Level 27: Taking this seriously

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Starting off with the doctor/gamer/Kamen Riders making their way towards R-18 island and this is where things were real first off Yellow Heart beaten Plutia as she reverted to her human form and then was about to attack the other CPUs but Ray intervened

Ray: "Hey stop this!" Then he threw his hammer to separate her from them

Yellow Heart: "Hmm? Why should I?"

Ray: "You should work together plus how does fighting even solves anything?!"

Yellow Heart: "Because I hate them!"

Ray: "What the?" Then out of nowhere she threw Ray to a tree luckily he was still in his level 99 form that he used to fly to get here "Oww." Then the two were fighting one another until that was when she stopped attacking and went to where Annonydeath and a woman that Ray recalled


Starting off back at the very first level Ray was running to his job and that was when he saw her

Ray: Then he was given a flier "Huh?" He takes a look at it which was about the opposition of the CPUs and Ray sighs "Well this isn't a bad thing but ma'am if the CPU doesn't exist than wouldn't technical-" Before he could finish his sentence she ran off "What the hell?"

End of flashback

Ray: "Yeah now I remember. Man that was long ago...meh you know at least tha-" Then suddenly Yellow Heart reverted to her human form to find that it was Peashy "..."

Ray, Kadoya, and Katsujuro: "...What?" Then Rei started reading a paper which was about how the nation of Eden will be exporting adult goods to the other nation. If refused it'll result for war and the doctors weren't even shocked but the CPUs were. The reason the doctors aren't as Planetune would just be ready of soldiers and by soldiers I mean rider players basically unless Eden wanted war against Planetune they should reconsider their option

Ray: "Yeah war...about that have you two heard of Kamen Rider Chronicle?"

Annoydeath: "Yeah and what about-ohh..."

Ray: "Yep so basically go to war and the citizen of Planetune might attack back so it's the entire nation against a small nation. Peashy please-"

Peashy: "No! Stay away pervert! Loser!" She hid behind Rei

Ray: "...................."

Kadoya: "Did she...?"

Katsujuro: "Dam that was a savage roast from what appeared to be a five year old."

Ray: "Eh." He shrugs his shoulders "Also wouldn't I be consider fighting a CPU? Because technically i'm not part of an army i'm a medical professional who left his job and his nation and then attacked a CPU of a nation. I'm now the one that started war as all it can take is one person who attacked a major person like a government." This was when Katsujuro who was already in his level 3 Jet Combat form started to fire at the three to which they had to run

Katsujuro: "Whoops i've just called on war for Lastation technically." Then Peashy transforms into her CPU form and then went to attack the two which is reasonable except for Ray's action because his was more of the protection of others and Katsujuro did it on purpose. Then as the two were fighting Neptune takes charge and started fighting Peashy to which was a surprise as she did not even fight and Neptune was in her human form and she was taking the hits Peashy was laying down

Ray: "HEY NEPTUNE!!!" He attempted to stop Peashy but Katsujuro stopped him "What are you doing?!"

Katsujuro: "This is tough love." That was when they hear Peashy saying she hates Neptune but no matter what Neptune wasn't even gonna work as Katsujuro thought of something "Wait if she's a CPU than technically there should a source of her share energy. If we can find it than..."

Katsujuro and Ray: "She'll be fine even though she'll hate Neptune." Then they went to find Iris Heart torturing Rei and this is where they followed them

A really small timeskip

As they followed they found Annoydeath just watching underneath a tree which was a fake and beneath was a bunker

Ray: "Annnd...now we found you!" Then he point his finger at him

Annoydeath: "Oh no how did-"

Katsujuro and Ray: "Plu-" Before they were about to finish their sentence that was when she uses her whip and smacks the ground "I mean Iris Heart." Ray chuckles while Katsujuro started to sweat a bit

Ray: "So why are we?" then Katsujuro takes aim and fires the walls to find a source of Peashy's power to become a CPU "Oh well then let's do what everyone would do and destroy it." Then he closes the lever and opens it and Katsujuro takes the Jet Combat from his driver and onto his kimewaza slot holder and press the button

Gashun! Gashat! Kimewaza! Jet critical strike!

Gachon! Kimewaza! Gachan! Maximum critical break!

As they take aim and destroy the source suddenly Noire still in her CPU form who also joined in on destroying it

Ray: "Ok it's over."


As things were over Plutia and Peashy were transported to their dimension and this was probably something the doctors and the CPU probably felt sad about but Plutia gave Ray a plushie


Fujikawa was in a old building where nobody would find him and he was looking at the driver and started thinking of how the doctors managed to use it

Fujikawa: "A human having the bugster virus...will it work vice versa?" Then he started thinking and probably thought it could work but he doesn't know how to have human DNA in him until that's when he realized that Ray's level 99 form has the reprogramming ability so if he could get hit than it might work and that was when he went to take a quick nap only for it to become a long sleep in a gashacon bugvisor

The next day

After everything that happened things were looking good as now people in Planetune they stop playing Kamen Rider Chronicle and so they thought this would be over

Ray: "Well this is finally over."

Neptune: "Uhh...yeah." She chuckles

Ray: "What is it?"

Neptune: "Well...you might wanna see this." Then she shows him a video which was a video from Genm Corp CEO Ren Amagasaki as he was stating that whoever beats the game first every player who played the game and died can be revived and as a bonus he then transforms into a rider player

Ray: "Fuuccccccc-"

Neptune: "Bad Ray no swearing!"


Kadoya: "Did you guys-"

Katsujuro and Ray: "Yeah we did!"

Kadoya: "Did you guys also thought of the company having a server of dead people?"

Katsujuro and Ray: "Yeah? Man we really have a lot in common."

Ray: "Look guys we should stop them."

Katsujuro: "We should because apparently someone wasn't listening to my advice."

Kadoya: "What are you-"

Katsujuro: He sighs "Noire didn't listened to my advice when I told her to stop and she started play Kamen Rider Chronicle."

Kadoya: "You...did you take the gashat?"

Katsujuro: "No plus Uni had one but she..."


Katsujuro sees Uni throws the gashat into the air and shoots it out of the air now just a pile of crap

End of flashback

Katsujuro: "Used it as a practice target."

Ray: "...Dam."

Katsujuro: "I'm pissed off."

Kadoya: "Why because you actually care for her?"

Katsujuro: "Tch bullcrap also why should I say coming from the book wor-"


Katsujuro: "You can stop lying I've been around the hospital and I saw books in a box with a label that says: Do not touch Kadoya Kuyusami and one of those happen to have some weird story of a knight that involv-

Kadoya: "SHUT THE HELL UP!!!"

Katsujuro: "Hah this is funny. Anyways i'll deal with Noire you guys go and deal with the other players." Then he hangs up and so did Kadoya

Ray: He hangs up as well "Does everyone have some sort of secret i'm not aware?"


As usual the doctors now working separately started to talk to the other players to stop playing as Katsujuro and noticed two players which one was probably the weirdest one he ever saw but the other

Katsujuro: He sighs "More players though that one is weird."

Rider player(?): "Hey that was just rude of you."

Katsujuro: "I'm not the guy whose the nicest around." This was when something in his head kept thinking as then another Rider player bumped into him "Watch where you're going!"

Rider player 2(?): "Sorr-" This was when even a few seconds of dialogue Katsujuro remembers that tone of voice

Katsujuro: "Wait a minute...NOIRE?!"

Noire: "Oh um...hey." Then her armor disappears as she then was nervously chuckling and then he looks at the other rider player

Katsujuro: "Wait a minute...you look familiar." Then he looks at this oddly rider player to which he put the puzzle together "NICO?!"

Nico: "Sup."

Katsujuro: "..." Then he facepalms "Screw my life."

Noire: "What's that suppose to mean?!"

Katsujuro: "I'm dam pissed off i've told you not to use it or even play it." He sighs "Forget it-" Then suddenly Ren started walking

Ren: "Oh look some players enjoying the game."

Katsujuro: "Freakin you! You try to lie to everyone about that if they won they can revive everyone who played the game and die?!"

Ren: "Correct and now then I see that you found a bugster."

Noire, Nico, and Katsujuro: "What?

Ren: "Time to show you my true form." Then he takes out the gashacon bugvisor and takes out the grip and attach it

Infection! Let's Game! Bad Game! Dead Game! What's your name?! The Bugster!

Katsujuro: "Oh dear god it's ugly."

Noire: "Agree."

Ren: "Oh come on it's not that bad!" Then he summons bugsters

Katsujuro: "Wait a minute..."


Katsujuro and Ray were talking one to one

Ray: "Look whatever you do don't hurt Poppy also she's a Kamen Rider with a gashat. The game is called Toki Meki Crisis. From my guess it's a dating sim game."

Katsujuro: "Ok thanks for the advice."

End of flashback

Katsujuro: "I'm assuming your from the game Toki Meki Crisis."

Ren: "Correct i'm the bugster known as Lovelica!" Then the maid bugsters went to attack Katsujuro to which he had to dodge but Ren whacks him in the stomach with the bouquet of flowers causing him to crash into a fountain

Katsujuro: "Dam it..." Then he puts on his driver and takes out his gashat gear dual beta and twist it to Bang Bang Simulation

Bang Bang Simulation! I'm ready for battleship! I'm ready for battleship!

Katsujuro: "Henshin." Then he inserts the gashat onto his driver and opens the lever

Dual gashat! Gachan! Dual up! Scramble da! Shutsugeki Hasshin! Bang Bang Simulatio~ns! Hasshin!

Katsujuro: "Mission start." Then he takes aim and fires at Lovelica and the bugsters but nothing and I mean absolutely nothing worked "What the hell?! I call hacks!"

Ren: "You're forgetting that this game doesn't include violence. Man are most guys thinking of violence?"

Noire: "...Wow you assume that?"

Nico: "This is terrible for him."

Katsujuro: "Screw this game."

Katsujuro's thought: "I never played dating sim game so how the hell was I suppose to know. I don't play Huniepop or some stupid game." He sighs in his head as was getting owned as his armor disappear and Noire went to check on him

Noire: "Are you alright?"

Katsujuro: "Honestly i've felt worst. Also why are you checking up on me."

Noire: "Shut up i'm doing this because..." She blushes

Ren: "Eh? Out of many guys you chose someone who is unlike-"

Noire: "SHUT UP! I love him and nobody shall take hi-" That was when her words actually affected Ren as her words were sharp as knives and she blushes even brighter and Katsujuro was weirded out

Katsujuro: "You love me?"

Noire: "Yeah."

Katsujuro: "And yet you waited to say that? What is this an anime?"

Ren: He groans and was still injured from Noire's words "I'll be back." Then he teleported away as well as the bugsters


Parado, Fujikawa, and Ray are fighting one another Parado in level 50 Perfect Puzzle, Fujikawa in level 50 Taddle Fantasy, and Ray in level 99 Maximum Power X

Ray: "Our job as doctors is to save lives of others!"

Parado: "Ha and yet your playing the game aren't you?" Then Parado got himself a few power up items

Invisible! Muscle up! Speed up!

As Ray was dealing with a invisible Parado Fujikawa gave a nod to Ray which was odd at first but to understand Fujikawa talked to Ray about how he couldn't used the driver and gave a hypothesis of that if a human who has a bit of the bugster virus can use the driver and if it was vice versa it could work. So then Ray sees Parado as the invisibility wore off and then Ray threw him aside and then Fujikawa gave his best acting of attacking Ray and Ray attacking him as he closes the lever

Gachon! Kimewaza! Gachan! Maximum critical break!

Then Ray does a rider kick on Fujikawa reprogramming him which now he has human genes in him and Fujikawa fled as his armor disappeared

Fujikawa: "Ex-Aid you may have won this round but next time you won't be lucky." He said it all as a act and as he teleported away and noticed that Parado is gone probably due to him knowing he couldn't win against him


As the three doctors, Noire, Nico, and Taiga were back at CR Nico and Noire explained that while playing the game the two decided to complete the game and then the two shows an odd gashat

Ray: "What are those?"

Noire: "I don't know what they are called gashatrophies. In order to obtain these we had to defeat the bugster in the game. And at first when I got the first one (A/N: "Nico obtained the Bang Bang Shooting gashatrophy while Noire obtained the Mighty Action X gashatrophy.") a female who had pink hair told me about it and that I was the second player to obtain one."

Nico: "While I obtained the first."

Ray: "Well then if we can obtain all of the gashat then we can get towards the final boss and defeat it then this nightmare will be over." Then he looks at the DoReMiFa Beat arcade empty as usual and hoping for Poppy to come back

Next time on Game Start!

Ray: "We must get through this game! With no continue!"

Fujikawa: "Poppy..."

Fujikawa: "I DON'T WANNA PLAY!!!"


Ray: "I'll make sure to get her back."

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