore.

I was shocked and confused. Why wasn't I getting a ride to school??? Did I do something???? Am I in trouble?????

Y/N: O-oh ok. M-may I ask why????

My dad smiles as he has the garage opener in his hand.

Jim: Because I may have gotten you a little surprise.

He opens the garage as the sunlight blinds me for a split second as my eyes go wide when I see a red sports car in the driveway.

Jim: Well son what do you think???? My dad smile as my mouth was wide open

Y/N: Woah.........

I slowly walk towards it as I put my hand on the car. I can't believe a car as awesome as this was in our driveway.

Y/N: I-It's amazing! did you afford this???

Jim: Well ever since I got that new job of mine they decided to give me a promotion!

Y/N: Wow! Already???? That's awesome!

Jim: Anyways son that's yours now. Enjoy! He said walking back in the house

I was still trying to take in that this was my own car now! I grin as I had a crazy idea.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Play music*

(Author's POV)
Y/N can be seen driving really fast in the car as nearby leaves blow away from the car's acceleration.

Y/N: Alrighty then!! Let's see what this baby can do!!!

He revs the engine as he continues driving fast while passing by other cars.

Don't mind the crash at the end of the GIF LMAOOOOOO

As he was driving fast multiple people were honking at him as he kept driving.

I've been looking for a driver who is qualified
So if you think that you're the one step into my ride
I'm a fine-tuned supersonic speed machine
Got a sunroof top and a gangster lean

Y/N starts drifting as the music starting getting to the main part.

So if you feel me, let me know, know, know
Come on now, what you waiting for, for, for?
My engine's ready to explode, explode, explode
So start me up and watch me go, go, go, go

Y/N arrives in manhattan as he drives pass multiple people shocking them.

Person 1: WOAH!!! What kind of driver was that?!!!

Person 2: Watch how you drive you lunatic!!!

Person 3: That was awesome!!!!!!

Get you where you wanna go, if you know what I mean
Got a ride that's smoother than a limousine
Can you handle the curves? Can you run all the lights?
If you can, baby boy, then we can go all night
'Cause I'm zero to sixty in 3.5
Baby, you got the keys
Now shut up and drive, drive, drive (drive)
Shut up and drive, drive, drive (drive)

Y/N drives faster as he was cautiously moving and passing by other drivers as he notices a private road with no one on it. He looks at the time as it says 7:55 AM.

Y/N: Yeah I got time!

He turns to the private road as he starts driving down the road and starts going as fast as he could and drifts while turning on the sand road.

'Cause your Maybach ain't got what I got
Get it, get it, don't stop, it's a sure shot
And your Ferrari, huh, boy, I'm sorry
I ain't even worried, so step inside
And ride, ride, ride, ride
Ride, ride, ride, ride
Ride, ride, ride, ride
Ride, ride, ride, ride
(Shut up and drive, drive, drive, drive)
(Shut up and drive, drive, drive, drive)
Drive, drive, drive, drive, drive, drive, drive (oh)

Y/N turns around as he drives to school while shouting out loud with his windows down.


Author note: Sorry if that driving scene was short.

Babe and the others were in class as she noticed Y/N wasn't there yet.

Babe(thoughts): Where is he????? I hope nothing bad happened to him.

Out of nowhere a student bursts in there class.

Student: Guys did you see the new students ride?!!!! IT'S SICK!!!!!

Nick: Wait really?!!! Let me see!!

Student 1: Me too!

Student 2: Im coming as well!

Trip: Oh man I gotta see this!!

Everyone runs out as babe and Kenzie follow.

Mr Sammich: WAIT CLASS ISNT- OH COME ON! He shouted as he just stood there in disappointment

They all ran outside as most of the girls were looking at a red sports car arriving towards the parking lot as they had their phones out and most of the boys were shocked at Y/N's car.

Girl 1: No way!!

Girl 2: How did the new student afford that?!!

Girl 3: I don't know but it's so awesome!

Y/N gets out of the car as he takes his sunglasses off and closes the door. He walks through the crowd of students as he runs into babe.

Y/N: Hey babe, I thought you were in class?

Babe: I-i was but then I heard the commotion out here. Also when did you get a car?! It looks amazing!

Y/N: Well I'll tell you all about it during lunch. We should get back to class before-

The bell rings as everyone walks back inside leaving babe, Kenzie, Trip, Hudson and Y/N outside.

Y/N: Welp we gotta get to our next class now then. I'll see you all later.

4 of them: See you later Y/N.

He walks up the stairs until he turns around.

Y/N: Oh and uhhh babe?

Babe: Y-yeah???

Y/N: If you guys need a ride back to game shakers let me know and I got you. He winked at babe making her smile and blush as she began to stutter her words

Babe(blushing): O-ok!

Y/N walks inside as they all went to their classes

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