Chapter 11

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As soon as I am done with my shower, I dry my hair quickly and walk out of the bathroom to see Dre, Shadow and Kate talking. I walk in and sit on my bean bag chair and clearing my throat so they know I'm here. Seriously, I push open a squeaky door and walk in front of the bed they are sitting on and fall into the bean bag chair and they don't notice me. Dre is not his normal self.

"Sup Dre? Anything you need?" I get my phone out of the magical place which is also known as my bra and start playing flappy bird. What? It's addictive. Its a good but annoying game when you are bored.

"Why are you not in your hospital bed? You need to rest." At least he is still his straight to the point guy he is. He is probably sick but he seems fine.

"I am resting. Can you not see me sitting down and playing flappy bird." I still haven't lost yet!

"But you should be back in the mansion. Actually, never mind. You are strong so I will let this slip just this once since I know how stubborn you are." I see the edge of his lips twitch up before going back to normal. "Now, onto business. I have decided to let you keep this dog but make sure you take care of it. Don't let what happened to all dogs I have had happen to yours. Come back to the mansion when you are ready." This shocks me so much that I accidentally lose the game.

"NOOOOOOO" I start to cry while staring at my phone. Kate just sweat drops while Dre just shakes his head me, smiling just a little bit. "Ok people let's go home!" I grab both their hands and blend us to the dining room. Obviously, everybody else is on here.

"Hope your back! Where the hell have you been. We have searched the entire city for you and Kate." Luke exclaims. I smile sheepishly at him.

"I went to my secret lair and experimented on Kate, my new lab rat." I give an evil fake grin while doing the evil rubbing hands together thing. Jake gives me a horrified look while Kate face palms.

"What she really did was have a shower and then cry at her flappy birds game on her phone while talking to Dre." Jay sighs in relief while everybody else is giving me a weird look. Why, so you ask? Well right now, I am rolling on the floor laughing my ass off so hard that I'm not even making any noise so I'm just rolling around looking like I'm having a stroke or something.

"Should we help her?" Luke whispers to Keith who just shrugs in response.

"Well I'm tired so I am going to go to my room and sleep." Both Luke and Keith jump from me suddenly standing right next to them like nothing happened.

"No comment." Jake just walks out of the room and I give everybody a look.

"Did I say something?" Everybody just face palms and walks out of the room as well. "No Kate don't leave me!" I start to cry anime tears and fall to the ground dramatically.

Joel walks back into the room and just gives me a weird look. "What pain killers did they give you?" I just shrug and blend into my room and fall face first on my bed. Shadow jumps onto the bed next to me and motions his head to my pocket, reminding me of the note that Joel gave me.

"Hey Shad, should I tell somebody about this or keep it a secret like with everything else?"

-I don't know Hope. Maybe you should keep it a secret for now-

"Maybe that's a good idea. I don't want to worry anybody about my problems. I could just leave if it gets too out of hand. I can't risk them dying you know? They are my family and I love them. I just wish I knew more about what I saw in my vision with Luke" I pet Shadows jet black fur for a while before I change my clothes with my shadows and slowly lift the sleeping dog from my bed with my mind and flicking off the light and getting under the covers, slowly falling into the darkness.


I look around the room to see I am in what looks like a cell. Across from me in Luke chained to the wall looking very weak making me reach out for him but when I try to stretch my arm towards him, it's pulled back towards the wall.

"Well who do we have here? It looks like a little princess is chained to a wall with her knight in shining armour. How repulsive." A man who is wearing all black clothes and a skin mask appears out of nowhere. He is unidentifiable. I wouldn't have known he was a guy if he didn't talk.

"What the hell do you want from me?! Let Luke go now!" Luke looks like he is starting to wake up but before I could say anything else, our kidnapper starts laughing.

"Now why would we do that? It took 20 deaths and 12 injured just to kidnap you. We aren't letting you go." He gives me an evil smirk before walking out the door but he stops outside of the door. "And princess, don't waste your time escaping, this cell blocks your fire, shadow and his ground powers. You have no escape." He chuckles like a maniac before he shuts the door, leaving the now conscious Luke with me.

"Where the hell are we?" I ask him.

"We were captured by them people. Now I have to tell you something very important and you can't interrupt me ok?" I nod and his lips start moving but I don't hear anything. I suddenly feel an immense pain in my head before seeing nothing but darkness.


"Hope please wake up." I hear a worried voice speak to me. I wonder why. I'm about to open my eyes when I suddenly feel cold and wet.

"Jake what the hell!" I open my eyes to see Keith, Kate and Jay in my room.

"Your awake! I was so worried, you wouldn't wake up for the 10 minutes we were in here. It looked like you were having a nightmare and you kept saying Luke's name." Kate gave me a huge hug even though I was soaking wet.

"Just a bad dream, that's all." I lied but they seemed to believe it while Kate gave me a 'tell-me-or-i-will-kill-you' look. I just nod to her saying I will tell her later.

"Well get dressed! We have to go to jail- I mean school." I giggle at Jake before getting out of my bed and walking into the shower. As soon as I'm finished, I get dressed and walk down the stairs and into the kitchen, thinking about that dream. Was it about my vision? I did say I want to know more about it but it could have been my imagination.

"Hope what was that dream about?" Kate comes up behind me, scaring me so much that I nearly cut myself. I send her a glare, being returned with a sheepish smile. I just roll my eyes at her.

"It was a vision I had of Luke. We were both-" I was cut off by Luke himself walking into the room so I just continue telepathically.

"We were both kidnapped but when Luke was going to tell me something important, somebody decided to wake me up. Next time, don't. It could be important."

"Sorry, I didn't know but why don't you tell the others? They could help."

"Because they don't need to be caught up in my problems."

"Hey, what are you guys talking about? Why are you so silent?" Luke asks.

"Nothing important. Is it time to go to school yet?" I grab my school bag from his hands and hang it over my shoulder.

"Yeah let's go." We start to walk to the cars and meet up with Jay on the way. Haha that rhymed.

"So who does Kate go with? I'm blending myself straight there."

"She could drive with me if she wants." Jake speaks up.

"Oh? I thought you hated having people in your car?" I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively at him making him blush. I look over to Kate to see that she is also blushing.

"I will just go with Hope if that's ok."

"Ok let's go then! See you at school my lovely brothers that I love so much!" I grab Kate's wrist and blend us to our school, in a hidden spot. We walk out and go through the front doors making small talk but we didn't notice anybody in front of us until Kate is knocked to the ground.

"Hey watch where your going you nerd!" A girl with bleached shoulder length hair and what looks like a cheer outfit from the cheerleaders club I saw a picture of somewhere but in reality, it looks like two strips of fabric with the school sign on both. In other words, she's a slut.

"You could have moved out of the way you know!" Kate stands up and picks her bag back up off the ground.

"Oh and who is this?" Slutella totally ignores Kate and walks up to me. "Why would somebody like you hang around with a whore like her? Why don't you join us instead? You can join our club and my name is Amber." I just cross my arms and raise my eyebrow at the crowd around us before turning back to her.

"Sorry but if I wanted a friend like you then I would have brought my dog to school." The crowd gasps.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh and tell your skirt to quit the weed. Its way to high." This causes the crowd to burst out laughing.

"You bitch!"

"Bitch means dog, dogs bark, bark is from trees, trees are nature and nature is beautiful so thanks for the compliment."

"You beautiful? Hah very funny. At least I have a chance of getting laid. The only way you will get laid is if you crawl up a chickens ass and waited."

"Well you know what they say, lower prices attract many customers." The crowd roars out with laughter.

"Oh please, my hotness attracts attention." She flicks her hair over her shoulder.

"Stop calling yourself hot, the only thing that you are able to turn on is the microwave. Oh and the only reason people talk to you is mainly because you are either annoying them or offering free blow jobs."

"Many people like me!"

"Your mom doesn't count." I give her a blank stare.

"I would hit you but that's animal abuse." I hear some 'ooh's' in the crowd.

"Technically humans are animals but it looks like your still not on our stage yet."


"Look up idiot in the dictionary and guess what I see?"

"Let me guess? A picture of me? That one is so old."

"No, I would see the definition of an idiot which you are." I have just noticed the people filming this. Remind me to get that video of somebody.

"You have messed with the wrong person! I am gonna spread so many rumours of you around this school that you won't want to be in this school anymore!"

"At least you know how to spread something other than your legs." Before I get to say anything else, somebody pulls me behind them. That somebody is my darling brother Jay.

"What the hell is going on here?" The crowd goes silent.

"Well that's new. Since when did the crowd go silent for you?"

"Since I beat that Dave kid up." I just nod.

"Well what's your name, hot stuff?" Amber rubs her finger up and down his chest. I look over at Kate to see her fuming. I just send her a reassuring smile.

"Sorry not interested. Lets go girls." He grabs both of our wrists and drags us both away.

"That was hilarious Hope!" Kate bursts out laughing as soon as we get to our lockers.

"What exactly happened?"

"The bitch was being rude to my sister so I simply just shut her up" I get my phone out and look on YouTube to see if it's on their. It is so I give him my phone. He bursts out laughing as soon as he finishes watching it.

"Nice job sis" he pats my head like he would to a dog so I tried to bite his hand.

"Sorry I'm late guys!" Luke runs up to us. He looks around and sees everybody staring at us so I just give him my phone. He soon bursts out laughing as well. "Nice one"

"Why am I only seeing her here today?" I ask Kate.

"The cheer leading team was out on a trip for a week." I nod and about to speak but get cut off by the bell ringing. "Lets just go to class." Kate grabs my wrist and drags me to the classroom with the guys following. Time to survive hell.

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