Chapter 8

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We all got into the van, Kate sitting on Jay's lap since there were no more seats for her to sit down. Everybody but Kate was glaring at me. I wasn't paying attention though since I was too busy petting my pet made out of shadows.

"Can I hold him Hope? Please?" Kate begs so shadow jumps off of my lap and onto Kate's lap, laughing, Kate pet his head.

"Where did the dog come from?" Luke asks.

"That's is for me and only me to know." I sweetly smile at him.

"Well we can't keep him Hope. You know the rules about pets in the house." Jay speaks up from underneath Kate.

"Well I'm not getting rid of him. Get rid of him, you get rid of me."

"Hope we cannot keep a pet. You know that I hate pets." Dre glares at me, making me glare back.

"If you won't let me keep him then I am leaving."

"You aren't keeping him." Dre raises his voice. He hates having pets but I don't know why. Every time I would say anything about getting a pet, or anything about animals, he would start yelling at me.

"Ok I will leave. You know where to find me if you change your mind. You have three days." I say before picking up Shadow and grabbing Kate's wrist and blending us to my art room.

"Wow, this room looks great! Where are we?" Kate looks around the room while asking.

"Its my art studio. Only Dre knows about it." My art studio is basically one huge room with paintings on the walls, on canvases, and even on the roof. On one of the walls, it's full of shelves with paints and all the arty stuff.

"Hey Hope, what's through here?" Kate asks.

"Its a bedroom in case I wanted to get away from the boys." I walk into my room. The walls are dark purple with black star designs that I drew when I got bored, there is a glass roof so I could look at the stars as well. Around the glass room are many quotes that I like such as 'unnecessary thoughts interfere with your plays.' Along one side of my wall is a ton of wardrobes with my clothes is. What? Where do you think I get my clothes from, I'm not a thief. In one corner of my room is a bean bag with all of my instruments including my guitar, bass, drum set, violin, harp and more. I also like to sing and play music on my instruments when I'm bored. That's why I also have a big flat screen tv with a karaoke machine connected to it and tons of game consoles.

"Hope this place is amazing!" Kate jumps onto my queen sized bed while Shadow sniffs around the place.

"I come here when I want to be alone. The guys don't know that I like this stuff so it makes it easier to hide from others." I sit down on my bean bag chair and use my powers to bring my guitar to me. I've been practising slot but it's still very hard. I start playing random chords on my guitar as Shadow lies down next to me.

"Play a song Hope!" Kate starts to bounce on my bed.

"Fine but just don't tell anybody about this and sit down properly." She sits down and I start playing a random tune.

"No singing?" Kate points.

"You said play. Song not sing a song so nope and I'm also tired."

-Master you should go to sleep- Shadow looks up at me making me sigh.

"I guess it's time to take you home Kate. Me and Shadow need our sleep." I pick up Shadow and biblical my cheek.

"But I don't want to leave!" She complains, stamping her foot like a five year old.

"Your maid might worry about you. It's one am." When I mention her maid, her face starts to pale.

"L-lets go. She's scary when she is mad." I grab her wrist and transport to her room. We hear a ruckus from downstairs so we both walk down to see a man and woman arguing. I'm guessing that they are Kate's parents.

"You are probably the reason that she ran away! You never spend time with her!" Her mother yells.

"Me? You spend more time at work than I do! You are always away on business trips" he yelled back.


"Stop yelling!" Kate shouts from the bottom of the staircase. She had tears coming down her face. "I didn't run away I was just with my friend!" Both of her parents look over to us, Shadow now in Kate's arms since he was worried. I just got that dog yet I love him like I have had him for years.

"Kate where have you been and why are you holding that disgusting creature!?" Her mother yells. Shadow turned into a normal looking puppy.

"An who is your friend!?" Her dad shouts after. I just give a wave and step backwards.

"One, I have been with my friend and lost track of time. Two, this puppy isn't a disgusting creature. Three, this is Hope."

"Young lady, you are in south trouble an you," she points at me, "I am going to have a talk with your parents!" She takes her phone out.

"Sorry to inform you but I don't have any parents." I say in a sickly sweet voice, my hands behind my back.

"Then is your guardian at this moment?" She screeches at me.

"I don't have one." I simply reply.

"Who do you live with?" She starts to get feed up with me.

"Nobody, I don't exactly have a normal life. Kate is my first ever friend." I give her a really sad look making her face soften. I'm a good actress.

"Oh I am so sorry about my wife. It must be a touchy subject for you." Kate's father gives me a sympathetic look.

"Its okay sir, I'm use to it." I give him a small smile.

"Just go home, I need to speak to my daughter." The old lady points towards the door. I give Kate a questioning look, making her tap her head.

'Can you hide? I don't want to be left alone' I nod then walk out the door. I jump into the wall and walk back into the room, making sure nobody can hear me.

"You are in so much trouble! Do you think we work ourselves like this everyday just so you can disappear and come back late at night? You was probably partying with that friend of yours! Why do I even try loving you if you don't study enough to grow up like me!" Her mother yells.

"Well I can't exactly be like you now can I? I want to be a model, not some lawyer! You don't choose my life, I do!"

"I pay for this house and all I ask of you in return is for you to do your part! You would be better off as a lawyer, not some slut that poses for pictures!"

'Tell her that you will leave' I see her nod before she speaks up.

"If it matters to you that much then I'm leaving. You are the worst mother anybody could have! If living in this house means that I need to do something I hate then goodbye!" Kate turns around and walks upstairs before her mother could respond. I go into her room and jump out of the wall holding a suitcase and start putting her clothes in it with both my powers and hands. She walks in while I am doing this and goes and grabs another suitcase ans starts packing. When I hear footsteps outside the door, I quickly turn th lock before her mother could walk in.

"Open this door now young lady!" She bangs on the door. We both ignore her and continue packing. It takes us five more minutes to pack. Five very long minutes if you include her mother's high pitched voice. Now I can see why she is a lawyer. She can annoy the judge to get what she wants. Oh how I feel sorry for them people. I grab all but one of the suitcases and blend them to my studio.

"Meet you outside?" She nods and I jump into the wall, watching what else is going to happen before Kate leaves the house for good.

"Kate I will give you three seconds until I break this door down! One... two... three!" Kate opens the door and her mother falls into the room. She simply just walks over her mother's body and walks out of the building. I reach out from the wall and grab her wrist, dragging her in with me. I wonder how Shadow kept up with all this. Shadow can also jump into walls with me.

"Kate! Where are you?" Her mother comes out and looks around before walking back inside, thinking of how ungrateful Kate is. I drag her more into the shadows before coming out to my bedroom.

"You can live me now! I have a sister!" I cheer, trying to raise the mood. I knew that businesses since I saw a small smile tug at her lips.

"Its nice to have a sister!" She hugs me then pick up Shadow and hugs him.

"Unless Dre comes in the next five minutes to apologise to me then we are sharing the same bed.

"I'm fine with that." She goes to one of her suitcases and grabs clothes from them then walks into the bathroom that's joined with the bedroom. I change and jump into the bed before Kate comes out and I snuggle up to shadow who is in the middle of the bed. Kate soon comes out and gets into bed as well, facing away from me.

"Nite Kate." She mumbles a reply to me before I turn off the lights. I soon fall into my slumber.

Small chapter, sorry but it's nearly midnight but I will update again soon.

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