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Cell, we get to pick a cell where we wanna stay since Rick, t-dog and Daryl cleaned it out making us all smile a safe place now long still this be safe for,

I step into a cell putting my bag on the floor seeing two beds against the wall making me smile as I flop onto one of the beds making dust come up making me cough,

"Where did you find all that" I ask as I walk down the metal steps smiling as I see boxes full of can food making my stomach rumble making me chuckle as it dose

"Rick, Daryl and t-dog found it" carol says making me nod and smile as I sit down at the metal table smiling as I look up seeing windows with bars on,

I slowly turn my head to the stairs seeing a young boy looking at me smiling before going back to his gun making me smile that boy was 13 year old Carl grimes my best friend since birth.

"What you doing" I ask as I take a seat next to him smiling as I watch him as he puts a screwdriver into the gun before pulling it out before looking at it,

"Cleaning my gun" he says making me nod and smile looking away from him and running my hands through my hair that really needs a cut or trim,

"Who's your roommate" Carl ask as we open a metal gate for Rick Hershel leg bleeding making my face drop did he get cut?

"I haven't got one" I say smiling at the blue eye boy who's locking the gate probably to keep those things out just the thought off then making my spine shiver every time I see one,

"Me either guess we are roommates then" carl say as I moving a piece of hair out of my eye and putting it behind me ears so it not in the way

"Hands up" a voice says making my body freeze as I hold my hand up i quickly look at Carl who's holding his gun Rick gave him to protect him self if Rick not there but I think Carl thought he would look older with a gun still looks about 10,

I slowly turn my head seeing a brown haired boy I twist my head as best as I can so I can look at him he got a small cut on his lip and one near his eye he looks very young to be here in this prison,

"My name is molly, that is Carl" I say getting an eye roll and a groan from carl making the boy nod I think,

"Drop yours and let the girl go" a deep voice says making me smile Dixon is here to save the day again why am I always ending up in this situation

I run to Carl standing next to him as that boy gets a knock to the head from ricks gun making me frown is that boy dead?

"Who this pretty lady" a man says as he walks to me smiling creepily making a shiver run down my spine as I pull a smile up at him,

"Molly" I say watching the man nod and smile still keeping his eye on me making me frown where did these men even come from I don't remember them being with us,

"So molly do you have a roommate" the man from before ask making me frown and nod my head I look around seeing Carl and Daryl looking at me well the guy who is say next to me,

"You do? Well I'm sure they won't mind if I switch with them" the man ask again putting his hand on my thigh making my eyes go wide as he squeezes my thigh making me feel uncomfortable, I slow shake my head not wanting to speak to him anymore, I put my hand on the table lifting my self up before that man pulls me onto something making me feel uncomfortable,

"Get your grubby hands of her " a deep man voice say making me look around seeing rick frown as he holds his gun up to the man's head making me quickly jump off his lap and running to Beth who's glaring at the man I watch as Rick put him into handcuffs making me smile but feel dirty at the same time,

"Hey sweetie you ok?" Rick says as I run to him making me frown as I watch daryl and t-dog drag that man into a cell locking it,

"I'm fine just feeling dirty" I whisper as I look up at him watching him nod and look away probably thinking about something,

"Guess we will be staying here for now on" Rick says making everyone nod and smile before we dig into our food that Rick found sending me a wave of excitement as I take bite by bite,

"Mol you finish?" Carl ask making me nod and stand up getting ready to throw my plate away before it gets pulled from my hands making me look down seeing no plate in my hand but now is gone,

"Hey I could have done it I have legs you know" I say following Carl making him chuckle and nod before standing up smiling there's that feeling again making me feel sick,

"Kiss her" a voice shouts getting some laughs making me look over that then seeing Rick and Daryl high five making me frown,

"Carl and molly sitting in a tree" glenn shouts making me frown as I keep glaring at him before everyone else joins in the song making me groan and walk off into the place where we all will be sleeping,

"Aww he's following her" a deep man voice shouts making me groan as I sit down on the bed dust come up as I pull my legs up making me cough as the dust glides it way to me or around the room someone lived here there's a small picture on the wall a man a woman and two kids all smiling and happy making me smile someone was missing there family,

"I hate them" I whisper as I lean my head against the wall getting a chuckle from the boy next to me making me smile,

"Me too" he whispers making me smile as i lean my head away from the wall frowning what if we lose everyone what if I die?

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