Chapter 7

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We walk into Kate's room and I am slowly dying from the amount of pink everywhere. She had a pink four poster bed with bright pink pillows and a pink blanket. She also has a pink wall and the dresser is, guess what? Pink. She also has tons of posters on the wall. She also has a lightning bolt painted on her wall.

"Remind me to never come here again." I say after shutting the door.

"Oh come on its not that bad!" She whines, making me sigh.

"So what are you going to do about your brothers? They said something about an assignment. What is that?" She wonders.

"Its our job basically. We either save people or protect objects or do what we are told. They said they were going on assignment but I think it's a trap. When the school was on fire, it wasn't an accident."

"What do you mean?"

"Somebody is after me, that fire was a distraction do kidnapping me."

"Who would do that and why?"

"They don't know that's why they went to go chase after them."

"What do you mean by they? Shouldn't you mean we?"

"I know who it is. It's not their fight, only mine."

"Who is it?"

"My parents, in my first vision. But I think Luke is walking into a trap."

"What do you mean?"

"I read Luke's mind so he told me he got the information by just finding it out in the open."

"If it's a trap then why didn't you stop them?!"

"I tried but he said that they would be fine. I was thinking of going after them though."

"We should! They could be in danger!"

"I don't know where they went and even if I did, you wouldn't be able to come. It's too dangerous for you."

"But I can take care of myself! I'm learning."

"You are still new to this world. It could result in you dying. Whoever set this trap up could kill you."

"Please! I promise I will stay safe." At this point, she is on her knees, begging.

"Fine but we still don't know where they are." I sit down on her bed while she sits on her desk chair.

"Can't you do your thing to get to him?"

"I can't get to him unless I know where he is."

"Maybe you can try using your mind powers to track him?"

"You mean try to read their mind from where I am?"


"I have never done that before." I put my face in my hands.

"At least try!" I close my eyes and concentrate on Jake's mind. Suddenly, a ton of voices enter my head making me jump and fall off of the bed holding my head that's now pounding. "Oh my God! Are you okay? What happened?" She kneels down next to me.

"I think I read the mind of everybody at once that's close to me." I groan. "I have a big headache. Can you get me something?"

"Sure." She gets up and runs downstairs then walks back in with a glass of water and some pill thing which I grab straight away and drink down the water with the pill.

"Remind me to never do that again." I sit back down on the bed.

"Sorry. Why don't you rest for a bit? I will talk to Naomi and cancel the sleepover."

"Sure. Thanks." I put my head on Kate's bed and instantly fall asleep.


I wake up lying on the bench in the park with my arm hanging off.

"Hello my child" I open my eyes to see Melrick standing there. "What brings you here this early?"

"I tried to find where the guys went by trying to read Jake's mind but all of the thoughts of everybody else came into my head making my head hurt so I went to sleep."

"Why do you need to find his location?" I explain to him everything about this morning, including Kate.

"That's why I need to find him. He could be walking into a trap and I wouldn't be there to help them."

"There is one way you can track them down." At this statement, I jump up.

"How gramps? Tell me please!" He chuckles before explaining.

"You can create living beings with your shadows as long as you have a pure heart. The same with your flames but if you use your shadows then they can search everywhere without being seen."

"Seriously? How do I do it?" I wait for him to speak.

"Close your eyes and concentrate on what you want to create. Think about the form, the looks and if you want this being to me permanent or temporary."

"Okay." I close my eyes and think of a shadow dog at my feet. When I open my eyes, I look down to see no dog.

"It won't work in this park but you get how to do it. Just create some shadow friends to look for your brothers. Now it's time to go and find them my child. Good luck an stay safe."

"Thank you gramps" as soon a I say this, I fall into the darkness


I wake up to something barking and somebody screaming making me jump up and look around. "What's going on?" I look at Kate to see her standing on her desk chair with a small dog barking at her.

"W-while you were asleep, this dog just came out of nowhere and started barking at me." The shadow dog realises that something has changed and looks up at me. As soon as it sees me, it's face perks up and it runs over to me and starts licking my face. I hug the dog while Kate just stares at me.

"I'm going to name you shadow."

-Okay master-

"Did you just talk?" Kate looks at me weirdly as I talk to shadow.

-only you can understand me master-

"I guess that makes sense since your a dog made from my shadows."

"This dog is made out of your shadows?!.. well I guess that explains why it's basically a 3D shadow." Kate speaks after a while since she didn't want to disturb me cuddling my new pet.

"Yep and he's so cute!" I squeal, causing Kate to sweatdrop.

"So what are we going to do about your brothers?" Kate asks me.

"We find them, simple."

"How, we tried?"

"Shadow can you search around for my family members? Here is a picture." I pull out a picture and show him the picture.

"Where did you get that photo from?"

"Do you really want to know?" I raise one of my eyebrows at her making her shake her head and sweatshop.

-Yes master- Shadow runs into the wall and disappears, leaving some shadows to fall from where he use to be.

"Now we get ready." I walk into the bathroom and walk out five seconds later wearing my outfit that I wear when I'm on an assignment. This consists of a black vest top, a black jacket, a black pair of leggings and some combat boots. I walk out to find Kate looking through her wardrobe.

"I can't find anything to wear." She groans. I walk over to find her wardrobe and pull out a shirt and a pair of leggings.

"Put these on." I throw the clothes to her and she walks into the bathroom to change. When she comes out, Shadow walks up to me and sits at my foot.

-master I have located them at an abandoned warehouse-

"Good job shadow!" I pick up the dog and start hugging it. "Lets go and get them. I think I know where they are."

"Lets go." I grab Kate's wrist and run into the wall, Shadow still I'm my other arm. When we walk back out, we are in front of the warehouse.

"Stay close to me Kate, there a tee guards everywhere. They must already be inside, this is bad."

"Lets go around the back." Kate suggests. We walk around the back to see two guards. "What do we do and how was we able to just walk around to the back without being seen?"

"We're just that good. Now stay here while I take out the guards. Shadow, keep her safe." He barks and jumps out of my arms and walks over to Kate.

"Be safe" Kate whispered I walk away.

"Don't worry, I always am." I walk towards the guards.

Luke's pov

Me, Jake, Dre, Joel and Keith are in the base of Hope's pursuers trying to find the mastermind of this place. We are taking out every guard we see but none are giving us any information. What if this was a trap like Hope said?

"What's wrong Luke?" Jake asks me.

"Its just that this seems off. How would we be able to get this information so easily? Maybe this is a trap like Hope said?"

"You told Hope? This was meant to be a secret." Dre whisper yells at me.

"She found out herself somehow. She said that this could be a trap but I told her we would be safe. She is staying with her friend now though."

"Now that I think about it, this is an abandoned building so this wouldn't exactly be a good spot for a base since its not that hidden and always attracts attention. I've seen many teens on the news coming in here." Jake replies to my earlier thought.

"We should probably go as quickly as we can. This could be a distraction to get to Hope." Keith speaks up.

"We need to get back to her fast! Keith and Joel, stay with me while Jake and Luke get back to Hope."

"Not so fast, I wouldn't want you to do that now would we?" A voice says from above us from the upstairs balcony. Suddenly, there was a big slamming noise behind us. The door has been blocked and guards come out of everywhere.

"What do you want with Hope?" Dre shouts up at the mysterious man.

"Oh, you don't know? Well no wonder she hasn't said anything unless she doesn't know either." The man chuckles.

"Know what?" I shout back up at the man.

"Why tell you when you can find it out yourself? Oh wait, you can't. Get them boys."He points at us and the guards come towards us. "Keep them alive, they would be good bait." After he says this, he walks out of the room.

"Fight them back and try to get out of here, Hope could b in big danger." Joel shouts and we all start attacking and defending from them.

"More and more keep coming, I don't think I can fight them off much longer." Jake puts his hand on his knees, trying to catch his breath. I knock out the guy who is about to hit Jake with his ice shards.

"Luke watch out behind you!" Keith shouts. I turn around to see a fireball coming towards me. I didn't have time to dodge it so I use my arms to cover my face instead. I wait for the impact but I don't feel one, instead I hear a familiar voice.

"This fire tastes terrible! This is what real fire is." She creates a big wall of fire and pushes it into about twenty people making them fall unconscious. "Shadow, get anybody you can, go nuts boy." A dog barks and run off and starts fighting off the guards.

"Hope how did you get here? Why are you here? I told you to stay with your friend!" Dre shouts.

"Well technically, I didn't break my promise. I'm with my friend. She's over there." She points at Kate who is shoving her Palm onto the guards chest, making them fall unconscious.

"Hope, you are in serious trouble when we get home!" Dre shouts again.

"Fine but first we need to get out of here." She replies.

"How? We are surrounded. We need more people." I shout back at her.

"That's no trouble at all!" She replies and closes her eyes. Suddenly, shadows come out from the ground and start fighting all of the guards. Soon, all of the guards are unconscious.

Hope's pov

"Good job guys, you can all go now but feel free to visit me." I say to all of my shadows. They all reply with a 'yes mistress'. "Just call me Hope, no need for formalities." As soon as I say this, they bow and disappear. I pick up Shadow and start cuddling with him and praising him while the others just sweatshop. "What?" I look at them questioningly.

"We have so much to talk about." Dre facepalms and we leave.

"Hope did I do good?" Kate walks next to me.

"Better than what anybody else would have done." I reply and she starts to become giddy.

-did I do good master?-

"Yes you did shadow." I bend down and pet his head since he was walking next to me. Somebody comes up to me from behind and covers my eyes, making Shadow growl.

"Who's dog is that?" Joel comes up next to me and puts his arm around my neck.

"Its mine, his name is shadow." I reply.

"I thought Dre said we couldn't have any pets?" Keith walks on the other side of me, moving shadow away from my side.

-I wanted to stay by masters side!- Shadow growled at Keith who starts to cower behind me.

"Sorry Shadow. I know that you wanted to stay by my side but if you want, you can jump into my arms?" I hold my arms out and shadow immediately jumps in them. "Now apologise to Keith for growling.


"No buts Shadow. It wasn't a nice thing to do."

-fine- Shadow turns to Keith -sorry-

"He said sorry." I tell Keith who looks at me strangely. He goes over to pet Shadow but I knock his hand away.

-if he tries touching me, I will rip his hand off- this made me giggle.

"What's so funny?" Keith looks at me weirdly again.

"Nothing, just that Shadow said that if you touch him, he will rip your hand off."

"How do you understand what he is saying?" Joel speaks.

"I created him, why wouldn't I understand him?" I look over to him.

"What do you mean?" Before I could answer him, Dre calls us over.

"I will tell you when I tell everybody else." I say before running up to the van.

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