Part 14

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Thank you all for your votes and comments dears
And I updated Ishq Unlimited story yesterday..Those who havent read the update, please do read and share your views..

Next day evening, Rudra and his parents came to see Bhavya and they liked her every much. Janaki also liked him and both the families got along really well.

After a lot of discussion it was fixed that their engagement, should be held after two weeks time.

After they left, Omkara approached Janaki and sat down near her. Janaki sensed that he wanted to share something with her. She looked into his eyes and caressed his cheek affectionately.

Ja: Is there anything which you want to tell me, son..?

Omkara smiled and nodded. He lay down in her lap and looked up at her face.

Om: Amma..If I tell you that I like a girl very much and that I want to marry her, will you help me..?

Ja: (surprised) Why not..? All I want is your happiness. Just tell me who the girl is..?

Om: (smiles widely) Gauri..

Janaki simply gazed at him for a moment. Then she realized, what she was hearing.

Ja: Chinnu..?!...Our Chinnu..!!

Om: Yes, Amma.. I would like to marry her..Will you talk with Madhavi Amma and Gauri's father?

Janaki looked at him and thought about it. Then,

Ja: Omkara.. Even I like Chinnu very much.. She is my daughter too..But I am not sure whether I should talk about this to Maadhu and her husband.. I am afraid that her father won't like this proposal. He is so obsessed with city lifestyle and he wouldn't like to marry off Chinnu to a small village like ours. And what if this creates any more rift between him and Maadhu..!!

Omkara looked at Janaki's tensed face. He got up and held her hands in his.

Om: Amma, Gauri also likes me..We have confessed our love to each other. I think that Gauri will also try her level best to convince her Papa. I just want you to talk with them.

Ja: (surprised) Omkara..When did all this happen..? When did you both fall in love..?! Oh my God..! This is a real surprise to me..! I don't know what Maadhu will have to say about this..!

Om: (smiles) We will do one thing Amma. Let us invite them to Bhavya's engagement function. When they come here, it will be easy to convince them directly.

Janaki caressed his hair and smiled.

Ja: Ok my dear..Let us hope for the best.
Next day morning, when Gauri and her friends arrived at Omkara's home for having breakfast, Janaki confronted her. Gauri was feeling too embarrassed to talk with Janaki. She was very much afraid whether she would approve of Omkara's and her relation.

Janaki smiled at Gauri and gestured to come nearer. Gauri obliged and walked to her. Janaki hugged and kissed her forehead, then cupped her face and told.

Ja: Thank you for coming into Omkara's life and our family. He is a really nice person and will keep you happy always. I will promise you that.

Ga: I know, Aunty..(smiles widely with tears in her eyes)

Ja: Not Aunty, you can call me Amma..

Gauri hugged her again not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Ga: Thank you for accepting me, Amma..

Afterwards, Omkara, Janaki, Bhavya, Gauri, Sejal, Meera and Komal went to the city for doing the shopping for the function.

They all selected a beautiful traditional cream colour Kerala saree with thick golden border which was latest in fashion, for Bhavya.

Omkara was happily staring at Gauri all the while she was doing the shopping for Bhavya. Suddenly he also wanted to buy something for Gauri. He went aside and asked for beautiful Kancheevaram sarees. He selected a turquoise blue color Kancheevaram saree for his beloved and asked to pack it separately without being noticed by anyone.

Janaki, Gauri and friends also selected sarees for themselves to wear for the function. Omkara bought a blue colour shirt and cream colour silk mundu for him too.


They all had dinner from outside and reached back at night. Gauri and her friends decided to leave to Madhavi Amma's house for sleeping.

Ja: Omkara, It's dark outside. Here take this Torch and go with them till they reach there and then come back.

Gauri was happy and Omkara remembered to take his gift packet along with him.

Omkara accompanied the girls and led them forward in the dark. Once, they reached there, Meera turned towards the other two.

Me: I am feeling really sleepy. Sejal, Komal, are you also coming with me..?

Se & Ko: (yawns) Hawww...We are also feeling really sleepy..

Gauri smiled at them feeling shy, now that she and Omkara were alone. Gauri pulled him to a nearby bedroom and bolted the door. She hugged him and placed her head on his chest.

Ga: Omkara..I am so happy today..

Omkara's hand naughtily crept to her waist and pinched her. When she winced and glared at him, he smiled wickedly and stared into her eyes.

Om: Why..?

Ga: Because, your Amma hugged me and told that she was happy that I am going to be your wife soon.

Om: (naughtily) Oh really..Then what else did she tell you..?

Ga: Hmm..(acts as if thinking hard and says romantically) Then she told that I am lucky to have you as my husband and that you will always keep me happy..

Om: (raises his brows) Oh is it so..? Then shall I make you even more happy now..?

Ga: (raises her brows and looks at him curiously) How..?

Omkara handed her the packet and she took it from him. She opened the cover and was staring at the beautiful silk saree feeling amazed. Omkara was watching her expressions closely.

Ga: Wow.. My favourite colour.. This is so exquisite..! Thank you Omkara..(smiles happily)

Om: (frowns) Only thank you..?!

Gauri blushed and gazed at him. She stared at him with passion burning in her eyes.

Ga: Then what would you like to have..?

Om: You..!

He walked closer to her and kissed her lips. His one hand caressed her waist and his other hand caressed behind her neck. She also hugged him and she gasped into his mouth, when he kissed her even harder.


Two weeks passed very much quickly and it was the eve of Bhavya's engagement day. Gauri and her friends were at Omkara's residence so that they can help Janaki for the preparations.

Gauri was very much awaiting her parents' (Shekhar Nair and Madhavi) arrival so that Janaki could talk with them about the marriage proposal from Omkara. Omkara had gone to pick them from airport.

After two hours, Omkara arrived home with Madhavi and Shekhar in a car. Gauri went and hugged her Amma.

Ga: Amma..I missed you..

Ma:(hugging back) Hmm..Missed you too dear..

Sh: And you didn't miss me..?

Gauri smiled and hugged her Papa also.

Ga: Papa..I am so happy to see you both after so many days.

Sh: Me too, Chinnu..(hugs her tightly and smiles widely)

Janaki also heard the car's sound and came to meet her dear friend. Madhavi and Janaki hugged each other with lots of love.

Ma: Where is Bhavya, our "bride to be"..?

Ja: She has gone to the temple. You can meet her afterwards. Now both of you freshen up.


It was night time, and Gauri's parents, Omkara, Bhavya, Janaki and Gauri were sitting together in the living room.

Omkara looked at Janaki meaningfully and nodded. Janaki understood his signal and decided to open the conversation.

Ja: I would like to tell you something. (looks at Shekhar) It's about a marriage proposal from our side. What if I ask Chinnu's hand for marriage with my son, Omkara ?

Sh: (surprised) Marriage..? (looks at Madhavi and then towards Gauri)

Ja: Yes, If you are interested, then we can get them engaged really soon..

She looked expectantly at Madhavi and then Shekhar. Madhavi's face was shining with excitement, but still she was looking at Shekhar with a worried expression.

Sh: Janaki.. Omkara is a nice person. I know that he will take good care of my daughter. But still I am not sure if my daughter will be happy in this village. You know, she is so used to the amenities of the city life.

Gauri who was silent till now, decided to join in the conversation.

Ga: Papa..I want to tell you something.

Shekhar looked at Gauri gently. She approached him and knelt down in front of his chair. Gauri took his both hands in her hands and looked into his eyes intently.

Ga: (gently so as not to hurt his feelings ) Papa...Omkara and I had fallen in love when I came here for the first time to meet my Amma. I wanted to tell you then itself, when you came to take us both to Mumbai. But then I thought that it would create more problems between you and Amma. So I came back with you because your happiness mattered to me the most. Omkara and I were really heartbroken when we had to part with each other so quickly only when it had been two days after we confessed our love to each other. Papa..I love Omkara..I will be happy at any place if Omkara is with me.

Tears welled up inside Gauri's eyes and she gently laid her head in her father's lap. Shekhar looked at Madhavi with a blank expression. He was shocked after his daughter's revelation.

Sh: You knew about this..?

Madhavi looked at him with a shocked look.

Ma: No..I— I didn't..

Shekhar let out a deep sigh and suddenly saw that Omkara was also standing beside his chair.

Om: Uncle, I promise to you that I will always keep Gauri happy. I promise to you that I will take good care of her..

Shekhar looked at Omkara with tears in his eyes. He took Omkara's hand in his hand and squeezed it with gratitude.

Sh: Thank you, Omkara.. I know that..

Gauri was excited, when she heard her father's words and she stood up and flung her arms around her father's neck. He placed his arms around her quite emotionally.

After that Shekhar stood up from the chair, then hugged Omkara and patted his back affectionately.

Madhavi and Janaki too hugged each other with extreme happiness where as Bhavya hugged Gauri.

Sh: But I have one condition..

Everyone stopped smiling and looked at him.

******End of Part 14*******

Hope you all enjoyed the update

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