Part the Third - Guessing game

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Hiii! Welcome to a guessing game!

In this first part I will be writing down quotes and sentences that pjo/hoo characters said.

You'll have to guess who said what!

Don't look on the internet, it ruins the fun!

I'll be starting off easy.

Hope you have a fun time!

• • •

1– «You drool in you sleep»

2– «I never wanted to be a half-blood»

3– «Love conquers all»

4– «Am I a troubled kid?»

5– «I foresee the future. I cannot change it»

6– «I'm more than just a pretty face»

7– «Even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes»

8– «I try not to think, it interferes with beings nuts»

9– «Stars. I can see the stars again, my lady»

10– «If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself»

11– «Love is powerful»

12– «The mind of a queen is a thing to fear»

13– «Knowing too much of your future is never a good thing»

14– «Good deeds are always dangerous, boss»

15– «Genius does not excuse evil»

16– «Families are messy»

17– «The best medicine for humans is love»

18– «You say witch like it's a bad thing»

19– «They're not dolls, they're figurines!»

20– «That was Hera, her majesty, the loose canon»

• • •

Part two: I'll write down first parts of sentences and you have to comment what goes after. I'll also say who said them, so it's a bit easier for you.

1– «I'm not choosing one of your paths...»
~Hazel Levesque~

2– «Knowledge can be your...»
~Annabeth Chase~

Omg guys I was making my sister guess the things and I read her this sentence and she said "I dunno, *one part of the answer*" and I was like "wtf you actually almost got it" (btw she's never read the books she only saw the series (also she's 10)) and I said "you just need an adjective before what you said" and SHE GUESSED IT. SHE GUESSED IT RIGHT. So you guys ought to get it if you don't want to be humiliated by my sister 😂😂.

3– «I dream my painting...»
~Rachel Elizabeth Dare~

4– «The more you love...»

5– «Families are messy. Immortal...»
Uh, can't say this one cuz it'll give you the answer to one in the first part.

6– «A hero's fate is never happy...»

7– «What belongs to the sea...»
~A random Nereid~

8– «Where's the glory in repeating...»
~Luke Castellan~

9– «Gods can fade, when everything...»
My sister: mmm, Piper
Me: *laughs* that is completely out of subject

10– «Don't judge someone until...»

• • •

I'll be giving out the answers in about two days. Also I won't answer the comments with yes's or no's or anything that suggests that your right or wrong in case people decide to look at the comments for answers. I'll mark your comment with a heart so you know I've seen it, and when I post the answers I'll do a shout out to the 3 people who got the most correct answers! Without cheating, of course.

Let me know if you want more!!!

Hope you enjoyed,

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