Chapter 10

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When I open my eyes, I am in the infirmary of the gangs house but the odd thing was that I was looking at myself from behind everybody. I decide to just watch everybody else for a while.

"When is she going to wake up?" Luke asks, squeezing my hand from the seat next to the bed I am on.

"I don't know, she lost slot of blood." Dre replies. "What exactly happened out there?"

"I don't know. One minute I was training and then the next minute I was sucked into the darkness and found myself chained to a wall with Hope shaking me, trying to wake me up. She broke my chains then disappeared, saying that I need to fight my demon." He sighs, a tear escaping him and falling down his face.

"I knew that we should of helped her." Kate mumbles from the opposite side of me, holding my other hand. I go over to her and hug her, thinking she can't feel me here. As soon as I touch her, she jumps while looking around.

"What's wrong?" Jay asks from next to her.

"I just felt something touch me." She replies.

"It was probably just your imagination. You haven't slept since yesterday, waiting for Hope to wake up." Keith puts his hand on her shoulder, gaining a glare from Jake. I chuckle at them before wondering if Kate really did feel me touching her. "Why don't we get you to bed? I promise I will tell you when she wakes up." She simply nods and walks out of the room, followed by both Keith and Jay.

"I'm going to go out for a while and get some supplies." Dre simply says before walking out of the room. Glad he cares about me so much, note the sarcasm. He has been getting really grumpy lately, I wonder what's wrong. I'm about to go follow him when I see Shadow at the corner of my bed asleep. I decide to start poking him to test my theory out. He jumps up as soon he feels me poking him, startling both Luke and Joel.

"Psst Shadow." I poke him again, making him look in my direction.

"What are you doing up? Shouldn't you be in b-" Shadow stops himself from talking as soon as he sees me still lying down in the bed.

"I think I've somehow escaped my body." I look over at my body and examine my face. My usual face is now looking pale and sickly and I have bandages on my arms. I'm guessing that I have also got bandages on my legs since they were cut as well. Never mess with a demon because it hurts like hell.

"I think your in your shadow form."

"My what?" I look at him confused. By now, the two boys in the room are staring at Shadow like he is crazy.

"Look at your body, can you see a shadow?" He asks me, I look over to my body and notice that he is right. The other two boys have shadows but me. "You probably moved to your shadow form while your body was healing." I just nod.

"Hey Joel?" I stop paying attention and look at Luke who is still holding my hand.

"Hmm?" He look over to Luke.

"Do you think she will wake up?"

"At the rate she is at, I don't think she is going to heal quick enough. She lost a lot of blood and has many cuts over her body." He sighs. I love how this family has so much faith in me. How could he think that about me? I'm his little sister. I brush my hands through my hair.

"How do I get back into my body?" I ask, watching the boys talk about me.

"Just jump back into your body and you will wake up." He says before cuddling up to Luke to comfort him, getting a pat in return.

"What if she never wakes up though? We can't actually take her to a hospital since they could take her and experiment on her for her blood." I jump into my body and felt very terrible pain coming from my arms and legs.

"She will wake up, she is stronger than that." Luke argues back at him.

"She can't help her blood problems! That's how my mom died. I was told that she would live but the next day she died. How do you know she will survive if she can't even fight it?" Joel shouts at Luke, making Shadow growl at him. "What? Don't wanna face the truth that your owner could be on her death bed?"


Joel holds his cheek as I slowly put my arm down, glaring at him. "Don't you fucking dare talk to my dog like that! What is wrong with you? I am NOT your mother so don't compare me to her. I'm strong enough to fight for my life!" I shout him as Joel looks at me with shock.

"Hope your awake!" Luke jumps up and hugs me then move away. "I will go get the others!" He runs out of the room, leaving me to glare at Joel who visibly gulps.

"You woke up..." He just stares at me, still holding his cheek.

"No I didn't wake up, I'm a zombie." I roll my eyes at him. Suddenly, I hear a voice in my head.

"I healed your injuries and supplied you with blood but you might be a bit sore." Gramp's voice fills my head. I guess that's why my arms and legs ache. Thank you Melrick, you saved me yet again.

"Hope!" Suddenly, I feel a weight push me down and start crushing me from being to heavy.

"C-can't breath!" I try to say but it hardly comes out from the lack of air.

"Jake get off of her!" I hear Kate shout before I feel the weight being lifted off of me, or thrown off of me as I hear a cry of pain coming from the person who was on me that I now know was Jay.

"Ouch." he mumbles. He stands up and walks next to me, gently pushing my shoulders down so I would lie back down in the bed.

"Looks like sleeping beauty is finally awake." Keith walks into the room and comes over to the other side of my bed where Joel was still holding his cheek, looking shocked.

"I wasn't out that long was I?" I look over to Kate who was standing next to Jay, his arm over her shoulder. When did they get close? Guess I will have to bug Kate about it later. Cue evil laugh.

"You was out for a few hours but with the amount of blood you lost, you shouldn't even be able to move right now yet you was able to give Joel a good bruise. How did you manage to get enough energy for that?" Keith asks.

"Oh I just have this person in my head that has been training me and has saved me from dying, but that's not important." Is what I want to say but instead I say "I have my ways."

"Your ways?" He raises his eyebrow at me.

"My ways." I repeat in a monotone voice then yawn.

"Alright guys, time for Hope to rest. Lets go." Kate grabs Keith and Jay's wrist and drags them out, leaving Joel in the room with me. Alone.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you waiting for me to hit you again?" He looks over to me and hands me an envelope before muttering an apology and leaving.

I open the envelope and I could feel the colour drain from my face.

Dear Hope,

Do you really think that your little friends demon came out on his own? It's impossible. That's why I helped set him free. I hoped you liked my surprise for you because there is many more to come my little Angel.

Your parents.

Ps we are watching you.

Kate walks back into the room and notices the letter and my face an immediately walks over but before she could grab it, the letter is covered in fire and disappears.

"What was on that letter?" She demands.

"Nothing important." I say a bit too quickly, making her even more suspicious.

"I don't think your face would pale like that but if you say so. Now let me 're bandage your injuries." She takes off the bandages on my arm and gasps. There was no cuts or even any scars on my arm, including scars that were from past jobs. "There is nothing there! Not even the scar I noticed on your arm before. How? Just how?" I just shrug and let her take off the rest of my bandages.

"If you are done, I'm going to go to get something from my room then go back to my studio. You can stay in the guest bedroom if you want?" I throw my legs over the edge of the bed, letting my legs dangle for a monitor before standing up and walking to my room, passing Luke who seemed deep in thought.

"Hope wait! You shouldn't be moving around yet." Kate shouts after me, making Luke snap out of his thoughts and look over at me.

"Hope you shouldn't be moving around you are still healing. You could reopen a wound." He walks over to me and picks me up bridal style and starts walking back to the room I was in.

"I'm perfectly fine. Now I have some business to attend to before I leave." I jump out of his arms and continue walking back to my room.

"Get back here or I will drag you myself." He starts to walk towards me so I ran up the staircase, him close behind me shouting for me to stop running away from him. This attracts the attention of the three boys who are occupying the hallway, blocking my way.

"MOVE!" I shout but instead, they try to catch me but I do a front flip over them and run into my room, slamming the door shut and locking it. I then blend Kate into my room who was holding a sandwich about to take a bite.

"Huh what?" She looks around the room before shrugging and taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Let me grab my laptop and we can go back to the studio. Should we walk or teleport?" She stays silent for a moment before making up her mind.

"Lets walk, I haven't done that in a while." I grab my laptop and walk towards the door and unlock it, making the four guys fall in.

"I'm going back to my place. Skype me if you need me. Oh and tell Dre I said hi and that he has two days." I step on Joel as I walk towards the door, making him groan.

"What about your injuries?" I show Jay my arm and his mouth drops.

"Your injury and scars are gone. Even the one from
That incident last year." He touches my arm from where there use to be a scar. The incident he is talking about is from last year. We was both on an assignment but only we know what actually happened but that's a different story for a different day.

"Yep now can I go? I want to get back to my place and sleep." I yank my and out of his grasp and pull Kate along with me while holding my laptop. The only reason I'm bringing it is because it has my secret files and by secret files, I mean my anime collection. Can't live without it.

"I change my mind, can we just use your magical unicorn powers and go back?" Kate looks at me with puppy eyes.

"Sure. Lets go!" I grab her wrist and we blend to my room in my studio to see Dre sitting on my bed with Shadow on his lap. I simply just raise my eyebrow at him before setting my laptop on my desk and grabbing some clothes.

"I'm going to go shower." Is all I say before walking into the bathroom, wondering what Dre is here for.

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