{ Chapter 2 }

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A/N: sorry there was no update we visited a family friend of mine who came from overseas, and I couldn't update earlier was because we had to go somewhere. Hope your not to mad about that. Plus There is a new book on my other account.
Make sure to keep a look out for it, it's called 28 days of DCPFUDOR, I know for all you people watch Zoella it sounds similar.


{ things you will see }
Y/N = Your Name

Your POV
When history class was done it was cooking, it was kinda my faves, it's cause where it gets really cute in some relationships. Think about it when your boyfriend spreads icing on your face and you splat them with flour or water or whatever.

As I entered the cooking room I saw no spots, and by that I mean free seats at the back only in the middle and front then I heard a voice call out for me. I looked over and saw a hand raised and a guy with blue hair and blue eyes, I slowly walked next to his seat.

???- I heard from Garroth that your new here, my name is Dante, hope that we can be good friends while in your freshman year

You- well nice to meet you, Dante my name is-

Dante- yeah Y/N Garroth told me all about you

You- well I don't have to tell you about myself

Dante- heh, yeah

When class started we just learned all the basics of cooking not actual cooking for some reason, when the bell rung for lunch I put my books away in my locker with Dante waiting for me we started walking to the cafeteria.

I got toasted ham and cheese sandwich, plus a water and some fruit, okay so my diet is all healthy food from Monday to Thursday and Friday is my cheat day, where I eat something that you eat as known as junk food. As me and Dante found a table Garroth sat next to me.

Garroth- so how's your day at PDH?

You- it's been great

Garroth- hey I heard there's a fair in town, would you like to come with me?

You- sure if I don't have to do anything at home

Garroth- that's great

Dante- sorry to cut in but you know I'm here too can you talk to me

You- sorry Dante

Dante- yeah your forgiven, now I actually have to go now I have to see my ex

You- who's your ex?

Garroth- ugh, Y/N don't mind about Dante's exes their not important

You- okay? So when is this fair? What's the time?

Garroth- it's started at 7 and ends at 10 I know pretty late if you ask me

You- I might as well ask if I can go, and if I can go then it's a date

Garroth- { blushes } d-date?

You- { blushes } ugh?! Not like that as friends, like you know going out cause of friends-

Garroth- yeah, yeah, I get you

Dante- okay? I might as well leave, I forgot to walk my dog

Garroth- here it's the address I'm pretty sure you can just walk there

You- how do you know that

Garroth- the house that you got was the property of my dad he told me that there was a house being brought and a daughter will be attending

You- wow, okay

As he left it was awkward silence, but lucky it wasn't too long because the end of lunch came the the bell rung in my ears. I tipped my tray and walked back to my locker and pick up the books for my next subject.

After school

As I came to my door I knocked on the door and mom opened the door.

Mom- hello sweetie how was school?

You- it was good I made two friends already

Mom- and what are their names

You- Dante and Garroth

Mom- hmm..... he's sounds like a good one

You- who?

Mom- Garroth sounds like a handsome fella

You- MOM!! He's just a friend

Mom- I wouldn't to sure of that, now you wanted to ask me something

You- how did you know that?

Mom- I can tell dear and yes you can go with Garroth to the fair this evening

You- are you sure your not stalking me?

Mom- I just know, now come on I'll help you

You- we're just hanging out it's no big deal

Mom- but with a boy it is, now I'll choose you clothes, and don't worry your not wearing a crop top trust me

You- okay

She dragged me to her room and picked out clothes for me. I really liked what she choose, she choose an overall and a coloured shirt and black leggings, she left my hair down and as usual strands of hair begin on the sides of my face.

I took out my reading glasses and looked at the paper.

You- it's true it not far away from here

Just then the door bell rung. My mom jumped, but in excited.

Mom- okay calm down, to late my daughter going on her first date better get pictures, I'll get the door and don't leave until I say so

She rushed to the door.

Mom- so you must be Garroth, Y/N come quickly pictures!!

You- mom!!

Garroth- it wouldn't harm anything sure

Mom- okay, Y/N stand next to Garroth and I'll do the rest

She went towards Garroth and she put his arms around me, which made me blush.

Mom- and look towards the camera

She snapped the photo and he quickly took his arms away.


You- don't ever do that again mom

Garroth- ugh, Y/N should we go now?

You- yeah sure let's

We walked out the door and walked into the hard footpath, feeling the breeze going against us. As we heard chatting and laughter. Garroth grabbed my hand and lead me towards the fair entrance.

Garroth- hope you have fun here at the fair

You- I bet I will, it's my first time

Garroth- really? Then I be your first it's a pleasure

You- well I've heard that theirs a roller coasters and hanged houses that's what I know

Garroth- well let me tell you love there's more then wait

You- then what are we waiting for let's go Garroth!!

This is gonna be so much fun!!

Okay so how was this chapter, it took a while cause I was kinda typing in the sun I know kinda weird but I'm able to finish it, again I will tell you when the first chapter of 28 days of DCPFUDOR will come out.
Author~chan out

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