Chapter 5

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When I wake up, Im in a meadow instead of the usual park. There is a single tree in the middle of this meadow, taller than normal tree's should be. The rest of the meadow is covered in different types of beautiful flowers. Under the tree is Melrick, just standing there looking at the sky.

"Hello my child" Melrick slowly lowers his head to look straight into my blue eyes with his green ones.

"Hiya Gramps" I don't think he minds me calling him gramps so might as well keep calling him it since its easier than calling him Melrick. "Can we start the training?"

"Haha. Cant wait to start I see?" He lightly chuckles as a notepad and pen appear into his hands.

"How did you do that!?" I shout and he just chuckles at me again.

"It's a dream, you can do anything here."

"Anything?" I grin and close my eyes. Suddenly, I grow black angel wings. "Sweet."

"Now now, do you want to train or not?"

"Oh right, lets get started!" I think of a school desk and chair then sit down in front of Melrick.

"Right." He chuckles. "Well first, we will need to list all of your powers."

"Right, um I have telekinesis what is very difficult to use. I need to concentrate really hard on the object to move it but it doesn't move very far. I can read minds if I choose to and I have telepathy which is also very easy. I can also make fire, eat it and control it. The same with shadows. With my shadows, I could also change my clothes and blend into the shadows to hide or appear somewhere else as long as I have seen this place before. My final ability is to see the future. I have only seen the future once and I cant control this power." I take a deep breath since I didn't pause for a lot of breaks.

"So things you would need to work on right now is your telekinesis and your future sight" He writes all of this down into his notepad. "Right, so what one do you want to work on first?"

"Hmm, lets start with telekinesis." I say after giving it some thought. As much as it would be useful to learn to see the future first, I think we should start off easy and help me with my brain power to work before we try to see the future. We don't know how my power is set off yet so best to start off easy.

"Telekinesis it is then" Suddenly, there are different objects everywhere, from a feather to a boulder. "We will start off with some easy exercises. You will be moving objects as much as you can. Try with this feather first." He picks up a feather and puts it in front of me on the desk. I look at the feather and concentrate really hard on the feather, beads of sweat falling from my forehead, to see it slowly floating upward after a whiles.

"I did it!" I shout, the feather slowly floating back down. "Oops."

"Try again but this time, make it stay floating for as long as you can." I concentrate on the feather and concentrate on it for as long as I can, the feather slowly falling down after a while of me holding it in the air. After a few seconds, the feather touches the table so I stop and try to catch my breath. "43 seconds. That's good for just starting out."

"WHAT! It seemed longer then that! you must have counted wrong!" I shout. It felt like hours.

"It might have seemed like it took a long time but that was probably because you was concentrating a lot to hold that feather up." I groan and sink down into the chair.

"Should I do it again?" I ask after a while of resting.

"No my child, it is now time for you to wake up. I will see you son." Melrick simply states. "Practice that when you are alone."

"I wanted to practice here more." I groan "Bye Gramps." I stand up and hug him before I fall into the darkness."


"Hope wake up." A familiar voice speaks. I pretend to still be asleep and that same person starts to shake me. "Hope we need to discuss something about your pursuers." I still pretend to be asleep. "Hope if you don't get up then I will hide all of your cereals.

"IM UP!" I jump up in my bed, startling Luke who was trying to wake me up.

"Geez Hope, don't scare me like that!" By now, im getting out of my bed and start stretching, fully awake. "You woke up quickly. By the way Hope..." He drifts off at his last sentence."

"Hmm?" I stop stretching my arms and look over to him.

"You was sweating in your sleep. Want to tell me why?" He looks straight into my eyes.

"Nope, why?"

"Hope tell me."


"Tell me"

"Nope" By this point im in the bathroom, washing my face.

"Hope tell me this instant."

"Its none of your concern Luke and never will be so just drop it." I say in a dark voice without meaning to.

"T-then I will just go." He gulps and walks backwards out of the room slowly. Everybody knows that if I use my dark voice then there is going to be trouble. Even Dre sometimes gets scared of me. I should apologise to him later for that since I didn't mean it. As soon as I finish doing my things, I go down to the dining room, which I just realised is where we usually meet, to see Luke, Jay and Dre sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"Mornin'" I say after I sit at the table.

"Morning Hope." They all say at the same time.

"Well, that was creepy. So what did you wanna talk about?"

"I'm going to make a deal with you." Dre starts to talk.

"What deal?" I try to say while eating but instead I say 'Whaw Weal'

"Hope eat with your mouth closed." He waits for me to swallow my food before speaking again. "I will let you go to school today-"

"WHAT? Really? Thank you Dre!"

"Im not finished."

"Oh sorry." I smile sheepishly at him.

"I will let you go to school if you stay with Luke and Jay with you."

"But im not in the same class as they are"

"That has already been arranged."

"Really? I accept your deal!" Let me explain. The school was on fire but it was only the nurse's office and the hallway. They were able to sort it out on the night of the fire since nothing was damaged. I guess that the fire was from a power. My guess is one of the people in the car set it.

"Ok now go get ready, I don't think you would want to go to school looking like that would you?" I was wearing my black leggings and a black tank top with my floor length black hair.

"Okay I will be back in one minute." I blend into my room and quickly get changed into my school clothes and change my hair to the short brown. As soon as im done, I blend behind Jay and jump on his back.

"Whoa Hope. Tell me next time your going to do that." As soon as I jumped onto his back, he had to quickly support my legs with his arms.

"But its fun when you don't know!"

"It wont be when you hurt yourself." He mumbles.

"What was that Jay?"


"Good" I get off of his back and get into Luke's car. Luke soon gets into the driver's seat and we drive to school. "So did you move into my class or did I move into your class?"

"We moved into your class since we know you have a best friend in your class."

"So im not leaving my class? Yay"

"Not leaving class and you get two new bodyguards."

"I don't need a bodyguard. Dre is just a worrier."

"Is that why you was nearly kidnapped at school?"

"It's not my fault they where hulks with powers while I couldn't use mine." I pout. "I got away from them at the shop before they got me though!"

"They were at the shops?" He stops at a red light.

"Yeah. With Dre."

"You definitely need a bodyguard. Good thing you have two over-protective brothers to help you." Luke starts to drive into the school parking lot.

"Thanks bro." I hug him then get out of the car as soon as its parked. Jay parks into the parking spot next to us and both boys walk on either side of me into the school and walks me to my locker.

"What do we have first?" Jay asks as I open my locker.

"Maths." Luke replies. As soon as I get my books out and turn around, I am being hugged by my best friend.

"Cant b-breath." I wheeze out, making Kate release me immediately.

"Oh my god im sorry. I was just so worried about you! Now give me your phone number." She takes my phone out of my pocket and starts giving me her number then goes onto her phone and types what im guessing is my phone number.

"Couldn't you get my number from jerk face?" I ask as soon as she gives me my phone back.

"He wouldn't give it to me!" she starts to pout, making all of us laugh.

"Lets get to class now before we are late!" we start walking to our class and I sit down with Kate on my left and Jay on my right. Luke on Kate's left. Everybody starts to fill into the classroom and soon the class starts.

"Can anybody answer the question on the board?" The teacher asks after she writes a question on the board. "How about you new girl?"

"New girl has a name and its Hope. Oh and the answer is 16."

"I will let that remark go since you got the answer right." she goes back to the board and shows the class how I got it.

"How did you get that answer? Not even I knew how to do that without working it out." Kate whispers to me.

"Im just smart."

"You have got to teach me!"

"Sure sure."

"Kate since you find it okay to talk in my class, can you answer this question?" The teacher asks, writing another question on the board.

"Is it 92?" she says after writing the question in her notebook and working it out.

"No its 86."

"Actually it is 92." I speak up, looking at the question.

"Please explain to me then Hope." she gives me the board pen then moves aside so I can go to the board. As soon as I finish the question, the teacher's mouth is wide open.

"Close your mouth. Your a teacher not a fly catcher." I sit down in my chair while the whole class bursts out laughing.

"Well if you are so smart, then answer these questions!" she angrily writes on the board some new questions, some that are meant to be learned in college. She hands me the pen and I walk back up to the board and write down all of the answers in less then three minutes.

"How did you?" she starts to correct the questions and marks them all correct.

"Anything else? If you are done, can you start teaching again? It is your job right?" I sit down in my seat again and start to throw a rubber up into the air and catching it again.

"On the end of this ruler is a person who thinks they are so smart and are so full of themselves." she points a ruler at me and I just raise an eyebrow.

"Which side?" The whole class start to laugh again and the teacher just becomes even more mad.

"If your going to keep talking back then why don't you just leave."

"Sure the bell is going to go in three seconds anyway. Three... Two... One..." The bell goes as soon as I say one and I just walk out of the class and wait outside for the rest of the gang to come.

"Hope that was awesome!" Kate hugs me from the side.

"You think?" I ask

"Yeah Hope. I didn't think you had the guts to do that!" Luke laughs as Jay picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Put me down Jay!"

"Nope! Im carrying you to the next class."

"Jaaaay" I start hitting his back.

"Fine fine." He puts me down and we walk to our next class. We sit in the same seating arrangement as we did in our other class but this time, there is nothing I say to the teacher about her teaching. Soon it became lunch.

"Im going to go sit at our table. Call us if you need us Hope."

"Sure" I go and sit at our table and realise I don't have anything to eat.

"Didn't you bring any food Hope?" Daniel asks. I just look down and nod.

"Well you cant have any of my food." Callum hides his food away from me.

"You can have some of my food Hope. Im about to go to the library anyway."

"Thank you Daniel" I grin then start stuffing my face with Daniels fries. "At least your nice, unlike somebody" I glare playfully at Callum.

"Sorry but the food is mine" He continues to eat his fries.

"Where were you anyway Hope? We missed you yesterday." Naomi speaks for the first time.

"I waws swick" I try to say while eating but then realise nobody heard me so I swallowed and said it again. "I was sick"

"Oh. I couldn't understand you the first time."


When we all finish eating, we go to the library to meet up with Daniel who left without being noticed by any of us but Naomi. As soon as we reach the library, we look around for Daniel and I find him and about to walk to him when I am grabbed by the arm and dragged behind a bookshelf.

"What the-" Im about to shout until I see its Aaron. "What do you want Aaron?"

"To talk"

"I thought we are talking right now?"

"Where were you yesterday after the fire? The last time I saw you was when you hit your head and I took you to the nurses office."

"Oh right. Thank you for bringing me to the nurses office." I try to change the subject.

"Your welcome. Now where were you after the fire."

"Umm, I was in Jay's car since I wasn't able to do anything and wanted to sleep."

"Oh." he raises his eyebrow, knowing im lying but doesn't say anything else.

"Well im going to go back to my group now see you"

"Wait." he grabs my wrist. "Wanna go on a date?" he says in the most flirtatious voice I have ever heard.

"No" His mouth hangs open, probably because he has never been turned down again. "don't leave your mouth open, you will catch flies. What is with everybody and opening their mouths today."

"What are you talking about?"

"In maths, me and the teacher may have had an argument." I open my phone and look on youtube to see if anybody posted it on youtube. They have. I show my phone to Aaron and let him watch it. He bursts out laughing as soon as he hands me my phone back.

"I never knew you had the guts for that!" he bursts out laughing again.

"Just because im a nerd doesn't mean I cant stick up for myself."

"So about that date?"

"Still no"

"Im going to annoy you until you go on a date with me."

"Go ahead. I would like to see you try." I walk from behind the bookshelves and go over to the table to see Luke and Jay there questioning my friends.

"So you don't know where Hope is?" Im standing behind Luke now who is talking about me.

"No. We looked for Daniel and she pointed to him and we walked over but she never did." Kate had a questioning look on her face.

"This could be something serious." Kate see's me behind them and is about to say something but I put a finger to my lips to tell her not to say anything.

"Im going to go look for Hope." Jay speaks up and turns around. Im staring at him with a raised eyebrow and both my hands on my hips.

"I can take care of myself Jay." Luke now turns round to see me and they both hug me at the same time, squishing me between them.

"C-cant breathe!" I wheeze out for the second time today and they both let go of me.

"Where were you. You wasn't in the lunchroom so we came looking for you and saw your friends but not you." Jay shakes my shoulders as he says this.

"I was talking to somebody" I grab his shoulders and make him stop shaking me.

"Next time tell us where your going something could have happened." he whispers to me

"Im fine see?" I twirl around to show him that im fine.

"Tell us next time."

"Sure. Im going to my locker now. Want to come?"


"Guys I will meet you in class or I will see you tomorrow see you. Also, thanks for the food Daniel."

"No problem." He doesn't look up from his book.

"You forgot to bring food again Hope?" Luke comes up next to me as we leave the library.

"I forget these things and I don't like asking for money."

"You could have asked us and we would have gotten you some food." Jay speaks.

"I was lazy and Daniel offered." I give them a sheepish smile. When we got to my locker, I see a boquet of roses on the door.

"What's with the roses?" Luke asks and I just shrug. As soon as I open my locker, tons of rose petals fall out and I see a note on the inside of my locker door saying 'It's started.' I groan.

"Who did this?" Jay raises his eyebrow at me.

"I'd rather not say." I get my books out and walk to my next class. As soon as I get to the classroom, I sit down and two guys come over to me.

"This is from Aaron." It was a box.

"Uhhh thanks?" They leave and I open the box to see more rose petals and a letter. The letter said 'Roses are red, violets are blue, give up now and give me a date or two.' I simply just snort and throw the letter into the box and put the box into my bag and go through the rest of the day without any disturbances, thankfully.

"Lets go Hope." Luke pulls me towards his car and I open the passenger seat and get in and we soon arrive at the house.

"We're home!" I shout and Dre comes out of the kitchen, wearing oven gloves.

"Welcome home. Anything happen today?"


"Good. Dinner will be ready in an hour. Do whatever until then." I go up to my room and change into clothes, without using my power, and go into the training room. I blend a feather into my hand and sit cross legged onto the floor and try to lift the feather with my mind. I keep it in the air for sixteen seconds before the door is thrown open and Jay comes in. I quickly grab the feather and hide it behind my back, smiling.

"Hey Jay."

"Hey Hope. You training as well?"

"Yeah. Im going to practice my... swordsmanship" I quickly blend one of the swords into my hand and show him it."

"Oh. I will train with you then. I know your not that good at using a sword." No, im good at using a sword, I just go easy on you.

"Okay." I throw him a sword and get ready. "Go!" We both run at each other and hit our swords against each other. We do this for forty-five minutes until I hit the sword out of his hand and put my sword against his neck. "I win."

"Nice one Hope. When did you get good at this?"

"Oh I've always been good at it. I just always go easy on you." I go to pick up his sword and as soon as I touch it, the world starts to shake and a bright light covers my eye sight. The last thing I remember is falling to the ground.


I open my eyes and see myself sitting on the floor, chained to a wall. I look around and see Luke beaten up next to me and I start pulling on the chains to try to get to him but I cant so I just keep looking around the room to see what's happening before this vision ends. When I look at the door, it opens and a figure walks in, his face blurred.

"Hello Hope." Is the last thing I hear before the world crumbles around me and I am sitting on a bench in the park where I usually see Melrick.

"Melrick! Are you here?"

"Im here my child. What's wrong?"

"I had a vision." I look at him, about to cry remembering how Luke looked. He looked beaten up bad and he was bleeding.

"Explain to me everything my child." So I tell him. I tell him everything from practicing with Jay, touching the sword to the vision ending and appearing here.

"I will think of what this means, for now, you need to wake up."

"I will see you later." I fall into the darkness.


I shoot up into a sitting position, breathing heavily.

"Hope what happened?" Jay shakes my shoulders to get my attention. The motion hurts my head, making me groan.

"My head hurts."

"Sorry. Now tell me what happened." He picks me up bridal style and lies me onto the bench.

"I had a vision."

"What was it about." I explain to him what I explained to Melrick, including Luke being beaten up badly.

"We need to tell somebody."

"NO" I shout at him. "They don't need to know about this. For now, lets just keep it a secret.

"If something happens then im going to tell them everything."

"Deal." I try to stand up but fall onto Jay but push myself up and walk to the door.

"Hope im taking you to bed. I will bring you something to eat when its done."

"I can walk myself... I think." I trip and nearly fall over but Jay catches me and picks me up bridal style and carries me to my room. As soon as he sets me onto the bed, Dre calls us for dinner.

"I will be right back." He walks out of the room and comes back up five minutes later with some fries. "Eat this then go to sleep. I told Dre that you was asleep."

"Thanks Jay." I eat my food and lie down, putting my plate onto my desk instead of giving it to Jay. "Im going to go to sleep now. Good night."

"Sweet dreams Hope." Jay picks up the plate and walks out of the room. After a while I fall into a nice sleep.

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