Chapter 4

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I wake up, swinging on a swing in the park instead of my usual spot and just continue swinging until Melrick comes over and sits on the swing next to mine.

"Hi Gramps."

"Hello my child. How are your wounds and your head?"

"They hurt like hell" I slow my swing down so it stops.

"Here, I will heal them for you."

"You can do that?"

"They will be gone when you wake up."

"Thanks Melrick."

"Can you explain what happened yesterday?" I explain to him all the events what happened as soon as I wake up. "Hmm. You couldn't use your powers when you ran away from the men trying to kidnap you. Maybe one of the men had a power of cancelling. If the other could use wind then why couldn't the other have a power? Jake was able to use his powers because the man was only able to stop one person at a time from what I can tell."

"Damn, I need training." I say after a while of just swinging on the swing.

"I can train you if you want."

"Really?!" I shout while jumping up from my swing.

"Yes." He chuckles and I run over to him and hug him. "I will train you tomorrow but for now, its time for you to wake up."

"Thank you so much Gramps! See you tomorrow."

"Goodbye my child." I hear before I fall into the darkness.


I wake up and slowly open my eyes. Nobody is in my room trying to wake me up for once. Im up earlier than them all! I check my phone to see why my alarm hasn't gone off yet. I put my alarm on to wake me up earlier than Jay usually wakes me up at. I check my alarm to see it has been turned off and then look at the time to see its... 10:36 am. What about school? Oh well no school for me yay!

I get up and go into the bathroom and get my first aid kit out to swap my bandages to see that all of my wounds have healed like Melrick said. Thank god. I get ready and blend my normal black clothes on and walk down stairs into the kitchen to see Dre leaning on the side, reading a newspaper.

"Morning Hope. How was your sleep?"

"Great. Is Luke and Jay at school?" I ask. My sleep was great. Training in my dreams tonight.

"No, their on an assignment."

"And you didn't let me go? I always go on an assignment with Jay. That's unfair!"

"You're injured and being targeted. I couldn't risk u getting hurt again. How are your wounds by the way."

"Fully healed"

"That quickly? Let me see." I show him my arms and legs then my head to show him that all of my wounds are fully healed with no scars. "How did they heal that quick?"

"Im a quick healer?" I reply and go over the cupboard and get a box of cocoa pops out and pour them in a bowl, or at least try to pour them in a bowl. Only a couple of cocoa pops come out followed by the powder thing that's at the bottom of the box. "NOOO!" I start fake crying, on my knees until Dre speaks up.

"Wanna go shops Hope?" I instantly jump up and run and get my shoes and coat on and wait at the door for Dre, who soon comes and we get into his car. "Sometimes I wonder if your an eight year old trapped in a teenage body."

"Hehe." I smile sheepishly as we enter the parking lot and park in front of the shop. I jump out as soon as the car stops and wait for Dre to get out then we walk into the shop.

"Go get what you want while I look for tonight's dinner."

"Ok" I walk over to the cereal's part and grab five boxes of cocoa pops then go over to the art section, ignoring all the weird stares im getting and look at all of the paints and get a new pad of paper. After im done, I start to look for Dre so I can put the stuff in the cart. I have a hobby of art what only Dre knows about. He even bought me an art studio what Jay and Luke don't know about.

As im walking through a shop, I see one of the guys who tried to kidnap me and quickly hide behind one of the isles before he saw me and quickly run behind the next isle and look for Dre. I see him and am about to walk to him when I notice that he is walking past another of the men. Time to send him a message in his mind...

'Go to the art isle and get Hope before they get her' I send him and he looks around then rushes to the art isle and take that message as that I should go their as well. As soon as I get to the art isle, a hand grabs my wrist and drags me out of the shop but before I can scream, a hand covers my mouth.

"Shh its just me." Dre says and lets go of me.

"What the hell? You scared me"

"Well if I didn't get you out of there then you would have been a target again."

"I know but you didn't have to grab me and cover my mouth."

"Sorry. Just you get to the car and I will pay for the shopping and meet you there and stay out of trouble." He hands me the car keys and goes back into the shop. I just shrug and walk back to the car and get in, changing my look before they spot me and turn the radio on. After a while, Dre comes back and puts everything into the boot before getting into the car.

"Did anybody see you change into your school look?" I changed into my nerd look so mostly nobody would recognise me unless somebody skipped school.

"Nope. Im a ninja!" I say and turn the radio up. When we get home, I go into the kitchen and pour myself some cocoa pops and sit down on the kitchen counter and eat them. Dre soon comes in and puts the cocoa pops and milk away since I didn't. I swear I was gonna put it away after... Okay maybe I wasn't. Hehe.

"Hope." Dre starts talking after a while.


"Do you have any idea why you are being targeted?" Straight to the point huh?

"Umm n-no?" I stutter. Damn I didn't mean to stutter. Now he's gonna know im lying.

"Tell me Hope."

"But I don't know."

"Tell me." He stares into my eyes and uses his power on me but its failing?

"I seriously don't know!" I say.

"Oh ok... Sorry." That's weird. I wasn't effected by it.

"Its ok." I finish my food and put the bowl into the sink. "Im going to go into the training room."

"Ok just don't hurt yourself."

"I wont!" I run up my room and grab my phone and get dressed into my training clothes before going into the training room. I start stretching and doing my warm-ups before I start using my flames. First, I control my fire and then I try doing something I have tried but failed at millions of times, I try to combine my flames with my shadows. Every time I have tried this, it always explodes. I promised Dre that I wouldn't combine my flames with my shadows and I told him that I wouldn't hurt myself but I don't usually keep promises.

I start by holding a flame in my hand and as soon as I think that it is steady, I put the same amount of shadows in it. I only made the flame small since I didn't wanna explode anytime soon. They start to shake violently before it explodes and I groan. This is never going to work. I try this for a few more hours before my phone starts to wring. I take my phone out of my pocket with my stinging hand and open my phone to see an unknown number. I answer the phone and walk out of the training room and back into my bedroom.


"Hope why wasn't you at school today and where was you yesterday after the fire?" someone shouts into the phone.

"Sorry Kate. I was sick." I simply say.

"You could have at least given me a call! I was so worried that you was caught in the fire."

"Yeah yeah sorry and also, how did you get my number? I never gave it to you."

"Im using Aaron's phone since he wanted me to call you. He's really worried even though he tried to bully you the first day."

"Hey im not worried I just thought you was and gave you the option of calling her since only I had her number!" A voice shouts in the back, which im guessing is Aaron.

"Well I got to go Kate. Tell Aaron im fine and he doesn't need to worry about me." I laugh as I hear Aaron shout that he wasn't worried about me, guessing that the phone was on speaker.

"Bye Hope." I hung up and went downstairs to see dinner being set out. Just in time!

"Hey Dre." I sit down and start stuffing my face with the food I haven't even bothered to check yet.

"Hope eat slower. I swear you eat like a pig!" Dre sits down and starts eating his own food. Once im finished, I take my plate into the kitchen and put it into the dishwasher and go back into the dining room.

"Hope can I speak to you for a moment?"

"Sure Dre. What's up?"

"I need to talk to you about what happened at your school and the men looking for you at the shop."

I read his mind since he isn't speaking fast enough and hear something I don't want to hear. "I am NOT going to stay home until this is sorted! How about school? I cant just skip school after the second day! Also what about the assignments? Jake and Luke need my help. You cant just lock me up!"

"One, how did you know I was going to say that, and Two, its the safest decision to make. You are a target for who knows why! They are after you and I don't want to risk losing you. You are like my daughter and I worry about you."

"I can take care of myself! I wont let my parents kidnap me, I am strong now! I don't need protecting!"

"What do you mean your parents?" oops?

"Did I say parents? I meant strangers, eheh" I try to dodge it but he's giving me his "Nice-Try" look. "Fine! They were sent by my parents to kidnap me! I don't know why but they just do!"

"How do you know this?"

"I can see the future. It was unlocked when I hit my head. I saw them take me into a car while I was asleep and they said that my parents would love to see me again."

"Who else knows you can see the future?"


"Hope, go to sleep, we will discuss this in the morning."

"Fine. Goodnight." I go to my room and get ready for bed. Time to start my training with Melrick! I wonder what we will train about first. As soon as I lie down in my bed, I fall asleep.

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