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"lemme see,"

"tae, our class starts in ten minutes."

"just a second, c'mon!"


"shh, did i stutter?"

taehyung proceeds to read over the menu for what jeongguk thinks it's the millionth time, very meticulously looking for the beverage he's going to order because apparently it must be enough to keep him awake through two painful hours of literature, the same class he chose with the sole purpose of sticking around with his childhood friend (that is currently scolding him, the bastard) for four more years.

he opts for something simple though, just a tall cappuccino, and jeongguk seems as if he's about to pop a vessel.

"okay, hear me out,"

carefully taking the steaming cup of coffee from the counter and blowing on it, the blonde nods his head in acknowledgement.

jeongguk raises one finger, "you drag my ass to starbucks when we have at least two other coffee shops that are way closer to our campus."

he raises another, "you spend thirty minutes to analyze that fucking menu like your life depends on it,"

"and buy a fucking cappuccino, something you never have."

taehyung hums around the rim of his cup, shrugs one shoulder. "mm, yeah?"

"when we could've just, i dunno, asked for it in the lobby?"

"jeongguk", the blonde begins, the expression on his face stern much like the tone of his voice, "choosing your fuel of the day is a complicated process and all the flamboyant frappuccinos on sale today rustled my jimmies in the bad way."

jeongguk raises an eyebrow, "can your jimmies even be rustled in a good way?"

"they might if you let me live, gukkie." 

this time the dark haired male heaves out a defeated sigh instead of talking back, places a hand on the small of taehyung's back, giving him a gentle push as a silent request for him to start walking. he obliges (and can't quite help the way his cheeks heat up pathetically at that– they always do with the slightest affectionate gesture jeongguk directs at him, but this time he can blame it on how cold the weather is. jackpot.)

the palm remains on his lower half, large and warm and there as they leave the shop, jeongguk having already finished his beverage back when taehyung had still been picking his own, which he carefully sips from now and then, grimacing at the bitterness of it.

"you get used to it", says jeongguk, jerking his chin in the direction of the cup in the other's hold. "please rate your disappointment from one to jeongguk was so right."

taehyung glares at the slightly shorter male with narrowed eyes. "what makes you think i don't like this? for i am old and mature and perfectly capable of drinking coffee–", 

and he does as if to stand his ground like the stubborn man-child he is deep within, sticks his tongue out as the liquid reaches his taste buds.

"–yikes, fuck, fine, all the regrets, i regret this more than kissing wheein in eighth grade."

"she was kinda cute though, i mean, for our middle schooler standards."

"please", taehyung scoffs, "i should've kissed jimin instead."

the blonde outstretches an arm to toss his coffee in the nearest trash can– the lack of a constant warmth in his hands making his fingers feel chilly, so he shoves them inside his sweat's pockets. his frame quivers a little as a gust of wind fans over them and he receives a concerned look from jeongguk, but promptly ignores it.

(maybe he should've worn more than just sweatpants, socks in sandals and a thin cotton shirt, but he must persevere. can't give up on his so called artistic aesthetic.)

jeongguk nudges the other's side with his elbow, shit-eating grin plastered on his face. "always knew you two used to have a thing."

"shut up", the blonde grumbles, swatting the other's arm away from him. "better than wheein, gotta say, he's got a good lip game."

"fair enough."

taehyung smiles in triumph to himself– every time someone agrees with him without rebuttal is a moment to bask in– but it soon disappears into a scowl when a car passes by them, therefore another breeze hitting him like a brick on the face and he mutters a quiet shit under his breath, cursing whoever's up above that forced him to endure this eternal suffering.

"hey", jeongguk calls and he looks down at him, an eyebrow raised.

"wha– oh."

the younger shrugs off his jacket and drapes it over taehyung's shoulders, "here you go, peach. could see you dying there."

"thanks, dude", the blonde says and breathes in the nice scent of jeongguk's cologne, relishing how big his jacket is despite being a few inches shorter, he's just that broad, holy shit. "am not a peach though, just a very manly man who just happens to be very cold. but that's nice of you, kudos."

jeongguk can't help but reciprocate the smile that lights up the other's features with one of his own (taehyung's impact). "i know, no problem."

"this seems like some rom-com scenario", taehyung begins, staring off into the distance as if what he's saying is just some voiced thought and not the million dollar analogy he's about to spill, in his humble opinion, "and you know what would make this even more similar to one?"

he doesn't even notice the other's hum of agreement before continuing, "if you went out with me."

he also doesn't notice how the other stops walking– only does when when he realizes he's been talking without the occasional additions from his fellow counterpart; that is, talking to himself. looking over his shoulder, taehyung spots a very dumbfounded jeon jeongguk, who's currently staring at him like he's absolutely lost his fucking mind.

"you could've let me know you were gonna stand there like a fool, weren't you the one in a hu–"

"did you just ask me out on a date?"

now it's taehyung's turn to look at him incredulously. "duh? jimin and joonie hyung asked for me to join 'em clubbing tomorrow? you are in our group chat you should've known you stupid, stupid child."

"oh, yeah, okay, good", the dark haired male seems visibly relieved at that, shoulders sagging and expression softening back to his usual resting bitch face that is all bark and no bite. taehyung's not aware as to why he had acted that way, and pushes that thought to the back of his mind.

(but it finds its way out as quickly as he had thought he suppressed it, because oh my god did jeongguk actually think i wanted to go on a date with him, just the two of us, why did he react that way jesus christ on a bike–)

"so", he trails off, waving his hand frantically as if to order jeongguk to start walking again because classes do start very soon, if they haven't yet. "you coming?"

"do i even have a choice?"

"i'm glad you're aware of that! but we could totally like, skip class and go have some steamy make out sessions in the back of a car, since we're in the rom-com vibe–"

"taehyung", he snaps but there's no real snark to his voice, a smile on his lips that has the corners of his eyes crinkling. "we're broke therefore no car, plus lit is more important, now shall we?"

"we shall, but i'm not giving up on this."

"i know you aren't."


[spoons rattling] [whooping and hollering] wtf am i doing more filler shit

the coffee shop scenario has already happened to me starbucks isnt only expensive as Fuck in brazil it also has shitty cappuccino. i shouldve picked the chocolate frappuccino. i wnt my money back

vote comment yell at me ab taekook in my dms chop my dick off w/e u want 


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