Part 1

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Thank you my dears for voting and commenting on the prologue..Here is the next update..

Omkara stood with his eyes closed in front of the deity of Shiva in the temple. He was wearing only a white color mundu/ dhoti and was shirtless. (Men are not allowed to wear shirts inside the temples in Kerala)

After his prayers, he took the prasadam (a leaf in which sandal paste and flowers are there )from the priest and applied the chandanam (sandal paste) on his forehead and below his collar bone. Then he took the theertham (holy water) in his right hand, drank it piously and moved the same palm along the top of his head. He walked out of the temple and put on his shirt. Then he waited for his mother, Janaki who hadn't finished her prayers.

After some minutes, she too came out of the temple.

Om: Amma, shall we leave..

Ja: Hmm..(nods her head)

Both of them walked towards his bike which was parked outside. He half folded his mundu upwards and tied the ends together
Its worn Like this :

and mounted his bike.Janaki too mounted at the back and sat sideways holding his shoulder..
The bike arrived into the huge courtyard of the "Mangalasseri" tharavaadu (ancestral house)..

Mangalasseri was a well known Menon family of that village and the tharavaadu was also named after the family.

Omkara's father, Shri. Tejas Menon, had passed away when he was only six years old. He was an army officer.

Omkara and Janaki alighted from the bike and walked inside the house. Omkara walked upstairs to his room and changed his mundu and shirt and put on a pair of formal pants and a plain blue shirt.

He walked down the wooden stairs and walked towards the dining room. He sat down on a chair and inverted his plate which had been lying upside down. He could smell the aroma of freshly cooked dosa which was wafting from the kitchen.

Om: Amma..Dosa today..?(smiles)

Ja: (from the kitchen) Oh you already came to have breakfast..Wait, I will bring now..

Janaki came to him with a yummy looking dosa and placed it on his plate. She served him some coconut chutney and chilly onion chutney and then he started to have it.He loved his mother's cooking.

Just then his younger sister, Bhavya came into the room. She was working as a teacher in a kids' play school in the nearby town.

Bh: Ammaa..Dosa for me too..

Ja: I am coming now..

Bhavya looked at Omkara.

Bh: Ettaa (elder brother)..Will you drop me at the bus stop at the main road, when you go to your shop?

Om: Alright Bhavya..
Omkara owned a supermarket store in the town.His business was actually doing well.It had been seven years since he had opened the shop.He also owned a vast area of farming land.

After dropping Bhavya he arrived straight at his store. He unlocked the shutter and opened it upwards.Then he walked inside and put on the main switch.He went behind the cash counter and lighted the lamp in front of the photo frame of his father, Shri. Tejas Menon.And thus he began his day
In the evening, one of his friends came to the shop.His name was Nandu.

Na: Omkara..There is good news..

Om: Hey..What is it daa..? (daa is the way to address a person casually, like "yaar" in Hindi)

Na: Farhad is coming for a holiday from Mumbai ..He will arrive in tonight's flight..We have to go to the airport to pick him up..We can go in my car..

Om: Ok daa..I will come..Let me give the shop key to Manoj and tell that he will have to close the shop at night..

Manoj was the person who worked as a supervisor at the shop.


Omkara and Nandu reached the airport at 8 p.m.

It was raining heavily and they had umbrellas with them.They reached the lobby and decided to wait there for their friend, Farhad.Just then Nandu's phone began to ring.In order to hear clearly he moved away from Omkara to somewhere else.

Meanwhile Gauri was coming down in the escalator.She was talking with her father Shekhar on her mobile.

Ga: Hello Papa..I reached the airport..Now tell me the address of my Amma's house..

Sh: I won't tell you..You just come back here in the next flight itself..

Ga: (seriously) What is this Papa..?I didn't come here to come back..You know that very well..

Sh: (angrily) Fine..!! Then you do as you wish Chinnu..

He disconnected the call..

Gauri was really shocked at first.But then she got really angry at her Papa.

Ga: (to herself) Hmm..I am also stubborn like you Papa..I will try myself..

Gauri was walking towards the lobby with her luggage. She was wearing a green salwar kameez with blue dupatta.

She passed Omkara as she walked and her dupatta's end got struck in his shirt button. Omkara felt a tug in his shirt and he looked down. He tried to remove the dupatta with his fingers, and it was then Gauri felt someone pulling her dupatta. She turned and saw that Omkara was doing it. She became angry and walked towards him.

Ga: What are you trying to do Mister?

Omkara was dumbstruck and looked at her impatiently.

Om: What do you mean..? (looks at the dupatta end)Oh hello..! Don't you think that I was pulling your dupatta..?

Omkara left the dupatta angrily and walked off shaking his head in disbelief. Gauri opened her mouth to retort but she noticed that his wallet had dropped down on the floor. She bent down and picked it up.

She again looked around for him, but couldn't find him. She opened it hoping to find some details about him in order to return it.

But she was in for a surprise. She found a passport size photo of none other than her own mother, Madhavi inside it.

This is Madhavi :

Ga: (shocked) Amma..!! (then frowns) But what is her photo doing inside this person's wallet..?Who is he..? (looks around again hoping to see him) I will have to find out..He might be somewhere here..

Gauri hastily walked out of the lobby and looked around for him. It was raining heavily and so it was unable to make out anyone's face. Suddenly she spotted him getting into a car and saw it move away.

Quickly she also hailed for a taxi and got into it as fast as possible. Then she asked the driver to follow the car.

After one hour of chasing, they reached in front of Omkara's tharavaadu(ancestral home). His friend drove away after dropping him at his gate.

Omkara opened his umbrella because it was still raining heavily. He saw someone arriving in a taxi and walked towards it with his umbrella. Gauri, who didn't have an umbrella, also got down and paid for her taxi. When he came nearer he realized that it was the same girl.

Om: You..?!

Gauri was completely drenched and Omkara moved closer to her and gave her the shelter of his umbrella. She held out his wallet and said confidently.

Ga: I came to return your wallet..

Omkara looked at it and then searched his shirt pocket. He realized that he had lost it.

Om: Thanks..

He smiled and extended his hand. But Gauri slid it away from his hand.

Omkara grew impatient and glared at her.

Om: (angrily) You..!!

Ga: (smartly)I will give this to you..But before that, you have to answer my question..

Om: (angrily) What is it..?

Ga: I saw a photo inside your wallet..She is my Amma..I want to know how she is related to you..

Omkara thought "Oh..So this is Madhavi amma's daughter, Chinnu..Mumbai girl huh..But look at her..She is so arrogant..Let me teach her a lesson first.."

Om:(excitedly) Oh..You are talking about my cheriyamma..(father's younger brother's wife) She lives here only..In our house..(then thinks for sometime) But she has never told me about having a daughter..

It was Gauri's turn to be surprised..She thought "Oh my God !! My Amma also married someone else ..I can't believe this..And she has forgotten me too.."

Ga: You are talking about Mrs. Madhavi right..?

Om: Of course I am talking about her..She is living my house..

Ga:(uncertainly) Actually I have come all the way from Mumbai in search of my Amma..I didn't know her address and I saw her photo inside your wallet and followed you till here..

Om: Ok then..Come inside..But she is not here..Both my cheriyachan(father's younger brother) and cheriyamma have gone to a faraway temple..They will come back after two days only..Till then you can stay with my family..

Gauri walked with him in the umbrella as he led her towards the verandah of his house. As soon as they reached inside the shelter of the roof, he kept the umbrella aside and then rung the calling bell. Janaki opened the door after sometime.

Ja: Omkara..Did you get wet in the rain..?

Om:(smiles) No Amma..

Then Janaki's eyes fell upon Gauri who was gazing around with an uncertain look in her eyes.

Ja: Who is she, Omkara?

Om: You take her to our guest room first, Amma. She is coming back after a long journey.


Janaki came back to Omkara after five minutes. Omkara had a glint of naughtiness in his eyes.

Ja: Who is she..?

Om: Amma..She is Madhavi Amma's daughter, Chinnu..

Janaki was quite surprised and she clapped her hand on her mouth happily.

Ja: Really, Omkara..? I will tell Madhavi, now itself.

But Omkara stopped her..

Om: Wait..Wait..Wait...

Ja: What..? She will be so happy to see Chinnu..

Om: Don't worry about that..I will inform Madhavi Amma tomorrow..But this girl is so arrogant..I just want to teach her a lesson first..

Omkara told Janaki everything about the events which had happened at the Airport and then at the gate of their house.

Ja: Stop being silly, Omkara..

Om: Ammaa..No means no..Let me handle this..


Meanwhile at the tharavaadu right next to Omkara's tharavaadu:

Madhavi felt as if someone called her and she came towards the verandah of her house.

She gazed around her courtyard through the rain.

Ma: I felt as if someone came..I felt someone calling me..

She understood that it was just a feeling and then she walked inside and bolted the door carefully.

*******End of Part 1********

I tried my maximum level best to make all of you understand some words and customs of Kerala..Hope it helps..

Please let me know your views about this update..and do vote if you enjoyed..


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