❤️ A Christmasy Art Dump ! 💚

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Welcome everybody to another art dump presented by me, someone who doesn't like Christmas but hey -! Doesn't mean I won't draw a lil for it úwù

Since I am on Christmas break and are going to be drawing a lot, expect another art dump soon —
Especially since I had this art dump finished since December 10th and I am waiting to release it on Midnight for Christmas (EST time)

I have found a channel that I have been binge watching and it's very informative and interesting ! The channel's name is called They Will Kill You and here is a video I found that is interesting !


Anyways with that small fun fact about me out of the way and what I have been doing, let's jump into it, shall we ?

I have some gifts for people and these aren't in any particle order btw—

I wanted to make a lot more gifts for people but sometimes I forget to put it on the list or I couldn't tell if the ocs you draw are yours or some one else's so if you want a gift from me , comment below or just dm me <33

The first gift is for my first follower and friend on this website MauMage

I drew Kitty for you and thank you so much for first supporting me on thus website and being my first friend and follower on here and of course I had to draw you a gift and so, I drew Kitty for you uvu !

Next gift is for Addxiety

I drew your boi Ulu  uvu ! I always wanted to get around to drawing him and so, I finally did ! Sorry if I messed up on any of his colors and I wanna draw more of your ocs in the future because they are pretty fun to draw —!

Hope you enjoyed this gift Add quq <33

The next gift is for Gmrsugarart !

I drew your babey Nylah (who is in lip smack ummmm.... Chapter) and I honestly like the way she turned out ovo

It was so hard choosing characters to draw for you since you have a lot of good ones and so, Nacht picked Nylah  for me and I stuck with it, so I hoped you enjoyed the gift Jackie quq <333

The next one is for lilspacebirb !

Same with Jackie's, I had a hard time picking an Oc to draw since I love all your bois and so, Nacht decided for me and went with Nala !

Nala is adorable bean and so, I hope he is an adorable bean in this gift and I hope you like it quq <33

The next one is for SpaceAndButtercupz

I drew Fairy for youuuuu and I wanted to give you a gift for the holiday season quq

Keep being awesome Chaos and I hope you enjoyed this small gift quq <333

The next one is for -nemonotfound

I decided to draw your oc Angel and I went with Lils' redesign because I wasn't positive if it was the official design so I am sorry if I got it wrong ! ^^

I wanted to include you here since you're also one of my good friends ! Hope you enjoyed this small gift Kai quq <333

Next gift is for Shay-Patrick-Cormac and I drew your character for you since you are one of my good friends !

Hope you enjoyed the small gift quq <33

The next gift is for FatYoshi5 . I drew a small scenario for it since I found it adorable !

I placed Fate and Nacht in a reindeer onesie, since I didnt really known what to do with your gift so I took your suggestion ! >.33

The next one is an art trade from FatYoshi5 that I drew for Nacht ! uvu

I drew dratini off of no reference and my mind so sorry if he doesn't look correct. He only took like, 5 minutes since dratini isn't really a ... Detailed Pokemon in the game but I had a lot of fun drawing him ! uvu

This is an art trade I did with Jackie and so, all characters belong to her in this picture ! ^^

Did you REALLY think I would pass off the opportunity to draw a Christmas drama thing between these three ?

I drew Shadow hating on Christmas as his crush, Camilla was being proposed in front of him by her ex husband Max ! Camilla is dressed up as Mrs. Clause as Max is Santa Clause and I found the " twinning and then Max proposes thing " to be kinda cute —

Max : will you be my Christmas present Camilla —?

Camilla : Yes ~ !

Shadow : I've never been a fan of Christmas since...

They're all missing faces as Shadow doesnt want to remember what happened and since it is a memory, it is kind of blurry for him !

Hoped you liked it Jackie ! ^^

Before I get into a big art project I did, I want to share this redesign of one of my characters !

Anyone remember Nik or Slovenia ? Yeahhhhh , I changed his design since that old design is kind of trash and I could do better for Nik—

Here is his new design and I love it so much more than that ugly design up top quq

Nik looks much more better than how he looked OWO

So, for the next one, it involves Nik and some other Balkan countries =v=

This is when Yugoslavia was a thing and I wanted to make it from a back view point because ... Just because ?


So, lets start with the main character / who's view point it is "trying to represent"

Luka / Croatia is the girl with the messed up ponytail , she is done with Serbia controlling her and being aggressive towards her

The guy who is trying to hide behind her is Nik and he is hiding behind Luka since he doesn't want to still be forced into Yugoslavia and wants to leave

Moving towards the right side, we have Amar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) bleeding and being all hurt as from the genocide that had been inflicted on him from Serbia —

Neno is holding Montenegro and Kosovo in chains —

The girl with pigtails is Kosovo / Vitinia and he has the tightest grip on her as he still "owns" her even though she wants her independence and is being backed up by her sister Roze (Albania)

The male next to her is Fletcher, or Montenegro, and he regrets siding with Neno as he made most of his friends angry when he supported and was on Neno's side for the longest time before cutting ties with Neno and now he lost any romantic feelings as Neno manipulated him that way

So yeah ! Thanks for coming to my small history art piece and why Neno is a manipulative , control freak over the Balkans —

Speaking of redesigns, I when I first created Nik, I looked at his design compared to when to the one above him as he shares a page with Slovakia, or Samuel and so....

I decided to redesign him —!

I changed up his hair, primarily kept everything the same besides giving him a scarf and overalls with his countries flag colors on it and I added a small pin for his coat of arms , that way people can tell these two apart because sometimes it gets mixed up —

Doesnt he look like a sweet bean ??? Like he look so pure and happy, poor bean breaks down when nobody is around qnq

Now, onto another redesign I did, this one needs a small story though ,)

So, there was annart dump featuring a design of reversed!Romania and other reversed characters !

I REALLY hated the first concept design I had of him and having a conversation with Lils and Add, I decided I didn't want to make Alexandru a soft, insecure baby and decided to make him... More of a douchebag and asshole than Roman is ,0
How is that possible ? Because sometimes Roman knows when to stop and this dude doesnt and doesn't have a filter

Of course, Roman is a gigantic asshole but he usually does that for fun and to be a giant horn dog and to ... Mess with others

But this dude, he's the opposite so welcome this... Man

Roman HATES his hair long and so, I decided to give Alexandru long hair and make him SUPER toxic towards Gary and ... Hostile towards the bean and all of his people.

Alexandru HATES Gary but also he hates Georgi (the reversed Bulgaria) and has a STRONG rivalry with the Bulgarian —

Maybe I'll draw them interacting in the future ? Dunno, would any of you be invested into it ??

Also, what kind of reverse characters would you like to see next ? I am honestly curious for your guy's opinions —
I have already made a reversed Poland but I am going to wait a while until I reveal him ,)

The next one was an idea I had gotten from Nacht and at first, I didn't know if I wanted to draw Nacht and Fate's family (Nacht having 2 parents) and Fate having (2 parents and 5 siblings) and that would be a total of 11 people and I suck at drawing more than 5-6 people owo

Maybe one day I'll be able to achieve it but then he said, " what about the English family ? " and I TOTALLY wanted to draw the United Kingdom brothers all together in christmas gear uvu

Ignore me messing up on Caiden's eye

From left to right, we have Archie holding some eggnog and walking into the room with his 3 brothers and being left out and kind of staying to the side lines and being the cold older brother of the group

Then we have Ffion, who is genuinely terrified for Caiden's wellbeing since the Scottish man got drunk on the eggnog and Northern Ireland is such a bean quq
His half brother Ireland didn't show up cause he wasn't invited and stopped coming to the christmas parties

Caiden , or Scotland , is drunk on eggnog and is telling the others about an embarrassing tale that happened between him and older brother Archie , which is why Archie has that look on his face as well —

And then we have the youngest bean, Ellias , the Wales bean who is a pure bean and is listening to Caiden's story, worried about how it will turn out —

And yeah, that's pretty much how the United Kingdom brothers (English brothers) would celebrate their Christmas, it usually ends up like this every time —

The next two are new profile pictures (one for Nacht and one for me —!)

I am REALLY happy about how this turned out and honestly, this is probably one of my favorite profile pictures —

And this one is mine —!!

I don't like how it turned out, I probably could've done better but ... It works for the christmas spirit—

And so, I decided to screw the christmas theme and go with something that I enjoyed better and so, Nacht suggested the character Sergei (.>>>>)

And I have delivered !

Here it is and I am so proud of it uvu ! I really liked how his pose turned out and him resting with his birbun named Chirp is cuddling with him uvu

I decided to add an asexual blanket cause, why not, I think it looks nice with his character and gives it a bit more color —

He looks pretty comfortable looking snuggled out in nature, wished I could be that calm in nature

Moving on, I wanted help on redesigning this boi as I felt like he was ... Not representing Greece enough and that ... It felt kind of rushed out — ?

Yeah , I am talking about Kai and I asked for Nacht's help and he really helped me create how Kai should dress like and I am happy with how it turned so thanks Nacht quq <33

Yeah , so here is Kai's new design and I can totally say that he has Greek inspired clothing and then fingerless gloves as I find them badass and I felt like that was fitting for his design !

He has the symbol of Zeus around his neck since I am sure we all associate Greece with mythology and and a lot of debt to Germany, but that's a different story
And so, I decided to place that in this design uvu

Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this art dump, have a good day / night everyone

And Merry Christmas !

❤️ suggestions / tips ? ❤️
Always welcome !
Need more digital (Ibis paint-phone) 

🧡 requests 🧡

💛 art trades 💛

💚 customs 💚

💙 redesigns 💙

💜 waiting list ? 💜

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