Chapter 6

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When I open my eyes, I look under the tree to see Melrick sitting there on the bench. I walk over to him and stand in front of him. He looks up at me then stands up. "Hello my child. Today we will be doing the same thing as we did yesterday to help you work on your mind power." Melrick tells me. He holds his hand out and a feather appears in it. He holds it out to me and I take it.

"Okay." I hold the feather in the palm of my hand and sit down into a chair that I imagined to be behind me. I concentrate on the feather and make it float into the air, ignoring everything else around me and the beads of sweat coming down my face. After what seems like hours, the feather starts to shake and falls onto my hand again.

"Two minutes. You have been practicing I see. That was very good so we can change the object. We will now use a rock." I groan and wipe the sweat off of my face as Gramps hands me a rock. I try to concentrate on the rock and lift it into the air and try to keep if there. I keep it up in the air for a while before it falls back into my hand. "That's good. Keep doing that." So I keep doing this, moving up on the objects. Soon, I am able to lift a boulder for an hour. Melrick said he put up this time thing so an hour here is about a minute of me actually sleeping in my own world.

"This is tiring." I wipe the sweat off of my forehead and look up to Gramps

"This is enough for one day. Tomorrow we will start helping you be able to move the objects around then we will be done. Fir now, it's time for you to wake up."

"Yes! Bye Gramps"

"Goodbye my child." I fall into the darkness.


"Hope wake up, it's time for school." Somebody shakes me. I try not to punch whoever is trying to wake me up in the face and cover myself with my blanket. "Come on or I'm leaving you here."

"Five more minutes." I turn over and hide myself deeper into my blanket for it to be pulled off of me.

"Get up now. It's Friday." I groan and get up then push Luke out of my room. I go into the bathroom and take a shower, making sure I have towels since I always forget to wash them. As soon as I finish my business, I blend into the kitchen to see Luke and Jay talking so I go to sneak up on them. I'm about to jump onto their backs but I quickly jump into the shadows as I hear my name.

"I just feel like Hope is hiding something from us." Luke stops pouring milk into a bowl and faces Jay who is packing a lunch, probably mine. "What do you think?"

"I don't think she is." He gulps, paying attention to his now interesting shoes. He isn't a very good liar so I step out of the shadows near the door to make it look like I just walked into the kitchen.

"Morning." I give Jay a 'you-owe-me' look. He just simply nods and starts making me a bowl of cereals.

"Morning sis. We were just talking about uhh what too put in your lunch." Right.

"You guys made me lunch?" I hug them both at the same time really tightly.

"Yes and you won't be able to get it if we suffocate!" He tries to speak but I understand him and let go of him, smiling sheepishly.

"I will be back I just need to get my bag." Jay walks out of the room so I take the bowl of cereal and I stop at the doorway.

"Luke remember that things are left to be unknown." I say, not facing him before I leave into the dining room to see a note on the table with my name on it.

Dear Hope,

I hope you have a good day at school. Make sure you stay safe and invite some friends over for a sleepover on Saturday or go over to their houses since none of us will be here because we have an assignment a few hours away from home and I don't want you to be left alone while we are gone and we can't bring you with us.


Well ok. Why can't I go with them and why didn't they tell me that they had an assignment? I will ask Luke in the car. I finish eating my cereal then get into Luke's car and wait for him to come. I think I'm forgetting about something but I just can't put my finger on it.

"You got everything Hope?" The door opens and Luke steps in and starts the car.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something but I am always able to come home quickly with my shadows if I need to." I reply. "Oh by the way, why didn't you tell me you had an assignment after school?"

"I guess it just slipped my mind." I can tell he was lying so I looked into his mind.

'I can't tell her that we are going to go find who is trying to kidnapping her.'

"You won't find them Luke." I blurt out before thinking and Luke stops at a red light.

"What do you mean? Find who?" He is a terrible liar.

"I know you are going to try and find the people who are after me but you won't find them."

"One, how do you know about our mission, we was told to not tell you and two, what do you mean we can't find them."

"If they were easily found then don't you think that I would have beaten them?"

"Yes but we have a lead on them."

"What lead?" I ask, thinking of what I saw when me and Jay were training.

"A plan. A plan with your file and the adress to their base."

"Don't go!" I shout at him. It could be a trap. It's not that easy for them to get a lead like that.

"Hope what's wrong? Why can't I go?" It looked like he wanted to hit something.

"Don't you think that it's weird to just find this information? It could be a trap"

"It's the closest lead we have and if it's a trap then that's why we aren't bringing you along. Joel and Keith are also coming." Joel and Keith are in college and we are very close, I was sad when they both left. Joel wants to be a doctor and Keith wants to be a scientist.

"I swear that if it is a trap, I'm going to push you into the ocean after saying 'I told you so' then I'm leaving you there"

"We will be safe don't worry"

"I hope so" we arrive at the school and park next to Jay who arrived before us for once. I get out of the car and everybody starts staring at me for some reason. Jay walks over and stands in front of me.

"Hope you forgot to change your hair and you forgot your nerd dress-up." I bring my hair in front of me and he was right. My hair is in its normal floor length black hair and my clothes aren't my nerd clothes. I knew I forgot something. This is gonna be hard to explain. Oh well.

"Take a picture it will last longer!" I shout into the crowd of people staring at me and they all turn away. Luke and Jay are having a hard time controlling their laughing. I can tell because they are rolling on the floor laughing. Who wouldn't think they were laughing. I walk away from them and go to my locker to get my books to see a crowd blocking my way. I push through the crowd to see roses taped around my locker and a red heart in the middle with a note saying,

Go out with me because I'm not stopping until you do

Should have known it was Aaron. I open my locker and get my books then go to my first class and to find Kate. When I arrive to class, I spot Kate and pull a chair out from next to her and sit down.

"Hello. Can I help you? I don't think I've seen you before?" I try to contain my laughter and succeed.

"Why yes you can my bestest friend in the world. Can I sleep over at your house tonight?"

"I don't even know you!" I put a hand over my heart and fake hurt.

"Don't even know your best friend. I'm heart broken. It's your bestest friend in the world."

"Hope? What happened to you? You use to look like a nerd but now..." she drifts off.

"This is the real me. Oh and about what I asked earlier?"

"Sure! I can also invite Naomi and we can have a sleep over." She starts to say lots of things but I stop listening and start doing the work on the board since there isn't a teacher today. "Hope are you even listening to me?" She pokes me in the arm and I look up at her.

"Of course I was!" I smile sheepishly at her.

"What was I talking about then?" She puts her hands on her hips and looks at me.

"You was talking about doing each others hair?" I take a guess.

"I guess you were listening then." I do a happy dance mentally and continue with my work. Half way through the class, the door opens and Aaron walks in and looks around the class. His eyes land on me and I quickly turn my attention back to my work and pretend to go over my work since I already finished it.

"Hey Kate have you seen Hope anywhere and who is this hottie?" He looks over to me "Hey babe, wanna go out some time?"

"Aaron I thought I told you no yesterday and putting notes on my locker won't help" I don't look up and continue looking over my work.


"The one and only!" I grin up at him then look at Kate who is looking at my hair. "Go ahead Kate" she perks up at that and gets a hair brush out of who knows where and starts brushing my hair then plaits it.

"Who knew you could become hot in a day, only wants to make me wanna date you even more."

"Good luck with that because trust me, you need it."

"With these charms, I won't need luck." He winks at me and walks away.

"He wishes."

"He has a crush on you! Oh my God! The bad boy has a crush on you and has asked you out how could you say no!"

"I don't think relationships are important." The bell goes and we walk to our next class.

"What do we have now?" Kate asks.

"ICT" she gulps. "What's wrong with computers?"

"Nothing, it's just that every time I touch a computer, or anything electronic, except phones, they always explode and I always feel like I have lots of energy in me. My hair also floats up if I don't let that energy out anywhere."

"Have you ever tried releasing that energy out somewhere?" We arrive at class and I sit down next to her in the back corner. "Try using this computer." I point at the computer that I logged her into. She touches the mouse, the computer makes a little explosion and smoke comes out of it.

"See what I mean?" I turn her chair around so it's facing the back wall of the classroom.

"Point at that wall and concentrate on that one spot you are pointing at." She does exactly what I say and a little dull lightning bolt comes from her finger.

"Oh my God did you just see that!? How did you know I could do that?"

"Wanna skip this class? I will explain since people would be coming in this class soon and we can't let them know." Right now, it's break so we are the only people in class.

"Lets go!" I grab her hand and start to walk into the wall. "Umm Hope that's a wall"

"I know" I touch one of the shadows and walk out into my room. She just stands there with her mouth wide open. "Close your mouth, you will catch flies." She instantly closes her mouth.

"How did you do that?"

"In this world, there are humans, humans with special abilities. Like you. You have the ability to control electricity but you cannot control it just yet."

"Who else has these abilities and how do I control mine? What are your abilities? Teleportation?"

"No but close. I'm a special person, I have lots of different abilities. I can control shadows and fire and more things what nobody knows about."

"What abilities? I won't tell anybody I promise"

"Just don't tell anybody. I can read minds, use telepathy and move objects with my telekinesis power. Also on Tuesday when my head was damaged, I gained the ability to see the future."

"Wow... can you show me your power?" I hold my hand out and a flame appears above it. "Wow that's so cool!" I move my finger around and a dragon forms and I move my finger around, the fire dragon flying above the room copying my actions.

"I can also change my eye colour and hair colour."I let my dragon continue flying around as I shake my hair our and turn it pink and blink to turn my eyes pink as well.

"That's so cool!" Suddenly the door is thrown open and standing there is a heavily breathing Luke and Jay.

"What the hell Hope! We have been looking everywhere for you! What if you were kidnapped, you need to tell us these things." He looks up at me. "Why is your hair and eyes pink." He looks next to me. "Why is she here you know you shouldn't tell anybody your secret!"

"Actually I wasn't meant to tell anybody without powers my secret but my friend here does. She just can't control it so I have decided that I will start giving her lessons everyday after school."

"Really!? Omg I love you Hope!" She jumps onto me and starts squeezing me.

"Can't breathe!"

"Hehe sorry!" She lets go of me and sits down on my bed next to me.

"Dre is going to be so mad." Luke says before leaving.

"Well you ladies have fun." Jay goes to leave but Kate grabs the sleeve of his shirt. He turns around and looks at down at her and she lets go, blushing a little bit after noticing what she did.

"Can you show me your ability?"

"Sure babe" he winks at her before he does a mischievous grin and I quickly look at what he's thinking to see what he's about to do. I hold my hand above my head and evaporate the big ball of water that hit the wall of fire I created. "How do you always know what I'm going to do!"

"Your easy to read" I wink in Kate's direction and she giggles since she knows that I can read his mind.

"I swear that you can read my mind." I start laughing and look at Kate to see that she is also laughing.

'This always happens when we train and its always funny' I say to Kate with my ability.

'Its going to be fun training with you'

'It always Is'

"Well ladies I'm going back to school. You coming?"

"Sure unless Kate wants to practice her power."

"Lets practise!"

"Okay then see you on Sunday since we will be gone after school."

"Okay have fun on your assignment!"

"Will do" and now he is gone.

"Lets go practice then." I drag her into the training room. "Lets get some training clothes on."

"I didn't bring anything though." I hold onto her shirt and shadows cover both of us and when they disappear, Kate is wearing a pink sports bra and red shorts while I'm wearing a dark purple sports bra and black shorts. I hand her back her now folded clothes.

"No comment." She walks to a bench and puts down the clothes while I'm on the floor laughing.

"Ok so first hold out your hand." She holds out her hand and I move her arm out straight so it's away from her. "Now concentrate your power onto your palm to send out some electricity." We try this excessive for three hours before we take a break. So far, she can only send out sparks but it's better then nothing.

"So is the sleepover still on tonight at my place?" She asks while munching on some snacks I brought up.

"If you don't mind." I reply.

"Lets go to my place then and I can invite Naomi over and we can do each others hair and makeup."

"Bring makeup anywhere near me and I will make sure you won't be able to wear makeup for a while." I say in a deadly sweet voice and she quickly shouts ok. "Lets go to your place then. How did you get to school?"

"My car is still at school!" She jumps up and starts to run out the door before remembering that I can just take her there. We arrive at the school and sneakily get to her car since school isn't over and we go to Kate's house.

"Nice place" it was a huge house with a maid in the kitchen.

"Thanks. My parents are never home so it gets lonely since I couldn't use a computer without it blowing up on me."

"Don't worry, I will make sure you can touch electronics again."

"Well let's go to my room and we can start doing girly things!" I groan. I'm not a girly girl. "Be quiet it's gonna be fun!" She drags me to her room.


Sorry that I haven't updated but I have been busy so at least I published and thank you for reading my story.

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