Part 3

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Gauri was sitting in her room and was holding a photo frame close to her chest. Her eyes were moist and she was gazing out of the window trying to recollect her childhood memories with her mother. She remembered the way her mother always took care of her. Madhavi used to shower all the affection upon Gauri when she was a child.

But then she used to wonder, what went wrong between her parents. She just couldn't get the reason behind their split up. She had tried a lot in the past to get an answer from her father. But he always avoided such questions and tried to make her more close to his new wife, Nandini.

While she tried to delve deeper into the past, a hand on her shoulder brought her back to the present. She quickly wiped her tears away and looked at its owner. It was Janaki, Omkara's mother.

Ga: (smiles) Aunty..

Janaki realized that she was upset about something and her instincts told that she might be missing her mother. She inwardly scolded her son for doing this to Chinnu.

Ja: Chinnu..Come now..Let us have lunch..I don't know much about your tastes. You know, you are from Mumbai and all..And I only know to make Kerala style dishes..I hope you like it.

Ga: (grins widely) No worries, Aunty..I love Kerala food..Till I was eight years, I had only eaten the food made by Amma and still its taste lingers in my mouth. (looks away sadly , then slowly says)You don't know how much I have missed her..(tears fill in her eyes)

Janaki's eyes also filled with tears and she hugged Gauri.

Ja: Don't worry..You will soon be with her..

Gauri smiled abruptly and broke from the hug.

Ga: Aunty..When will she return from her journey..Is she happy in her life now..(pauses) Errr..I mean, with her new husband..?

Janaki got really angry by now at Omkara for telling such lies to Gauri.

Ja: Err..Chinnu..When you meet her, you ask yourselves ok..Now come and have your lunch.

Janaki led Gauri to the dining area and she saw Omkara, sitting at the table.

He usually had lunch from home and then went back to his super market.

Gauri pretended as if he didn't exist and she just sat down two seats away from him.

Omkara suddenly noticed the tears in her eyes and he felt bad for her. Just at that moment, he decided to tell her that her mother was living next door only and that she was in the wrong house.

As he opened his mouth to tell her the truth, Janaki came in with steaming rice and served them. The other dishes were sambar, aviyal (kind of mixed vegetables dish), pappadam, mango pickle etc.

Om: (happily) made my favorite, avial..?

Janaki smiled at Gauri and replied.

Ja: Chinnu has come here for the first time na..I thought of making something special..

Omkara looked at Gauri and saw her smiling. But that smile just didn't reach her eyes and he felt really guilty, realizing the same. She started to have her food and now he decided to be cordial with her.

Om: (smiling)Gauri..Did you like the food..?

Gauri looked at him and nodded without a smile. She still couldn't forgive him for the incident in the morning.

Ga: (blank face) I love all these dishes..My mother used to make all these for me in my childhood..

Omkara's smile disappeared immediately realizing how much she was missing her mother, Madhavi. Feeling really bad, he had his remaining food in silence.


Gauri spent the remaining afternoon sleeping. In the evening at 4.30 p.m, Bhavya returned from work and she went to wake up Gauri for having tea with them. Both of them got along well, within minutes. Soon they joined Janaki for tea.

They sat down together for watching T.V after that. Janaki and Bhavya were the regular viewers of a lot of tele-serials in the Malayalam channels.

Gauri began to get bored soon and she got up and walked towards the verandah and sat down on the steps. It was cold outside and she embraced herself and smiled sadly.

She fondly remembered the way her mother used to hug her close to her chest and she always missed the instant warmth which would seep into her body.

The moon cast its glow around the courtyard and she glanced around the surroundings. Suddenly she could hear the sound of an approaching motor bike and she saw that it was Omkara coming home.

Omkara gazed at her and she merely glanced at him and looked away. He parked his bike and walked up the steps towards her.

Om: Gauri..How was your day..?

Ga: (without smiling) Why are you trying to be friendly..? To make fun of me again, huh..?

Om: (raised his brows) Well..Sorry for what I did with you in the morning..

Ga: (nods) Hmm.. It's ok, Omkara..

She looked away and Omkara noticed her sad expression in the moonlight.

He felt a sudden urge to kneel down beside her and hug her close to his chest. But he shrugged his shoulders brushing away such thoughts, and walked off immediately.

Gauri got up and walked down the steps into the courtyard. She was just strolling around in the courtyard and a song reached into her ears.

Etho varmukilin kinaavile muthaayi nee vannu..

Omale...jeevanil amrithekaanaayi veendum

Ennil etho ormakalaayi nilaavin muthe nee vannu...

Gauri felt a sudden surge of happiness and looked around for the source of this song. It was her mother's favourite lullaby which she used to sing for her when she was a child.

The little Chinnu inside Gauri ran in the direction from which the faint voice was singing distantly. She ran along the moonlit lane and crossed the threshold of the neighboring house.

{This is actually a popular Malayalam film song..If you want to listen and watch this song here is the YouTube link..It's a beautiful song

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Hope you all like it..Just thought of sharing it with you all}

Gauri couldn't believe her eyes when she saw her. She stood rooted on the spot and tears were streaming down her happy face.

Ga: Ammaaa...

Madhavi stopped singing and she looked up abruptly towards the calling voice. She smiled widely with tearful eyes.

Ma: (excitedly)Chinnuu..!!

Madhavi stood up and spread her arms wide and beckoned her daughter with her eyes. Gauri ran straight into her mother's arms and both of them embraced each other snugly. Gauri was sobbing uncontrollably and Madhavi was weeping with her eyes and a wide smile.

Ga: Ammaaa..I missed you..(sobs)

Ma: (affectionately)Chinnuuuu...Shhhh...Stop crying..You are with me now..

Madhavi's one hand was patting softly upon Gauri's back and her other hand caressed her daughter's hair.

Ga: I am so sorry Ammaa..I couldn't stop what Papa did to you..I was so small..And I didn't understand..

Ma: I know Chinnu..Stop crying my dear..

They stood like that for a long time and none of them dared to break the hug. Both of them were feeling the contentment of a lifetime.

Finally realization dawned upon Gauri lots of doubts sprang up inside her mind. She opened her eyes and voiced her thoughts.

Ga: Amma..Are you staying here in this house..?

Ma: Yes, why..?

Gauri broke off from the hug and looked into her mother's innocent face.

Ga: Are you related in any way to the people living over there..?(indicates Omkara's house's direction)

Ma: Janaki is my childhood friend..That's all..But she has always been a great support for me.. And her son Omkara is..

The name made Gauri's blood boil and she was shivering with indignation now.

Ma: What happened, Chinnu..? (touches her shoulder)

Ga: Nothing Ammaa..Let me get my belongings from there..I will be back now..

Saying so, Gauri ran back towards Omkara's tharavaadu (ancestral house) in super speed. She was fuming in anger and her face was red hot.

She stormed into the living room and Janaki and Bhavya were shocked seeing her condition.

Ja: (stands up)Chinnu..

Bh: Gauri..What happened..?

Gauri didn't stop to answer them and went straight into the guest room. Her hands were shivering with rage while she packed her things back. Janaki and Bhavya also came into the room after her. But they were too much awestruck to ask her what the problem was.

Gauri picked up her luggage and finally looked at Janaki. Her eyes were red and she spoke to Janaki with tearful eyes.

Ga: (trying hard to control her anger, speaks slowly) Thanks for everything, Aunty..But I found my Amma at last, in spite of all those lies which you all had made me believe.

And she walked off without a backward glance.


Gauri came back to Madhavi's house and hugged her mother who was waiting for her in the verandah itself. Madhavi led her inside and took her to her own bedroom. She was really excited to have her daughter back.

Ma: Place your things here in my room..You can sleep with me, here..

Gauri beamed with delight and she hugged her Amma again.

Ga: Wowww Amma..I love you..Do you have any idea how much I had missed sleeping by your side..

Ma: I too missed you my baby..You don't even know how much I missed you..


Meanwhile, Omkara was having a splash in the private pond. As he swam in the cool water, Gauri's sad face haunted him.

Omkara thought.. "Gauri is not as arrogant as I had thought, she is sweet as well. I should tell her the truth tonight itself..Poor thing..She is missing Madhavi Amma terribly"

*********End of Part 3*********

Will Gauri forgive Omkara..?

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