Chapter 15: Magic Lessons, Part 2

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It's been a while since I have Submitted the previous chapter of my story, anyways i would like to apologize for inactivity on my Wattpad and maybe it would be the last time because i have been lazy for the past 4 Months and i have forgot my story to be submitted. Speaking of which, here's the 15th Chapter of GATE: Thus the Alliace liberates the Avatar World.

Note: Due to the recent events, i lost my Twitter/X Account as of February 2024. I don't know what the heck happened, but someone PG'd my account, I don't freaking know!

Also i would like to add some elements from the Avatar: the Last Airbender live-action series as a reference to my story, but i'll add some a little bit of twist on it and yes, the elements from the Netflix remake, not the cr*ppy 2010 version.


Katara's Narration/POV:

" Water....




Long ago, the four nations used to lived together in Peace and Harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang. And although his Airbending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe Aang can save the world...... Not until one day, when we are close to our victory in the Invasion of Fire Nation's capital on the day of Black Sun, Something went wrong, It was Azula managed to sabotage our Invasion trapping our allies, leaving Me, Aang and our remaining allies to be demoralized after our defeat. How could the Fire Nation knew this and how did they managed to trapped us? How did they invented a new weapon that can kill a bender within matter of weeks before our invasion and how they even managed to capture Half of the World?

Even though, we have a new ally and that is Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation, he wanted to convince us that he is not our enemy but rather a friend, I was still not convinced because i still remember all of the bad memories of him in the past months. But despite of this, As all hopes were lost when suddenly the so-called Men-In-Green were arrived as they rescued us from the hands of Azula's Forces, one of them is Lt. Youji Itami a military officer in the Japanese Defense Forces along with Rory Mercury the demigoddess and the Recon 3, which was part of the so-called Joint Task Force consisting of the Seven Nation Army including Japan, United States, Singapore, Philippines, Taiwan, Australia and Israel. Hoping, the Alliance would help Aang to save the World. "


Insert theme:

Gate ost 09 Kore made no Ikisatsu ~ Avant

Katara's Narration/POV: " We have formally entered the Academy as students on behalf of Grandmistress Mimoza and Miss Arpeggio El Lalena, so far we have learned a lot of things at the Rondel Magic Academy which we can apply it on our bending abilities and we also have meet many students at the Academy as they really looks so friendly, meanwhile one of the students were still have a doubt on us because we are just transfer students. "



June 21, 2017

08:30 to 10:00 AM

Classroom 1, Rondel Magic Academy, City state of Rondel, Special Region of Falmart

 The chapter begins at the day three of the GAang benders who were improving their magic abilities while not using their Bending skills as they keep learning new Magic skills they have been acquired based from the teachings of Grandmistress Mimoza while being assissted by her student Arpeggio, many students were doing the same thing as it was ordered by their Headmistress. Aang/Kuzon, Katara and Zuko/Lee were casting their magic spells with their elemental magic without the use of their bending, while the members of the Recon Team 3 were monitoring them on inside and outside of the Academy. On the other hand, Aang is using Wind Magic to summon air from his hand as the light brights on his own hand as the wind flows.

Mimoza: " My! my! my! You did a great job Kuzon. You are now excelling on your Air Magic, the more practice you made, the more you master your ability to learn Wind Magic. " said by Grandmistress Mimoza to Aang/Kuzon as the young Avatar says.

Kuzon: " Thank you Miss Mimoza, your teachings help me to learn Air Magic. " said by Kuzon/Aang as he thanked lady Mimoza after learning the third phase of his Air Magic.

Richard: " Kuzon, you have impressed me with your skill. Maybe one day, you could surpass me as an expert Mage and soon you'll become an Archmage for many years to come. " said by Richard as he made compliments to Kuzon/Aang, as he saw his true potential as a Mage.

 As Aang finished casting his Magic spell with a compliment by lady Mimoza along with Jerico and Richard, then afterwards we can switch to the scene at Katara as she summons Water out of her hand without the use of her Waterbending and then she proceeds to use her magic to cast her spell to turn Water into an bulk of Ice Crystals as everyone at the class were applauded on her skills including Lee/Zuko who is also watching her, then followed by the two female students who've been meet by Katara as they said.

Clarisse: " That was amazing Katara! you made a Water summoning spell from your hands and disintegrate the Water into a thin Air . " says Clarisse as she was amazed to Katara's water manipulation magic techniques, followed by Nala who was in deep awe in her face as a Catgirl.

Nala: " WOW! You did great Katara, it seems that your Water manipulation magic is improving as you don't need Water as a catalyst for your abilities and maybe someday you'll become a Master Mage one day. NYA! " said by Nala Mittens as she sees the was deeply amazed at her Water manipulation ability, as the Waterbender says.

Katara: " Thank you girls, i really appreciate it. I am very happy that someone appreciates my skills as a Mage. " said by Katara as she thanked the latter two followed by Nala and Clarisse smiles on her, then followed by Mimoza along with her apprentice Arpeggio as the two watches Katara's performance.

Mimoza: " Woah my! my! my! You did a great job there Katara, i am very Amazed on your skills as a Water mage. Not only you Activates one Water magic spell, you also made an Ice magic too! " said by lady Mimoza as she amazed on Katara's skills, as the waterbender replies.

Katara: " I really did my best Grandmistress Mimoza, thank you for appreciating my talent. I am very glad that someone appreciates my abilities as a Water manipulator. " said by Katara as she replies to lady Mimoza as the old lady delightfully heared on what the young Waterbender said into her.

Mimoza: " It is a pleasure to teach you Katara, keep learning on your studies and maybe one day you'll become a Grandmaster. " says Grandmistress Mimoza as she was happy oblige to Katara's studies as a Magic student, while her apprentice Arpeggio says.

Arpeggio: " But remember young lady, you need to work harder to learn every single step as a Water Mage just like my sister. Maybe one day, you'll also become an Alchemist like me as well, if you are interesting on Alchemy. " said by Arpeggio to Katara as she gives her more encouragement.

Katara: " Thanks, but i'll just stay with Water magic. " says Katara as she replies back to Arpeggio as the young Alchemist only giggles along with Nala and Carisse.

As both Kuzon/Aang and Katara along with other students were finished on their new learnings, the rest of students were now demonstrating their Magic abilities are now following the suit as Lee/Zuko along with Emma, Bartholomew and the deliquent mage Josef were next.

Then cut the scene at Lee/Zuko as he starts to demonstrate his magic abilities at the class as he begins his own demonstration of his new discovery, he made a small Vacuum of flames in his hands as it was shown at the Fire Magic circle, everyone was surprise as Lee/Zuko's abilities as a Fire Mage, especially for the first time he will use Flame abilities without the use of his own rage as he was very calm showing his abilities to everyone, then Lee/Zuko proceeds to create other types of Fire Magic including a small electricity on his own hands though it was not a true Lightning regeneration magic, it was still close enough for the young prince as he shown it to the class, afterwards the whole class clapped on Lee/Zuko's magic abilities as Miss Mimoza gives a grades on him.

Meanwhile we switch to the scene at Josef as he watches Kuzon/Aang and his friends demonstrating their abilities on the class as the scene went white and flashing back into yesterday.




June 20, 2017

8:00 AM

Classroom 1, Rondel Magic Academy, City state of Rondel, Special Region of Falmart (Yesterday)

 We go back in time as we cut to the scene where Kuzon/Aang, Katara and Lee/Zuko were all trying to learn to cast their own spells as they read one of the Magic books that has been distributed by Headmistress Mimoza along with her apprentice Apeggio, those Magic books that are given to them are the same books used by Lelei during her time as a student on the Magic Academy prior she was transferred as Master Cato's mentorship, meanwhile the students were having a hard time to learn some of the new spells that are trying to learn from it. However, one of the students are still in suspicion on the Team Avatar's study at the Academy and one of those students was Josef along with his friends Bartholomew and Emma who were worried on him.

Josef (thoughts): " I don't know who you really are Kuzon, but i will keep an eye on you and your friends including the Soldiers of the JTF. " said by Josef in his own thoughts as he keeps watching Kuzon/Aang, Katara and Lee/Zuko on their Magic demonstration as one of his friends tapped on his left shoulder.

Bartholomew: " I know what your thinking, you'll gonna keep following them until you will find the truth about our new classmates am i right? " said by Bartholomew in his friend Josef as he tapped on his shoulder.

Josef (sighs): " Look Bartholomew, I have no choice but i need to follow them until i find something about Kuzon and his friends. This seems wrong with him and his friends, i find interesting about him being escorted by the Men-in-Green soldiers of the JTF. " says Josef as he replies to his friend Bartholomew, then followed by Emma as she says.

Emma: " Maybe in your search for the truth about Kuzon and his friends, can only lead you into in a serious trouble Josef. " said by Emma as she warns her friend Josef while the young mage just simply ignores her as he keeps watching them.

We cut to the scene at Kuzon/Aang is using his Wind magic ability as he demonstrate his new learnings at the class without the help of his Airbending, then followed by Katara as she uses her Water magic techniques as she summons Water from her hands without the use of her Waterbending and lastly we cut into the scene at Lee/Zuko as he uses his flames from his Fire magic without any use of his Firebending from his own hands, everyone at the class impressed on their new learnings as they clapped all together, while Lelei is watching behind as she smiles at her friends' progress.




June 20, 2017

12:30 PM

Classroom 1, Rondel Magic Academy, City state of Rondel, Special Region of Falmart

Back at the present, the class is finally over as the students were prepares to leave their classrooms, as the Students formally leaves on their classroom we cut at Lt. Itami and the rest of the Recon 3 enters the classroom, meanwhile Josef and his two friends decided to watch them and keep an eye on both Kuzon/Aang along with his friends and the Recon 3 who were now preparing to leave at the Academy as they are heading towards to the local Diner.

Itami: " So how's the school Kuzon? " says Lt. Itami as he asks " Kuzon " about the school.

Kuzon (Aang): " We did great, Lt. Itami! We learned a lot of things at the Academy on how Magic really works, i even manage to use my ability based on my learnings. " said by Kuzon/Aang as he replies to Lt. Itami as the Japanese lieutenant was delighted on the young Avatar's progress of learning as Katara says.

Katara: " Yeah sir Itami, " Kuzon " really did a great job at the Miss Mimoza's class, Even me too where i did the same thing with my new skills. " says Katara as she speaks to Lt. Itami, as Tuka and Lelei was really impressed on her abilities as Lelei speaks.

Lelei: " It's true, in fact Katara shows her true potential as a Water mage. Even me as a Falmartian her skill was very impressive, I am looking to learn about Bending Arts from Earthrealm starting with Waterbending which is my favorite topic. As for Lee, he shows a huge improvements for himself as he learned much about Fire Magic at the Academy. " said by Lelei as she indeed shows a proof that Katara is quickly adapting to Falmartian magic along with Lee/Zuko with his own Fire magic, while the young Mage is currently teaching a new topic at the Academy about Bending Arts as Lt. Itami says.

Itami: " That was so amazing, Kuzon. The more practice, the more you learn about Wind magic even further. " says Lt. Itami to the Earthrealmian kids as he was very proud on them about their learnings, then afterwards Sgt. Tomita says.

Tomita: " That was great Kuzon, Lee and Katara, i know you can show your true potential as a Magic student, we are very happy for you three. " said by Tomita as he compliments on Kuzon/Aang, Lee/Zuko and Katara as well, especially when the Waterbender smiles happily, then Lt. Itami says.

Itami: " I know you guys can do your best. I hope you can learn a lot of new things at the Magic Academy. " says Lt. Itami to his Earthrealmian friends as he was happy at the results on their learnings at the Academy, then suddenly they heared a growling sounds on their stomach.

* Stomach growls loudly *

It seems that everyone is now Hungry as their stomachs were growls very loud and everyone wanted to eat lunch at the nearby Restaurant, as Sgt. Westbrook says.

Westbrook: " It looks like everyone is Hungry, damn everyone really wants to eat after a long hours of study at Magic school. " says Sgt. Westbrook as he jokingly said to his colleagues.

Toph: " Me too, i am very after waiting for Twinkletoes, Sparky and Sugar Queen. I want some cheese and pasta at the restaurant at the downtown! " said by Toph as she was really hungry, then Sgt. Sgt. Kuribayashi says.

Kuribayashi: " Hold little one, we have wait for Miss Arpeggio and Grandmistress Mimoza before we go at the Downtown. Alright? " says Sgt. Kuribayashi to Toph as they have to wait for Arpeggio and lady Mimoza as the sergeant asks the blind Earthbender.

Toph: " Oh i'm sorry Miss Kuribayashi. I am just too excited to see my friends again, after a long hours of waiting. " said by Toph as she was really hungry along with her friends as Tuka and Katara giggles behind her, while the blind bandid smirks only and embraced by Rory behind her, as the Female sergeant says.

Kuribayashi: " No it's okay Toph, we all make mistakes here especially after a long hours of waiting on our friends and yeah we are all Hungry as well. " says Sgt. Kuribayashi as she stating it is okay on Toph.

A few moments later, Lelei has finally walked in along with Arpeggio and Richard as the two follows her.

Richard: " What's up guys! Are you all hungry? " says Richard as he asks them if they were hungry as Lt. Itami says.

Itami: " Yeah, we are hungry. Say, where's lady Mimoza? " said by Lt. Itami as he replies at Richard, then he asks him where is lady Mimoza.

Richard: " Well Miss Mimoza will be busy at the library, but don't worry she'll be follow us for the dinner tonight. She told us to go with you Lt. Itami alongside with Kuzon instead at the Restaurant. " said by Richard as he replies to Lt. Itami as he stated that Lady Mimoza won't be with them for lunch as she is going on her deep research at the Library, then Lt. Itami says.

Itami: " Now i see why Grandmistress Mimoza won't follow us, seems understandable. " says Lt. Itami as he replies back to Richard, then followed by Arpeggio as she says.

Arpeggio: " As you may know Lieutenant Itami, my Mentor really wanted to continue her own research about the Gate on Alnus Hill along with the another Gateway from other worlds that connected into another, this can help her research about the origins of Humanity here on Falmart as you may know. " said by Arpeggio as she explains to Lt. Itami about lady Mimoza's current research, then Cpl. Santos went to Arpeggio as he speaks on her.

Santos: " Pretty much for a very busy woman at the Magic Academy. By the way, are you busy for tonight? " said by Cpl. Santos as he asks Arpeggio for a date night.

Arpeggio: " Well yeah, i am going to help my mentor for her studies about the Gate on Alnus and other worlds along with the new subjects for the next Lesson for tommorow. " said by Arpeggio as she replies to Cpl. Santos as the Filipino marine says.

Santos: " That make sense, okay then Miss Arpeggio. " says Cpl. Santos as he replies to Arpeggio, as his colleaues only giggles on him.

As the Group leaves, the infamous trio went following Kuzon/Aang and everyone at the Downtown in order to get some information about them. Of course the trio doesen't want to get into trouble as both Bartholomew and Emma have no choice but to follow their friend who still has a suspicious on them, especially for the young Avatar who is posing as a student and now that their new subject is Bending arts from the land known as Earthrealm which becomes the newest topic at the Rondelian Magic Academy about learning Bending arts as a form of Magic. Now this begs a question, will Josef succeeds his goal to find the truth?


Opening theme:

GATE S1 opening Sore Wa Akatsuki No Yo Ni by Kisida Kyodan & the Akeboshi Rockets.

" Long ago I desired nothing

I knew my limits.

Even so, I don't want to give anything back

It appears that I'm suppose to be a good child

Protecting something is unexpectedly difficult

But I won't give up

At the end of the blue sky - where the roads connected

I'm fine if people don't understand each other

The opened door will go on changing everything

Just like dawn "

Note: In the next chapters, the opening theme will be replaced by Sakura Mitsutsuki.



June 21, 2017

02:30 PM

Diner, City state of Rondel, Saderan Empire, Special Region of Falmart

Insert theme:

18 Sake da Sake da!

 The chapter begins at the Diner at Rondel where the GAang along with the Falmartian trio and the Recon Team-3 alongside with Richard and Arpeggio went into the local restaurant to eat, on the outside of the Restaurant at the Downtown of Rondel of course just like yesterdays their stalkers Josef and his two friends were watching them as they keep monitoring ther movement, on the other hand the young Avatar and his allies were preparing to eat their lunch consisting of Greco-Roman based cuisine such as Salted bread, Pecorino Romano cheese (yes literally a cheese from Italy during Roman period that brought by the Ancient Romans on Falmart) as well as Carbonara, Grilled Fish and some Fruit juices as a refreshments. Meanwhile on the outside of the restaurant, Josef and his friends were eating on the other restaurant probbably in a cafe where they are taking their order consisting of Spaghetti, Sweet cake and Tea.

Bartholomew: " Hope we're not getting into trouble Josef, it's been three days since we've been following Kuzon and his friends, just because he is also friends with miss Arpeggio and Richard doesen't mean we should suspect them for spying or something. " said by Bartholomew to his friend sitting right next to him as he eats his lunch along with Emma who eats her Spaghetti.

Josef: " Ssshhhh..... Quiet Bartholomew, i am trying to listen on their conversation. You know that this could be cruicial for us to learn about our new classmates, we need to know about them and besides i really sense that Kuzon was not a Falmartian resident but rather he comes from another world, i hope these rumors are true. " says Josef to his friend as he shutters him while listening to their conversation.

Emma: " You know Josef, i don't know if you are really a Genius or just a paranoid Mage, following our classmates in a middle of the sun and trying to listen to their conversation just to prove that you are right in one thing. " says Emma as she replies to her classmate telling him that he is either a Genius or a retarded Mage.

Josef: " Yeah, i'm always right all along Emma. Haven't you heared the rumors at the Saderan Empire's capital city, where that Empress Pina herself invites a person on her Party, who appears to be a monk wearing a Robe-like clothing, who also came from another world, other than that; he can do control various forms of Elements without casting any spells. They called him as the Avatar. " said by Josef as he stated to Emma and Bartholomew about the news came from the Imperial capital that the Avatar was invited in the Imperial Palace.

Bartholomew: " So you're telling me that that the guest from Empress Pina's palace on her Party was Kuzon, known as the Avatar a powerful mage from another world? " said by Bartholomew to his friend as he continues sarcastically. " .... Are you're kidding, right? " as he finished, then followed by Josef as he says.

Josef: " Nope and i am not exaggerating it Bart, i wanted to prove that Kuzon and the Avatar are the same person at the Empress' party. Although i don't want to expose him, instead i want him to tell the truth in front of the class. " said by Josef as he replies back to Bartholomew.

Then we cut to the scene at the Diner where Kuzon/Aang and everyone is enjoying their meal, while Lt. Itami is watching the current situation on Wu Yang Hill about the updates, so far Ambassador Han is still making no response except his infamous remarks and threats to the JTF personnel, while the Fire Nation Army soldiers were mocking the Japanese and American JTF Troops for the sins of the past as well as other Nations beyond the Gate based on their Religion, ethnicity and ideology.


* Earlier * 

June 21, 2017

10:00 AM

Wu Yang Hill, Southern Earth Kingdom, Earthrealm

Insert theme:

Gate OST 08 Yokan

   Back at Wu Yang Hill, the soldiers and marine personnel of the Joint Task Force were keep monitoring the current situation as the Fire Nation is preparing for the possible counter-attack against the JTF nor a possible execution of their Prisoners if Avatar Aang and his Friends/Allies choose not to return as Ambassador Han wanted to kill a hostage alive as he was not bluffing at all.

We cut to the scene at Camp Wu Yang Hill whereas the JTF Scout Snipers and their Spotters were aiming their scopes from their Sniper Rifles and DMRs along with binoculars in case of any attacks or any Fire Nation troops who were trying to sneak behind them. While the Fire Nation soldiers on the other hand were only laughing and mocking the entire JTF despite of being technologically advanced while they have only use primitive weaponry and firearms that are copied from Earth.

As the tensions between Armies of the two worlds were currently rising, the JTF High Command are now trying their best in order to convince the Ambassador to release the hostages while they are preparing for the return of Avatar Aang as he is willing to convince Ambassador Han for the release of the Prisoners, but it seems it was very unlikely for now as the Ambassador himself is making a hateful rhetoric against the Japanese and American forces. The current JTF commander Lt.General Daisuke Suzuki along with the JTF Deputy commander Maj.General Gilbert Wilson of the USMC and other Coalition Commanders as they were overseeing the situation at the Wu Yang Hill front where the location of their own Embassy stands for almost 500 meters on their base.

LtGen. Suzuki: " We are now stuck in this situation, we do not know what the Fire Nation is currently planning. One wrong move we make against them, they will surely kill the captives from our world. " said by General Suzuki to the members of the JTF Command as one of the commanders speaks starting with Brigadier General Salazar.

BGen. Salazar: " Relatively speaking, the Fire Nation does not interested for negotiating on us. Instead they wanted Avatar Aang to return on Earthrealm and they will release all of the Hostages. But i don't think they will likely to release the hostages, especially that one of them can be deciteful. " said by Brigadier General Antonio Salazar of the Philippine Marine Corps, followed by Lieutenant General Taylor as he says.

LtGen. Taylor: " What do you mean General Salazar? " says LTGen. Taylor as the Australian General where he asks the Filipino general.

BGen. Salazar: " As you all may know, even if the Fire Nation wanted to release the hostages. It is no guarantee that they will keep them Alive even if we give up into their demands, of course they wanted to kill Aang once we give them while they will proceed to kill the hostages, i have seen this situation back when the Terrorists kills hostages after they recieve a Ransom money from a third-party group long before the Marines and members of the PNP-SAF who came to rescue them. " said by General Salazar about the similar situation when the Philippines is facing a hostage crisis in 2007.

MGen. Wilson: " You mean the beheading incident of 2007 in Basilan, am i right? " says Major General Wilson as he asks PMC BGen. Salazar if he is referring the 2007 inccident, as MGen. San Miguel of the Philippine Army says in his explaination.

MGen. San Miguel: " Yes General Wilson, that was the time when the AFP and PNP commenced their operation in Basilan, the only difference is that both of our Marines and the some of the Hostages were beheaded via execution, however their main hostage Giancarlo Bossi has managed to escaped, that is because the AFP was lacked of modern arsenal and weapons back then. When our troops launched their counter-offensive against the Abu Sayyaf, which was ordered by our AFP Chief of Staff and one of those Marines who fought there was Antonio who was a Lieutenant Colonel back then. " said by General San Miguel to General Wilson about the incident happened 10 years ago as the scene flashes back where the Filipino Marines were engaging against MILF splinter groups and Abu Sayyaf terrorists as they executed both Hostages and 14 Marines while he also mentions Salazar as a Colonel of the PMC back in 2007 as part of the Abu Sayyaf's anti-Christian sentiment, then followed by BGen. Dien Lin of the RSA says.

Flashback scene: Hundreds of Marines are disembarking on Navy ship at Lamitan Port in Basilan Island after the killing of 14 soldiers and 10 were beheaded in Bgy. Guinanta, Al-Barka on July 10, 2007. it was nearly 10 years ago.

BGen. Lin " That was very shocking General Salazar. Even me as a Singaporean wouldn't believe that the Terrorists would do a such barbaric attacks on your troops in mid-2000s. " said by Brigadier General Dien Lin of the Singapore Army to BGen. Antonio Salazar on what happened in Basilan, as the Filipino Marine commanders says.

MGen. Salazar: " Thank you for your condolences General Lin, thankfully the AFP is now currently modernizing itself thanks to the efforts of former President Noynoy Aquino and current President Oscar Hidalgo along with our Defense secretaries Voltaire T. Gazmin and Renato Hipolito. Anyways back on our topic, as you may know the Fire Nation is preparing for the return of Avatar Aang and his friends, while the JTF on the other hand is preparing for the arrival of our new reinforcements we have been requested on our governments. " said by General Salazar as he replies to General Lin for condolences along with the possible return of Aang and his comrades as well as the additional requested troops they needed for reinforcements, as he continues. " As you may know, the Philippines is willingly to send it's 86th Battalion of the 5th Infantry Division despite of the ongoing Battle of Marawi as they were on it's way, meanwhile the Singaporean government are sending it's 5th Infantry Brigade according to the Singaporean Ministry of Defence and Israel wants to send 435th "Rotem" Infantry Battalion of the 84th Givati Brigade under the Ground Forces of the IDF. " says General Salazar as he finished, while he mentions the current situation in the Philippines as the Battle of Marawi is still ongoing but rest assure for the JTF as every single JTF Commanders nodded in agreement including the Singaporean and Israeli commanders.

LtGen. Suzuki: " That's pretty good to hear General Salazar and General San Miguel, It looks like our forces were seemingly increasing as our enemies were expecting us to fight back in retalliation. " said by General Suzuki to General Salazar as he made a compliments to the Filipino General and the rest of the JTF commanders as their governments were sending it's additional troops aside from the Philippines who were sending more troops in Marawi as the Battle is getting more tense as it was shown in a cutscene.

As the JTF commanders were discussing their plans for the preparation of Aang's return, General Suzuki is planning to make a countermeasure against Ambassador Han's possible retalliation, as the JTF Earthrealm is conducting recon missions on their units including the Special Forces assault on the Weapons factory at the Fire Nation's colony as they want to prevent them from accessing any weapons even though most of their newest Firearms are being made on the Imperial capital even though they made more weapons for the IFN conscripts at the colonies.


* Present Time *

June 21, 2017

03:00 PM

Yu Dao City, Imperial Colonies, Fire Nation territory

 At the city of Yudao, one of the imperial colonies of the Fire Nation Empire, The members of the JTF Special Ops team known as the Task Force Dragons, along with the members of the White Lotus fighters both Benders and Non-benders were preparing their move for the attacks on the Fire Nation's important facilities such as Firearms factory and Labor camps which houses thousands of Earthrealmian slaves who opposes the Fire Nation both Earthbending, Firebending and non-Bending slaves though there are no Terran people from Earth were reported according to the intel, of couse this is still important for the JTF as they wanted liberate the oppressed people of Earthrealm and to prevent any possible completion of their arsenal, but little did they know is that the Fire Nation has successfully made thousands of arsenal for their Army thanks to their slave workers from both Earthrealm and Terra/Earth, of course the JTF and the White Lotus has no knowledge about this but they wanted to continue to proceed their mission on their battle against the Fire Nation, as the Japanese SFG fireteam leader says.

Scene inspired by this:

Saber: " Alright men listen up! The White Lotus will provide any fire support on us while we are demolishing this factory, as Archer will provide a sniper cover for us. While Boomer will use some of his Explosives to prevent the following Fire Nation troops as we will proceed into the Landing Zone, once we have finally finished our mission. " said by the Japanese fireteam leader Saber on his team, followed by the American fireteam leader in his own iteration.

Gunslinger: " The White Lotus Earthbenders will create a distraction as they will launch their attacks on the Factory behind them will be followed by non-benders who will open-fire with their own guns, of course with some proper training which we provided them some new weapons, it can give them an enough firepower against the Fire Nation guards who are securing the facility both Firebenders and SMG/ Assault Rifle-armed non-benders, then the Team B which is us on the other hand will launch the attacks on the Sewers and eliminating the Possible threat while planting some of the explosives and sabotage their weapons development. " said by Gunslinger as the American team captain also acknowledge their plan their attacks on the underground.

Lancer: " But the Big problem here is that the Fire Nation guards were had the advantage in this, it seems they know the whole fortress where the factory stands in. So we have to be careful and and keep an eye on our surroundings. " said by Lancer as he added that some Fire Nation guards will keep the Armory well guarded as the White Lotus deputy captain says.

Cpt. Mingze: " I can guide you in the underground facility where they keep those weapons, this won't be a problem for us since i used to be part of the Fire Nation Army back then long before i joined the White Lotus. I have known this fortress armory when the Fire Nation is firstly developing new weapons before the Return of the Avatar, so i can assist you there and give some access. " said by the White Lotus Captain who goes by the name Mingze says who is a non-Bender and former IFN Army soldier, then he was followed by his commander.

Cpt. Hong Li: " I agree with my Deputy, the area might be fortified with booby traps and guards. But you can easily take them out with your so-called Silencers and no-one can hear your gunshots in the area and you're right Saber, my Troops will create a distraction to the gateway of the Fortress in order to catch their attention and eliminate the rest of the Guards. " said by Captain Hong Li where she agrees with Saber.

Saber: " Alright, we'll follow your lead. Once we got our objectives, we will capture all of their important weanponries and destroy the whole facilities with our explosives, then we will proceed to leave with our Ostrictch-horses and Forklifts from Yu Dao, then take the guns to your base. " said by Saber to the group as everyone nods in.

Scene inspired by this:

Afterwards the team continue on their planning for the possible assault on the Yu Dao weapons plant as both Joint-Special Ops teams and the White Lotus fighters were now about to launch their potential assault on the Yu Dao armory at the nearby riverbank as everyone at the briefing room comprised of two alliances nodded to each other in agreement.



05:00 - 05:30 PM

City state of Rondel, Saderan Empire, Special Region of Falmart

Back on Falmart, the GAang along with the Falmartian Trio were finally return back to the Inn after their long hours of Magic studies from the Rondel Magic Academy, while the rest of Recon-3 were now taking a rest after they completed their daily task, but little did they knew is that the infamous trio led by Josef as he was followed by his two friends, in fact Josef and his two friends lives in a similar Inn which stands nearby the Inn at the right-side where the Team Avatar, the Falmartian trio and the Recon-3 were they staying at where they continue their mission.

Josef (thoughts): " I hope I am right, that Kuzon might the Avatar himself. " said by Josef in his mind as his two friends watching him back, then he proceeds to look at his own telescope as Bartholomew says.

Bartholomew: " Josef it's been hours, you've been watching Kuzon and his friends. I hate to break this to you, but i don't wanted get arrested by the Men-in-Green soldiers, they will accuse you as a Spy for Zorzal's Regime. " said by Bartholomew to his friend as the young Mage ignores him, while the young Mage girl dressed-up in her night-clothes.

Note: This is Emma's Night Clothes.

Emma: " He's right, i think you should stop worrying about Kuzon and focus on our studies. I don't want to get into trouble and expelled at the Academy for following Kuzon. " says Emma as she points out that they will get expelled if they keep following Kuzon at this moment while trying to warn Josef about following him.

Josef: " Relax Emma, i just wanted to know the truth and don't worry we won't get expelled just because we are trying to find out the truth and i won't let that happen, unless Kuzon tells the truth about himself. " said by Josef as he assures he will not let his friends get expelled at the Academy, but he didn't understand about what he is doing only will make a national security in jeopardy if Aang's identity will exposed.

Bartholomew: " What can we do now, it's already there and we have entered the door with no return. I hope we don't blamed for what you are doing Josef. " says Bartholomew to his friend as he remind him about their situation as he continues. " But I'm warning you, once you get caught spying by the JTF soldiers. We are not involved in what you are doing. " said by Bartholomew as he finished talking to his friend with a warning.

Afterwards, the two of Josef's friends continue their Magic studies as they read one of the books and focusing on their next lesson for Tommorrow.

 Back on the Inn where the Team Avatar and the Falmartian Trio were continuing their studies as Aang focusing on his Win magic with Tuka, while Lelei is assissting Katara with her Water Magic as the Waterbending girl teaching her back with in the latter. Zuko on the other hand is very calm as he is studying his Fire Magic with Sgt. Kuribayashi as he summons his Fire Magic runes without burning the place.

Kuribayashi: " Great work Lee, i am very impressed on your Fire Magic. Maybe one day you'll become a Fire Mage master and master Firebender. " said by Sgt. Kuribayashi to Prince Zuko/Lee as she was impressed on his Fire Magic with a mixture of Firebending as the two fought in a hand-to-hand combat.

Lee (Zuko): " Thank you Sergeant Kuribayashi, i appreciate your compliments on me. I never expect that someone like you would be my sparring partner. " says Zuko/Lee as he thanked Sgt. Kuribayashi for becoming his sparring partner for the past few days ever since he admitted into the Academy.

Kuribayashi: " Don't mention it Lee. I'm just doing my duty as a Soldier and as a protector of the Team Avatar, once we've done here, we will help Aang to liberate Earthrealm after we return from Tokyo. " says Sgt. Kuribayashi as she replies back to Prince Zuko.

Afterwards cut the scene back to Aang as he is focusing on how to channel his Spiritual energy to harness the Wind Magic along with his Airbending abilities as Katara, Lelei, Tuka and Rory were impressed while Toph smirks in happiness as the young Avatar is becoming an Elemental Mages as Pvt. Alvarez, Pvt. Ramirez and Cpl. Santos were all watching them becoming a skilled magic users.

Tuka: " Great work Kuzon or should i say Aang, i'm glad that you are now learning how to use Wind Magic. Even me as an Elf of the Koan forest amazed on your skills both as a Mage and as an Airbender. You are indeed the Avatar who destinied to save your world against Tyranny. " says Tuka as she speaks to Aang about his skills as both Airbender and Wind Mage who serves as an Avatar.

Kuzon (Aang): " Thank you Miss Tuka, i am happy that someone like you is helping me how to use and cast Magic which can help me learn how Magic truly works in this world. " said by Aang as he speaks to Tuka as the Teenage Elf appreciates his skills.

Tuka: " You welcome Aang, I am very happy that your skills are now improving and you are learning deeply at the Academy. Maybe someday, you will formally master your Avatar state. " says Tuka as she replies back to Aang/Kuzon, hoping that he will master his Avatar state one day as the young Avatar says.

Kuzon (Aang): " It will and i will formally unlock my Avatar state someday, if this will be the key to master my abillity as an Avatar. I will do it along with my strength to defeat Firelord Ozai. " said by Aang as she replies to Tuka as the Elf smiles back and nods.

As the GAang, the Falmartian and the Recon-3 were taking practicing their magic skills on their rooms, at the Hotel's lounge outside of their Rooms, 1Lt. Youji Itami was having a conversation with Sgt. Tomita, Sgt. Kurokawa, MSgt. Marcus Griggs, SSgt. Paul Jackson, Pvt. Ling and MSgt. Alex Bautista along with Sgt. Foley and Sgt. Derek Westbrook as they were having a discussion about their situation, especially that they have atleast 2 Weeks left before they return to Earthrealm as the Japanese lieutenant confidently speaks without any worries.

Itami: " Looks like Aang is improving at each day when he learns something new. " said by Lt. Itami as he talks to his colleagues, followed by Sgt. Tomita as he speaks to his commander.

Tomita: " Captain, how long when we will keep Aang and his friends here at Falmart. The self-proclaimed Ambassador of the Fire Nation is giving us an ultimatum to return the Avatar. I know that we need to help them to fight against the Fire Nation, but we have to end the War as soon as Possible. " said by Sgt. Tomita to Lt. Itami as they need to return back to Earthrealm as soon as possible, but Lt. Itami says.

Itami: " Relax Tomita, we don't need to get rush going back on Earthrealm and finish our mission. Of course we are worrying about our fellow Terran people who've been taken as a hostage. We have a plan save them all before they try to lay their fingers on Aang. " said by Lt. Itami to Sgt. Tomita as everyone caught their attention about his plan to save the hotages, as MSgt. Marcus Griggs says.

Griggs: " What is your plan Lt. Itami? " says MSgt. Griggs as he speaks to Lt. Itami as the Japanese officer replies.

Itami: " We're going to create a distraction to Ambassador Han, by pretending to the Fire Nation officials that me and Aang will formally surrender to him. " said by Lt. Itami as he and Aang will pretend to surrender as MSgt. Bautista says in his shock.

Bautista: " Was that a Perfidy Lieutenant Itami? you know that's a War Crime, right?! " said by MSgt. Bautista as everyone around Lt. Itami were shocked as Sgt. Kurokawa says.

Kurokawa: " Are you sure about that Captain? Faking a surrender to an Enemy, will only call you a War Criminal, especially to Ambassador Han when he accuses our country of War Crimes. " said by Sgt. Kurokawa as she speaks to her Captain in concern about their Nation being a War Crime denier in WW2 as their top-ranking Politicians were honoring their War Criminals as Heroes in the Yasukuni Shrine, while neo-Nazis are denying the Holocaust and wishing for the return of Nazi Germany.

Itami: " Well it's not a War Crime when we are not on Earth, but all seriousness we are very aware the fact that Japan did something wrong back in the Pacific War, America did wrong in Vietnam. But we all learned that lesson as we should never repeat the same mistake again. However, we will only use this as an Advantage to rescue the hostages, while Rory will shield me and Aang if the Fire Nation tries to fight back. " said by Lt. Itami as he made a clear clarification, as he continues. " Besides, the Fire Nation is far worse than the Empire of Japan, Nazi Germany, Soviet Union and the Confederate States, they can be deceitful because they have no plan to release some of the Hostages and accuse us all of killing our own people, then calling us a War Criminals back in our world. We don't want to repeat the situation in Germany back in 1972 where the Terrorists executed the Israeli Hostages because of the Journalists who were trying to get some scoop on the situation. " says Lt. Itami as he made an another explaination as he mentions that the Fire Nation can be deceiving, then SSgt. Jackson says.

Jackson: " Even you if you were right Lieutenant, how can we save most of the Hostages at the Fire Nation Embassy? " says SSgt. Jackson as he asks Lt. Itami, as the Japanese officer replies.

Itami: " We'll need some help from our Earthbending friends like Toph and Haru along with some White Lotus members for their assistance by digging underground to create a makeshift tunnel which can help us to sneak behind the Embassy and once we created a makeshift tunnel in the underground, we will use this as an advantage to rescue the hostages and kill all of the guards who were holding the hostages. " said by Lt. Itami to Ssgt. Jackson and everyone as they seemingly understood what will be his plan, then afterwards he made a sketch about his planned rescue mission for the Hostages without being noticed by the enemies as he himself will be used as a bait in order to assist Aang freeing the Hostages.

As the Falamartian trio and Sgt. Kuribayashi were busy helping the young Benders to become the very best Elemental mages of both Worlds, Lt. Itami is already devising a new plan to free the captives in order to bring them back on Earth as the time is now running out, their plan is to return in July 1st. This will be set one month before August 5 of 2017, the arrival of the Sozin's Comet on Earthrealm.

However, unbeknown for the Recon-3, the Falmartian trio and the GAang..... Josef is watching them silently as he tries to listen to their conversation as the scene cuts to the young mage who is looking on his own Spyglass scope and Ear trumpet.


06:00 PM

Bathouse, Hotel Inn, City state of Rondel, Saderan Empire, Special Region of Falmart

 After a long hours of their daily practice routine at the Inn, Katara along with Tuka and Lelei went into the Bathouse room as the three girls were taking a bath at their Inn, they were very happy that the Inn where they stayed did somehow have a simple bathing-house, which also allows them to take a bath in order to refresh themselves, outside of the Bath-house is Sgt. Kuribayashi and Pvt. Ling who were providing security for them in order not to be disturbed and to get sneaked by one of the Attackers.

Tuka: " Hey Katara, what are your plans after the war on Earthrealm? " says Tuka as she asks her waterbending friend as Katara smiles and then she replies.

Katara: " Well Tuka, i will start my own studies as i will enter on High School as a Student and to continue my Waterbending practice along with my Magic practice on Hydrokinesis in order to understand the Water manipulation magic. " said by Katara as she replies to Tuka as she wanted to enter Highschool as a normal student and also to continue her studies as a Waterbender and Watermage at the same time, then afterwards Lelei says.

Lelei: " I'm very Happy for you Katara, i hope you will succeed on your dream to become a successful Waterbender, Water-mage and a top student on Earth as well. " says Lelei as she was very happy for her.

Katara: " Thank you, i'm also hoping you Lelei to become the best Archmage grandmaster on Falmart. I know you are a very talented mage that i know and you'll make your Mother very proud of it. " said by Katara as she replies to Lelei, as the young Mage replies.

Lelei: " You welcome Katara, I am very happy to meet you on Earthrealm and i'm very honored to become your first Waterbending student from the outside of Earthrealm as well as to becoming your friend. " said by Lelei as she replies to Katara as she was very happy to become her Waterbending student and first friend from Falmart, then Tuka speaks.

Tuka: " Once the War on Earthrealm was finally over, can we get on a tour on your world inclunding on the Southern Water Tribe? " says Tuka as she talks to Katara about travelling on Earthrealm and beyond, including on her tribe on the South Pole.

Katara: " Sure Tuka, everyone on my tribe will be happy to Welcome you all, including the members of the Recon-3, i'm sure that Gran-gran will be happy to meet you all and i have a chance, maybe i will teach you Waterbending as well. " said by Katara as she smiles and replies back to Tuka as her Elven friend smiles back.

Afterwards the girls were laughed as they continue their chit-chat while they were bathing together, seems that Katara was very happy that she is regaining her smile (atleast for now), though she remembers on what happened to her mother and reminiscing her as the young Waterbending girl from the Southern Water Tribe is waiting for her chance to get the perpetrator of her Mother's death to be put into Justice and punish him once and for all.


* Next Day * 


June 22, 2017

08:30 to 10:00 AM

Classroom 1, Rondel Magic Academy, City state of Rondel, Special Region of Falmart

 In the following morning, it's Thursday and a class is starting. This time, it's Lelei will be their substitute teacher as she will become their Guide to the Worlds beyond the Gate. Indeed, aside from the Earthrealmian studies by Lelei which she succeeded as a Master mage and Historian, she also showcase her studies about her Terran culture and Historical studies which she will also featured on her own class.

Lelei: " Today class, I will become as your substitute Teacher, where i will teaching you about the culture and history from planet where the JTF came from which they called Earth also known as Terran Culture. " says Lelei as she announced that she will teach some of the cultures that are known to Earth.

Male Mage student #1: " What kind of culture that the Terrans do they have Miss Lelei? does it includes Japanese, American and European ones? " said by the male student as he rais his own had asking Lelei as the young Mage says.

Lelei: " Yes, that includes Japanese, American and European ones especially from Britain and France, along with the cultures that has been existed from the time of the Romans and Greeks, the direct ancestors of our people here in Falmart. " said by Lelei as she answered the question from the first student, then follwoed by a question from a female student as she asks her question by raising her hand.

Female Mage student #1: " Does the Terran people of Earth have many cultures aside from Japanese, American and European? how did it reflect their culture to our own? " said by the female mage student as she asks Lelei, then the young mage answers.

Lelei: " Planet Earth or Terra has the most diverse cultures aside from Japanese, American and European ones, in fact there are cultures that shares similarities to our own. From clothing, food, arts, music and many more. " says Lelei as she answered the question from the young Female mage student.

Afterwards, Lelei starts lecturing her students as she features the early History of Earth in both prehistory and later it's dawn of Civilization. Among those students who are learning about Earth's culture was the three members of the Team Avatar consisting of Aang/Kuzon, Katara and Zuko/Lee alongside with other students like Richard, Jerico, Clarisse and Nala as they learn something new. Meanwhile the infamous trio Josef, Bartholomew and Emma were listening at Lelei's lecture as they learn something new about Earth as they were not studying about Magic and Alchemy at the class, Miss Mimoza was sitting behind the class as she listens to Lelei's lectures.

For almost Five minutes later, Lelei gives an example about Earth's origins as she show the origins of the planet itself as she explain the origins of their universe through Big Bang and surprisingly the Gods of Falmart didn't intervene. 

Lelei: " For almost 13 Billion years ago, their world begins in a so-called Big-Bang which created Millions of Galaxies including Andromeda and Milky Way. On the latter, their star system known as Solar System or Sol has been formed, which also Eight planetoids began to afloat in the vacuum of space and orbits on its star known as the Sun, the third of farthest from that star known as Earth. " said by Lelei as she explains the origins of their universe through Big Bang as everyone at the class were amazed on Lelei's explaination about the origins of their universe, then Richard the young Air mage asks afterwards.

Insert scene:

Origins of the Universe 101 | National Geographic

Richard: " So that is the origins of planet Earth miss Lelei right? What happens next? " said by Richard as he asks Lelei aout what happens next, as the young master says.

Lelei: " As you may know, Earth become the only planet that is able to support life, though more complex life would not come until 500 million years later. Many species have been appeared on that planet from Bacteria to Aquatic creatures before they evolved into Fishes and Mollusks. " said by Lelei as she shows one of the early life-forms appeared on Earth through her projection screen from her Laptop computer as she was assisted by Sgt. Westbrook and Pvt. James Ramirez who wereboth members of the US Army and JTF Recon Team 3. Afterwards, Lelei continues to speak as she says. " For almost 251 million years later, a giant Reptilian creatures appeared known as the Dinosaurs which became the dominant species of Earth, they came in different varieties and sized, scientists called them as the great Reptiles, unfortunately their time has come as the creatures were driven into extinction by the giant Asteroid that hit on Earth that has a 6 miles or 10 and 15 kilometers wide, but the velocity of its collision caused the creation of a much larger crater, 150 kilometres in diameter. " said by Lelei as she explain the magnificent creatures on Earth that are known as Dinosaurs, this includes the famous Tyrannosaurus Rex, Pteradactyls and the Triceratops (which surprisingly the creature itself was seemingly related to the Komodo Rhinos from Earthrealm and scientists from Earth are currently studying the creature itself at the Laboratory on how did an Earth-Dinosaur were transferred to Earthrealm).

Insert scene:

The Whole History of the Earth and Life 【Finished Edition】

PS: Pls ignore the Future of Earth and skip it instead.

Dinosaurs. From the First to the Last Day Of Life 4K - ReYOUniverse

Lelei: " Look at the magnificent creatures that once existed on their planet, the Dinosaurs are the gigantic reptillian beasts that are considered as the close relatives of our Dragons here in Falmart, though some of them exist in land as one of the dominant creatures. One of the famous Dinosaurs that once lived on Earth was the Tyrannosaurus-Rex, which unfortunately died out in 65 million years BC, when an Asteroid hits on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, that phenomenon was known as the Chicxulub impact. Ancient historians of Earth called that phenomenon after they discovered the known crater in Mexico in the year 1970 by Glen Penfield a geophysicist from America. " said by Lelei as she explains the magnificent creatures known as the Dinosaurs which sadly they went extinct after the Gigantic asteroid hit on Earth, which is located in Mexico.

The three members of the Team Avatar were also shocked that one of the Ceratopsian dinosaur from their world the Komodo Rhino and some of the extinct creatures were also resembles to the Dragons but not even close. After learning about the existence of Dinosaurs, some of the students write their learnings on their Notepads, while others on their own Notebooks that are provided by the JTF for their own studies, afterwards Lelei proceeds to teach the students the following events after the death of the Dinosaurs starting with the Age of Mammals as she shows the surviving creatures after 65 million years by showing the clips from the episode of Walking with Beasts along with the episode of Ice Age where the magnificent Mammals like Sabretooth cats, Woolly Rhinos, prehistoric people and more, then she proceeds to the history of Humanity at the Cradle of Humanity in Africa which she also stated that the first humans evolved from the seperate species of Primates as it was shown in her projection screen, afterwards she later introduce one of the Humanity's first civilization on Earth which started on Mesopotamia which was located in Middle East as she speaks. 

Lelei: " As you can see, the Humans of Earth started their civilization in the Middle East located in the modern day Iraq known as Mesopotamia, It is said by the modern historians as a The Fertile Crescent because of the soil bedded with rich Silt, which is proved to be necessary used as a nutrients to establish agricultural communities. " said by Lelei as she teaches one of the Humanity's humble origins.

Everyone at the room were very amazed and looked for more about Earth's origins and history as Lelei keeps teaching in front of her class from the civilizations started in Egypt when its people build their gigantic structures known to mankind as the Great Pyramids, then afterwards to the founding of Western Civilization in Europe starting with Ancient Greeks and later Ancient Romans, the so-called Exodus of the Ancient Israelites which was the ancestors of the Modern Jews who are descendend from Abraham, then the founding of the largest religion of Earth known as Christianity where she tells about the story of Jesus Christ the son of God, then followed by a man from Arabia who goes by the name Mohammed who founded the Religion of Islam which is another Abrahamic religion as stated that he was given a message by God to teach his people in Middle East and later it became the second largest Religion on Earth, In the following years the two religions clashed in a crusades along with by the three other Holy crusades, which will last until 1271. Then Lelei teaches more about the Age of Exploration in Europe where a Portuguese man named Fernão de Magalhães (anglicized as "Magellan"), who instigated and organized the first circumnavigation of the globe from 1519 to 1522 where he started an expedition in the name of the Spanish Empire and Christianize the natives. During his 3 years of expedition on the Pacific, he discovered the route to Asia by travelling from West to East, unfortunately he died in the Battle of Mactan in the Island of Cebu in the Philippines, but despite of his own death in 1521, Magellan somehow succeeded to proved that the World is a Round spheroid and this began the colonization of Asia, while in Japan the country where the Japanese soldiers of the Joint Task Force were originated has been fighting in a long period of Civil War known as Sengoku Jidai. 

Not to mention, the Renaissance era in Europe following the end of the Middle Ages, where cultures became boom and expanded which give birth to classic arts, also gave fame to the artists that everyone on Earth known today like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, Sandro Botticelli, Filippo Brunelleschi, Caravaggio, Titian, Jan van Eyck, Donato Bramante, Masaccio, Lorenzo Ghiberti and many many more.

Insert scene:

Ancient Egypt 101 | National Geographic

How Did Ancient Greece Begin?

Ancient Greece 101 | National Geographic

Ancient Rome 101 | National Geographic

The five major world religions - John Bellaimey

The Crusades - Pilgrimage or Holy War?: Crash Course World History #15

Columbus, Vasco da Gama, and Zheng He - 15th Century Mariners: Crash Course World History #21

Ferdinand Magellan - First Circumnavigation of the Earth | Simple History

The Sengoku Era

Top Renaissance Artists Explained

After a long brief of History lesson with Lelei. The time is now 10:00 AM and the whole class proceed to their Magic lessons with Tuka as her assistant as they will teach something that similar to Magic without casting any spells and that is bending, of course Kuzon/Aang, Katara and Lee/Zuko will play they don't know about it in order to prevent anyone knows about them, as Lelei starts to share her own knowledge about Bending, as she starts to bend Water without using her Mana to manipulate a water itself, then she proceeds to turn it into an Ice, then turns it back into Water. Afterwards she was followed by Tuka as she didn't even cast her own spell and simply use her Air manipulation abilities without activating her Magic spell as Lelei explain that Tuka despite being an Elf who are capable of casting Magic, she can actually bend Air. Many students couldn't believe this, but some are don't though Lelei explains that Bending is not a Magic but a sacred art from the people of Earthrealm, a land similar to their world who are able to manipulate elements without casting any Magic spells, it is a combination of Martial Arts and Magic without any spells, she explains that Bending Arts is part of the Earthrealmian culture, as one of the students asks.

Female Mage student #2: " What is Earthrealm? " says the student as she is asking Lelei, as the young Mage replied.

Lelei: " This is a good question, Earthrealm is a land similar to Earth located on the second Gate on the prefectural city of Osaka which is in Japan on planet Earth, a world similar to Earth but their Culture more Asiatic compared to Earth. However, the world is filled currently at War. Thankfully the JTF sends their forces in order to prevent the invaders to attack Japan and possibly in our world as well. " said by Lelei as she answered her question, then the scene switches to the current stand-off between the JTF personnel against the Fire Nation Empire in it's might. Then another student asks her again as he asks.

Male Mage student #2: " Is Bending arts are same as normal Magic? " said by the another Male student as he is asking Lelei as she replies.

Lelei: " Bending Arts referred as Bending is an Ability akin to Magic, which allows users to manipulate any certain Elements such as Water, Earth, Fire and Wind, all of the Elements i mentioned were each being manipulated through certain martial art styles that are reminiscent of the qualities of the element itself. Through the motions of one's hands and feet, but certain benders are able to effectively manipulate their element with only minimal movement of their body, such as by using just their head or torso. However bending is not really considered a form of Magic but rather as a Sacred art and Martial Arts. " said by Lelei as she explains what is Bending, as the scene cuts to Waterbenders doing water-manipulation techniques, followed by Earthbenders who were kicking his feet on the ground creating 3 large boulders as he proceeds to kick it towards to the IFN soldiers with guns, followed by a Firebender as he blast flames on Earth Kingdomite soldiers (both Earthbending and non-bending) and lastly an Air Nomad monk from the past as he using his Airbending abilities as he creates a ball of wind, then moments later the whole class write anything about Bending arts on their notepads as Lelei shows what are different types of Bending as the young Mage shows it on her projection screen and because of this, many students learned about Bending and some of them interested how to learn it.

Male Mage student #3: " What are the types of Bending arts, are they similar to Magic in our world? " said by the third Male student mage as Lelei replies back.

Lelei: " On Earthrealm, each of these Elements are associated with their particular nation in their own world; we're going to start with the Water Tribes corresponds with waterbending as part of their main Element: Water; the Earth Kingdom with their Earthbending a nation where they able to manipulate any Earth-based elements such as Rocks, stones and soil; the Fire Nation corresponds with firebending as their people can manipulate Fire elements though rarely some of them can able to manipulate Lightning through regeneration; and lastly the Air Nomads with airbending which serves as a symbol of Peace, Freedom and Pacifism. " said by Lelei as she explain what are the four types of Bending based on their perspective elements. 

Afterwards, many students at the Classroom 1 at the Magic Academy learned about anything on Earthrealm and it's unique magic system known as Bending as many students were interested to learn about it, if they were allowed to visit Earthrealm to learn about it's culture.

As of 02:00 PM, the class is finally over and everyone packed their things as they prepare to leave the class, Lelei also remind one of her students that they will study the history of Asia after their Alchemy class with miss Arpeggio. Everyone says their " See you Tommorow! " to each other, including Katara as she waves to her friends Nala and Clarisse, while the trio Josef, Bartholomew and Emma left the room, but they keep their vigilance and followed Kuzon/Aang and his friends along with the Recon-3 as they leave at the Academy and went back to the Hotell Inn, but Josef and his friends keep following them as Toph sense something.



08:30 AM

June 23, 2017

After a long period of studies yesterday. Today is Friday it is another day has come at the Magic Academy where the students are now being taught by miss Arpeggio who will be their Teacher for Alchemy studies, some of the students including the three members of the Team Avatar were all present. The young student Alchemist was seemingly confident that she will teach her students as their new Alchemy teacher, just how she teach her apprentice Richard, though the young mage prefers to learn Air Magic than alchemy.

The scene cuts to Aang where he uses Alchemy stone to test his ability for the first time. He activates the stone and summon the Air inside of it as the Wind Element seal appears underneath it, then he proceeds to use it to create a small Whirlwind from his Wind stone, meanwhile Josef is watching him in suspicion.

Richard: " That was so amazing Kuzon! the more you learn about Alchemy, the more you become good at it. " says Richard as he compliments Aang, as the young Airbender replies.

Kuzon (Aang): " Thank you Richard, i am very happy that some appreciates my skills as a Magic user for the first time. " said by Kuzon/Aang as he replies to Richard as the young Mage smiles back.

We cut to the scene at Katara as she tries to understand how Magic stone works where she uses the stone and suddenly a Water Element seal appears on the stone, then afterwards she use the stone to summon the Water inside of it but it only summoned a clouds, creating an Artificial rain and thankfully Katara threw the stone to the window after she uses the stone.

Nala: " Wow Katara, it seems you have summoned the Rain Clouds with the use of the Water Stone. That was so amazing, NYA! " says Nala Mittens as she compliments and amazed on Katara's use of Water stones as she tries to become an Alchemy for the first time.

Katara: " Thank you Nala, i am very glad that i have use the stone quickly before the whole room get wet on the raid. " said by Katara as she replies back to Nala after she used her stone, then followed by Clarisse as she says.

Clarisse: " If you keep practicing harder Katara maybe one day, you'll get used to it and of course you will definitely becoming a great Water Mage as you keep studying more in this academy. " said by Clarisse as she encouragesKatara to study harder and use her abilities for good as Katara nods in.

Meanwhile we switch to the scene at Lee/Zuko as he uses his Fire Stone as he creates a Flame Element seal as the inside of the stone creates a Red flames on his own hands, then he proceeds to use his own Fire Magic to manipulate it and control the flames as the Firebending Prince of the Fire Nation creates a Fire Aura in his body without being burned just like how he use his Firebending abilities, this creates a suspicion on Josef as he saw the Prince using his skills to create flames from his alchemy stone, them moments later it disappeared, many students around him were clapped along with Aang. Tuka, Lelei and Recon-3 who were guarding them, but Katara only glared on Zuko instead.

Arpeggio: " You did a great job Lee, keep practicing and you will learn how to use Thunder stone one day. " said by miss Arpeggio to Lee/Zuko as the young Prince of the Fire Nation replies.

Lee (Zuko): " Thank you Miss Arpeggio, i'm glad that i didn't burn the classroom. Other than that, i have managed to summon flames with the use of my Stone you give me. " said by Lee/Zuko as he replies to Arpeggio as the Apprentice-teacher nodded with a smile, then Jerico and Richard approaches on him as he says.

Jerico: " For the first time you are able to summon your Flames with the use of Flame stone and miss Arpeggio is right, you have a potential to use Lightning magic and Lightning alchemy if you excell. " said by Jerico as he speaks to Lee/Zuko.

Lee (Zuko): " I'm glad someone like you and Richard are complimenting my capability as a Mage. Once i learn more about Fire Magic, i will use it help my people. " said by Lee/Zuko as he replies to Jerico as the young mage happily nods to Zuko.

Afterwards, the whole class continue their Alchemy lessons as they use their Elemental stones to create a desired Elemental powers without the use of Magic, everyone was glad that that any students can learn both Magic and Alchemy, even Benders (though not into extent for now). Meanwhile Josef and his friends were focusing on their Alchemy studies as he is competing with Kuzon/Aang, of course he wanted to know how he really was and he wanted to speak to him soon.

As the Class were now coming to close as Miss Arpeggio told her students to prepare for their Magic Lessons within next Three days (which is on Monday), everyone packs their things and leave the classroom. However Josef along with his friends approaches and speaks to Kuzon/Aang as he asks for something, the Avatar and his friends were shocked on what he is going to say.

Josef: " Kuzon, can I talk to you? Let's meet at the Roof-tops of the Magic Academy, you and your Friends, including Richard, Jerico, Nala and Clarisse. Me and my friends want to know you immediately. " said by Josef as he talks to Aang and smirks, seemingly he has a something planned as his friends saw him doing it, after realizing he has been watching and listening them for almost Five nights in a row.

Kuzon (Aang): " Why do you want to talk to me Josef? what do you want from me? " says Kuzon/Aang as he asks Josef, as the Fire Mage replies.

Josef: " I just wanted to know if you are interested to meet us all, i know there's something in you and your friends ever since you three arrived in the Academy. " said by Josef as he replies to Kuzon/Aang and wanted to talk to him personally.

Kuzon (Aang): " Alright Josef, i'm going to talk to you on the roof. " says Kuzon/Aang as he replies to Josef.

Josef: " That's great Kuzon, we'll meet up on the Rooftop within two hours later. You can also bring you JTF Friends there as well. " said by Josef as he replies with Kuzon/Aang as he and his friends leaves the Classroom.

As the infamous trio left the Classroom, Aang was puzzled on why is Josef is interested to talk with him along with his friends, he even invite their classmates Richard, Jerico, Clarisse and Nala as well including their friends the JTF and the Falmartian trio as well as their teacher Arpeggio. Moments later, Lt. Itami along with the rest of Recon-3, Rory and Toph walks behind Aang as he says.

Itami: " It seems that one of your Classmate wanted a serious talk to you " Kuzon ". Especially that Fire Mage, is he interested to make friends with you? " said by Lt. Itami as he speaks to Aang/Kuzon as the young Avatar speaks.

Kuzon (Aang): " I have encountered a similar scenario back on the School when i enrolled, someone is suspecting me of being a spy but i am not one of those. " said by Kuzon/Aang as he replies to Lt. Itami as the young Avatar remembers the time when he enrolled on the Fire Nation school, then afterwards Sgt. Tomita says.

Tomita: " I really felt about that " Kuzon ". Someone is going to suspect you, but don't worry, as long as you are under our protection, we will protect you no matter what. " said by Sgt. Tomita to Kuzon/Aang as he will guarantee his safety, as Katara speaks.

Katara: " Relax Kuzon, I'm sure they won't do anything to harm on us. " said by Katara as she speaks to Aang, then she looks to Nala and Clarisse as she says. " Are you going with us? I really don't know about Josef and his two friends, but you two does. " says Katara as she talks to the two.

Clarisse: " Yes Katara, i know Josef is one of the best Student Mage in the class along with Richard and Jerico. He is an aspiring Mage but he has a disdain on the Empire because of what they did to his hometown. " said by Clarisse to Katara about Josef, as she continues. " He is currently rivalled to Richard as one of the top class students of Miss Mimoza. " says Clarisse as she finished her explaination to Katara, then followed by Nala as she said.

Nala: " Clarisse is right Katara, Nya! Josef is also friends with Bartholomew and Emma two of then were also skilled Mages on the class, But don't worry, because they are good students at the Academy and friends, even though that Josef is just suspicious. " said by Nala as she speaks to Katara as the yound Avatar says.

Kuzon (Aang): " If that is what he want, then we have to meet him at the Rooftops. I don't know what does he wanted, but we need to find it out " said by Kuzon/Aang as he prepares to talk with Josef.

Toph: " Twinkletoes is right, i really sense that they have been following us since we enter the Academy. " said by Toph to Kuzon/Aang as Lee/Zuko shocked on what the Earthbender says.

Lee (Zuko): " Wait, you know this all along? " says Lee/Zuko as he asks Toph after this sudden discovery as the prince along with Katara and Aang were shocked about it.

Toph: " Yeah Sparky, but i choose not to because i am sure they were not a threat. " sais by Toph to Lee/Zuko as Rory only chuckles in her giggle, know that she sense the Infamous trio ever since Josef and his friends were following them, though they don't know that Toph already sense them all thanks to the Seismic senses from her Earthbending, as Sgt. Westbrook says. 

Westbrook: " It doesen't matter now. All we need to do, is face him and ask him why does he know our friends. " said by Frost to the Earthrealmian kids as is now preparing to face Josef, then Arpeggio joins in as she says.

Arpeggio: " Frost is right, we need to go to Josef on the Rooftops and ask why he wants to know everything about Kuzon. " said by Arpeggio as she need to talk to her student directly at the Academy's rooftops, as Lt. Itami says.

Itami: " Then what are you waiting for? Come on and we must talk to him. " says Lt. Itami as he tells everyone to come with them as he walks straight to the Hallways of the Magic Academy.

Afterwards, everyone including Richard, Jerico, Clarisse, Nala, Arpeggio, Lelei, Tuka, along with Lt. Itami and the rest of the Recon 3 standing behind the Team Avatar will have a serious talk to Josef and two of his friends at the Rooftop of th Academy.

Then the scene went dark, ending the chapter.


Note: The Alchemy they uses is based on the GATE anime and Full Metal Alchemist.



Avatar the Last Airbender II ANIME OPENING (fanmade) | VIP by Sid.

Next time: Ozai's Visit

Firelord Ozai will makes his own historic visit on the Nemeria the land beyond Earthrealm and then proceeds his visits to Wu Yang Hill, what will be the world's reaction to the visit of Fire Nation's leader on the holiest sites on Earthrealm and how will they react on his Hateful remarks against the people of Earth, especially on Japan and the United States? Find it out.




01:00 PM


Rondel Magic Academy, City state of Rondel, Special Region of Falmart 

After two hours of waiting, the scene switches to the Team Avatar, the Recon-3, Clarisse, Nala, Jerico, Richard and miss Arpeggio standing in from of the Infamous trio as Josef smiles with a smirk in his face as he is facing the young Avatar. For him, a young Mage there will be no more lies, as he faces the young Avatar in front of him atleast in his own perspective.

Josef: " Thank you for coming, Kuzon..... I've been expecting you. " says Josef as he meets Kuzon/Aang and everyone at the rooftops.

Kuzon (Aang): " Why did you send me here Josef? " said by Kuzon/Aang as he asks Josef on why decides to send him along with his friends on the Rooftops, as the Fire Mage says.

Josef: " I'm not going to say anything at the Class, just tell me the truth. Are you the Avatar? " said by Josef as he asks Kuzon/Aang in his serious tone, stating is he the Avatar. Afterwards, everyone behind him the Recon-3, the Falmartian trio and the Team Avatar along with their classmates were shocked on what he said as the young Avatar closes his eyes and thinking on what he is going to say.

On what Josef says, everyone was dumbfounded when how did he find out that Kuzon is the Avatar?

Then the scene ends in Black.


The reason why i am doing this is because of Change of schedule, i have decided to write and finish the unfinished chapter of my story, apologies for not being active on Wattpad and i really hate when i am doing this. Also i like to add some elements from AI art as a reference, if someone who is an AI artist who would like to create a scene at the Battle of Wu Yang Hill, just ask me and i really love to see a battle between Terrans and Earthrealmians after the invasion of Umeda.

Anyways see you next chapter!

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