Chapter 3

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When I open my eyes, I see the same park I was in when I first met Melrick so I just walk around the park and see Melrick sitting on the same bench he was sat at before.

"Hello my child." He speaks to me as soon as I sit down next to him. We both just look out at the sunset.

"Hi Melrick." I reply. Melrick has a calming aura that just lets me relax around him and show him a side I don't even know I have.

"How has your day been?" He asks me and I explain to him all the events of today and he listens to everything and even gives me advice when I tell him about Aaron. Aaron seems to have turned from a jerk into a nice guy in less then a day. I wonder if it was because of the project? He will probably go back to being a jerk after I wake up. After I talk about my day, we talk about anything and everything until it is time for me to wake up.

"Bye Melrick" I hug him and he hugs me back.

"Goodbye my child. See you tomorrow night." And I fall into the darkness.


"Hope wake up already!" somebody throws cold onto me making me shoot up.

"What the hell!" I shout and turn around, grabbing my gun from under my pillow and point it in the direction the water came from to see Jay holding a water ball. I can see his attempt to hold back his laughter but it fails since he is on the floor laughing. "Stop laughing or I will burn you to a crisp." I glare at him and turn my eye colour red, making him gulp. "Why did you throw water on me anyway? Just what the hell!"

"I tried waking you up for half an hour. You usually wake up easily. Is something bothering you?" Jay asks worriedly and I quickly show him a smile to show him im fine.

"Im going to get ready now so I would appreciate it if you would leave." I walk into the bathroom after putting my gun back under the pillow not waiting for a reply and get ready in my nerd clothes and put my glasses on. I decided to get clothes from my wardrobe what I weirdly decided to keep even though I didn't need one. I run downstairs to see that Luke and Dre has still not come back. "They still on the assignment?" I ask. Gangs don't use magic unless they are attacked by magic which is really rare. We use guns like how people think we do. Its incase somebody was watching us fighting with powers or if there is a security camera somewhere. The world wouldn't be safe if they found out.

" Yep." Jay replies and I sit down and eat my breakfast. "Since when did you sleep with a gun?"

"I always slept with a gun because my magic isn't stable enough when I wake up so if im attacked, i have a weapon."

"Okay" he starts eating his food and I do the same "You ready?" Jay asks me as soon as im done.

"Yeah see you at school." I decided to use my shadows to appear at the school since Jay hates having people in his car.

"Aren't you going to drive with me?" He asks as he grabs his car keys.

"Nah. I know you don't like company while driving." I reply

"Okay see you at school." Then I disappear into the darkness and appear behind a tree, out from any bodies view then walk out and go into the school and to my locker to get my books. When I get to my locker, I notice Kate walking past it on her phone.

"Kate!" I shout in her ear and she jumps up from the shock, nearly dropping her phone.

"Hey Hope" She hugs me then we walk to my locker. "How did it go yesterday with Aaron?"

"It actually went okay. We finished the project and Jay came into my room and we played games."

"Seriously? I thought you would have bitten his head off by now!" she looks at me shocked.

"Whatever." when we reach my locker, I notice the word "Nerd" written across it. I groan and open my locker and get my books out.

"Who would do this." Kate asks, looking around at the people who have gathered around us. I am so glad Jake hasn't arrived yet. As soon as I close my locker and turn around, I am slammed against the locker and immediately close my eyes from the pain dealt to my head, trying to make it look like I am scared. Its better to pretend to be a nerd and keep my secret rather than getting tons of attention.

"Open your eyes nerd" a voice hisses at me and I open my eyes, trying to make my eyes look scared as I look up to see a guy with brown short hair. I recognise him from the popular table Luke dragged me to.

"W-who are you?" I stutter. Acting like a nerd is harder than it looks.

"None of your business and who asked you to talk?" He slams me against the locker again.

"Ouch" I try to hold in my anger as he smirks at me.

"I suggest you stay away from all of us and do as we say or you will be in much more pain." He spits in my face as he says this and is about to slam me into the lockers for a third time and I close my eyes out of instinct. I wait for the impact but I don't feel anything so I slowly open my eyes and see Aaron holding the guy's arm.

"Don't touch her Dave." So his name is Dave?

"Seriously Aaron?"

"Stay away from her or else ok?" I watch as Dave gives me a glare and walks off.

"What just happened?" I ask nobody in particular.

"I just saved you from a beating?" Aaron replies.

"Thank you?" im still trying to get what happened and just stare in one direction.

"Are you okay Hope?" Aaron clicks his fingers in front of me, making me snap out of my daze.

"Yeah." I touch the back of my head that's still pounding and wince.

"What? Did you hit your head too hard?" He asks, trying to make a joke. Jokes on him that that's what actually happened.

"Yes I think she did actually." Kate replies for me. I forgot she was here.

"I will take her to the nurse's office then." Aaron starts to drag me away as I play with my hair that's in two plats on either side of my head.

"What's wrong with Hope?" another voice asks as soon as everybody starts going to class. I look over to see Jay coming towards us.

"I think she hit her head hard."


"She was smashed against the lockers by Dave."

"Where is he?"


"Okay I will check up on Hope in a bit." He kisses me on the cheek. "Bye lil' sis." I just nod. I cannot think straight.

"See you in class then." Aaron says then starts to drag me off again. We soon arrive at the nurses office and Aaron sits me on one of the beds in the corner of the room then leaves to look for the nurse. Well im guessing to look for the nurse but he could have also left me. Im suddenly very tired and am about to fall asleep when Aaron comes back with the nurse. "Hope don't fall asleep."

"But im tired." I reply while taking my hair out of its plats and taking off my glasses.

"Aaron im going to have to ask you to leave so I can take care of Hope." The nurse speaks then walks to her desk and writes two slips. "Take one of these slips to Hope's class so the teacher doesn't worry."

"Sure. See you in a bit Hope." Then he is gone.

"Dear can you take this. I promise you can go sleep after." She hands me a glass of water and a pill and I eat the pill, drink the water then lie down. "I will be back soon." is the last thing I hear before I drift off to sleep.


"Hello?" I open my eyes and look around and see the nurses office on fire and am about to get out of the hospital bed when I realise im not in it. I look at the bed I slept in to see somebody in there. That somebody is me? Why aren't I waking up and why is the place on fire? Somebody goes over to the bed im in and throws me over his shoulder. He looks like the hulk except he isn't green but instead wearing black and a black mask. Just what is happening? The person then leaves the room with me still on his shoulder and I quickly follow him to see that the whole school is on fire. Hulk meets up with another Hulk and hands me over to him and they both run out of the school and jump into a black car. What is happening?

"Do you have the girl?" The driver says.

"Yes sir." Hulk 1 says.

"Her parents would be glad to see their little 'angel' after so long." My parents? As soon as I think this, the world around me crumbles forms into the park with Melrick sitting on his bench. I sit next to him.

"What just happened?" I ask him

"You just saw the future"


"You have the ability to see the future. You can only use it now though because it was unlocked when you hit your head."

"So if I don't wake up then they really will take me."

"Yes so I will make an exception and wake you up. Goodbye my child."

"Thanks Gramps."

"No problem" Then I fall into the darkness.


I open my eyes to fire everywhere and Hulk 1 throwing me over his shoulder. I think the best idea would be to pretend to sleep until the right time for me to escape. Hulk 1 runs through the halls that are on fire and is about the hand me to Hulk 2. I take this as my chance to run. I jump out of Hulk 1s arms and start running with them soon following. Too bad they are in my territory. As long as we are in the flames, they will be slowed down. Or that is what I thought. Hulk 2 puts his hands out and puts the fire out with a gust of wind then starts shooting wind shards at me, cutting my arms and legs. Looks like I will need to knock them out. I run past a corner then dive into a classroom and jump behind the teachers desk. They run straight past the door and continue running. Didn't think it would be that easy.

"Find the girl!" somebody shouts. I search the room looking for an exit but the only exit I can see is the window. I try to use my fire to seal the door and protect me but its not working. I sneak to the window and look out of it to see Jay walking around looking for somebody. Suddenly, the classroom door is thrown open and Hulk 1 and Hulk 2 run in. I look out of the window one more time before I jump.

"What the-" Jay is cut off from me falling on him.

"Oops. Sorry bro but gotta run." I jump off of him as my chasers jump out of the window and chase after me.

"Hope! What's going on?" He runs next to him as I run into the forest next to the school.

"I wish I knew. I will explain later what I know but for now, help me lose them." I yell back at him. Second day of school and im already being chased. Great. Note the sarcasm.

"You owe me Hope." Jay shouts as he sends two water balls towards the men and drowns them.

As soon as they are unconscious, I collapse onto the ground. "Why me?"

"What happened? Why where they chasing you for? Did you do something stupid again?" He tries to joke but I just stare at him giving him the 'shut-the-hell-up' face. "Okay lets go home and talk about this." I just grab his hand and blend us into my room back at home and I instantly go into the bathroom and walk out with a first aid kit. "Here sit down and I will bandage you up."


"This might sting a bit." He dabs alcohol on my wounds then bandages my arms and legs up. I let my hair go back to its normal long black and change into a black attire using my fire. Now my fire decides to work? "Now explain what happened"

"I saw into the future" I say like its a normal thing.

"What!?" He shouts in my face "Since when?"

"Since I hit my head? I fell asleep in the nurses office and saw me getting kidnapped except I was asleep. If I didn't wake up then they would have taken me. I saw it. Also when I was running, one of the men was using wind to put out the fire. I couldn't use any of my powers" I thought it would be best to leave the part out about my parents since I don't think it would be a good idea.

"Why are they after you?"

"I don't know but we should keep this a secret for now."

"Why? we should tell Luke and Dre. Your in danger and people want to kidnap you."

"Jay keep this a secret. Please. I don't want them knowing about my new ability or about being targeted. Or about my head injury. They only need to know about the fire incident."

"Can we at least tell them about you being in danger? You being in danger is a threat to all of us."

"What is a threat to all of us?" a new voice calls out. We both look towards my door too see both Dre and Luke.

"Hope was nearly kidnapped today in school after somebody set it on fire. Hope was in the nurses office asleep at the time. While I was outside looking for her, she jumped on me from the second floor." He playfully glares at me at the last sentence he said. He actually didn't mention my ability to see the future. I look into his mind to see what he is thinking.

'Should I tell them about Hope's power? Actually I wont since she asked me not to.'

I should probably thank him for that later. Or I can thank him now. I can talk to him through my mind so might as well thank him.

'Thank you for not telling them Hope can see the future'

'Who was that?'

Jay starts to around but I just watch as Dre is giving us a speech I haven't paid enough attention too.

"You got that Hope?" I just blink at Dre and he just slides his hand down his face. "Never mind. I forgot that you have the attention span of a dog." I smile sheepishly at him and my stomach makes a noise.

"Im hungry."

"Have you had anything other than breakfast Hope?"

"Nope." I blend into the kitchen and make myself a sandwich while waiting for everybody to come downstairs.

"Hope if your going to go without saying anything then at least take me with you!" Luke moans as he comes into the kitchen and makes his own sandwich.

"Sorry bro." I try saying while eating.

"Hope eat with your mouth closed." Dre comes into the kitchen afterwards. I simply stick my tongue out at him and continue eating.

"As soon as you finish that, I want you to rest up. Your injuries might be little but there are a lot. Jay explained about your little cuts and what happened at school."

"Fiiine." I walk upstairs. Yes, I actually walked and I go into my room and get ready then go to bed. Time to talk to Melrick.

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