Part 13

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Here comes the next chapter..

Om: Gauri..!! What are you doing here..?!

Ga: (shocked at his anger) Omkara..!! (stammers) I-- I -- we kissed yesterday -- you forgot..?!!

Om: (surprised) What..?!!

He pushed her away from him and got up from the bed. He turned his back towards Gauri, who was sitting on his bed.

Om: What non sense are you talking about..? When did you come here..?!

Gauri got up and hugged him tightly from behind.

Ga: I came for you Omkara..I missed you and I can't live without you..

Omkara closed his eyes for a moment, because he melted in her hug. But then he remembered her words, when she left for Mumbai, leaving him all alone.

Tears fell down from his closed eyes and he grabbed her hands and pushed himself free from her hug. Without saying anything he walked towards the closed door. She immediately reached the door and blocked him from opening the door. She stared into his eyes confidently.

Ga: Please listen to me Omkara, for once..

Omkara looked into her beautiful eyes and was lost in them for a moment. But then he looked away impatiently and let out a deep sigh. He realized that this was not easy when she was standing in front of him and avoid her at the same time.

Om: (serious tone)Gauri, move aside..You just can't leave me and come back to me whenever you wish.!!(still not looking at her)

Gauri cupped his face and made him look at her. She gazed into his sad and angry eyes with a soft and caring expression.

Ga: I love you Omkara.. Whatever I did, I did for the happiness of my parents.. If I had told them about our relationship, my father would have become angry and put all the blame on my mother again. I had no other way than to go with them at that time, because I was the only link which connected their lives. I wanted to explain all this to you then. But you didn't let me explain at that time and you just went away.

Her voice cracked and she chocked in between her words. Omkara was listening to her silently and he observed the tears which threatened to fall from her eyes.

Even today, he couldn't see her crying and upon an instinct, he bent his face side ways and kissed the corner of one of her tearful eyes and sucked in the salty droplet. Her breathing stopped for a moment and he withdrew his face and surveyed her lovely face. She was looking at him with her astonished eyes.

The look in her eyes took his heart away and passion burned his insides. He bent his face towards her quivering lips and sucked in her luscious lower lip.

She gasped and closed her eyes and her hands circled around his sturdy waist. His arms snaked around her slender waist and pulled her into a bone crushing hug. The love for her which was trapped inside his heart began to overflow and he kissed her even more roughly.

She responded to his aggressive kiss with equal amount of passion and soon they were kissing senseless. He kissed all over her face and she clung on to him tightly enjoying the hot sensations coursing through her body.

Gauri shyly giggled and put her tiny arms around his body and hugged him tightly to stop him doing that. He was amused and so he too embraced her with all his love.

Om: (husky voice) I missed you a lot, Gauri...I am glad that you came back to me.. I love you..

He caressed her hair with one hand and patted her back with the other.

Om: How did you come back again, Gauri..? Are your parents also here..?

Ga: No, I came with my friends.. They are not Keralites and so I asked my parents for a two weeks trip with my friends to Kerala, so that they can visit our beautiful homeland..But that was my excuse to meet you again..To make you understand that I love you and I was missing you like hell..My friends told that they are ready to help me and so they readily came with me..

Omkara smiled wide and then kissed her forehead. He placed his finger on her lips and shushed her.

Om: Shhh...Gauri..It's ok..I understand..Even I was living in hell without you..You know, I even started to drinking in your absence..(looks at her with a guilty face)

Gauri let out a sad sigh and she hugged him again.

Ga: I am sorry Omkara..I will never ever leave you..


Gauri came out of Omkara's room and settled down on her bed in the guest room to sleep before anyone else woke up, but she couldn't fall asleep. She was still remembering their kiss. She was really happy that finally she was able to convince Omkara. She couldn't wait to tell her friends that all was fine between her and Omkara.

At about 8.30 a.m, Gauri and her friends were having their breakfast in the dining area with Bhavya, while Janaki was serving their food. Omkara entered the room and all the girls' attention turned towards them.

Sejal whispered in Meera's ear "He is really handsome, yaar..No wonder Gauri fell for him", while Meera smiled and nodded at her. Komal nudged Gauri and whispered "Wow Gauri..Your hero looks awesome..!".

Gauri blushed and looked at Omkara, who was looking bright and smiling and had his eyes only for her. Bhavya was noticing the whole scene and she smelled something fishy. She made a mental note to investigate about this matter even further.

Omkara talked with all of them and Janaki also joined for having breakfast with them. Soon, Gauri's friends too got well acquainted with Omkara's family.


After having breakfast, Omkara got up to leave for his supermarket shop, when Bhavya told him that she needed him to drop her at the bus stop.

Bh: Ettaa, I am also coming with you..Please drop me at the bus stop.

Om: Sure, come on..

Omkara and Bhavya mounted the bike and they were off. Bhavya decided to act on her plan.

Bh: Etta..I have found out everything between you and Gauri..

Omkara was surprised and Bhavya noticed his facial expressions through the side mirror.

Om: Err..What are you saying, Bhavya..? I can't hear you..

Bh: Stop fooling me huh, Ettaa.. You love Gauri, don't you..?And she has come back only for you..Correct me if I am wrong.

Omkara smiled widely and shut his eyes in embarrassment. Bhavya was amused at the change of his expressions.

Om: (laughs) You are really smart huh..!

Bh: (laughs) After all, I am your sister..!

When he dropped her at the bus stop, Bhavya smiled at him with an assuring nod.

Bh: I want to tell you one thing, Etta.. You should tell about your relationship to our Amma and Gauri's parents as soon as possible..Please don't make it late..

Omkara caressed the side of his sister's head and smiled.

Om: Ok my teacher..I will do it fast..But before that I need to find a suitable groom for you too..I will marry Gauri only after you get married.

Bh: If that is the case, let me tell you that I already love someone.

Omkara's expression changed and he was shocked.

Om: What..?! You love someone..?Who is he..?

Bhavya turned towards a man who was standing a little away from her at the bus stop.

Bh: Rudra..My Ettan wants to meet you..

Omkara turned and saw a handsome man who was dressed in Blue colour checked shirt and formal trousers. He smiled at Omkara and approached him.

Omkara felt a liking for him at the very first glance. He had a pleasing personality.

Ru: Hi..I am Rudra.. Omkara, right..?(offers his hand)

Om: (smiles, takes his hand and shakes it) Yes, nice to meet you..What do you do..?

Ru: I am working as an English lecturer in St. John's College. We travel in the same bus daily and thus we became friends and later we realized that we love each other.

Om: Oh..(looks at Bhavya)

Ru: Shall I come with my parents to your house tomorrow..?

Om: Yeah..Sure, Rudra..We will be expecting you..I will tell my Amma..

Ru: Thank you so much, Omkara..

Bh: Thank you, Ettaa..(hugs him happily)


That night, Omkara told Janaki that he found a perfect match for Bhavya and he and his family would come to see Bhavya on the next day evening.

He didn't reveal the fact that Bhavya and Rudra loved each other because he was not sure whether his Amma would like it. He also asked Rudra not to reveal anything to his parents too.

Gauri and her friends were now staying in Madhavi Amma's house. That day they all had went for sightseeing around the village and they all had liked it.

Janaki prepared food for them also and she asked Omkara to go and give their dinner. Omkara was more than happy to oblige.

He took the food and knocked the door. It was Sejal who opened the door.

Om: Sejal, here is your dinner..

So: Oh..! Thank you Omkara..(then excitedly)Gauriii..Omkara is here..

Gauri ran towards the door and Sejal winked at her while she returned back to the girls with the food.

Gauri flung her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

Ga: I missed you, Omkara..

Om: (hugging her tightly) Me too, Gauri..

Omkara caressed her head and hair lovingly and she hung on to him staring into his eyes feeling mesmerized.

Om: One good news is there..

Ga: What..?

Omkara sat down on a chair and made her sit on his lap. He snaked his arms around her tummy and pressed his cheek close to her cheek. Then he whispered into her ears.

Om: Bhavya's marriage is going to be fixed on tomorrow. And I will tell my Amma that I want to marry you, Gauri..

Gauri was really excited and she turned and gazed into his eyes with eyes round in wonder.

Ga: Omkara..(feels shy and smiles widely)

Omkara bent in and kissed her soft lips. She closed her eyes and melted in his love. After that, he slowly withdrew and cupped her cheeks with his palms.

Om: I love you, Gauri. I will make you mine, very soon..

*****End of Part 13*****

Hope you enjoyed the update

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