Special Chapter: Reactions

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Note: This is not a Chapter update but rather a Special chapter for the people on Earth on how they react on what happened in both events of the Senate Hearing at the National Diet Building where the past Avatars showed what happened during the 100-year War and Earth's History that has been denied by many nations as it was distored it, the similar thing that the Fire Nation has done during the Air Nomad Genocide, this also includes the Rhethorics of Ambassador Han against Japan and the United States on Wu Yang Hill during the events of the Diet meeting.

This will also includes the highlight events of the Attacks on the National Diet Building on how the world reacted when ISIS attacked Japan for the first time and massacred many people there and the hateful rhetorics of Ambassador Han after showing the 13 Hostages where he ordered to execute one of them in front of the JTF Command.

This Special Chapter is also a response to Bongbong Marcos' presidency and Historical Revisionism as well as Ottoman apologism, Hamas apologism/Denial of 10/7 terror attacks on Israel, Communist apologism in Russia and China, Neo-Nazi Holocaust Denial/Apologism and Japanese Historical Negationism as well as the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, if you are a Marcos Loyalist and a Duterte Supporter, feel free to leave this story. BECAUSE I DON'T WANT YOU HERE!






" Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. "

- George Santayana 


June 15-17, 2017

Present Day

After seeing on what events happened on the National Diet Building as the former AVatars appeared on their spirit form or Astral projections, They presented the historical events that happened years ago starting from the rise of Human civilizations in Mesopotamia to build-up of Empires from Akkadia to Rome, then Colonizations happened as they showed the atrocious events that the European colonizers have done in Americas to Asia, following is the First World War when the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by the Black Hand member Gavrilo Princip the man who destroyed Europe entirely to Vladimir Lenin who started the Communist Revolution in Russia which get to the point that he ordered himself to kill the Imperial Russian Family which made the Russian people angry against the former Soviet regime to Japan's atrocities before and during the World War which made the Right-wing groups angry and point their hate to Avatar Aang who were all in-denial on what former Empire of Japan has done, but the most depressing part that the people has saw is the genocide of 6 million Jews along with other Ethnic groups in the systematic genocide known as the Holocaust, unfortunately the deniers of the said Genocide denounced by the Holocaust Deniers themselves, this as they will keep insisting that it was an elaborate Hoax when in reality it's not!

People around the world were in shocked on what they watched on both Live News on their TVs, on gigantic jumbotrons and Livestreams on the internet from Phones to their Computers, even on the citizens of Authoritarian states were also watched the events happened on Tokyo and then there goes the Deniers who denies the truth that has spoken.

To add an insult to their injury, a hateful rhetoric made by Ambassador Han of the Fire Nation spoke against Japan and the United States for their crimes they did in the past as it was simply ignored or denied by their people has been exposed, all thanks to the American Historian named Jonathan Larson.



At Twitter, many users typing their Tweets based on their perspective and opinions on what happened yesterday, seems that they were very shocked on what happened. Among those users was a Grandson of an actual Japanese War criminal as he Tweeted.

Japanese Twitter user: " As a grandson of an Imperial Japanese Army soldier, my Grandfather is not a War Criminal! He liberated Asia against the West and he helped many people, he fought with honor against the Americans in Iwo Jima and yet, you call him a War Criminal? SHAME ON YOU AVATAR! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL HIM A WAR CRIMINAL!

#MyGrandfatherIsNotAWarCRIMINAL! #TheAvatarIsWRONG! " said by the Japanese user on his twitter account denying the crimes of his Grandfather, little he know that his Grandfather is one of the Rapists in Nanjing, he even shot & killed one of the Filipino and American soldiers in Bataan and later killed one of the Medics and wounded US Marines in Iwo Jima, while showing the portrait of his Grandfather which he was honoring him at the Yasukuni Shrine. But his tweet was meet with hateful replies/retweets from angry users even some Japanese who were enlightened by the words of the former Avatars as well.

Then a WW2 historian from US retweeted in response to the Japanese Right-winger.

American WW2 Historian Twitter user: " Neo-Nazis deny the Holocaust of Jews but supports their Genocide, while the Japanese right-wingers denying their country's War Crimes but they are honoring their War Criminals in the Yasukuni Shrine as Heroes, this shows how Hypocrites they are! The only solution to end this such Historical revisionism and negationism is to re-educate the people of Europe, especially in Germany and also Japan as well to face darkest parts of their History before it's too late. 

#TheAvatarIsRIGHT! #AmbassadorHanIsRIGHT! #EndHistoricalRevisionism! " said by the American WW2 Historian on his twitter account, expressing his disappointment on former Nazi Germany, Imperial Japanese and other former AXIS War Crime denials re-written by the losers of the War.

Then we cut to a scene where a Twitter who is also an American Historian pointed out why Japan become an Ultranationalistic and Militaristic state during the 1930-1940's, this was his response to the Japanese War Crime denier as he says.

Historian Twitter User: One such reason why Japan hated the West is because of the Racist policies of President Woodrow Wilson where he rejected the government of the Empire of Japan's proposal of Racial equality, because of this the Empire of Japan who used to be an important ally of both Britan and France turned into an enemy of the West by embracing Nationalism and Militarism at middle of 20th Century at the rise of Adolf Hitler, as well as joining the Axis Powers.

So therefore, the Avatar is Right after all and You have no right to deny the War Crimes commited by your country!

#TheAvatarIsRIGHT! " Said by the Tweet from a Historian Twitter user on his post.

Then followed by a Russian Twitter user as he tweeted his perspective after learning the fact that the Bolsheviks murdered the Russian Royal family in cold blood. 

Russian Liberal Twitter user: " As a Russian citizen, i would like to apologize to Tsar Nicholas II and his Family, we made a terrible mistake for killing you and your Family and we paid the price for overthrowing the Tsar by installing a brutal regime led by Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin, the two terrible Communist leaders who put blood of our people into their hands, destroyed our culture and removed our Religion!

We want the Russian Government to acknowledge the crimes of the former Soviet Union on what they did to our people and Apologize!

#JusticeForTheRomanovs! #TheAvatarIsRIGHT! " said by the Russian twitter user who is protesting against both Russian government and the extremist Ultranationalist Party/Nazbols who were trying to regain government position. The follwing is thousands of Likes and retweets from his fellow Russians on Twitter as they agreed on him.

Another Tweet comes from a Taiwanese users from the ROC as he tweeted his personal grudge against the communists who are in power in Mainland which is known today as the People's Republic of China.

Taiwanese Twitter user: " As a Taiwanese citizen and descendant of Chinese mainlanders who were once part of the Republic of China before it become a Communist state, I demand an Apology to the victims of the Massacre in Tiananmen Square! IDGAF on their F*cking Social Credits, i want JUSTICE FOR THE STUDENTS WHO SACRIFICED THEIR LIVES IN THE NAME OF DEMOCRACY! ALONG WITH OTHER VICTIMS OF MAO'S FALSE PROMISES IN HIS REGIME AND FOR THANKING THE JAPANESE GOVERNMENT FOR HIS OWN CONSPIRACY AGAINST CHINA!

#TheAvatarIsRIGHT! #JusticeForTiananmenSquareVictims #F*ckTheCCP! " said by the Taiwanese user who demanded Justice for the people of the CCP-controlled Mainland China as a protest against the Nation's denial of 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre and other atrocities of the CCP under Mao's regime, including the infamous 1976 Cultural Revlution and his personal thank you to the Prime MInister of Japan after the War, proving how the former Japanese Empire helped the Communists win the war against the former RoC in Mainland, which forces them to exile in Taiwan.

Then, here goes the American White supremacist as he posted on his Twitter, denying the Holocaust and the Air Nomad Genocide while defending the White Genocide conspiracy theory.



#TheAvatarIsWRONG! #HitlerDidNothingWRONG! " said by the American Anti-semitic White Supremacist user on his Twitter, which makes dozens of reactions most likely by the American liberals, conservatives, libertarians, Christians and even Jews all of which denounced him and gets to the point that his Tweet was deleted by the Twitter staff after being mass-reported. 

One Retweet stated by the Jewish-American user said in his response.

Jewish-American Twitter user: " You have no right to call me a Zionist just because i am Jewish and to my Family's homeland Israel. However, when i read your tweet that the Holocaust never happened, that's it you have crossed that line! You didn't realize that some of my Family members died on the Auschwitz and only few were survived, yet you insist that it never happened but you are decrying that White Genocide is real? You are nothing but shame to your Grandfather who fought for Freedom against Fascism!


#TheHolocaustIsReal #TheAvatarIsRIGHT! " said by the Jewish-American user in response to the anti-Semitic tweet by the Holocaust Denier.

Twitter User #2: " I will report you for Anti-semitism! "

Twitter User #3: " Your Anti-semitism and Holocaust denial has no place in this website. " 

Then the following is more disturbing, a Turkish Nationalist who was also an Ottoman Empire apologist who is in denial of the crimes of the former Caliphate insisting that the genocide of the Armenians never happened and yet they blamed the victims as he thinks they deserved it for defying the Ottoman Empire because they were Christians.

Turkish Nationalist Twitter user: " The Avatar is nothing but a LIAR! He and his predacessors has no right to insist that the Armenian Genocide happened, those people deserved on what they've done to the glorious Ottoman Empire! Those infidels deserved to DIE for resisting the Ottoman's Imperial Rule of Armenia and now we are the perpetrators? you have no SHAME! 

#ArmenianGenocideNeverHappened! #TheAvatarIsWRONG! " said by the Turkish Nationalist on his Twitter account, he even blocks anyone who is trying to criticize him by blocking their tweets most of them were angry Armenians who lost their relatives on that Genocide, fortunately the tweet was captured via screenshot and reported it to the Admins of Twitter. 

In response, a Tweet came from an Armenian user who still has a grudge against Turkey for denying the Armenian Genocide after the Ottoman Army killed his forefathers during World War I as he says.

Relative of Armenian survivor Twitter user: " My Great Grandfather is one of the survivors of the Armenian Genocide made by your former Ottoman Empire and I will never forgive you on what you said in the grave of my Great-Grandpa and my other relatives for insisting that Armenian Genocide never happened but you insist we deserved it? F*CK YOU TURKROACH!

#TheAvatarIsRIGHT! " said by the Armenian user in response to the offensive Tweet made by the Turkish Nationalist, showing the portrait of his Grandfather who was luckily survived from the Ottoman persecution of the Armenian people for being Orthodox Christians.

Then there's another disturbing tweet made by a Conspiracy Nutjob whose still in denial of 9/11 and keeps blaming former President George W. Bush since 2001.

9/11 Conspiracy theorist/Terrorist attack denier Twitter user: " This is another Pathethic excuse to believe that the Terrorists did the September 11 attacks when it was obvious that Bush did 9/11 and that is the fact, all because he wanted to invade Afghanistan and Iraq. Now look what happened? ISIS is threatening America because Bush let this happened, HE KILLED OUR PEOPLE! THIS IS A FALSE FLAG!


#F*ckTheAVATAR! #TheAVatarIsWRONG! #BushDid911! " said by the 9/11 Conspiracy Nutjob on his Twitter, in response one of the relatives of 9/11 attacks called him out on his twitter as he tweeted.

Due to the hateful tweets made by an American conspiracy theorist, a user can't stand his own Ego and made a tweet confronting the user itself as he says.

Relative of a 9/11 Victim Twitter user: " My Father is one of the victims of the Terrorist attacks which was done by the Al Qaeda in 2001, yet you insist that Bush did 9/11 without showing any proof except your nonsensical Conspiracy Theories. Let me remind you that Al Qaeda hated America because of our Culture and Religion is one of the reasons why they destroyed the Twin Towers and bombed the Pentagon, it was not our government did that!

This is the reason why i am still fighting against the Terrorists that threathening our country including you Right-Wingers! " said by the American user in response to a Conspiracy nutjob for his denial of 9/11 Terrorist attack.

Afterwards, more debunkers came into his tweet and made a rebuttal against the Conspiracy theorist itself. 

Then switch to a scene where a Right-wing conspiracy theorist and Alex Jones fanboy supports the denial of Sandy Hook massacre as he made an awful tweet insisting that the Massacre on Connecticut was staged, here's what he says.

Sandy Hook Denier Twitter user: There is no Sandy Hook massacre! It's all a HOAX! IT'S FAKE! NO ONE DIED, DON'T BELIEVE ME? I HAVE A 100-PAGE MANIFESTO TO PROOF THAT THE MASSACRE WAS STAGED, NOBODY DIED AND ALEX JONES IS RIGHT! There are no Children died on Sandy Hook, it was nothing but a False Flag attack to get our Guns! Both of you Avatars and Ambassador Han were WRONG! 





#SandyHOOKwasAHoax! " said by the Sandy Hook denier on his official tweet, while showing a manifesto of his denial of the Massacre itself.

However, a Tweet came from a user believing the Avatar was Right refuted the claim of the Sandy Hook denier alongside with the people who against the Conspiracy theorist rebutted his claim as he said.



#SandyHookShootingWasREAL! " said by a friend of a Sandy Hook survivor in his tweet.

Afterwards another user was also tweeted on the side of a Friend of a Survivor as he says.

Sandy Hook victim sympathizer #1: " Who the hell you're thinking that the Sandy Hook Massacre is a Hoax and False Flag? how many people you've been tormented because of your baseless claims of the Shooting of Sandy Hook never happened? you people sickens me!



#SandyHookShootingWasREAL! " said by the Sandy Hook sympathizer on his own tweet.

Sandy Hook victim sympathizer #2: " I'm gonna report you for denying an event that actually happened! " said by the second Sandy Hook sympathizer on his tweet. 

Meanwhile on Iran, the current Ayatollah of the Theocratic nation made a post against the Avatar as he encourages everyone to kill him as he is willing to give any rewards from the Iranian Regime.

Khamenei.ir (@khamenei_ir): " I am willing to give a $ 100,000,000 bounty to anyone who could kill the Avatar Aang himself, the devil liar who is decieving us all to believe that every single events happened in the past that never really happed at all!

Israel never exist, only Palestine! 

There is no Holocaust, Hitler is a Good man!

#DeathToTheAVATAR! " said by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei himself, little did he knew that even if he successfully assassinated Avatar Aang, he will only reincarnated as he only makes a big mistake. Unfortunately many Iranian Twitter users who supports him as well as Foreigners are willing to do it and sadly Twitter cannot delete his Twitter post, including the Wagner Group members as well.

After those incidents, the site has been flooded by many Hashtags of many Twitter users who are defending the Avatar and the other users who were opposing the Avatar.



On Facebook, countless of both Legit articles and Fake News were posted on the site, unfortunately some of the users were so toxic, some were even Deny some various events such as Nanjing, PEarl Harbor and Bataan Death March which was perpetrated by the former Imperial Japan where they denounce both the Avatars and the Fire NAtion for the sins of the Past, while the pro-CCP pages were insisting that the CCP did nothing wrong while denying the Tiananmen Square Massacre stating " Nothing Happened in Tiananmen Square. " when in reality IT WAS HAPPENED! Even the Marcos loyalists and Cabrerra supporters ironically supports the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos Sr. insisting that the so-called Martial Law is a Golden Age of the Philippines, but in reality it was never been a golden age because of the Economic Inflation and Human Rights abuses committed by the Philippine Constabulary in 1970's. Meanwhile the American and European Right-wing pages on FB were posting their denials of the Holocaust while spreading a Great Replacement/White Genocide Conspiracy theory propaganda which they insist that the Whites are being replaced but in reality it was never been, sandly the moderators of Facebook couldn't even shut them down, even the Right-wing News site INFOWars making a hateful conspiracy theories on their site after watching the News which was happened on the Japanese National Diet meeting on Tokyo, insisting that the " Globalists " are encouraging to fight the Fire Nation where they believe that they are the most " Based " and " Redpilled " country on Earthrealm where they believe the Fire Nation is defending themselves, while supporting their denial of Sandy Hook Massacre on the Connecticut and the Air Nomad Genocide.

Meanwhile the Meme fanpages on Facebook, some of the users were posting various Memes depicting the 2017 National Diet comittee and the interviews from the Earthrealmian kids who were interviewed by the Japanese Senators and International Representatives to UN. One particular meme is a Freakout of Senator Hayashi who insist that his Grandfather and all of the Imperial soldiers of the IJA were not War Criminals while being rebutted by the Avatars themselves, this also includes Ambassador Han of the Fire Nation who uses Whataboutism as a counter-argument for it's Human Rights abuses and atrocities towards to the Earthrealmians while pointing out the American and Japanese Hypocrisy about the WW2 War Crime denials/Historical Negationism raging from Pearl Harbor to Bataan to Burma Railways to Killing Allied Medics by the Japanese and along with the American atrocities during Vietnam War, Iraq War and it's Racism towards non-White people particularly to Black People or African-Americans.

While other Facebook users were starts harassing every Japanese individuals including Celebrities who are Voice actors, J-Pop idols and Anime artists who are relative to any Imperial Japanese WW2 servicemen who committed any War Crimes, while some of their Grandfathers did commit War Crimes, others did not. Unfortunately this was lead by the Toxic Cartoon Community/Cartoonaboos/Anti-haters, Anime-haters, anti-Revisionist groups, Racists, Xenophobes and many others forcing the users to block the Harassers' accounts. Many condemned this actions by many members of the community as they believe that Harassment is not always the answer.

Many users from the New Nation Alliance were being silent on what happening on the FB community as they only monitoring on the situation.



Many Youtubers on the Video-sharing website uploaded their reaction videos on the site expressing their views after on what they've saw Live on the National Diet Building/the Senate of Japan. However one of the Japanese YouTubers expressed their disappointment and denial on what their country has done, most notably the Hardcore Japanese Right-wingers who deeply supports the Nippon Kaigi and National Socialist Party of Japan, both of which were downplays the atrocities of the former Japanese Empire, along with these people are the Neo-Nazis, Alt-Rightists, White Supremacists and even the members of the Proud Boys were defending the actions of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, even YouTube couldn't stop them uploading videos of military parades of the former 3rd German Reich, but the site encourages the users to block them no matter what or mass-report them. 

The Right-Wing conspiracy channel InfoWARS were livestreaming the events occured on Tokyo National Diet summit where they are trying to " decode " the claims of the Earthrealmians on their Channel which gathered atleast 20 million+ Views on their Platform, to make matters worse is that they continue to downplay the the Sandy Hook Massacre and Deny it like it never happened while blaming the victims' families of those who died in the massacre itself, as one of his fans supports the Harassment of the Sandy Hook Massacre victims who lost their children in a such tragic event.



On Sina Weibo, a Chinese microblogging site, many Chinese users posted their reactions on the site. To their surprise, the Government censors couldn't erase or delete their post all thanks to an unknown entity who is preventing them to delete their post making them expressing their opinion against the CCP government as well as the government of Japan. One of them switched their profile pictures with the real flag of China AKA the RoC flag which was once used by the former Republican government of mainland China, some were followed. Heck even the moderators couldn't even block or censor their accounts because someone is trying to prevent them from being banned, in response the moderators have no choice but to leave their accounts intact since they were causing no harm atleast for now. 

Weibo user #1: " WHAT! The CCP conspired with the Japanese? I thought Mao and the PLA fought against the Japanese during the Second Sino-Japanese War, But all of that is a lie!

#CCPLies #TheAvatarIsRIGHT! " said by the Chinese user after realizing that the CCP actually helped the Japanese Empire to destabilize the RoC government and killed their people.



#TheAvatarIsRIGHT! " said by the second Weibo user after he expressed his disappointment in the CCP government in his country, next to the former Japanese Empire.



Many users did the same thing on the Right-wing website known as the Telegram, most of the users flock there were either Eastern Europeans such as Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and even Southeast Asians such as Vietnamese, Thais and Burmese or Middle-Easterners such as Palestinians, Yemenis, Lebanese and Syrians. Many users expressed their opinions and reactions on what happened, some do agree with the Avatars, some choose not to believe on what they saw, but the most disturbing part is that some of the events happened in the History of Humanity itself were seemingly denied as many Russians who are apologists of Lenin and Stalin's atrocities are all seemingly defended by both Soviet apologists and Ultranationalist sympathizers themselves.

PS: I am not gonna write this whole thing!



In 4chan the infamous imageboard /pol/, everyone is posting their statements after watching the news happened on Tokyo, unfortunately for these people who were anonymous users all of them were in-denial of Nazi Germany and Japanese Empire's War Crimes from Nanjing, Pearl Harbor, Bataan Death March to Holocaust up to White Supremacy and hateful antisemitic Conspiracy theories against Jews while supporting their Genocide while decrying the Great Replacement conspiracy theories.

This post was become infamous on /b/:

>Former Avatars appeared up in the Japanese senate as Ghosts. 

>Explains the History of their World (Earthrealm), same as theirs. 

>Told the Senators that Japan commited those War Crimes in WW2 along with atrocities of numerous countries in the Past. 

>Japanese Senators were still in denial. 

>Avatars refuse to brag anything about it and telling the Truth. 

>Fire Nation's Ambassador was live-streamed, the Actions of Japan and the US were exposed.

>Avatars refuse to give answer anything about it. 

>Leaves like a smoke.


The Daily Stormer

The American White-Supremacist, Far-right and Neo-Nazi website known as the Daily Stormer made their posts against Avatar Aang and his predecessors stating their denials of the Holocaust and downplays the atrocities of the Nazi Germany during WW2 while showing their hypocrisy by supporting the Genocide of all Jews and advocating anti-semitic conspiracy theories such as the White Genocide conspiracy theory. 

Daily Stormer Official Post: " You see? It's the JEWS the reason why this second GATE appeared and they wanted to show us another FAKE Genocide that happened on their world, those Earthrealmians are like JEWS of our world, insisting that their people were systematically murdered by the Fire Nation. We the members of the Daily Stormer will never fall in that lies, especially to you Avatar Aang!

DEATH TO THE AVATAR! " stated by the Daily Stormer in their official post. 

The same post is was also featured on Stormfront's homepage as well.



In the 15th of June, 2017. The MEME website Know Your MEME posted various Memes and Headlines about what happened during the 2017 National Diet Summit at the Japanese National Diet Building which serves as the Senate of Japan where various Japanese Senators and Representatives are all attended to answer the questions on what Happened to Earthrealm after hearing the War on their world, especially about the Air Nomad Genocide that has been occurred a Century ago which was already happened way too late.



* Earthrealm 

** Earthrealmian Hundred Year War 

* 2017 National Diet Summit/Earthrealmians on the Japanese Senate 

* Air Nomad Genocide controversy/Avatar Aang's rebuttal 

* Katara of the Southern Water Tribe/Katara the Water Mage/Waterbender 

* Avatar Ghosts/Avatar Aang's Past Lives 

* #TheAvatarIsRIGHT!/#TheAvatarIsWRONG! 

* 2017 National Diet Building ISIS attacks 

* International Response to Historical Revisionism 

* Ambassador Han/Fire Nation Whataboutism 

* Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting/Sandy Hook Massacre/Sandy Hook Denial 

* Sandy Hook Massacre Denial 100 page Manifesto

Today's Top Image Galleries:

* 2017 National Diet Summit/Earthrealmians on the Japanese Senate 

* 2017 National Diet Building ISIS attacks 

* Katara (Yes some of her artworks appearing in NSFW as well) 

* Suki (Same as Katara's) 

* Avatar Aang 

* Toph Bei Fong/Blind Bandit 

* Colonel Takanashi/Kung Fu Man 

* Sgt. Watanabe 

* Ambassador Han

See also: 

* The GATE 

* Falmart 

* 2015 National Diet Summit/Falmartians on the Japanese Senate 

* Flame Dragon Massacre controversy/Rory Mercury's rebuttal 

* Sadera-Japanese War/Sadera-Terran War 

* Tuka Luna Marceau 

* Rory Mercury 

* Lelei La Lalena 

* Lt. Youji Itami 

* Sgt. Derek Westbrook 

* Princess Pina Co Lada/Empress Pina


June 17, 2017

National Diet Building (Session went Online on the Internet)

Two days after the Joint session of the Japanese Senate/Diet and the UN Security Council but instead on the Senate building of the National Diet Building all of the lawmakers and Ambassadors went online on their computers rather than attending at the site itself, ever since the Terrorist Attacks on the National Diet Building as people were both Horrified and others were celebrating the inccident more particularly across China and North Korea. Then it was later followed by a hateful rhetoric made by the Fire Nation's Ambassador Han against Japan and United States based on their actions in the past, particularly the War Crime Denials of the Japanese Government and America's atrocities in Vietnam, the Soviet's atrocities during the Stalinist-era along with it's Anti-Religious policy. Cut to the scene at Senate President Tadao who is currently questioning Senator Ryo Hayashi, who is still in denial of Japan's actions of WW2 as of today.

SP Tadao: " Do you have any idea on what you have said recently, Senator Hayashi? like how you brag about General Hifumi Hayashi being an honorable man who served in the former Imperial Japanese Army and not as a War Criminal who killed many civilians during the Second Sino-Japanese War? Do you have any valid proof about him being a man who did not killed many civilians in the former Republic of China during the invasion of Manchuria? " said by Senate President Tadao himself asking Senator Ryo Hayashi as the right-winger replies.

Sen. Hayashi: " Yes Mr. Chairman Tadao! General Hifumi Hayashi is a man of his own word, he never explicitly murders anyone or steamroll any Nationalist soldiers or any innocent civilians, i know that because he told me that the Republic of China is rebelling against the former Empire of Japan, he was only fulfilling his duty as a Soldier and a Military commander of the 14th Mixed Brigade of the IJA 7th Division. This is the reason why i honor my Grandfather as a Hero of Japan in the Yasukuni Shrine and many members of the Nippon Kaigi agree on this! " said by Senator Hayashi as he explains what was his Grandfather was, even though he did not know that General Hayashi himself killed many innocent soldiers and civilians in both Manchuria, Nanjing, Bataan and Korea. Moment later, Senator Mizuki Kouhara, member of the SDP who wishes to abolition of the JSDF by comparing it to the former Imperial Armed Forces due to it's actions on both Falmart and Earthrealm as she states.

Sen. Kouhara: " If your Grandfather is an " Honorable " man, then explain this document that i have obtained from my trusted sources. How is General Hifumi Hayashi approved the killings of every enemy Saboteours and some Civilian sympathizers to the Republic of China by beheading them in the crowd and others will be hanged, there is also a numerous documents that your Grandfather along with the IJA High Command including the Kwantung Army and other Imperial Japanese Army units in both Nanjing and Shanghai. " said by Senator Kouhara questioning the credibility of Senator Hayashi, as the Japanese senator replies. 

Sen. Hayashi: " I can refute this claim Miss Senator Kouhara, My Grandfather did not commit any single War Crimes in Mainland China! General Hifumi himself was heavily disgusted on what his soldiers did to the P.O.W.'s nor to the Chinese civilians and even if I deny this such event, at least i don't blame the victims for the deaths of their Family members by the Japanese Army, when you can see clearly that the ROC did this just to frame the honorable Japanese soldiers of the IJA, clearly you have no idea where you get this nonsense reports on your documents Senator Kouahara. " said by Senator Hayashi, refuting what Senator Kouhara on what she said and then followed by Senator Fumihito Sato as he made a speech against Hayashi as he says.

Sen. Sato: " Senator Hayashi, we have already knew each other since we've been elected in the position as the member of the National Diet as Senators of our Regional Home districts. We have honored our Brave soldiers and sailors of the former Imperial Japan in both First World War, Second World War and the modern JSDF in the Falmartian-Japanese War in the Yasukuni Shrine, but after learning about what our country did in the past especially in both Manchuria and Nanjing when Avatars Yangchen, Kuruk, Kyoshi, Roku and Aang said recently. I don't know what to say about this, should i consider myself as a Japanese? instead of acknowledging our past actions in the Second-Sino Japanese War and the Pacific War in both World War II, it seems that we have turned a blind-eye in history and listened to the lobbyists, Mr. Hayashi do we have to change our history books and pretend that all those events never happened, it seems our country has been compared to the Armenian Genocide Deniers in Turkey and Holocaust Deniers by both Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, Muslim-majority countries and Antisemites, as they called us Japanese War Crime Deniers, Yasukuni Shrine worshippers and Victim blamers. I don't want that to happen, ever again as our Future generations should learn our Past before we keep moving forward into our Future! " said by Senator Fumihito Sato to his fellow LDP Diet member, as many of senators behind him agreed on what he says, while some LDP senators and even Senator Hayashi himself shakes their heads and only meet with disagreement, while Senate President Tadao only remain neutral at this point, while Senator Kouhara smirks only as she will use this ploy just to ruin the reputation of the JSDF and the US Forces in Japan as well as the JTF itself.

As more Liberal senators and members of the Ambassadors to the UN are keep questioning the LDP members, the more of them are denying the actions of the Empire of Japan on what they did in World War II, it appears that some LDP Senators are still denying or in denial and they refuse to accept the fact that Japan was indeed committed worse atrocities alongside with Nazi Germany and the Kingdom of Italy altogether, though some LDP Senators who accepted the truth and trying to distance themselves with the Ultranationalist ones as they are willing to admit their wrongdoings and by abandoning the Ultranationalist ideals of their party though they won't leave the LDP but rather reform it instead, among those Senators was Senator Fumihito Sato himself as he will ran for Prime Minister in the 2017 General Elections on October 22nd.

As the Senate session at the National Diet was formally concluded, their meeting has officially ended as all Senators and Foreign Ambassadors made a farewell to teach other, until the session is once again was finally opened after the extensive repairs of the National Diet Building was finally done, while the Ambassadors to the UN has finally returned back to the UN Office building at New York. 


June 17, 2017 

West Philippine Sea/South China Sea 

Joint Sino-Russian Maritime exercises, Nautical miles away from the Philippines

 Meanwhile at the far-away territories of the Philippines the two superpowers comprised of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Russian Federation are conducting both Maritime and Naval execises as of June 12th ever since the second Gate appeared in Osaka prefecture of Japan and the failed invasion of the Fire Nation Empire, meanwhile the United States, Japanese, Taiwanese and Philippine governments are monitoring the situation and their activities. On the other hand, the Russian Federation is acquiring new ships for their Navy, even though they have capabilities to build new ships for their Navy they cannot always rely on it, it appears that the Russians are trying to build their own Type-052 Luyang II-class Destroyer as an alternative to their Udaloy-class and Sovremenny-class Destroyers, although in the future it may be replaced by the proposed Lider-class Destroyers which will succeeding the previous Slava-class Cruiser and Kirov-class Battlecruisers, for now they are acquiring their own Luyang II-classes on China and in fact they wanted to name these ships honoring both Imperial Russian and Soviet Navy Admirals as well as other previous ships in the Imperial Russian and Soviet naval service in order to replace the aging Sovremenny-classes. It seems that the supposed event was came to early as the two nations agreed to cooperate for their possible friendly diplomatic approach on the two Earthrealmian nations as everyone didn't know that, with the exception of their ally Iran which was threatening the Earthrealmians with force and intimidation.

Cut to the scene at the joint-execises of two Navies from the two Big Nations as they are preparing to conduct their naval exercises at the ports of Vladivostok before now sailing to the sea for their much awaited Naval exercises, the Chinese state media and the Russian state media confirmed this as a Friendly-exercises as they are trying to share their knowledge and naval doctrines in military tactics, which has nothing to do with the current events, especially the Hundred Year War on Earthrealm.

A PLA Navy-Marine commando alongside with a Russian Naval Infantry/Marine conducting a shipborne assault as part of the Counter-Terrorist drill at the Joint Russian-Chinese military exercises.

 We switch to the scene at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs office where the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC is speaking on the Podium as she says.

Foreign Affairs spokesperson (Speaking in Mandarin): " I assure you that the joint exercises of our both Nations are just a multilateral cooperation between national militaries of China and Russia. It has nothing to do with the current events happening on Japan nor with it's involvement in the War on Earthrealm along with it's allies. " said by the Female Chinese spokesperson who speaks on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China.

Afterwards, the Cameramen and the reporters from the Chinese and Russian media were keep covering the speeches of the Foreign Affairs spokesperson as the woman keeps updating about the Military drills of both Russia and China.


NOTE: In this universe, Russia wants to build their own version of Luyang-classes instead of waiting to construct the Lider-classes, for some reason in this universe Russia is less corrupt and incompetent in contrast to it's real-life counterpart, think of it as similar to Modern Warfare trilogy (2007-2011) with elements from the Modern Warfare Reboot Universe trilogy.


June 18, 2017 

11:30 AM - 02:00 PM 

Unknown location, possibly in between Russia and China 

Joint Amphibious assault of RNI and PLAN-MC

Cut to the scene at the beaches of [Unknown location], the Marine Amphibious brigades of the PLA Marine Corps and the Russian Naval Infantry are both conducting their landing exercises as they prepare to land to the shores and begins their Military operations, together their fired on their guns along with some Amphibious vehicles comprised of Chinese ZBD-05 Amphibious IFVs along with it's ZTD-05 Amphibious light tank variant, the ZBL-08 Amphibious IFVs and ZSL-10 Amphibious APCs; followed by the Russian BTR-80A and BTR-82 amphibious APCs, the T-80BVM an upgraded version of the T-80 MBT and the PT-76 Amphibious light tank. Both marine units of the two nations successfully conducted their Amphibious operations on the beach. This military execises conducted by the two nations is both worrying and may cause a possible new threat in both Asia-Pacific and European region itself as the UN Security Council is observing the said event.

As the Marine Corps of the two nations combined their combined strength to assault a beach as they fired with their weapons after exiting their Amphibious vehicles on the beaches from PLA Marines with their QBZ-95 Bullpup Assault Rifles, QJY-88 belt-fed LMGs and QBB-95 Drum-mag LMGs while the RNI Marines who are firing with their AK-74M, OTs-14 Groza-4 Bullpup assault rifles, PKM general-purpose machine gun/SAW and RPK Light machine guns, all forces rushed to their objectives and immediately captures the fake enemy positions. Meanwhile the Helicopters such as the PLA Naval Air Force consisting of five Mil Mi-17 Hip carrying 28 Marines each units and eight Mi-8M of the Russian Naval Aviation carrying 30 Marines per each units, then followed by a Chinese CAIG Wing Loong UCAV a type of attack drone used by the PLA Air Force and Naval Air Force since 2011 which serves as a recon to the area itself.

As the amphibious exercises is soon to conclude, the Chinese J-15 Flanker X2 is flying above the Chinese and Russian troops on the beach as it searches for the potential ground targets.


June 18, 2017

02:00 PM 

Shanghai, Mainland People's Republic of China

Meanwhile on Shanghai, the PLA Special Operations Forces from the Eastern Theater Command are conducting some Counter-Terrorism exercises along with the PLA Ground Forces who are comprised of both Infantry and Armor, the operators are searching for the possible on the other hand, some PLA personnel dressed as Terrorists are also joined the counter-terrorism drill as part of the reenactment for their PLA-SOF, the phase of the Assault is that the PLA Special Foces operators fires their smoke grenades, followed by a ground assault on the compound as the Elites fired their rifles with blank rounds, on the Rooftops members of the Air-Assault units are conducting a helicopter rappelling as the operators drop themselves on a rope from their Helicopters as they storm the building, now the final phase is to conduct a Close-Quarters Combat between Operators against Terrorists and rescue the Hostages. Meanwhile the spectators are watching the PLA Special Ops units combat capabilities while doing their role as an Elite special forces of the PLA as everyone were stunned and amazed to their Country's special forces who are trying to stop some Terrorists despite this was just a Combat drill exercises.

So far, the Military activities of both Russia and China will continue until further notice, while both leaders will prepare to send their " Diplomats " to Japan to represent their countries as Ambassadors to Earthrealm as the world watching the current events happening on both Japan and the world beyond the second Gate itself. This is just the beginning of the new age for the Bending World as nations wanted to maintain peace and prosperity in order to avoid conflicts.


KCNA, Pyongyang LIVE 

It appears that the rumors are true, the anti-Japanese sentiment in North Korea grew stronger ever since 2015 after the attacks by the Saderan Empire and later by the Fire Nation itself in 2017 as the so-called Hermit kingdom of the Korean Peninsula it appears that the North Koreans are celebrating the deaths of many Japanese after the attacks by both inter-dimensional Empires and by the Terrorist attacks by ISIS themselves, indeed some praised the Jihadist extremists for the attacks on Tokyo (which is ironic because they are Atheists as they do not believe in Gods, yet only worship the Kim Family as their " Gods ") and denounce the lies of Avatar Aang and it's predecessors claiming it was a lie, indeed the North Korean Presenter herself Ri Chun-hee describes the Avatars like Aang, Roku, Kyoshi, Kuruk and Yangchen as decievers and liars, claiming that they wanted to destroy the legacy of the Great leader Kim Il Sung and his son Kim Jong Il, the great leaders of North Korea who made their country the best in the world, more like they destroyed it by starving their people and using their funds for militarization of their country as well as wasting it for Nuclear Weapons program by conducting Nuclear tests underground and firing Missiles every single time.


Unknown location, possibly in Iran

In an Armory, a group of Iranian IRGC soldiers loading-up their arsenal, assembling their Assault Rifles, Machine guns, Sniper Rifles and Pistols, then loading up their ammunition. Then cut to a scene at a picture of Avatar Aang who appeared in the senate with an IRGC soldier sheeting his knife and throw it on his face, then they wear their Balaclava face masks and headgear preparing for a possible scenario of assassinating Avatar Aang, while some are watching the hateful speech of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on TV live.

Khamenei (live on TV): " We cannot allow the Devil Avatar to decieve us all, he is a threat for our domination to Middle East. He and his Zionist-Secular-capitalist allies has no right to threathen our existence. As well as the Fire Nation for threathening our world. My soldiers, i order you to fight on a Holy Jihad against the Devil Earthrealmians and their JTF allies. " said by the voice of Ayatollah Khamenei in his speech live on the Iranian National TV. As he said again. " We will eradicate their Evil sorcery known as Bending and we will eradicate the people of Earthrealm from the evils of the Fire Nation Empire! " said by the glorious speech of Khamenei followed by the large cheer and applaud from his own people, while people on Tehran (as seen outside of the Government offices) are protesting against his evil corrupt regime.


PS: I know that these Operators are the Soviet Spetsnaz Vega Group, but let's pretend that these guys are the Quds Force operators with IRGC insignias.

Afterwards, the soldiers of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps' elite special forces unit the Quds Force are now preparing to leave as they will assist their allies in Middle East before leaving for Japan.

And thus, the scene went dark.

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