Chapter 2

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"Hello? Is anybody there?" I call out into the darkness. I just walk straight forward. I feel like i am walking for hours before a bright light shines and I cover my eyes. When I open my eyes, I am met with an old man who was just sitting on a bench in a park. He looks over to me and smiles.

"Hello Hope. I have been wanting to meet you for so long but I was never alive when you was born." He said. I just look at him and slowly walk over to him.

"H-hello. How do you know my name?" Im not usually scared but in this place, I feel like a normal teenage girl.

"Do not threat child. I am merely a friend who has awaited to meet you. My name is Melrick and I have came to meet you."

"Nice to meet you but why have you been waiting to meet me? Im not special."

"Child you are more special then you think. You will know when the time comes. I am sorry I cannot say until the time is right."

"Its okay Melrick." My personality changes in this place. I am always so curious.

"Well I have to go now child but I will see tomorrow the next time you fall asleep."

"Goodbye Melrick" I say before I fall into the darkness again.


"Hope... Hope wake up." I groan and turn over, hoping that whoever is trying to wake me up will leave me alone. "We have food" The voice said and I shot up from my bed and blink until my vision is clearer. In front of me I can see Jay blushing and looking away when he realises im not wearing any clothes since I fainted without stabilizing my clothes before I went asleep. If I don't stabilize my power for the night then I will wake up naked.

"What? Im tired." I moan as my body gets covered in flames and disappear, leaving me in a black onesie and my hair in a bun.

"Its time to get up for school and I wanted to check up on you from yesterday and apologise and wondered if you were okay." He tells me as he pulls me up from the bed and into the bathroom so I could get ready. Today we had to start school and I wanted to change my look.

"Its okay Jay you didn't mean it. Who put me in bed last night anyway? I only remember collapsing and being carried."

"Are you sure you collapsed? When I came into your room after a while since Dre told me to let you have your space, you was already in bed asleep." He says as he hugs me.

"I guess I just imagined it then..." I muffle into his chest since he is hugging me tightly and I couldn't talk properly. But I knew somebody carried me to my bed but who? I will just leave it for now and ask Dre later when its more quiet. "I need to get ready so do you mind?"

"Oh right I will meet you downstairs then." He said then left. I stripped from my clothes and got into the shower then got back out and thought I should change my hair style just for school then change it back when im at home again. I decide to let my hair be shoulder length and brown and I decided that I should turn myself to look like a nerd so nobody will bother with me or find out my secret.

When I walk out of the bathroom, I am wearing round glasses with a baggy grey jumper and some baggy pants with some trainers and I walk downstairs into the dining room to see breakfast already on the table and Jay, Luke and Dre eating.

"Hey Hope how are-" Luke starts to talk but stops when he turns around and see's me. "What happened to you Hope? You look like a... a loser.

"That's the point babe" I reply and smirk at him before I sit down and start eating.

"How is your head Hope?" Dre asks me as I finish eating.

"Its fine now, doesn't hurt as much." I reply and stand up and hold my hand out then flames burn around my hand and below it creating a backpack I put on my back. "You guys ready?" I ask as they stand up and pick their own bags up off the ground.

"Ready as we will ever be." Luke replies and I go over and kiss Dre on the cheek.

"See you later Dre" I walk out of the room and got into Luke's car since I was riding with him since I don't own a car. Why own a car when you can just blend into the places you want to be? Im very lazy but still fit. Luke comes into the car a minute later and we drive off listening to the radio. We talk about anything and everything until we got to the school. The car park was filled with tons of teenagers just walking around and walking into the class with their friends. I got out of the car and everybody stopped and looked at me and started pointing at me and talking to each other. Luke chose this time to get out of the car and walk next to me and then Jay parked next to us. Jay likes to drive on his own so he has his own car. He got out of the car and walked to us and we all walked into the school with all of the students talking to us. We walked to the office and got our schedules and our lockers. Our lockers were next to each other with me in the middle since they both wanted to be next to me.

"So where do we go now? Should we ask somebody?" Jay asks us as we close our lockers. We all have different periods mostly.

"Yeah I will ask somebody" Luke replies and walks away to find somebody and me and Jay lean on the lockers and talk until Luke comes back with somebody.

He has brown eyes and brown messy hair. He is wearing a leather jacket and jeans. Im guessing he is one of the popular guys since I saw him earlier in a group with other hot guys. "So you guys need help? Just follow me and I will show you to your classes just give me my schedule." he says lazily. I guess he didn't want to be here.

"Thanks" I say and give him my schedule. He looks at my schedule last after taking Luke and Jay to their classes and groans so I read his mind and see he is thinking of how many periods we have together. "What? don't wanna be in the same class as a nerd? Too bad so suck it up."

"How did you know we were in the same period from a groan?" he asks as he glares at me.

"Lucky guess?" I reply more as a question then as an answer.

"Your a freak do you know that. Why did you have to come to this school with your brothers. They can easily become popular if they weren't with you." He rudely states as we walk to our class.

"Oh im the freak? Your probably the popular freak who every guy thinks is cool and who all of the girls have slept with am I right?" I say calmly as we stop in front of the classroom. Suddenly, he grabs me by the collar and pushes me against the wall. "Oh somebody has a temper."

"Shut up you loser. The only reason I brought you to class was because of your two brothers. If it was just you then I would have already beat you up so I suggest you shut up." He shouts in my face.

"Oh im so scared" I reply and grab his wrist and yank him off of my collar then walk into the class.

"Excuse me?" I knock and walk inside to see the whole class looking at me.

"You must be Ms. Hope Summers. I am Mr. Johnson but you can call me Mr. John since everybody else calls me that." He tells me. "Can you go sit next to Kate and she will explain what we have been doing in class." He points to a blonde girl who im guessing is Kate and I walk over to her. She seems nice.

"Hello im Kate and you must be Hope its nice to meet you." she holds her hand out for me and I shake it. She has a tough grip.

"Hello its nice to meet you too." I reply and take my books out. She explains to me what we have been doing in class. Even though I knew all of the work, I let her explain it to me anyway. This took all class and soon the bell went and she led me to my next period. She doesn't care what others think of her so I think we are gonna be good friends.

"Do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?" she takes her books out of her bag and sits down.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be trouble." I reply and sit next to her.

"Of course. We are already best friends anyway." she smiles and hugs me and I smile back. I have already made a friend. We started talking until the teacher came in then did our work and continued with our conversation until the bell went and we went into the lunchroom. She dragged me to a table with another girl and two boys.

"Who is this Kate? asks one of the boys. He has black hair and green eyes. He also has an earing in his ear.

"This is Hope. She is new to the school and our new friend." Kate replies. I wave a little and mumble a hello.

"Hey Hope im Callum and the nerd over there is Daniel." Daniel has neatly combed brown hair and brown eyes which is clear through his glasses that make him look professional.

He looks up from the book he is reading and looks at everybody at the table until his eyes land on me then he pushes his glasses up. "Hey im Daniel and im not a nerd thank you very much." He glares at Callum then goes back to his book.

"Hi... Im Naomi." She says quietly. I guess she is the shy one of the group. She has shoulder length black hair and she wears glasses that cover up her hazel eyes.

"Its very nice to meet you all" I smile at each of them and sit down. As im about to say something, I feel myself being picked up and thrown over somebodies shoulder.

"Can I borrow Hope for a while" Luke says as I hit his back multiple times.

"Put me down Luke!" I would usually blend out of his arms and appear behind him but I cant since everybody is already staring at us. By everyone, I mean everyone. People have even stopped talking.

"Sure. Just make sure you bring her back so we can talk." Kate replies with a giddy voice.

"Kate don't let him take me and help me!" I keep hitting Luke's back as he takes me to the table with Jay and the jerk from earlier. I'm guessing the popular table. The jerk did tell Luke and Jay his name but I wasn't paying attention. "Luke put me down right now!" I shout as I give up on hitting his back since its useless.

"Hey Jay Hey Aaron" So he's name is Aaron. Wait why do I even care? He is a jerk.

"Hey Hope" Jay pulls me onto his lap as soon as Luke puts me down. "How is school so far? Having fun"

"Actually Jay, I am" I reply and take a bite of his fries.

"Hey get your own fries!"


"Why not?"

"I have no money and you wont let go of me"

"Why don't you have any money exactly?" Luke comes into the conversation.

"I don't have a job and you know I hate asking for money" I answer his question, still eating Jay's fries who has given up trying to get me to stop.

"You could have always asked me I don't care if you hate asking for money." Luke sits down next to me and Jay and I stand up after eating all of Jays food.

"Well im going back to my table. See you guys after school." I walk back to my table to see Kate and Naomi staring at me. "What?"

"You were just at the most popular lunch table in the school!" She squeals and pulls me into the seat next to her. "How do you know Luke and Jake?"

"I live with them. They are like my brothers." I reply and steal some of Callum's fries since im still hungry.

"Hey get your own!" he complains and moves them out of my grasp.

"But im hungry!" I moan.

"You aren't getting any of my fries" I use my puppy eyes that nobody can escape from. Not even Dre.

"How... Ugh fine." I cheer and eat more of his fries.

"How long have you known them for?" Naomi asks me as she puts her phone away. I didnt even realise she had a phone out.

"I have known them since I was seven" They came a year after I came. Luke came a month after Jay.

"That's a long time." Kate says as the bell rings.

"See you guys soon." Me and Kate say at the same time. We look at each other for five seconds before bursting out laughing. Me and Kate walk to our next class since we have the same classes as each other. Before we get to the classroom door, Aaron comes up to me and drags me away from Kate without saying a word.

"Can you let go?" I say yet he still doesn't let go so I just let me drag me into the... janitors closet? "Why are we in here?" I ask when he lets go.

"Just to talk..." He drifts off then attempts to punch me in the face but I dodged at the last second.

"What the hell dude?" I say again when he grabs my wrist and squeezes tight.

"Stay away from us and we wont talk to you as much." He replies

"What do you mean wont talk to me as much?" I glare at him while trying to get out of his grip. I have an anger problem and every time im pushed passed the line... lets just say the last person was covered in burns. I cant control my fire when im angry.

"Stay away from me, from your friends and from our table and we wont have much of a problem." he grabs my other wrist and pins my arms above me with one of his hands while his other hand holds my chin up to him.

"That's going to be hard since I kinda live with them." He slaps my face and holds my chin again. I swear that if I could, I would burn him to a crisp. Instead I just thought it would be a good idea to make something fall off a shelf and onto his head. Hopefully knock him out. I look at a box on a shelf behind him and concentrate really hard and it starts moving.

"Don't act smart with-" He stops speaking as the box falls onto him and knocks him off of me and I stick my tongue at him.

"Something much worse would have happened if you did anything more." I blow him a kiss and blend in front of the classroom since nobody was around. I walk into the classroom while rubbing my wrist. Its swollen and red and very painful. I walk over to Kate and sit next to her.

"Are you okay Hope? What happened?" she asks as she grabs my wrist and examines it.

"Aaron dragged me into the janitors closet and gripped my wrist hard and slapped me telling me to stay away from him, Luke and Jake." I reply.

"Where did he slap you? Wait never mind I can see the redness on your cheek." she pokes my cheek and I cover it with my hand.

"That noticeable?" I ask.


"One second" I cover my face and let my shadow cover up the mark. My shadows can also put make-up on me so I can always cover injuries and scars that are on my body. I remove my hand and show Kate. "Gone?" I ask and she just stares at me. "What?"

"How did you DO that?" She replies after a minute

"I rubbed it until it changed colour." I reply. Im a good liar except when it comes to my telekinesis and mind reading power.

"That's cool." This is when the teacher comes into the classroom.

"Hello class. Today we will be working in a pair that I have chosen. I will call the pairs out now."

"I wonder who I will be with" Kate said. "I hope its you."

"Same" I reply and wait for the teacher to call out names out.

"Kate and Jacob" The teacher calls out and Kate looks at him and blushes.

"Somebody have a crush?" I tease her and she blushes even more.

The classroom door opens and Aaron comes in, rubbing his head and sitting at his seat.

"Nice to see you showing up to class Mr Adams." Ms Daniels looks at Aaron.

"Whatever" he starts to swing on his chair.

"We are just discussing the partners for our next assignment." she says then looks at me "I think you and Hope would make a good pair" As soon as she says this, Aaron falls off his chair and the whole class, but me, burst out laughing.

"WHAT!" we both say at the same time.

"Exactly what I said." she replies and we both groan. While she explains our assignment, I continuously hit my head on my desk. "I would advise you don't hit your head on the desk" I continue hitting my head on the desk anyway until Ms Daniels tells us to start talking to our partner about times we can meet up and start the project. By that point, My head was just on the desk. Kate gets up from the chair and I hear the scraping of the chair Kate use to be in and somebody sitting down in the chair. I still don't lift my head up.

"Are we going to talk or are you just going to ignore me?" He asks me so I lift my head up, take my glasses off and look at him.

"I think you hit your head a bit hard if you think I will do ANYTHING with you." I glare at him then lean my head on my hand so I am facing him. He doesn't say anything but instead, looks at my eyes like he is in a trance. "Hello?" I click my fingers in front of his eyes and he blinks.

"Sorry and no I didn't hit my head that hard. I just want some credit in this project since im starting to fail this class."

"Im free after school if you want to come over." I simply say then write my number on a piece of paper and give it to him.

"Sure." He simply says and I put my head back on the table between my arms and close my eyes. "Why did you take your glasses off?" He asks after a while.

"They are uncomfortable" I simply say.

"But don't you need to wear glasses?" He asks again.


"Why did you wear them then?" Damn he asks a lot of questions.

"Because I wanted to." I say and the bell goes. I jump up and shove everything in my bag, put my glasses back on then walk out and to my final class of the day with Kate.

"What did you and Aaron talk about?" She asks me as we enter our next class and sit down. The desks are in rows of five so I sit next to Kate who sat on the end. Soon the class fills up and the only spare seat is next to me and guess who came into the class last? Aaron. Great. Note the sarcasm please.

"Hello ladies." He says and I groan while Kate greets him back. I just glare at Aaron then look at the front to the teacher who just came in and try to ignore him and his attempts at a conversation. Its harder then it looks. I wonder how I even survived until the bell. When im about to leave the classroom after saying goodbye to Kate, Aaron decided to grab my arm and drag me to his car.

"Umm im not getting in your car." I simply tell him.

"You told me to come to your house afterschool but I don't know your address so you need to show me." I forgot about that. I get my phone out and text Luke that i have a ride home since he was going to be my ride.

"Lets get this over with." I sit in the passenger seat and take my glasses out. He gets into the driver's seat and we drive in silence except for me telling him the directions to the house. When we get there, his eyes widen and I get out of the car and walk into the house and straight to my room and into the bathroom. I change my clothes to my usual black and walk out and open my laptop. I start typing up the project information when Aaron comes in and looks around my room. I can understand why, my walls are a dark purple with a king sized bed that is made out of black material and black covers. My desk is also big and black like my chair and in the corner is a plasma screen TV with black shelf's full of games and gaming consoles.

"Wow" is all he says before he looks at me and looks me up and down. I kept my hair the same since it would be weird if my hair was suddenly floor length and black.

"Are you just going to stare at me all day or are we going to work?" I ask then go back to typing. Im a fast typer.

"Sorry but your just so... hot" he walks over to me and looks at my laptop. I have already typed up the information we needed.

"Stop messing around and see if this is enough we need." I show him my laptop and he reads it all.

"How did you type this up so quickly." he asks after he finishes reading it.

"Quick typer" I say and we spend the next few hours finishing the project. "There finished. Now what?" As soon as I ask this, the door opens and Jay walks in.

"Hey Hope wanna trai-" He stops as soon as he sees Aaron sitting on my bed. "Why is Aaron here?"

"Hey Jake" Aaron says. "I came over for a project."

"Im gonna play some COD who wants to play?" I ask them both before walking over to my shelf and look for COD. I only offered because I read Jay's mind and he thought he came to harm me.

"Were in." They both say at the same time.

"I bet £20 I can beat you both at COD. Me versus you two" I say and throw them both the controller.

"Your on but are you sure you can beat us by yourself? "Aaron wonders.

"Bro I wouldn't underestimate her if I were you." Jay replies to him.

"Its on but just don't cry when you lose" Aaron smirks at me and they sit on each side of me and we play COD for the rest of the day. Dre and Luke are out so its just us three in the room. After a few games of COD, Aaron and Jay both throw their controllers on the ground. "How the hell are you so good at this." Aaron asks as they both give me the money they lost.

"Just because im a girl, doesn't mean I suck at COD." I smirk. "Im going to order pizza want anything?" I ask as I go to pick up my phone.

"Sure" They both say. We spent most of that day playing games and watching movies that at some point I fell asleep. Luckily I stabilized my flames before I did.

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