Level 26: Friends Turn Foe

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Starting off terribly as people were dying and players were growing in Planetune. Ray and the other doctors were convincing others to stop playing the game however not only were they not able to convince anyone but this is where social media came into the part where it came into play as they were getting negative respond about how they were buzzkills and this wasn't sitting right as Ray was stopping people from playing the game

Ray: "Everyone please stop!"

Random people 1: "Why should we you and the other two doctors are buzzkills."

Random people 2: "Yeah why can't you stop being so uptight and just join the game."

Ray: "BECAUSE THIS GAME IS A LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION!!!" They laugh and transform

Enter the game! Ri-Riding the end!

They went to find some of the bosses as Ray sighs


Katsujuro: "It's too late to stop them for now."

Ray: He sighs "This sucks."

Kadoya: "Be glad this isn't happening in other nations because this is where i'll go on a pissed off rage for three weeks!"

Ray: "Honestly if only there's another way of getting them so show not to play the game."

Katsujuro: "Unless we get the Ministry of Health into this then we can of course get people to stop."

Ray: "Quick we should stop them!" Then he runs

Kadoya and Katsjuro: "Ray!" They sigh


Ray sees one player taking on Salty to which Ray puts on his driver though he shouldn't use it for two reasons: One because they'll just come to attack and two as he was about to do it that same mysterious man shows himself

???: "You shouldn't continue of what you're doing or else your ending will be the same. The death of everyone you love."

Ray: "What?!" Then the man vanished as then Ray then takes out his gashat

Mighty Action X!

Ray: "Dai henshin!" Then he inserts the gashat onto his driver and opens the lever

Gashat! Gachan! Level up! Mighty jump! Might kick! Mighty Mighty Action X!

Then he went to help with the rider player against Salty

Random Rider player: "What are you doing here?!"


RRP: "Tch your a rare Kamen Rider!" Then he went to attack Ray but Ray didn't attack as Ray only wanted to help was a fail and what's worst the field started glowing red and that was when the two sees Poppy

Ray: "Poppy?"

Poppy: "Kamen Riders are rare characters, and they must fight the players! Helping the players is against the rules of the game!" Then she takes out the new bugvisor the buggle driver zwei and puts it on


Poppy: "I'm sending you off as your popapipu-penalty." Then she takes out the new gashat she obtained from Ren

Toki Meki Crisis!

Then Poppy press the 'A' button on the driver

Poppy: In a serious tone "Henshin." She inserts it onto her driver


Then she press the red button on the driver

Buggle Up! Dreaming Girl! (Wow!) Koi no Simulation! Otome wa itsumo Toki Meki Crisis! (Wow!) (Buggle up! A girl's gotta dream(Wow!)! It's a simulation of love! A girl's heart is always a Toki Meki Crisis (Wow!)

Poppy: "Kamen Rider Poppy!"

Ray: "Oh...crap." Then the two started fighting one another but Ray was only dodging her attacks as he ain't gonna kill her and Ray started running away and this is where Poppy press the 'A' button twice

Kimewaza! Critical crews aid!

Ray: "...I'm screwed." Then Poppy leaps into the air and did a rider kick on Ray was he got owned as he crashed into a pillar and his armor disappear and was knocked out 


All Ray remembers was getting owned by Poppy to which Ray concluded something as the buggle driver is similar to the bugvisor than that means he got beaten up by a level 10. He got up and unbeknownst to him he saw the mysterious man and then follows him to which it took him one hour to find as he sees Neptune and Plutia already in their CPU forms fighting one another as Nepgear watches and Fujikawa attempting to stop them but with Plutia he's already in a world of hurt

Fujikawa: "This is a nightmare!"

Ray: "Oh yeah I can see that?"

Nepgear: "Ray what are-"

Ray: "Poppy got a driver, she one shotted me, followed a mysterious man, and now we're here."

Fujikawa: "Wait?! Poppy has a driver?! WHO GAVE IT TO HER?!"

Ray: "How should I know?! All I know was that the gashat is called Toki Meki Crisis and by the name of it sounds like a dating simulation game."

Fujikawa: "Wait dating?! Then...THAT FREAKIN BUGSTER REN WAS UP TO IT?!"

Ray: "Why?!"

Fujikawa: "Because he's the bugster of that game!!!!"

Ray: "Yeah that sounds odd."

Nepgear: "Well are you done? Fujikawa about the file? You want me to make a driver similar to Ray's?

Fujikawa: "Yeah." Then Nepgear toss him a new game driver "Alright." Then he takes out his gashat gear dual beta and inserts it onto his driver

Dual gashat!

Then he opens the lever and nothing happened

Fujikawa: "What the?!" Then he opens it and closes it over and over again "I guess this doesn't work."

Ray: "I guess maybe you should know that if a human that has the bugster virus could work if you had compatibility surgery than of course it wouldn't worked."

Fujikawa: "What do we do?"

Ray: "First off i'm gonna stop Neptune and Plutia from killing each other." Then Ray went in between the two

Iris Heart: "Ray what are you do-"

Ray: "Not important but the question is why the hell are you two fighting?! I'M THIS CLOSE OF STRESS I'VE GOT TO DEAL WITH KAMEN RIDER CHRONICLE WITH THE OTHER DOCTORS AND NOW I HAVE TO SAVE MY FRIEND WHO ATTACKED ME AND NOW THIS?! OBVIOUSLY I'VE GOTTA DEAL WITH %100 PIECE OF CRAP!!!" The two lowered their weapons "Ok now i'm gonna say this once and only once you two make up don't fight each other and I don't even want to see Plutia in her CPU form unless it's an emergency and a good one because this, this is the icing on the cake of pure stress." Then he started crying "I'm honestly tired and angry right now this is the ending I chose?!" He calms down a bit and sighs "I'm going me and the other doctors are gonna go and stop this stupid game and remember do not even try to play the game and don't even bother try finding the gashats i've made sure Histoire to hide them and any delivery of anything from Genm Corp should be inspected and if it's another gashat then I told her to either hide it or destroy them." Then he walks off

Neptune: "Ray..."


Ray was back at CR and Emu was confused on what just happened

Emu: "Umm Ray are you-"

Ray: "Emu i'm not in the mood to talk. Currently i'm gonna talk with the others." Emu nodded and went to see Kadoya and Katsujuro

Kadoya: "Umm are you alri-"

Ray: "Poppy is a Kamen Rider, beaten me up, Neptune and Plutia were fighting, i'm angry, and now we must get evidence for this hell of a game."

Katsujuro: "Ray we should do that but first if you let anger control you then in the end you'll never get the work done. Come follow me." Then he sighs and went to follow them


The two took him to an arcade to which Ray started to loosen up and went to play a Pac-Man arcade which was easy for him as he was able to pass 3 rounds before the last life went out. Next he started playing and to which he had fun and then suddenly this is where the fun started to be less as he sees a DoReMiFa Beat arcade similar to the one back at CR to which Ray wanted to avoid but he couldn't as he then went to the arcade

Kadoya: "Hey Ray we should move on i'm pretty sure this arcade doesn't work."

Ray: "No you said to enjoy and i'll play this arcade." Then he started up the game and selected a song


As Ray started playing the game he started getting some attraction. Now remember the three doctors aren't wearing their lab coats and were just in normal street clothes so this was where he isn't Ray but was back being Game Master Zero and the music was giving him joy as he knows that in order to beat the game he should follow the beat

Kadoya: "Well dam we just got a crowd of people recording." That was when Katsujuro didn't bothered caring because being recorded is the same as recording

Katsujuro: "Dam he's doing good. I should probably play some rhythm games later."

Kadoya: "Same."

Ray: "Time to clear this game with no fails!" Then as the music ends the score was shown as he got the high score of the game and to which some people were congratulating him and saw his nice side and most of them wanted him to cure them of the game because they can now see him not as a doctor but he was standby but for once he went to help them


They told them that the bosses they were fighting were Salty and Aranbura and the three doctors without their lab coats takes out their drivers and puts it on and that was when Parado shows up

Parado: "So you finally want to join the game?"

Ray: "Parado i'm not doing this just because it's a game but i'm not wearing my lab coat doesn't mean that i'm not a doctor!" Then the three takes out their gashats as well as Parado

Parado: "And what about Emu."

Kadoya: "He won't be joining us sadly mostly due to the fact that he believed us about the game." Then they activate their gashats

Maximum Mighty X!

Bang Bang Simulation! I'm ready for battleship! I'm ready for battleship

Taddle Quest!

Drago Knight Hunter Z!

Perfect Puzzle! What's the next stage! What's the next stage!

Ray: "Max dai..."

Ray, Kadoya, Katsujuro, and Parado: "Henshin!" They then transform

Gashat!/Dual gashat!/Maximum gashat!/Dual up! Gachan level up/level max/dual up! Get the glory in the chain! Perfect Puzzle!/Taddle Meguru! Taddle Meguru! Taddle Quest~! A gacha! Do-Do-Drago! Na-Na-Na-Kni~ght! Dra-! Dra-! Drago Knight Hunter! Z!/Saidaikyuu no Powerful Body! Dariragan! Dagozuban! Saidaikyuu no Powerful Body! Dariragan! Dagozuban!

Then Ray press the Ex-Aid figure down and enters the Maximum gamer

Maximum Power~ X~!

Ray: "Let's go!" Then he press the kimewaza button

Stage select!

This was when they were not in any stage but they were standing aside from cannons and this was when they noticed that they were from R-18 island

Ray: "Oh come on this place." He sighs "Let's go you two!" They nodded and they went to fight the bugsters and Ray went to fight Parado and it wasn't hard as he was facing a level 99 fighter and this was when they were greeted with a few people the CPUs and Annonydeath "Ohh...crap wait Annonydeath?!"

Annonydeath: "Huh? Oh hey boys!"

Katsujuro: "What the hell I swear Noire took you to the authorities!"

Annonydeath: "Oh you know let's just say I got my ways."

Kadoya: "Bull and also what's with the cannons?!"

Annonydeath: "Oh well it's a long story."

Black Heart: "Enough I don't know what's going on but it's time to-" Then they hear something from the sky

Ray, Kadoya, and Katsujuro: "What the hell?!" Then a random person falls from the sky and you already knew whose the landing pad

???: "Owie."

Ray: "What?" This was when Katsujuro laughs as he was dealing with Aranbura's spells

Black Heart: "This is not funny!"

Ray: "Umm hey." He was talking to the female who landed on Noire "Who are you?"

???: "Oh well umm...I don't know!"

Ray: "Are you a CPU?"

???: "Yep?"

Ray: "I'm gonna take a guess and your name is..." Then he looks at her hair "Yellow Heart?"

Yellow Heart: "I think that's my name."

Annonydeath: "Ding ding ding. Congratulation pretty boy that's who she is and currently your on the nation of Eden."

Ray: "It's official we are all screwed."

Katsujuro: "How so? Just because she has big boobs and looks like an air head doesn't mean we're screwed."

Ray: "Trust me things are about to get hectic in 3...2...1." Then Yellow Heart went to attack Iris Heart and this was where the other CPU and Noire who got up and went to join them and this was intense as Yellow Heart was dominating the field but the three doctors/Kamen Riders/gamers were dealing with the three bugsters two from low tier and one from the high tier. Parado was barley a threat towards Ray and he just grabs Parado by the neck and threw him in the air but accidentally threw him at Blanc

White Heart: "HEY JACKASS WATCH WHERE YOU'RE THROWING A DAM PERSON!!!" This got her pissed off and then suddenly threw her axe down between them


Kadoya: "Sorry Blanc that's just how we roll!" Then Kadoya and Katsujuro were tag teaming the hell out of Salty and Aranbura to which the three are about to end it as Kadoya takes the Drago Knight Hunter Z gashat from his driver and onto the kimewaza slot and press the button while Katsujuro and Ray close and open the lever

Gashun! Gashat! Kimewaza! Drago Knight critical strike!

Gachon! Kimewaza! Gachan! Bang Bang critical fire/Maximum critical break!

The three deliver powerful blow which resulted in the defeat of two bugsters while Parado teleported away

Game clear!

Ray: "We'll be back we must take care of some stuff." Then the three doctor were gone and back in Planetune and he takes out the game scope and finds that the ten players that wanted their help from him were cured "Alright guys now then hand over your gashats you should know that this isn't a game and you might want to tell your friends and family to not play this game, tell them to come to us, and we'll do our best to cure them." They all agreed and then handed them their gashats and went on their separate way "Now then let's go help our girlfriends because Yellow Heart is gonna reck them!" They nodded and then ran like hell and then flew as they have gashats that allow them to fly

Next time on Game Start!

Ray: "Hey stop this!"

Fujikawa: "A human having the bugster virus...will it work vice versa?"

Ren: "Time to show you my true form."

Katsujuro: "Oh dear god it's ugly."

Ray: "Our job as doctors is to save lives of others!"

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