Level 25: The Game

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Starting off with the next day as they were back at CR looking for Poppy but nothing

Ray: He went to find Emu "Emu? Emu?"

Kadoya: "Hirro?" Then that was when Emu found the two

Emu: "Guys it's bad news!"

Ray: "What are you talking about also have you seen Poppy?!"

Emu: "Ok two bad news. Poppy isn't here I don't know where she gone off?"

Kadoya: "And the other bad news?"

Emu: "Well..." Then the two got a emergency call from the game scope

Ray: "Sorry Ray we should get going." Then they left quickly


The two saw Salty and a person who was on the ground

Ray: "Sir are you alright?" Then they went to check up on the man but he got up

Random guy: "Move it I have to beat him!"

Ray: "What the hell?!" Then the random guy takes out a gashat

Kadoya: "What is this?!" Then the man press the button as Katsujuro sees what's happening

Kamen Rider Chronicle!

Then the man transforms

Enter the Game! Ri-Riding the End!

Then the three doctors looks at to see...

Ray: "WHAT THE HELL?!" Then the man went to attack Salty


At night Ray was back at the basilicom and he sees Neptune and Nepgear holding the gashat to which he was livid and immediately takes it


Neptune: "We were about to play a game?"


Fujikawa: "DID YOU USED IT!?"

Ray: "What are you doing here?!"

Fujikawa: "This is not good."

Ray: "I know!"

Fujikawa: "This is a game of hell!"

Ray: "What are you talking about!?"

Fujikawa: "Kamen Rider Chronicle let me use the gashat." Then he press the button on the gashat to which Poppy appeared

Poppy: "Hello new player!"

Ray: "POPPY?!"

Fujikawa: "Please listen."

Poppy: "Kamen Rider Chronicle a game where players defeat bosses in order to get to the main boss of the game. You can find rare players with weapons and gashats to defeat the bosses. When you defeat a boss you get trophies. Get 13 of them and you will face Gamedues the final boss of the game." Then she disappears

Fujikawa: "Please save us!"

Ray: "What do you mean save us?"

Fujikawa: "I didn't wanted to play this game! And neither did Poppy!"

Ray: "Wait how did you know?!"

Fujikawa: "She was hypnotize in doing this! We are all screwed!

Ray: "Don't worry."

Fujikawa: "Good now we should act like enemies towards one another I don't want you two to use that gashat at all!" He said as he was looking at Neptune and Nepgear "I should get going if Parado gets worried where i'm at then he'll know that i'm trying to convince others to stop playing this game." Then he hugged Nepgear and teleported away

Neptune: "Nepgear did he just hugged you?"

Nepgear: "Umm...well it's a long story..." She blushes "We may have been seeing each other time to time."

Neptune: "WHAT?!"

Ray: "Neptune can't you make a PSA announcement about to stop people from playing?"

Histoire: "Well that won't work because you would need some evidence of how bad the game is medically."

Ray: "Yeah your right also did any game went anywhere outside of Planetune?"

Histoire: "No which is good because if the game went out then this would be a pandemonium."

Ray: "Plus if they show evidence of people dying then won't the CPU shares be depleted?"

Histoire: "Yeah and since this is starting in Planetune it would be terrible!"

Ray: "Oh god! Wait have you seen Peashy?"

Histoire: "No because her mother came to pick her up."

Ray: "Wait mother? Since when?"

Histoire: "Since you guys left on a day off!"

Ray: "Well that's...ok but still." He sighs "I need to talk to the others." Then he went to create a group chat which he called Kadoya and Katsujuro

Katsujuro: "What do you want?"

Ray: "Guys we need to get the game to end."

Kadoya: "No duh genius. But we need to know how?"

Ray: "We just need to beat the bosses but we need a player to do this."

Katsujuro: "Maybe Nico can do it for us. Hold on." Then he got a call from Noire and then he was arguing "WHAT?! NO DON'T USE IT!!! WAIT TILL I GET BACK!!!" He hangs up

Kadoya: "What's going on?"

Katsujuro: "Apparently Noire has a copy of the game!"

Kadoya: "Wait why the goddesses?"

Katsujuro: "Wait what do you mean?"

Kadoya: "Blanc got a copy as well the same for Rom and Ram but when I saw what they were gonna do I made sure to take them away and talk about it luckily they listened and understood."

Ray: "Ok so first thing in the morning we should try to stop them." They hang up

The next day

The three doctors sees multiple rider players joining to fight against salty

Ray: "We should do something about it." Then the three takes out their first base gashats and puts on their drivers

Mighty Action X!

Taddle Quest!

Bang Bang Shooting!

Ray, Kadoya, and Katsujuro: "Henshin!" Before they can insert it onto their drivers their gashats were taken as multiple rider player takes them away


Kadoya: "DAM YOU!!! GIVE US BACK OUR GASHATS YOU F**KIN PIECES OF S**TS!!!" Then he went after one of them who took his gashat and Katsujuro takes his gun and shoots them but the bullets bounces off because obvious reasons and that was when Parado shows himself

Parado: "Hello."

Ray: "What the?! Parado?!"

Parado: "What are you doing join the game." Then he takes out his gashat gear dual and twist the dial to Perfect Puzzle

What's the next stage? What's the next stage?

Parado: "Henshin." Then he press the button on the gashat and inserts it onto his holster

Dual up! Get the glory in the chain! Perfect Puzzle!

Then the rider players noticed this and then went to attack but Parado was using the power up items on the items around

Speed up! Muscle up! Muscle up!

Then he twist the dial back and to Perfect Puzzle


Then he inserts it back to the buckle to which it press the buttons

Dual gashat! Perfect critical combo!

Then he went to town as he dashes through them and punches every single one of them which was a bad thing for them as they're armor disappears and vanished into thin air

Game over!

The doctors were shocked of what just happened

Parado: "With this, this is the start of the extinction of humanity. This game isn't where the humans defeat the bugsters. It's wear the bugster eliminates the human." Then he left and the doctors takes back their gashats


They were at Genm Corp where they went to find the new CEO Ren Amagasaki

Ray: "REN!"

Ren: "Hmm? Well if it isn't the doctors. How can I help-"


Ren: "What's seems to be the problem?"

Kadoya: "We-"


Ren: "Death? Where's your evidence?"

Ray: "We saw players dying with our eyes and what you've done with Poppy!" He takes out his hammer "You're despicable."

Ren: "Now now she came to us on her will."

Ray: "Bullcra-" Then Kadoya placed his hand on his shoulder

Kadoya: "Enough this jacka** isn't cooperating with us let's go." Then they left as they had nothing to use against him


This is where the CPUs and the doctors were having a discussion and that Noire, Blanc, and Vert heard about the game and about the negatives about it so they made sure to ban the game from their nations hoping to not cause a world wide panic which now they had to deal with the problems with Planetune

Ray: "Ok we need to end this."

Noire: "But how? The only way to end it is to beat the game?"

Katsujuro: "Or...if we can cure everyone."

Blanc: "Cure them? How will that be possible?"

Ray: "Maybe if we destroy everyone's gashats then we could save Planetune."

Kadoya: "Yeah but the only one who can stop this is..."

Kadoya, Katsjuro, and Ray: "Ryan."

Plutia: "Maybe if we befriended him than-"

Ray: "He's dead."

Plutia: "Oh..."

Ray: "Sorry."


Fujikawa and Nepgear are out and talking about normal things but they know that all they can see are players fighting bugsters

Fujikawa: "This is hell pure hell." Then that was when Fujikawa gets up and then while walking Nepgear followed and then the two were surrounded by multiple rider player "REALLY?!" He sighs "You are all sheep and goombas." Then he takes out his gashat gear dual beta (ain't bothered to copy and paste the beta symbol

Rider player 1: "What the?! That's a rare player!"

Rider player 2: "Yeah plus according to the game he's a bugster and a high tier!" Then Fujikawa twist the dial to Taddle Fantasy

Taddle Fantasy! Let's going king of fantasy! Let's going king of fantasy!

Fujikawa: "Henshin." Then he press the button his gashat and inserts it onto his holster

Dual Up! Satan appeared! Say "Ma~ou"! Taddle Fatasy!

Then the rider players were about to attack them but they were surrounded by multiple minions of bugster and to which Fujikawa commanded them to attack and they were attacked multiple time

Fujikawa: "Let's go Nepgear." She nods and they left and the rider players were getting beaten up by the minion bugsters

Nepgear: "Aren't you gonna stop them?"

Fujikawa: "What's the use they're idiots! They think that playing this game makes you a Kamen Rider? And nobody thought of their own risk of injuries?! I hate it when people goes in recklessly. But I have to stop saying that because sometimes I do that to."

Nepgear: "Oh well i'm sorry."

Fujikawa: "For what? About to play a game that could lead to your death? Don't be Ray saved you twice one from the bugster virus and now this." Then he thought of the game driver "Although if a human can use a driver just by having a bit of the virus in them maybe..." Then he holds a usb file "Hey Nepgear you think you can make one of these?"

Nepgear: "Huh what do you mean?"

Fujikawa: "Look check the file out and then call me if you can or can't make it."

Nepgear: "But I-" Then he teleported away "Don't have your number."

The next day

The three doctors already have their drivers on

Ray: "Alright guys this gonna get hectic we're gonna have to protect ourselves from them."

Kadoya: "Yeah tell us something new we haven't heard." Then they take out their gashats

Ray: "Max Dai Henshin!"

Kadoya: "Proceeding to level 5."

Katsujuro: "Mission 50." Then they insert the gashats onto their drivers and opens the lever

Maximum Power~ X~!

Bang Bang Simulatio~ns! Hasshin!

Taddle Quest~! A gacha! Do-Do-Drago! Na-Na-Na-Kni~ght! Dra-! Dra-! Drago Knight Hunter! Z!

Then rider players surrounded them and to which did they cared? Somewhat as they had to protect themselves but to others


Ren was with Poppy and as Poppy standing their doing nothing Ren shows a bouquet of flowers with a turquoise buggle driver and a gashat

Next time on Game Start!

Ray: "Everyone please stop!"

Katsujuro: "It's too late to stop them for now."

Ray: "Poppy?"

Fujikawa: "This is a nightmare!"

Ray, Kadoya, and Katsujuro: "What the hell?!"

Ray: "It's official we are all screwed."

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