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friday night

gukkie 🤑😤


where art thou


in bed??


jeon jeongguk i swear to whoevers up above tht im gonna whoop ur ass if ure not joking rn


did i

forget something


no shit sherlock

fuck you


do elaborate


u jim joon n i

clubbing n gettin frisky


no wait just found the reason why i must've subconsciously forgotten about this


end my existence

now go get ready im picking u up in ten

u dont have a choice


do i even have a ch

why do i put up with you


bc u love me

and i look HOT 2night u bettr look hot too

dnt embarrass me


confident much

but i'll try

see you later tae


see ya lzr

could've been worse, taehyung muses as he shoves his phone inside his back pocket, somewhat pleased that jeongguk didn't give up on their plans although completely forgetting about them. readjusting the collar of his dress shirt and undoing the first three buttons, he stares at his own reflection in the mirror, glad that it shows who he really is inside and how he feels: hot as fuck.

considering the club they're going to he must look as good as he possibly can, and surely is– clad in skin tight leather pants, rings on his fingers, a black choker around his neck and collarbones exposed in all their prominent glory by his almost half unbuttoned black shirt. 

he fixes his hair (or rather, messes it up a little more) before taking another good look in the mirror, turning around to check his ass' situation and leaving through his front door after deeming it looks amazing enough to turn heads in his path on the club. 

jeongguk's dorm isn't too far from his, but he still takes his sweet time to make his way to it in order to not sweat too much and potentially ruin the thoroughly picked outfit he's wearing tonight (jimin's voice still rings in the confines of his skull with please don't wear anything with holes, do it for me, do it for humanity). each and every one of his steps while walking upstairs is a precise and well calculated action considering how pressed he is about maintaining his immaculate looks, which only takes how late he already is to yet another level but jimin can wait, god.

as soon as he arrives at jeongguk's he knocks on the door, bracing himself against its frame in what he hopes is an effortless seductive pose (surprisingly managing to not trip over his own foot in the process; the control he has over his own lanky limbs about as great as a horse's with all its four legs broken). it takes a few more minutes before he hears rushed footsteps growing louder and louder until the door opens abruptly, revealing a panting jeongguk, who seems to be having a hard time tugging on a sweatshirt at the moment.

"was", he breathes out, "was taking a shower, got dressed, fell, this– this is a mess, i wasn't programmed to function properly this late at night."

"it's ten o'clock, you dumb", the blonde claps his hands together, "now let's see,"

taehyung eyes the other from head to toe, from his usual black hair swept to the side to the equally black sweater around his neck that is supposedly going over the tight-fitting white tee that stretches across the the girth of his broad shoulders in a way that makes the blonde want to backflip because fucking finally this kid isn't wearing shirts three sizes too big for him and actually expose how hot– nice his chest is, and regular jeans that don't compliment his divine thighs but he's not complaining; the sight is still very much mind-blowing.

when did i become so gay oh my god–

"wanna come in?", jeongguk raises an eyebrow, cocky smirk on his lips because the way taehyung is checking him out is anything but subtle. "y'know, take a picture and it'll last longer."

at that, taehyung smiles tightly. "you wish", he retorts, "and no, jiminie's already gonna kill me 'cause we're almost, what", he pulls out his phone and checks the time (shit i took thirty minutes to get here how the fuck), "uh, twenty minutes late, and i don't wanna lose an extra limb."

"like that infant's any threat", jeongguk scoffs, to which the other grumbles a respect your hyungs, god in response.

"hey, is it cold outside?"

taehyung shrugs, "not at all but like, in all honesty you're probably gonna sweat like a pig with what you're wearing right now."

"give me a sec."

but before the blonde is even able to complain again about how late they already are (he's so blaming this kid as soon as they're at the club) jeongguk rushes back inside his dorm, rummaging through some hangers until he takes out a navy blue bomber jacket. he pulls off the sweatshirt that had been bunched around his neck (and taehyung doesn't ogle the other's exposed lower abdomen when he lifts his arms, absolutely not) and throws it on his bed haphazardly, tosses the jacket over his shoulder.

"you done yet, bride?"

"oh shit just let me get on my knees, make this official."

"on your knees? only if it's to give me the su–"

"let's get this over with, my loving groom."

as expected, jimin isn't that happy about waiting for them for half an hour– taehyung's phone buzzing in his pocket for every ten steps he takes, but he pays no mind to it. safety first.

their path to the club consists of small talk about their weeks because there's something about staying silent for more than five minutes that has the blonde all fidgety, comfortable silence a nonexistent concept for kim taehyung. but right when he's about to bring up communism due to the lack of events in their routines, they spot their destination nearby, all loud music and colorful lights and a line in complete disarray.

jeongguk turns around to face him, places a hand on his shoulder. "wanna head inside already?"

"wait, i'll call jim", taehyung says, pulling out his phone from his back pocket. for fuck's sake.

9 new messages from jimothy




eagle one to base

if ur not heree in 5 imma walk inside and ur ass is boutta wait on the line

ITS BEEN 5 😤😤😤😤

im gonna piss on ur face


ok PLS


jimin what the fucj

im here


thank the gODS 🙌🙌

im next to the entrance just meet me here already


kk 😥😉👏😍

luckily it's not hard to spot the head of red hair that possibly belongs to his dear friend jimin, the person's equally (obnoxiously) red jeans confirming his assumptions soon enough. there's an arm around his shoulders, possibly namjoon's, and a couple beside them, possibly yoongi and hoseok, a couple he set up himself.

(one has fluffy pink hair that doesn't quite match the intimidating expression on his delicate face and black clothes, and the other is smiling so big as he yells over the music taehyung's sure it might split his face in half; seems like an interesting couple, to say the least)

taehyung squeezes his way through the crowd, then in between namjoon and jimin. "minnie!", he shouts, "and namjoon, hi, hey, hello."

"you insolent prick", jimin slaps the other's arm, "you owe me the forty minutes and at least three beers for the time i've been waiting for you out here."

"ouch", taehyung rubs where the shorter boy had hit him, feigning sadness. "i'd buy you something but you've sexiled me enough times for me to give a shit."

"that's not true, please."

"yeah? so taeyeon in freshman year and that other chick too, who, her friend? maybe both in the same day? listen, i can go on for decades–"

he huffs. "fine, fine. now where's your boy toy?"


"don't, please and thank you", jeongguk remarks from where he's been standing behind taehyung, much like the big introverted nerd he is.

"there he be", jimin continues, smiling so wide and cute his eyes resemble tiny crescents. "now on to the behaving in a club for dummies, as in you two."

the blonde squints. "i'll have you know i've been to a bunch of parties, jim."

"but i've got someone to impress here", he looks at namjoon over his shoulder, who's currently talking to yoongi and hoseok (gesturing his hands wildly as if he's trying to illustrate some idea; hoseok replying just as enthusiastically while yoongi seems very uninterested, an interesting match indeed). "and i don't want you to embarrass me."

"true that", jeongguk points out, and jimin scoffs.

"listen, you're about as lame as the other guy, don't flatter yourself."

he rubs his small hands together like birdman before the other's even able to talk back. "now! first rule, don't share my shameful elementary school experiences with joon– this goes to you, taetae."

"not even the one in which you pissed your pants during that photosynthesis presentation? bummer."

"especially that one you piece of shit, tell that to him and jeongguk will know about the wheein incident."

jeongguk shrugs his shoulders. "already do", he points out, "and have already died from secondhand embarrassment."

"god dammit", jimin whines, "okay, fine, second rule, just– just stay away from us on the dance floor, i'm gonna try to bone him down and you got that cockblock rep."

the blonde rolls his eyes, reaching to pinch jimin's cheek. "do not worry now go get that dick, my precious child", he coos, much like a proud mother, "ride it till it wrinkles like a raisin."

"let's not–", jeongguk begins, but the other's shout of heck yeah! beats him to it. going out with these two is a free pass to get cut off all night long. "jesus okay let's go, and then i'm the embarrassing one."

"that's the spirit!"


this story is so gay why am i so gay this is illegal

ill post the 2nd part uhH in two/three days as per usual?? sry and ok but maybe dick touching ensues who knows ! if im in a good mood and/or in my full hoe potential

also there r a bunch of emojis if yall havent noticed sry pc ppl i kno ur pain

hope ure digging this shit byeeee

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