Part 9

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Thank you my dears for voting and is the next part

Suddenly they heard Janaki's loud voice calling him from the bottom of the stairs.

Ja: OMKARAA..!! It's time to go..

Feeling alarmed, Omkara and Gauri opened their eyes and looked at each other. Gauri slowly moved away from him and looked at him with helpless eyes. Omkara gave her an assuring look and caressed her cheek with his palm.

Om: Don't worry..I will handle this..

He walked down the stairs and approached Janaki who was standing at the bottom stair.

Om: Amma..I have to talk to you..

Just then some ladies in his family came towards them.

One Lady: Janaki..Come on..It's almost time for the Shubha Muhurtam..We all have to start from here soon.

Janaki nodded at them and turned to Omkara.

Ja: Omkara, come soon..

Om: But Ammaaa...

And then she turned and walked with the ladies. Feeling helpless, he called out to his Amma..

Om: Ammaaaaa..Great..!! She has gone..!! Damn this stupid Engagement..!!

Cursing the circumstances, he looked upwards and saw that Gauri was standing at the top of the stairs.

Feeling determined to cancel off this engagement in some way, he took out his mobile and dialed Ashwathy's number. Impatiently, he waited for her to pick up. But no one attended the call.

Om: Goddd..!!! Pick up the phone, Achu...pick up the phone..

He tried 2- -3 times but still no one picked up the call.

Feeling frustrated and angry, he was about to throw the phone away. But suddenly one pair of hands restrained him from doing so.

Bh: (angrily)What are you trying to do, Ettaaa..?

Gauri moved backwards so that Bhavya couldn't view her from downstairs. Still she could hear what they were talking.

Omkara remained silent but couldn't hide his frustration from his sister. Bhavya grabbed his shoulder and shook him hard.

Bh: Ettaaa... What is your problem..? Why were you trying to throw your mobile on to the floor..?!

Om: (looking down)Bhavya, Achu..!! She is not picking up the phone..!

Bh: (hesitates for a few seconds, then tells) Ettaa..She is not at home, she eloped with her boy friend..

Omkara couldn't believe his ears. He gazed at Bhavya, open mouthed. Gauri, who was still upstairs, was shocked to hear this. Her fingers clung on to the staircase railing for support.

Om: What..?!!

Bhavya was afraid to face Omkara's reaction. So she turned away from him and replied.

Bh: She had telephoned me only minutes ago.

***********FLASH BACK***********

Bhavya was in the store room and she was looking for something. Just then her mobile phone rang and she saw Achu's number flashing on the screen. Bhavya picked up the call.

Bh:(smiling)Hello, Achu..

As: (feeling tensed) Bhavya..

Bh: (feeling concerned) Are you ok..?

As: I am so sorry Bhavya for telling you all this now..I am not ready for this engagement..I love someone else..

Bh: (shocked) WHAT..?!! What are you saying, Achuuu..?!!

As: Yes, I love Farhad..Omkara's friend..He was in Mumbai..Remember, Omkara went to the Airport to pick him up two weeks before..Since he is a Muslim, my Achan (father) was not allowing me to marry him.

{{Do you all remember, the day when Omkara met Gauri at the airport, when she was coming from Mumbai, he had gone to the airport with his friend Nandu to pick up Farhad, who was coming from Mumbai..Check Part 1}}

Bh: Great..!! (shouts)Then why did you agree for this engagement, damn it..!!

As: Please listen, Bhavya...Achan came to know about our relationship only one month ago. He told me that he wanted me to marry Omkara, because it was Tejas Uncle's wish. When I asked Farhad what I should do, he told me to wait for some more time, so that he will come here and take me to Mumbai. He told me to say "YES" for this marriage with Omkara, so that my Achan will not have any clue about our plan. I wanted to talk to Omkara about all this. That is why, I came to your home last week. But I couldn't muster the courage to do so. Please tell him to forgive me, if he could. Right now we are on our way to Airport.

Bh: (sarcastically)Good for you, Achu..All the best for your new life with your boy friend..!!!

As: Bhavya..Please try and understand me..I am really sorry..

Bh: Ok..Take care, Achu..

Bhavya disconnected the call and clutched her forehead frantically.

Bh: God..!! I have to talk to my Ettan (brother) immediately..

********FLASHBACK ENDS*******

Bhavya finished telling the whole story and turned to face him. She was shocked to see him smiling with relief.

Meanwhile, Gauri was thanking the Almighty for helping them out from this situation.

Bh: Ettaaa..Are you alright..? Are you in some shock..?

Omkara smiled widely and suddenly hugged his sister.

Om: Oh I am sooo happy, Bhavyaaaa..

Bhavya didn't have a clue of what was going on in Omkara's mind.

Bh: Can you please tell me why you are not sad after hearing this?

Omkara pulled off from the hug and pulled her cheeks affectionately. Then he said..

Om: I was not at all comfortable with this alliance. I mean Ashwathy is like my younger sister. I told "Yes" for this proposal, only because Amma and Doctor Uncle had told me that it was our Achan's wish.

Bhavya felt really relieved and she hugged her brother again.

Bh: Oh God..!! I was so scared. (smiles and pulls off the hug) Now let me tell Amma and the others about this. I don't know what is going to be Amma's reaction. You also come with me, please..I can't handle this alone.

Om: (grins widely) Sure..I will come in a minute, You carry on..

Once Bhavya was out of view, Omkara looked upstairs grinning widely.

Om: Gaurii..Come down..

Gauri came into his view and she ran downstairs happily. She hugged him abruptly and was laughing and crying at the same time. Omkara was still smiling widely as he caressed her soft hair.


Omkara somehow managed to take care of Janaki's plight when she knew about the news about Ashwathy eloping with her boyfriend. Omkara had called up and consoled Sreedharan Uncle (Ashwathy's father) also. He asked all of them to pray for her well being than to mourn over the cancellation of their engagement.

But Omkara and Gauri had decided not to reveal about their newly blossomed relationship. They had planned that they would tell everyone when the right moment comes.


That night, Madhavi decided to stay with Janaki in her room as she knew that Janaki was sad and depressed after the engagement fiasco. Gauri was lying alone on the bed in the guest room and she was smiling to herself.

Omkara and Gauri had maintained a safe distance the whole day as they didn't want anyone to suspect about their love affair.

She was missing him terribly by now. His touch, his smell, his handsome form, and his husky voice -- everything was still lingering around in her senses. She badly wanted to feel them for real again.

Something hit on the top of her head and she looked up to see. It was a small paper ball which had came through the open window. Feeling curious, she opened the paper and saw that it was a message for her.

"Meet me at the pond area.

I have opened the back door for you.

Close it cautiously and lock it from outside, when you get out"

lots of love,
your own Omkara

Her eyes widened as she read the message and she smiled widely. She jumped out of the bed in excitement and ran to check her appearance in the mirror. She was now wearing a simple blue color salwar suit. She adjusted her hair and her bindi. She noticed that she was blushing profusely.

Giggling softly, she stepped out of her room and walked along the empty corridor towards the back door. The back door was indeed open and she cautiously locked it after stepping out into the back yard.

She peeped in through the doorway which led to the private pond compound.

But she was surprised to find it empty.

Frowning, she crossed the threshold of the doorway. Gauri was pulled into a bone crushing hug and she was encircled by a strong pair of arms.

Ga: (gasps) Omkara...

She raised her face and saw his handsome face in the moonlight.

Om: Gauri... I missed you..

She blushed and stared into his attractive black eyes. She was soon lost into their depth. She could feel him moving his lips towards hers and she slowly closed her eyes and parted her lips in anticipation.

His masculine scent was driving her crazy.

  Omkara smiled at her vulnerability and stopped himself for a moment to survey her innocent face -- Her eyelids, her reddened cheeks, her cute nose and her rosy lips. Slowly, he rubbed his nose onto her nose and she opened her eyes with a pleasant jolt.

He was smiling naughtily at her and she felt him remove his arms around her body. She had expected a kiss, but his behavior surprised her and she felt a prick of despair. But she didn't know that he wanted to tease her a little bit.

He held her hand and walked down the steps towards the rippling water. Moonlight scattered on to the walls from the water surface.

He was wearing a blue shirt and white mundu (dhoti). When they reached the bottom most steps he stopped and turned towards her. Indicating towards the step, which was two steps above the water surface, he said.

Om: Sit down, Gauri..

Gauri did as he told and put her feet inside the water. She loved the soothing feeling and she looked at him with a smile.

He too sat down near her, slowly lay with his back touching the stone step and placed his head in her lap. He looked up to gaze at her pretty face and saw that her eyes were glowing with love.

She felt as if she was dreaming. With one hand she held his cheek and with the other hand she brushed along his hair at the top of his head.

Om: (husky tone)Gaurii.. I have always dreamt this...

Gauri was listening to him curiously and Omkara was more than happy for the attention he was getting.

Om: (continues after a short pause)...To rest my head on the lap of my beloved like this at the banks of this pond...
******* End of Part 9*******
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