{ Chapter 3 }

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A/N: I don't really have anything to say right now, but enjoy the chapter!!
Almost forgot give credit to @Anime_lover7910 cause you'll see.

{ things you will see }
Y/N = Your Name
S/N = Ship Name

Your POV

As we entered in the fair there were a whole lot of kids and adults walking or running around. As we walked to the booth something caught my interest, it was a tiny pug in a cage, animal cruelty everyone. I grabbed Garroth's hand which lead him to a halt.

Garroth- Y/N where are you going?

I started walking to the booth.

You- sir what's this pug in a cage for

Booth owner- it's actually a prize young one

You- how do you win it?

Booth owner- simple, just knock down all the tin can in three shots

You- I think I can do that

Booth owner- if you don't knock down in three shots you don't get this

I looked at the pug and it tilted its head at me, I gave a serious look. I gave the owner the money and took the first tennis ball, the first shot I knocked down only one tin can, the second shot my arm didn't make a powerful shot and missed them. Garroth stood besides me, I took the ver last one I looked back at the pug then at the tins. I threw it and it knocked all five in one shot.

When I realised that I knocked all of them I jumped in excitement and jumped and hugged Garroth wrapping my legs around his waist and wrapped my arms around his neck. Then I started blushing and jumped of him.

You- { blushes } sorry

Garroth- that's alright sweetheart

Booth owner- well you've earned it, be careful the pug is just a puppy

You- I can tell it's so small and cute

The owner opened the cage and the pug ran to to me feet, I picked him up and held the pug in my arms.

Garroth- it's very cute

Booth owner- well you two kids have fun!

You- thank you!

Booth owner- that's okay darling

The owner gave us a leash and a collar that came with the pug, I buckle the collar and the leash on the pug and started walking. The pug was really energetic and was walking faster then me then walking besides me, Garroth wanted to take me somewhere so I followed him to a cotton candy booth.

{ I know some of you people call it differently, like on my other book people were wondering what fairy floss was I don't blame people if they don't know, where I live we call it fairy floss }

Garroth- have you ever tried these treats before

You- yeah, and I love it

Garroth- then we should buy some and maybe something for the pug, I'll buy it stay here

As Garroth went up to buy cotton candy, I stayed with the little pug and kneeling next to it, my hand went on the pugs head and it snuggled against my hands, some kids even went up to me to pet the pug, I wasn't to sure what to call it. When Garroth came back with two bags of pink and blue cotton candy and bent to my new tiny pug and patted its head.

Garroth- what do you plan calling it?

You- I'm not sure I haven't thought about it

Garroth- well I'm sure you'll think of it soon

You- so where are going next?

Garroth- we might as well do booth games since you have a pug now

You- you mean ' our ' pug

Garroth- { blushes } o-our pug?

You- { blushes } y-yeah as a sign of our friendship

Garroth- I like that

You- well good thing I thought of it, ooo! Garroth look over there a duck game

As we were walking and eating cotton candy I started to get really worried about our tiny pug because I'm not sure if he has eaten or not.

You- are pug allowed to eat cotton candy?

Garroth- I don't think so

You- I've never taken care of a pu-

My words stop when the little pug pooed on my shoes. I picked the pug up and walked to the washrooms, I grabbed tissues and a little bit of water and wiped away the poo.

You- you cheeky little pug

The pug sat down on its bottom and started panting.

You- but I can get mad at a small and cute thing like you

Garroth- very true

You- hey I think I know what to call our pug

Garroth- well what is it?

You- S/N { Ship Name or merged name }

Garroth- what's that name?

You- it might sounds weird but it's our names merged together to make a name, I know it sounds weird but points for creativity

Garroth- I'm going to have to agree with you there sweetheart

You- so should we go on what I found earlier, I wiped all the poop on my shoe

Garroth- okay lets go, come on S/N

We lead S/N to the booth with water pushing ducks around.

Booth owner- hey kids, this game is that you have one minute to collect as much ducks as you can, and depending on how many points you will get the prize. It makes much more sense when you play it

Garroth- I might as well try this one Y/N looks pretty fun

He took of his blazer and handed it to me he brush his blech blonde hair to the side, I crossed my arms with the blazer and holding S/N leash.
{ He's wearing a white shirt with a dark blue blazer and black pants I know seem formal }

When a minute passed the booth owner counted how many ducks he got.

Booth- you got a lot sir now come with me to choose your prize

Garroth went with him to collect a prize from somewhere. He came back with a multiple stuff toys.

Garroth- I didn't have to get just one prize I could get a lot u less it reaches on how many ducks I got, this ones for you

He handed me a stuff teddy bear with a shirt that says ' I'm his ' and he got another stuff teddy bear that said ' I'm hers. ' I started blushing on what it said and he did as well, and gave a stuff bone to S/N.

Garroth- it's getting late we should go

You- yeah

We walked out of the fair.

It's almost the day when I'm publishing my first chapter of the very first book on my other account.
Author~chan out

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