Part 8

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That night, Omkara was lying on his bed in deep thought. He has been trying to sleep for a few minutes. But whenever he tried to close his eyes, the moments which he had spent with Gauri would prop up in his mind's eye. It was like this the whole day also. Even at his super market, he kept thinking about her again and again.

He thought now, " Am I falling in love with Gauri..? But how can I love her..? Next Sunday, I will be getting engaged to Achu..But I never have had this kind of feelings or attraction towards Achu..In fact, I haven't even thought about Ashwathy in this way.."

He tried to remember the day when all this started.


One month ago...

Omkara had just arrived back from his shop in the evening. He was surprised to see Dr. Sreedharan Nair in the sitting room, talking with Janaki.

Sreedharan and his family had been their neighbours for many years. He was Tejas's best friend and his only daughter, Ashwathy was Bhavya's best friend since childhood.

Omkara was only three years older than Ashwathy and Bhavya. And sometimes he also used to play with them in their childhood.

But then three years ago, his family had shifted to a new house situated in the town area. Since then, they had met each other only at few occasions.

Om:(smiles widely) Uncle, how are you..?

Janaki smiled at Omkara and asked him to sit down.

S.D: (smiles) I am fine Omkara, I came to see you..I was waiting for you to come back..

Om: What happened..? Is there anything which I can do for you, uncle..?

S.D: Of course..It's a marriage proposal for you..!

Omkara was surprised and he laughed softly.

Om: No No..I am not planning to marry yet. First of all I have to find a good alliance for Bhavya. She is 25 years old and I am searching for a matching groom for her.

S.D: It's your father Tejas's wish, my dear..

Om: (surprised) Really..? What are you trying to say..?

S.D: You know that he died when you were only six years old. Before that, when Ashwathy was born, he told me his wish. He wanted you to marry my daughter, Omkara. Moreover, our family astrologer have predicted that this is the right time for her marriage and he advised us not to delay her marriage. That is why I am rushing this proposal.

Om: (shocked) Achu and me..?? What are you saying Uncle?? She is just like Bhavya for me -- a younger sister.!!

S.D: But this was your father's wish, Omkara, and I had given my word to him ! You can ask Janaki. She also knows about this.

Om: But I can't marry her. I have never thought about Achu in that way..

S.D: But she agreed to this proposal when I asked her. She likes you, Omkara..!

Omkara was at a loss for words. He couldn't believe his ears. He looked at Janaki and she was smiling in approval. His head was reeling with all this new revelations. He thought for some time and then glanced at Doctor uncle.

Om: (seriously) Uncle, I will think about this proposal. But please give me this night to decide. I will let you know, tomorrow..

S.D: Ok then..

After Sreedharan left, Omkara turned towards Janaki. She sat down beside him.

Ja: It was your Achan's wish (Achan means father)..Please don't say "No" to this proposal..We all know Achu from childhood..She is a really nice girl..

Om: But Amma..She is like a sister for me..!

Ja: But she likes to marry you..Doctor uncle was saying that he had already talked with her.

Om: Hmmph...I need to talk to her..

He went straight to his room and dialed her number in his mobile. She answered the call.

As: Hello..Omkara..

Om: Errr...Achu..

As: Tell me, Omkara..Did you talk with my Achan?

As: Yes, he came here to talk with me and he told that you agreed to this proposal..!

As:(fell silent for some seconds) ...Yes!! (and was silent again)

Omkara knew that she was expecting the same response from him. He composed himself and tried to smile and be happy.

Om: Achu..How are you..?

As: I am fine Omkara..

Om: What are you doing..? Are you working or still studying..?

As: Omkara, I am running a Dance School in the town. I am a Dance teacher..Classical Dance..

Om:(smiles) That's nice..You dance really well.. I have seen you perform..I know..

As: How is your business going on, Omkara..?

Om: It's going on fine..Ok then..I will call you later..Bye..Goodnight..

As: Goodnight, Omkara..

And then he disconnected the call. He was not at all feeling right. He felt a strange sort of suffocation, a feeling that all that is happening is really wrong. But then he had to take a decision.

So the next morning, he told "Yes" for this marriage alliance.

He didn't telephone Ashwathy after that day. But still she had called him up two three times, but their conversations had been merely friendly ones.

*******END OF FLASHBACK*******

Omkara now remembered the way he felt when Gauri had almost hugged him in the queue at the temple. He was amazed at the way he simply lost his control whenever she was around.

He got up from his bed, and walked towards the window. He gazed out at her house from the first floor window.

The thought of her sleeping serenely in her bed made him smile. "She is so unique. I have never met anyone like her. There is something about her. She looks like a goddess when she smiles."

But then reality struck him again. His marriage is fixed with Ashwathy. He shut his eyes tightly in order to compose himself.

He thought again, "I need to forget these thoughts about Gauri..Achu is going to be my bride soon."


After a week...

The week passed without any further encounters with Omkara, since Gauri avoided going to his home. But even though she succeeded in avoiding meeting him again, her mind simply refused to stop thinking about him. He would visit her dreams every night and she would wake up in the mornings only to feel disheartened again.

Much to her displeasure, Sunday arrived pretty soon, and she still hadn't got over her heartbreak. She woke up in the morning with a heavy heart. The Engagement function was supposed to be held at the Bride's residence.

Ma: Gauri, get ready fast..We need to go with Omkara's family for the function. What are you planning to wear..?

Gauri looked at the excited face of her mother. She had half mind to tell her that she is not going to attend the function. But she knew that her Amma wished to take her to the function.

Ga: I don't know Amma..You suggest something..

Ma: Hmm..I knew it that you won't have any idea..So here is a surprise for my little one..

She handed her a packet, which she had been hiding behind. Gauri opened the packet and saw that it was a beautiful white and gold saree (Traditional Kerala saree) with a matching gold colour blouse.

She looked at her mother with tearful eyes and Madhavi was looking at her expectantly, waiting for her to say something. Gauri smiled widely and hugged her Amma with all her love.

Ga: Its lovely, Amma..I love you..

Ma: (smiles) I love you too my dear..Now you freshen up and wear this..


Gauri was looking damn pretty in that outfit. When she came out after dressing up, Madhavi adorned her hair with jasmine flower strings.

Ma: Now let us go to Janaki's home and join them to go to function.

Omkara's home was full of relatives who had come to attend the ceremony. Gauri and Madhavi walked among crowded corridor and Gauri's eyes were searching for Omkara.

Gauri and Madhavi met Janaki downstairs. She pinched Gauri's cheeks and smiled widely.

Ja: Chinnu..You are looking gorgeous in this traditional outfit..

Ga: Thanks Aunty..(smiles) Where is Bhavya..?

Ja: I don't know..Might be in her room..I haven't seen her downstairs..

Ga: Ok..Let me go and check..

Gauri left from the crowded area and she approached the staircase and climbed it. Just as she was about to reach the door to Omkara's room, she heard his voice.

Om: Who is there..? Can you please help me..

Gauri felt hesitant, but still she peeped inside his room. She saw that he was struggling with his Silk Kurta, whose neck was stuck around his forehead. He was in his mundu (dhoti )and his inner vest.

Om: (trying to pull it down) Urrrgh...

Gauri saw that the button was not opened. She opened it with fumbling hands and he could successfully pull it down his head.

Om: Thank God..!!

Laughing hard he looked at her and his eyes widened abruptly. He thought "God..!! She is looking so beautiful..!"

Om: Gauriii..!!

For a moment he thought as if he was dreaming. Because the way she was looking at him, gave him a feeling that she had longed to see him again. He too had pined to get a glimpse of her all the past week.

He noticed that her beautiful eyes were slowly filling with tears. He could feel that her eyes were trying to say "Don't do this, Omkara..Please don't leave me.." He gasped at the thought and looked away from her face. He was not prepared for this guilty feeling which bubbled inside him.

Gauri looked down and let out a deep sigh. Quickly wiping her tears she walked out of the room. Once out of his view, she covered her face with her palms and broke down into tears.

Omkara wanted to call out for her, but he was not sure of her feelings because she didn't say anything. Suddenly he felt wetness on his cheeks and when he touched it he realized that it was tears trickling down. A deep sigh and a helpless sob escaped his lips and he fell down on his knees unable to compose himself.

Om: (loudly) I Love You Gauriii..!

Gauri had started to walk off from the corridor when she heard it and she stopped in her tracks. She widened her eyes and tried to reason with her whether she heard it right or not. A wide smile blossomed on her lips and she turned and ran towards his room.

She stopped at the threshold and gazed at him. Omkara was excited beyond limits when he saw her face shining with love. 

Standing up, he spread his arms wide and his eyes beckoned her to fill inside his embrace. Happily, she moved forward and pressed herself on to his sturdy body and he hugged her petite body with all his love.

Closing her eyes, she rubbed her cheek on his broad chest and uttered those magic words.

Ga:(softly) I Love You too Omkara..

They felt as if the world had stopped revolving and they were the only people left on it. They stood like that for a long time and they clung onto each other as if their life depended on that hug.

Omkara didn't want to let go of her, and she didn't want to come out of his cozy embrace. After a while, he voiced his concern.

Om: Gauri..I don't want this engagement. I love you..

Realization dawned upon her again and she opened her eyes in a jiffy.

Ga: I forgot..The engagement..!!

She made a slight movement to break off from the embrace. Sensing it, he pulled her close to him and tightened his grasp around her.

Om: Please stay there Gauri..Don't leave me ... I can't live without you.. !!

Gauri blushed crimson and she buried her face into his chest.

*******End of Part 8******

Did u all enjoy the Rikara confession..?

What will happen now..? will the engagement happen..?

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